IVF/ICSI Support Group

Nurul, replied

yup im a preschool teacher by profession
been teaching young children for quite sometime already..sometimes very difficult to see cute children running around but they are not mine hehe..yes! Jia you both of us!

ok for now in 2ww (i try natural this month) i supposed, hb and i just take whatever comes our way..if bfp good but otherwise we also can wait till next month of natural FET..have to be patient i guess
No la blur_xusn, we are talking abt ER less than 15 then got hcg jab given. U retrieved more than 15 ma. Anyway, so jab given only insert for xuan and mc
Hi Nurul,
I am so sorry to hear that. I understand how you feel. Hug!
It's good to take a break, have a good rest and try again when you are ready. Me trying natural this month too. Hope we can strike big time. Jia You!
Nurul Huda, a big hug to you. Rest well and get the ball rolling when you are ready. PM you.

ChrisL, rest well and wish you a speedy recovery.
Kittykatty its ok. Feeling fine. Lets Jiayou together. May our wish n dream come true e soonest ya. Juz go easy n u mite never know dat u strike! Ol e best my friend
Mc and blurxuan, may you both be blessed with pregnancies that are free from morning sickness symptoms. Hope you girls have a smooth pregnancy without complications, and to be healthy for both mums and babies, to carry your babies to full term, and eventually giving birth to good looking, healthy and joyful babies!

Mc, really hope your ms will get better tomorrow.

I hope to be able to be in your shoes soon.

Enjoy your pregnancies, sisters!
1ibb, wow.. So envious of you... Always go traveling!!

I used to travel to BKK every quarter for food, shopping and massage. Hope you'll enjoy yourself to the max, get recharged and be in most optimal health condition to try again!

Hope we'll all bfp soon!
Chrisl... So glad to hear that!! I'll pray that your wish be fulfilled soon!! For now, please rest well and enjoy your 2ww.

I am in suppression stage now. Will do scan on mon to see if polyp has been flushed out. If so, I'll proceed with stimulation on mon.

Let's all jiayou together!
Kittykatty, it's great that you are trying natural this month! I wish you success, and pray that your dream be fulfilled soon!

Like what Nurul says, we'll all bfp.. It's only a matter of time and when... So may your turn be in this month!! Jiayou and all the best, dear!
Luv, Prosepina, during my 1st cycle @ KK, I was given hcg jabs for support, every 3 days. But I got ohss a few days after ET (1 wk?) then Dr M asked me to stop & replaced wif progesterone inserts. This time SGH gave me Duphaston tablets.
Luv, u know what's the difference between these 3 supports? Which is good?
Prospeina, i feels he quite prof le. Thou many prople says he is money sucker. But a few occassions he try to save money for me. Say no need do tis or tat dun waste money. But the only bad thing is he want start his patients with a clean sheet. That's y he wanted them to go surgry to remove whatever that have posibility of affecting chances of pregnancy. I got lupus n aps and few gyne says i too high risk dont dare do ivf for me. I guess i dont have much gyne choice.
Did your frend have any comments?
Congratulations to the ones who made it! And to the ones who didn't, keep trying. 'It's often the last key in the bunch that opens the lock' as they say. All you need is determination & faith! I guess many of you are still young. I am 44 and will be starting my first IVF journey soon- end June/ early July. It"s not over till it's over for me. If you know what i am saying...
加油 to all those trying!
Yo joyfully, me same as u lah. Bkk lover n always go there a few times a year. It's like my hometown there! Wakakaka.
joyfully thks for yr well wishes...blurxuan..i dun like sour plum..:-(

i1bb..i miss bkk and hk too ..

regarding hcg jab, i read that it take abt 7-10 days to be flush out of our body, thats why after trigger shot, we dun test on hpt so fast too as it,will be a false positive...if u r given hcg jab during 2ww, not sure how it wld impact the bt result.
Chrisl, must be fun yet tiring to be a preschool teacher! What's the medium of instruction in the preschool?

Prosepina and Bruno, hmm... maybe KKIVF change protocol liao and no longer give hCG jabs. I'm not sure.

mc and Blurxuan, both of you are the same number of weeks preggie? I tot mc is further along than Blurxuan rite?

mc, it's understandable that your MS is bad since you're carrying twins, higher hCG. Take it as a sign your babies are growing well!
Hopefully your MS will ease by the beginning of 2nd trimester yeah? Meanwhile, find sthg that will help curb your nausea? Dry crackers or certain sweets may help?

moo3moo, i also don't know the technicalities, hahah... but i guess meds work differently for everyone. Gotta find the most effective ones for ourselves.

Abple, welcome! Great determination!

i1BB, I'm also itching to go holiday leh, so envious of my frens who post their vacation pics. But cos of this ttc journey, "stuck" in S'pore leh..

Kittykatty, good luck too!
Hi all,

I am new to this forum.

May I know what is the different between long and short protocol?

My doc told me that i am suitable for either one and ask me for my preference.

I thot for 1st timer, the doc will go for long protocol?

