IVF/ICSI Support Group

thanks! yes, let's jia you together. you can do it!

i thot the jab can only be done by nurses or clinics since it's intramuscular....the nurse said ur hubby can do it? are u doing it on the butt or thigh?

drink more fluids... water, soup and keep urself hydrated... get well soon

the eggs can still continue to mature outside ur ovaries.

i don't remember being advised from sex... anyway, the SIS is done before ur ovulation time... i forgot which day but just after finish menses rite? cos if lining too thick can't really see the wall of the uterus well...
Randy, so I just reach abit earlier can liao?

Eskimobaby, yah lor thats what the nurse said. Take out the cap then jab in....dont even need to load the drug etc.....sounds easy right? Its to jab the tummy....hmm...how ah??
Hope, some ladies were also asked to jab on their own. If u're comfortable with it, then it's fine. Maybe urs is a diff type of jab.
Luv, I very kiasi.....haha. I called DH and asked him....he said if I'm worried then we will just go down.....

Yah I think mine is a diff type of jab. Btw, congrats on your good progress and update us about your scan soon! Really happy for you!
Can reach 15 mins before. The nurse will ask you to wait till the stipulated time to jab. I jab in the tummy. actually can be done by hubby cos it's the same as the gonaF. Injection is prepacked and ready to use.
There's an injection procedure charge of $10.70.
parking is a drag in the evening. The carpark always full. My hubby drove and there is a queue to park the car. So I went in myself first. I finished and came out out he still waiting to park.
Randy, I see....yah thats what the nurse told my hubby thats why he thought just jab by himself. MIne is at night hope won't be as crowded as in the day. Thanks gal! Do update us yah?
Dear siddhi and blurbabe, I didn't feel the pain after this morning already. Thanks for everything.

Joynfaith, kkh thawed all my five frozen embbies but only one managed to reach blastocyst stage. Embryologist said quality not that good oso, so this time round I try to be more careful. Asked the nurse to give me more mc to rest at home since I have only one precious embryo, haha!
Shainie: no issue on sex for SIS. Don't even matter. Cos them will pump water in your womb to do the scan. After then the water will auto flow out. Then last time I do, I so Paisay cos like pee on the cloth. Hahaha
joyfully..9 is gd no. gd luck on yr ET..me still hv the crazy ms..enduring for another 2 wks and hope it goes away..

Randy...dun worry, the lab will do their best and u can reunite with them soon.

shainie..sis is done d5-d10

berry..wk 10 scan shld be quite accurate..yr one baby is very strong..dun worry
Hope, I am also glad your hubby went down with you. Trigger shots also got different ones now that I know. All the best for your ER on wed. Excited for you.
Thanks Shainie and biggly

Hope you had a good trip to recharge yourself shainie

Joynfaith seems a virus going on around, my sis and her colleague are also down with a high fever almost 40deg and then cough and throat bad etc..drink more water hor..take care!

wah congrats on that bonus 3 eggs! Upz your chances

hope your 2 eggs will be matured tomorrow..keeping my fingers crossed for you!

Sisters doing ET/various cycles etc...JIA YOU keep it up!
Babysmurft pm u sooner. Please check ur email dear thanks.

Christ thank you dear. We may be cycle buddy.. My AF atlast reported and today second day Im bleeding heavily. Induce my menses..then AF report. cramp somemore. Will heading to Batam this Friday to have a rest.
Eskimo, MC, babysmurf thank. The nurse advice me no sexual intercourse from now until my SIS next week. When I google there is no objection to do BD before SIS. Dunno lei y the nurse advice so.
Thanks Chrisl!! Have you managed to find gd value tickets to singapore?

Hope, well done. You have crossed another milestone. At least after today, no more injections. Hurray!
rest well and all the best to your ER!
Shanie, this is to make sure that you are not pregnant (without you knowing) when you do the SIS. And you can only do SIS when your menses is completely cleared n stopped.
Good good Shaine looking forward to being cycle buddies if possible!
I see you're going this friday..relax and have a good time..you deserve it!

still looking..but since it's summer holidays here it's so ex! Crossing my fingers for a good price with good dates
Shainie: as what bbjourney said. N also to prevent infection as well. Double check with the nurse again. Enjoy your batam trip.

