IVF/ICSI Support Group

hopeful & siddhi,
I on air con for 2-3 hrs before I off and on fan...i cover my self with blanket that why I very hot in middle of night and and took off my socks and kick off my blanket.

Don't know if is the LRD that makes me very hot.

BTW when you all say bed rest. Does it mean must lie down, or I can sit up? I sit up as I uses my laptop.
Hope_4_bb:I was most of the time lying not much of sitting. Regarding laptop i have not touched it in my 2ww as so much of heat they emit. I use to keep my phone also away from my tummy. I have connected my laptop to my TV thru HDMI cable & using optical free key board & mouse.
many congrats siddhi! have a smooth 9 mths ahead
Siddhi, congrats!! GRab your baby dust @@

Haha, we have the same method. I connect my laptop to the tv thru hdmi cable and using wireless keyboard and mouse when I was in 2ww and I found this is the best way to surf net and watch Korean drama at the same time. So, still stick to this method till now.
CelC, u can try the ew ? Many here eat more ew to ease the bloatedness. Or can try to drink Gatorade, which I did after Er because of bloatedness and nausea due to ohss. When u go for your next visit, do highlight to the star about it. I was given anti nausea tablets before Er after I inform dr.
Jmamee, just saw your question..yes my dr prescribed aspirin to me from day 1 of stimulation. I understand that it thins the blood and hence improves blood circulation at the ovaries & womb area. You may let your doctor know that you like to try it. However a few days before ER, I was asked to stop aspirin, and then resume after ET. After bfp, I just finished what i had and didn't continue.
Ladies, do you experience any symptoms during first 5 days of transfer? I totally no symptoms. 8(. Don't know is good or bad. Thinking of going back to work n Monday which is my 6dpt. The embryo should have implanted by then? Is it saft to go bk work on 6dpt?
Hi hi

I'm rejoining the thread after keeping silence for many mths.

Siddhi, I find we hv many things in common:

*both from NUH
*fet 21 may by Dr Stephen Chew (he's my doc in charge though, not Prof Wong)
*bfn hpk 31 May
*bfp bt 1 Jun

My hcg was a low of 83 as of d12 yesterday but the nurse reassured me that >6 is qualified as pregnant in Nuh liao.

Did u get to see any doc after your Bt yesterday? What kind of post-Bt support did he give u? I will only get to talk to dr chew's stand-in later this morning.
I believe I'm on e exact same cycle as you. 3rd day of puregon today!
I don't really suffer from nausea or bloatedness but throbbing headache & bodyache!
How does e EW helps?
Thanks Cas. I will try to take more egg.

Hi Ain, yup. We r at the same cycle. Do u take painkillers for your headache n bodyache? I also suffer from headache but it' always come at the end of day. Not sure it's due to the injection or my work stress. I usually pop panadol before I go sleep at night.

As for ew, not sure how it helps. But I'll still take the advise from sisters here
Hey girls, who experiencs menstruation blood clots ? Western doc says no problem but chinese doc says womb too cold. I havent found anything write ups on web that says blood clots is an issus unless they are as big as golf balls! Any advise ?
Prosepina:wow, Dr Zou mentioned abt me. So she got the news. I called but was unable to talk to her and also we dont have common language to communicate ;)
Whenever u see her next time, please convey my regards to her and say I will come & meet her once my pregnancy is more stable. Thanks so much. All the best for ur cycle.
Hi, anyone keen on SIMILAC MUM low fat milk powder?
Suitable for those planning for pregnancy, pregnant and breast feeding. Got these earlier the year when preparing for fresh cycle and BFP in that cycle. I prefer the creamier taste of typical fresh milk. Good for those who wants low fat but high protein (20.5g). 700g tin. Expiry 29Jan2014. Selling at 2 for $45. Outside is $28.50 for 1. Pls PM me if keen. Thanks.
Congrats Siddhi & Anne! Any more baby dusts for me?

I just started my long protocol cycle yesterday. In suppression now.
Should I start acupuncture now? Will it help? How many EW should I be taking ? I hv been taking 2 EW daily.
What else to take note har?

Thanks !!!
Sisters, just done my ET. Only 3 matured and 2 transferred. No more frozen. The transfer is grade 3. Abit disappointed but glad at last got 2 for transfer.
Congrats Prosepina. Welcum to 2WW. U r luckier den me. Me got 1 transfer. N grade 3 but wif fragmentation. So u need not worry since u hav 2 embbies in u n ur linin is fine. I wish u ol e best

Ladies sorry
i've got no babydust to share. Wil take time b4 decidin on next fresh. This cycle is really a roller coaster ride for me. For now me n DH decided to try to conceive naturally. Wish u ladies ol e best. Dun ever giv up until u finally succeed. I believe GOD is merciful. Its juz a matter of tyme we'll hav our own babies/kiddos by our side.
Nurul, was waiting for ur news... Sad to hear that. Sayang ok. Know how u feel... U take care n pamper urself a but then stay healthy. Hope u will succeed naturally. Me will also do the same before I have $$ for last fresh. Hope we will succeed!!!

