IVF/ICSI Support Group

Joyfully, thanks ! But i think these are also side effects of progesterone jabs. Trying not to read too much into the symptoms coz worried that i will be disappointed later. Haa... i even decide not to take the HPT and wait for the BT results.

Hi, I have failed my first ivf at kk early of apr. I'm planning to do 2 nd fresh cycle in nuh, dr have decide to use "cetrotide protocol " this time. This will be short protocol. Anyone of u use this protocol before? Hopefully able to share your experience in this protocol if anyone of u using this protocol as this is my first time heard this term! Thanksssss
Eskimobaby thanks!!! I really hope so

But don know anyone here have symptom as me ??
Btw, do u know the Chinese name for brazil nut ? Heard need to eat more in the 2 WW.. Where can I buy it ?
Hi joyfully, all the best to your ET tomorrow!
I m on my 2ww now. ET as done last Sat so today consider 5dp3dt? I have no symptoms at all, except frequently hungry. Hee... Feeling paranoid everyday thinking if the embbies are still inside. cuz i LS right after ET. Haiz...

Wish that I will be like Eskimobaby, first bfp with no symptoms.

snoopy, I am like u too. Occasionally I'll tell myself the babies are very sweet, they know not to disturb the mummy.
Hi eskimobaby, thanks for the infor !

Hi CelC, nice to meet u here!! Cos same symptom as me

Ya... The little so sweet cos not disturb their mummy ... Hee....
Pls keep update if u feel anything...

Hi joyfully, ET tomolo?? Don worry .. No pain de... Stay relax ;)
LurNHope - Nope, nothing was said. I did ask was it due to blocked tubes or infection (which i read from online) but dr juz say don't think about it 1st as fluid might resolve by itself...

Joyfully - Had enabled my pm. If still can't, don mind,you can drop me an email : [email protected].
Hi CelC, yes... ET on last sat at TFC. I only feel bloated from 1st jab till now after ET... Strange riz??? I read thru the post many ppl hav some bad symptoms but I m not... So I m quite worry now..... How about u ??
I got all kinds of symptoms during injections, especially during stimulation stage. Then now all of sudden nothing...

And I think I have been very noti these few days, moving around shifting things here and there at home. Until it hit me that i should be resting plenty during 2ww. :p
Hello ladies!!
How have you all been?

Joyfully, all e best for ur ET tomrw!

CelC, eskimobaby & others in 2ww, how have you been coping? I'm still having my cramps, occasional pain on my left & right side of e tummy, sore boobies & extremely thirsty!
But despite that, feeling all good & positive! If its meant to be, it will be.
Went for blood test yesterday. My reading is 52.8. Was asked to go another blood test on friay (22 Jun)
Anyone experience this before?
Morning ladies. As you all know i had been sick for quite some time. finally on my road of recovery. Having very very dry cough and no matter how much water I drink also not enough.

I add small pinch of seasalt to my drinking water for 3days. My voice is back and my throat is much better. Hope it helps you all recover also.
Hi ladies, will like to seek ur opinion. Currently im taking prenatal supplement from gnc however im thinkin of switchin to blackmores conceive well gold. Do u think it is advisable for me to switch over to conceive well?
Babysmurf, prehaps u cn try drinkin honey as it cn help in smooth ur throat n will feel better.

Joyfully: jy for ur ET

Joy, sorry i cant advice u for that as rite nw im waiting for my 1st ivf schedule
if u are prepared... can try testing on 12dpt

is that a pregnancy bt that u went for? if yes, how many days after transfer are u?

prenatal supplements are pretty similar... just different brands... why don't u finish what you have before switching?

all the best for your ET today
Laki : my cycle buddy soon to be..hehe..I also took the GNC prenatal care b4 but swtiched to Conceive Well last mth since I read many girls here take conceive well. Shd be ok.
Joyfully: All the best for your ET!
laki girl; Thank you. I test with honey water but ended up still no voice and worse developed phlegm.