Ladies: u all tempt me to be sept cycle buddy. I holding 2 schedule aug n sept. waiting to clear my tests but DH kena call back for reservist in overseas for sept. hai....

Now hoping miracle happen for me this month. Going for my 2ww these 2days. Hahaha
Bigbear & Babysmurf hoping both of you will bring good news after these 2ww!!!
Don't forget brazil nuts to aid implantation!
It really requires a lot of energy for the embryo to become a blastocyst so I'm sure you have a very strong one inside you. All the best!

Glad that everything went well for you... Relax n rest well for now

So you r doing a day 3 transfer?
Bigbear, thanks! All the best to your 2ww! Hope to receive good news from you.

Eskimobaby, I am doing day 3 transfer.
Dear Ladies,
Just to check can I still do accupunture with Dr Zhao tonight if I am having a cold & flu and sore throat?

Weather is really bad these days.
Kittykatty- if you have past the full blown stage, i think it's fine.
Just last month i wasnt feeling good & felt i was coming down with something, felt tired. Dragged myself to the clinic.
Right after acunpuncture, as i got up i had all the symptoms of a flu and started feeling faint & feverish, almost immediately. Continued treatment when i wan't well and felt better after every treatment. Your call!

Luv&hope- did u continue acunpuncture during your 2ww ivf cycle?
I have bought my air tickets, booked my serviced apartment. But still hoping some miracles will happen just before i get on that flight.
need some advise here..

TFC called early this morning to ask Dh to provide his sperm as my 2 very precious eggs have matured.

they will proceed with the fertilization today.
may i know what can go wrong from here on? can the eggs be damaged? or blastcyst not occur?

according to the SMH chart, there is a coloumn 2dt, 3dt, 4dt...

what does that mean? please explain..

this IVF journey has been difficult. so know more will better prepare me for questions to ask doc. thank gals!
I was Dr loh patient prev at KKH. I failed.last round but frozen embryos are all in KKH now.

May I ask if anyone transfer your frozen embryos to Thomson to follow Dr loh?

If yes, kindly share with me how to transfer.
Randy, 2dt, 3dt etc mean the no. of days the embryos are cutilvated in the lab before transfer usually term it 2days transferred, 3 days transferred etc. If the embroys reaches 5 days it is called blastocyst. In cases where the no. of embryos are less the Dr unlikely will cultivate till blastocyst as the survivor rate is higher in mother's womb than in the lab.
In worst case, the embryos may not grow further after a certain time so Dr usually advise to do ET on day2.

Not to worries too much, at least your eggs are matured...look forward to be united with your embbies! Gd luck n best wishes!
ChrisL and LuvNhope, thanks! My fever is like a roller coaster, going up and down. This morning just went to see doctor and was told the fever could be due to inflammation by my throat so no antibiotic is needed. I did not have running nose or phlegm this morning but just now my running nose kick in. Maybe gotten cold in the clinic or aircon transportation. Also felt nausea a few times after home and eventually vomitted. Never been so sick for a long time. This virus is strong.
Hello all...

i'm new to this thread and i've been tcc for almost 3 yrs now...failed twice IUI and now thinking to do IVF end of this year. Planning to see Dr Loh in TMC, anyone of you currently with him? Since TMC is not qualified for govt subsidy, any idea how much cash do we need to fork out?

would love to hear some experience...thanks n babydust to all here....

eskimobaby, thanks for the wishes. I also wish that my embryo is strong strong..

I was sick during the first few days after ET, think caught a cold due to the weather. I took my vit c tablets, switched off all the aircon at home, and sweat it all out.. and I'm fine the next day
although I think I've flooded the place with my perspiration.. haha.. maybe sisters who are not feeling well can try this torture method..

Altho I sleep in aircon room, noticed that I wake up in perspiration.. dh thinks its the pills that I'm on that made my temperature go up higher than usual.. is it like this for the rest of you?

Juz came back from a movie with my nieces.. so exhausted now.. wonder how am I going back to work next week..
