IVF/ICSI Support Group

my af just came the other day thus coming wednesday will start suppression. And think this suppresion will make next Af come earlier so my next af dunno when leh but very likely b4 the jabs starts say early june? This was the case for my other 2 fresh long cycle- to start jabs after period arrives if my memory doesn't fail me

Hi nervous babe, I m a successful example of someone who had poor ovarian reserve. I managed to Bfp despite the huge fsh level n low Amh level. Jiayou!
Congrats Acadia. Can I knw what Cyst u removed hw big n how long after that u started ivf? Is this your first fresh? How young are you if don't mind sharing
Lyn, tintedsky and Acadia

Can I knw if u used gonal f or puregon? And two only ugesterone tablets or jabs support?

sara, my endometrial cyst was ard 3cm i think? i had it removed in dec, rested for 3 months and started the cycle in apr. yes, this is my 1st fresh. I am with prof wong from NUH.
sara i used gonal f. support for 2 ww have utrogestan, estrofem and crinone. i had one ovidrel jab to support lining when i went for post et checkup. nurse say its extra, not everyone need it.
Lavendar, congrats to u too. thats so nice! who will u choose to be yr gynae to deliver yr baby?

babybaby, i went to dr Dr Tan Kian Sing at clementi.
Hi Acadia, thanks
do u have any symptoms now? I think I will choose Dr Su Lin Lin coz prefer female gynae & heard good review of her. How about u?
ohh lavendar, i was quite symptomless throughout...even now. i know i feel hot nowadays, but the weather is super hot these days, so can't count that. what about you?

So relieved to hear such a positive story from you, did u take any supplement or do anything to improve it?
I am supposed to start the oral medication one month before my cycle. so hw can i go about asking the doc to scan my afc?
Hi Acadia, I have sore & tender boobs 3 days before BT & until now still have on & off, cramp on & off & last few days have nausea but this 1-2 days don't have.... Hot is also on & off .... Have u see prof yet? Jab support will be given twice a week which quite painful .... Not to scare u but really I scare this jab a lot ... Ouch !!!

How many eggs u retrieved & how many Embroy fertilize& transfer?
Hi nervous babe,

Some doctors will offer to scan afc wothout patient asking. In your case, maybe you can sound out to your doctor about wanting to check your afc pre cycle to ensure u have a reasonable baseline follicles to stimulate with. My afc ranges between as low as 4 to 9 follicles on various months. Do consult your doctor and hear his opinion.

I am on saizen injections for this cycle n also the previous cycles.

Im on 6dp5dt and waiting with trepidations.

I do keep track of my ivf story at http://ivfsingapore.blogspot.com

My path to my first child was easy, challenging to say the least for 2nd child and now...hoping for 3rd to complete my family. But really its rth every ounce of pain coz the rewards are amazing. Like miracles.
Hi Sara,

I have used both gonal f and puregon before in previous cycles. As for this cyce, the fsh drug is puregon. I think tje 2 works exactly the same. Just manufactured by different companies.
Congrats Lavendar and Arcadia! U really give me confidence on prof wong! Looking forward to my ivf with him next mth!
nervous babe and lavender, i retrieved 3 eggs and only 1 fertilized. yes i did icsi.

Transferred the one and only on D3. so to all ladies, do not give up hope!

sara ...missed out my age, 37 this year.
lavendar, i have seen prof today already. had my 1st jab today. the twice weekly needle is so long ah, compared to our normal stimulation jab. but hubby very confident he will be able to administer the subsequent jabs for me, so.... we shall see :p
Hi Acadia, u can bring back the oil based jab n let your hubby jab for u oh? I dare not see the jab when nurse jab me don t know how long the jab. Btw, u are dragon? I'm going to 37 year end
same as me I just 1 Embroy transfer too

Hi thanks ladies who congrats me
thanks everyone for the well wishes!

wow lavender, yup am a dragon. u also a dragon? my birthday in aug. we have much in common
so u went back to work after yr 2 ww? i think quite inconvenient to do the afternoon support insert at work place., hee but no choice.
nervous babe, nope i did not try iui cos during the laparoscopic surgery, dr notice both my tubes are block at that time. he say maybe i can redo the hsg test when i recover from OP to reconfirm, as maybe they are in spasm or some debrics? got into them during the OP? i didn't do a retest, and proceed straight to ivf. The medicine with long needles is call hydroxyproestrone.

lavendar, yes if u tell them hubby can jab for u, nurse will teach hubby the steps, and allow us to bring back to jab. otherwise also can bring the jab to yr GP, as NUH is quite far from my house.
Hi Acadia, I'm nov dragon
nuh quite far from my home too but I still think better let nurse jab for me as hubby dare not jab for me. Did u feel pain with the jab?
Hi nervous babe,

I average between 4 to 8 eggs , considered low reserve by doctors.

I feel very encouraged by Acadia's bfp news knowing she had only 3 eggs and 1 embryo to transfer. Really shows that all we need is 1 good embie to be pregnant.
Hi tintedsky, thanks
which hospital n which dr u are with? To give u more confident, I only 1 egg retrieved n 1 Embroy transfer n get bfp too
I am so confused with all the diff nicks here and all that detail. Now I realise I just went to read your blog this evening!

So u r in your 2ww now? Just a few more days... Hope u get your bfp by Dr Foong so I can see some light at the end of the tunnel too! This is my 1st and of course hoping to be first time lucky...

How do u like Dr Foong so far?