Luv, u gonna b "stuck" in Singapore for a long long time... At least for another year ;)

Mc, u can go Babymoon if u wan! If not, then after pop le go

I wish I'm "stuck" in Singapore leh!!! Lolx
i1BB, hahah... i oso hope i'll be stuck in S'pore for the next 10 months for a good reason!
Though after 2 failures, it's hard to be too optimistic. Nvr mind, think positive and zen... Ohmmmm....

Who knows? You may have to shelve your plans and become stuck in S'pore too! Heheh... *wink*
Hi Eumin,
From what i gathered from the Dr during the IVF counselling,, short protocols are for older women & poor responders to stimulation drugs. Long protocols are usually done on younger women.
I am new to this myself. The other ladies in this forum should be in a better position to advise.
Welcome to the forum!
luv...i felt u hv gd chance this round... when is yr bt? blurxuan is 1 wk earlier than me..

i1bb, pop 2 lagi cannot go...lol..looking forward to my curise later this mth..hope dr tan giv the ok..
MC mi is week 9 le.. U still can go cruise ah.. My doc say no overseas fr mi lei.. i wana go bbk at second trim to get bb stuff. Fren bought alot frm bbk.. so cheap lo.. brand oso same as spore.
Blurxuan, can share what brand of baby stuff is cheap to buy from BKK? Cos I went in Apr, only bought some for my nephew. But no brand, and quite ex. I compare with the ones I bought last year in US, US seems much cheaper. Maybe it's because I don't know where to buy cheap BB stuff from Bangkok. Hence wanna seek advice from you.
Joyfully i oso nt v sure coz my fren went not mi. Will go wif her n go n grab. I know e cotton ball sterilised damn cheap. Spore sell $5+ bkk only s$1+.. Clothes oso cheap..
blurxuan..u 1 wk earlier than me..me only 8 wks..next wk than 9 wks..but by mth end shld be almost end of 1st tri. also cruise not plane..no gravity..should be ok gua..
Thanks LuvNHope!
Flyin' in end of this month. After 2 MCs, we are keeping this whole IVF thing quiet from the family. Very few close friends in Sg know about it. It's going to be hard as DH will only fly in for a couple of days to hand over his 'troops'. But i will persevere!
Eumin, I think you should push your doctor to explain and advise you whether he thinks the long or short protocol will work for you. I find it a bit strange that he ask you to choose ..just my 2 cents worth

Anyhow, I believe you are right, in that the long protocol is usually the first choice, unless there are factors (like age, ovarian reserve, hormone levels...etc) that suggest you will be a poor responder.
Abple, you're working overseas?

mc, thanks for your optimism for me!
But i don't dare to think too much. These few days not many symptoms leh...
Oh, i always thought u were further along than Blurxuan, hmm... Nice to go cruise and relax. Do you get seasick usually? Maybe just prepare some ginger pills (or your own anti-nausea pills) in case you are more sensitive now to the movement of the ship. Will you be going on offshore excursions or just stay on the ship? If it's Royal Carribean, mind sharing how it is? Might consider going in future. Have been on StarCruise a lot but not RC.
Eumin, with the long protocol, you can better ensure even growth of follicles. Even growth of follicles will mean that you have lesser chance of having 1 or 2 much bigger follicles than the rest. Then your doc would have to decide whether u can afford to wait for the smaller ones to catch up or sacrifice the small ones to catch the bigger ones. With short protocol, you get to egg retrieval and embryo transfer faster though follicle growth may be uneven. But ladies have had success with both types of protocols. So do discuss with the doc in more detail which suits you.
Abple, Hope_4_bb & LuvNhope, thanks for the replies and advises. I find it strange when my doctor asked me for my preference too since she should knows it better than me on which method is suitable for me.

I will ask her again on my next visit.
LuvNHope, Mine is a short protocol. I was advised not to fly during the 1st week of 2ww. So i have decided to stay till the blood test results. i am renting an apartment for 2 mths. That should be enough, right?
luv..taking star cruise to redang..think will take small boat to go to island and walk on the beach.. i wanted royal Caribbean too but so super ex during school holiday..

i pay abt $350 per pax for star cruise but RC is almost $600 per pax..can go bkk liao at this price..lol..
eumin, I'm wif SGH Dr Yu. Another reason to do short protocol is to avoid ohss (over-stimulated ovaries). But I read it's more likely due to high lh to fsh ratio.
Nurul: hugs, stay strong..

Ladies on the 2ww, how are you all? Any symptoms? For me, no symptoms yet..

Luv, what symptoms u have ?
Correction: more likely to happen for those wif high lh to fsh ratio.
Perhaps u can ask her more the advantages of each protocol in ur specific case.
Eumin, I'm w SGH Dr Yu. Nw waiting for their call to advice me on my protocol but durin last visit, Dr Yu mentioned mine mostly likely to b short protocol. How bout I? Wat stage r u nw n is it ur first ivf?
Moo3moo, Dr Yu told me that based on my condition, it's unlikely that I will have ohss as based on my age, my follicles are considered little.

Yours is long or short protocol?
Blurxuan, can share what brand of baby stuff is cheap to buy from BKK? Cos I went in Apr, only bought some for my nephew. But no brand, and quite ex. I compare with the ones I bought last year in US, US seems much cheaper. Maybe it's because I don't know where to buy cheap BB stuff from Bangkok. Hence wanna seek advice from you.