One of my Malay colleague ask me go to a Malay massage auntie who will tell us if our womb is in the best position to conceive. If not, she will massage for us. Let me know if u interested to try.

Congrats Anne!
Prosepina, enjoy ur 2ww n rest well.

Luv, thanks for ur encouragement earlier on. Enjoying ur 2ww? A bit of spicy stuff is alright. Dr Zou told me its better than taking cold stuffs. Just not too much to cause stomach upset, k?
Prospeina, u r better than me liao. I did 2 fresh cycle n got one fertilised embryo each cycle. Few days ago just did my fet with the 2 prEcious embryo. Hope they stay strong in me. Already spent 42k for 2 fresh. 1 fet.

Lunnhope, my embies frozem at d2. I did fet on wed. Today is d4pt. Not sure how many days my embbies is. Can u advise
Nurul, sorry to hear the bad news. A big bear hug for you. Please take the time to rest and tiao your body. Take care!
Nurul, sorry to hear the news. You have a gd rest and try naturally 1st ba. We will succeed 1 day! Dun give up.

Prospeina, rest well for your 2ww.
Prosepina, was your third egg fertilised too? They couldn't freeze it? Dun worry, you have your babies inside you now. Who knows, twins are waiting for you!

Nurul, sorry to hear the news. Glad to see you're staying strong.

Hope4bb, since it's a D2 transfer, your embryos shld be D6 today. Typically, they begin to hatch today and begin implantation between today and tomorrow. Implantation will be only be complete a few days later.
Thanks, J Ning.

Just to share with you my experience. I had been going to dr zou for twice wkly acupuncture for 3 mths before my fet. On the day of the transfer, I had acu in the morning before heading to Nuh. I like to think that it helped, esp with improving blood circulation to the uterus to promote implantation.

I think it's never too late to start acu. If u can, do it right before ET too.

As for ew consumption, Nuh nurse advised taking 3 per day but I didn't pay heed. Maybe that's why I ended up being warded for OHSS in my fresh cycle haha!

All the best to you.
Hi Prosepina

Don't be disheartened. My friend transferred 2 embbies of average grade and her girl is almost 2 yrs old now.

For all u know your embbies may end up loving your cushy uterus more than the incubator and flourish in there!
Hi nurul and foufou

I've waited almost 2 yrs and even quit my job to get my first bfp. I'm sure your time will come.

Yep prospering, I am with chris Chen. First cycle long protocol spent 21k, 2md fresh cycle 13k, fet 8k. Still have not add in 2ww blood test, medicine n consultation.

Frankly his consultation is not tx $80 same as nub pc Wong. But his injections n medicine. Think becoz pte. No subsidy super ex. I remember u mention u gt a friend with Chris Chen. How's her result
Prosepina appreciate ur werds of encouragement.

Fou Fou. Sayang u too. Everysince been in tis cycle, I hav been puting on weight. So its tyme for me to start my routine jog wif DH. Mayb i wil onie consider 2nd fresh if i dun managed to conceived by next year. Dun worry Fou Fou for now tiao your body ferst while waiting for e $$$$$. By then ur body is ol prepared for 3rd fresh.

Fou Fou u r goin for it? Is it et home based? Mayb we can try together. For me i had one. But long tyme never go. I wil onie go if i feel dat my womb needs a massage.

BabyJourney thanks dear. Aiyoh possible dowan to try 2nd fresh. Stressful den conceive naturally. Last tyme when i conceive naturally i never did wat i did now. But for tis cycle i did a lot by following e do's n dont's yet i BFN. e more cautious u r, e more stressful u'll get. Dats wat i thought.

Joyfully thanks. Wil do

Kittybaby me m ok. Would like to giv a try on accupunture. Sounds great. Hehehehe. But c ferst ba. Never in my mind to give up. Disappointment yes of cos but i'll stay strong for DH. He has been my motivator ol tis while. He told me dun b e sad. We'll try naturally. We go thru thick n thin together ok. For now we'll carry on ur medications k. I"ll cook for u LRD everyday k. He wil remind me to eat folic etc.

Dun worry dear. I do believe onie tyme matters for us to hav our babies. For now we juz go easy. Try naturally meanwhile n whu noes we mite strike even b4 thinkin going for next fresh. Jiayou!

LuvNhope thanks dear. M et ease n glad i'm off from e roller coaster ride. Phew! Ol e best to u ya!

Anne thanks for ur sharing ur tips. Ur effort do paid off. Congrats to u once again. Yup onie tyme matters.

i1BB (((Big Bear Hug to u too))). Jiayou! If Malaysia boleh, u n me Can Do it! Hehehehe.