Salt kick germs in my throat, I think. and it help me to pee also.
eskimo, hehe my gnc supplement is gg finish soon tat y im thinking of switchin to conceive well coz i oso read tat most of u ladies r hving it

sunniehope, hi hi, oh guess i cn oso start switchin to conceive gold. So hw hve u been? I cant wait for Aug to cm af seeing so many bfp recently n wish im one of them
babysmurf oops, but glad u r recoving now. Need to tk care coz weather v bad recently. Many pple r falling sick during these period so every1 need to tk care n b healthy.
CelC, Ain, Luv, Babysmurf, Lakigal, Eskimobaby and Hope, thanks soooo much ladies, for your concern and well wishes.

I am back after ET! Yay, finally reunited with my embryos.

Ain, your symptoms are all pointing to positive pregnancy! All the best to your blood test!

Hope, how are you feeling today? Is your ET on fri or sat?

Redvelvet, how are you feeling after your ER? Must have plenty of rest and drink lotsa water k? God bless you, sister?

Randy, can sense your excitement in your earlier post!
All the best to you, my cycle buddy. We are officially in 2 ww now!
Wow wow wow! So many in 2ww hehe...all the best gals. Jia You!

Snoopy, better dun eat. Too heaty and no good for your little ones. Better to play safe.
Hope, all the best for your ET tomorrow!

ET is a much simpler process than ER, don't worry k? It will be done in a short while. Just remember to drink sip by sip instead of drinking at one go before you go for your ET. This way, you can control your bladder better.

All the best Hope!
Snoopy, there is no say cannot eat but to me it contain rice wine so I will advoid it lor. Btw, where u buy it from? Isnt nice? Hard to find such food in sg?
Joyfully, we are cycle buddies. Haha!
How many embbies did u transfer?

May I know today is considered day number 1? Or day 3?
Hi Leor, I really love those food cook with wine...Hee...
O... My hubby bought at AMK, I cant remember the block #, think is ard 4 hundred something ... It's nice to eat !! Can try !!
Joyfully and Randy, will join you all to 2WW tml! Can't wait to reunite with my embbies! By the way besides feeling bloated I feel back pain lei.... Is it normal?
Hi, can I check where u all buy immunocal from n how much?
Btw Im new to this thread & just started my puregon jab today.
Babysmurf, glad to hear u're feeling better!

Randy & Joyfully, congrats on ur successful ET!

Joyfully, u transferred 2 embbies? Mind sharing what grade? Froze all the other 5?
Laki : Just recovered from 3 days fever last week. Seems like its a virus season, mnay ppl are falling sick. Need to stay healthy until Aug, hehe. I cant wait too but also very scared of all the injections. Do you see TCM?
Hi joyfully, yap. Back home after ER. Woke up very hungry. Hubby went to buy subway sandwich for me. Heee. Nurse said 15 eggs retrieved. Feeling abit tired and little bloated. Going to take a nap to clear the drowsiness from the medicine.

Glad you are with your beanies.
happy 2ww.

Hope, all the best for your ET tmr.

For sisters who are going for ET or on 2ww, you gals take care and hope everyone of us will fulfill our dreams soon.

Randy, hihi, I transferred two today. Am so glad that everything goes well for you today. Don't worry, I will be rooting for you. Jiayou ok? Today is consider as Day O. Tomorrow will be D1. When will u be going back for your Pregnancy test?

Hope, don't worry. It is normal. I feel pain and cramp on 2nd day, and it was quite bad. So I quickly bedrest and took aspirin. On day 3 morning, I ever experience sharp pain and some cramps, but after baby aspirin and more rest, I feel better from noon onwards on day3. Unless your pain is unbearable, then it's better to consult your doctor. Btw, how many eggs did you retrieve yesterday? All the best to your ET tomorrow, and look fwd to you joining us soon for the 2ww.

Hi ewea, welcome to this thread. You can buy immunocal from OG, at the level where they sell supplements. Head straight to the cashier as the products are placed at the cashier counter. They cost $106 per bottle. If you have OG card, you will get some discount.

Luv, thanks again!
they transferred 1 grade "1-" 7 cell and 1 grade "1-" cell 8 today.
the rest of the 5 embryos will be frozen. I am planning to have 4 kids. Haha, will try to convince my hubby.
btw, are you at home today, or in school?

Jning, how are you coping my dear? Missing u leh...

Abple, how are u feeling today? Is your flight confirmed? Your cycle will start in Jul right? All the best to you, my dear.
