IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi Sunstillshines,
Yes. Starts falling sick since Friday and have been postphoning accu. Agreed the weather is really humid. I switch on the aircon my cold will not be better and if I swith off the aircon, is really unbearable. Think I m going to try Sophia method tonight. I guess just have to tahan....no choice

Hope your DH gets well soon!

Sophia, I've tried your method a few times but just can't completely get rid of the fever. Like just now, went to sleep for 3 hours and the fever came back although my nausea feel was put off. Don't know what to say. Now, it's like volcano eruption. Few nights back, I couldn't doze off and after I on the aircon, I slept immediately but turned out the sick got worsen. Seems like my body system a bit haywire that day. Glad later nights can sleep in the blanket with fan on and was wrap with long sleeve shirt, pants and socks. Wishing those who are sick like me has a speedy recovery.
Hi JoynFaith, I was on natural FET and with Dr. Loh till he left. Then I was transferred to Dr. Lau and I saw him the first time during the FET with my last 3 snow babies.
Red Velvet- thanks darlin'! How is your baby project getting on? And good luck!
Thanks Luv. I really don't know if i should stop since i am in my 2ww because i have been feeling crampy and backache since 2dpo or plan ahead for the IVF which will start end of next week.
KittyKatty( i really like your nick) - get well soon!
Hi Sisters,

I have been a silent reader mostly and post occassionally on and off.

I failed my 3rd fresh in Apr 12 and am now planning for FET. This will be the first time I am doing FET.

Would like to know what are the issues which I have to take note of. Thanks in advance.

The ttc journey is not easy for us. Jiayou to all!
Luv, the problem is my TCM doc doesn't even know i am in my 2ww. He is just preparing me for the IVF.
Btw is there a chinese term for 2ww or dpo?
Abple can share where you did it and how much you did it for?
cos im thinking about doing it to rest my mind..
During my 2nd d&c, i paid a little extra to check what actually went wrong.
A week later when i went back, my gynae also wanted to do more tests to see if the underlying cause was me for the recurring MCs before i went on to do my 2nd IUI. I had about 10 different tests done at Kkh which was abt 1k. This was just last year in Oct. Price shouldnt have changed much.
ChrisL- they sent most of the samples to SGH. You may want to check with SGH too...
Luv, thanks. What will i do without u?!
Hi chris/abple,
I'm aso thinking abt requesting for tests on autoimmune diseases. Is this a full set of standard tests or can you remember what it includes?
Has anyone aso done chromosome testing as i read that this could aso be one of the reasons for recurrent mc?
I jus had my 2nd chemical. Wonder if iui/ivf will work for me if i have implantation failure.
Niemweiss- i may have them. Will let you know tomorrow.
Yes i did the chromosome test too. That ia a different cost usually added tog with d&c.
Shainie: u r welcome. Out the whole day running my errant. Just had my dinner and reach home only. Very tired. Worse than working day.
Chrisl, abple, both of you have brought up an issue which has been on my mind. that is autoimmune diseases/disorder. Is this the same as Natural Killer cells?

I thought of doing all these tests before.

Chrisl, are you going to call CGH from sweden?

Abple, how did you get an apptmt to do these test at kkh? Is the name of the test call autoimmune diseases? I think perhaps I should call SGH to find out more. I wonder they will entertain me as I am not their ivf patient there and no record at all...
Abple, I will also like to know what type of test u háve done! Am keen to find out what is the underlying problem before I embark on my final cycle. I requested from my Dr but she said don't need and just send me for scan.

Btw I thought chromosome test is prohibited in Singapore and u have done it in KKH!
ChrisL- i have the bill right in front of me. Gave you wrong info lah. The total bill was 980$+ bcos there was a list of other misc included inclu dr's consultation fees. The cost is a lot less..不好意思!
Big bear & sunstillshines- usually the Dr will suggest it after the 3rd recurrent MC. But my Dr decided to do it after 2nd Mc (while we were still waiting for the fetal chromosome testing)without me asking for it bcos she didnt want me to fly up and down too often.
The tests were as follows:
Beta 2 glucose protein 1Gg
Beta 2 Glucose 1gm
Lupus Anticoagulant
Protein S
Protein C
Full Blood Count
Cardiolipin Antibody
Type and Screen procedure
Thyroid stimulating hormone TSH
Total cost $430.90 + 51.40 for the last 2
But it turned out i passed all and the actual cause of MC was the foetus had 2 extra chromosomes. 48 instead of the usual 46.
Bigbear and MC, thanks!

MC, hugs. Hope your ms will go away soon. Haha, but I believe this is happy prob for you cos it means you are closer to the date of carrying your bundle of joy in your arm.
Did you get to know about the chromosome of the foetus after you got the result from the extra chromosome test? How long after the mc did you conduct the chromosome test?

I guess I will not get a chance to do that test unless I am pregnant... sigh...
Dr loh just called. Only 1 egg should be fertilized today and ask me to go for ET tomorrow 8.30am.
There goes my hope for twins.

I understand the bladder is full when ET is done. So once done, best to lie down for 30mins? Will be very high tide and scared the egg will be flushed out during pee. Afterall I only have 1 chance. Any gals can share experienced and tips?
Hi randy, u can hold the bladder better by taking small sips of water instead of gulping down the cups of water. That's wat I did at my ET last week. In the end, I could tahan until I reached home.
In my previous ET, I gulped down 2-3 cups of water and was so tensed up (needed to pee desperately) that my doc had problems inserting the embbies.
Ladies, I had call up to the immunocal distributers abt mixing immunocal with milk. She says guaruantee can mix with milk, cranberry and even pineapples or any drinks accept drinks that has heat contact cannot only. So u may continue to mix with milk
Any doubts can always call to them and clarify @ Tel: 6281 8229 ( Fung & Goh Pharmaceutical Products Pte Ltd).

Cheers :D
Randy: don't be dishearted. This little one is a tough guy. urine before u go out. Then slowly drink little bits by bits. All the best to you.
Thanks for your information. I have scanned and attached here the leaflet inside the Immunocal box. It shows that can mix with Milo or Horlicks too!
Leor, did you only drink with 50ml of water?

Did you drink Enmum during your pregnancy? Any idea if Emmum milk powder should be drink with warm water or room temp water?
Hi ladies, I am back...haha, I hope everyone is doing well and best wishes to all who have success bfp.

Btw, I need a favor from all of you. Recently, I am scouting for a new fridge. I would like to hear any recommendation from any ladies here. Thinking to get a bigger fridge and able to store breast milk in future. I have one in my mind that is hitachi 6 doors panel RB6200SXS but I think a bit expensive now selling at 4277 at best denki.

If anyone have lobang on fridge, please let me know and if anyone wanna share their fridge's stories, please do so. TIA.
sunstillshines, thanks for your scan info on the mixing part. When I bought the immunocal, I don't have this leaflet inside. However, I think it is important to know. I don't know how does the immunocal taste as I haven't start yet. Too many things to consume recently. How much you bought immunocal from Fung and GOh? Hmm, able to nego if buy more?

I think i drink more than 50ml water. Usually, i pour milk till 30ml then mix with 2 pkts of immunocal, after shake, will just add in more milk to almost the whole cup then drink it straight.

Yes, I drink Anmum during my pregnancy. I drink with hot water, every morning 1 cup. Then the rest of the day will drink 1litre of HL milk.

Think for ensure milk cannot mix with hot water.

niko, Fung and Goh sell 106 per box too. U may buy 2 box above with free delivery to your door step. Price cannot nego but if u buy 10 boxes will get additional 1 box for free (10+1).
