IVF/ICSI Support Group

Blurxuan, thanks for the BKK shopping info!

Abple, if you're doing short protocol, 2 mths seems sufficient. Would you be able to fly back though if u get pregnant?

mc, i see. Wah, such a big difference in price ah! Anyway it's the company that counts! Sounds like you'll have a good time chilling out
Is it just u and ur DH going?

BabyGalore, me only some twinges a few days back (but donno if i imagined them, hahah). And now bloated but i think it's due to the hCG jab i just had. Still hoping for more clearcut symptoms.
Luv, I'm excited for u!!! Happy for u too!! (if u get what I mean by saying I'm happy n excited for u... Hehe *wink wink). Stay zen stay zen!!! Half of 2ww gone!! Another half to go! U go girl!!! Hugs
luv and babygalore: when yrs BT?

MC & blur xuan: do take care.
MC: try eating on same time everyday and have some crackers / buns nx to yr bed. eat some b4 u wake up .
I'm thinking of going to hk end of the year too!

I've just started on progynova... Dont like the feeling after takinv it. Im taking 2 tabs for 5 days then 3 tabs for 2 days before i go for scan. Is this ths norm?
i have just scrolled and read about your polyp case..i hope that you'll be able to flush it out and that you can start suppression! All the best with your cycle! JiaYou!

The medium is in norwegian..they only start have english as a 2nd language in think 7th or the 8th year in 'primary' school..not as good as in singapore i personally think cos we start from young. But think i misunderstood, i was trying to say that though im by profession a pre school teacher, over here, i choose to be an assistant. Yes! Very tiresome working with 'forever energy powered' children! Plus, we need to always bend or squat down to their level so it makes my back hurts. But yeah lah it's fun..children can really make you laugh at many times!
hehe i also don't dare to think too much..though my hb complain that im very very cranky haha..
Eskimobaby, hi5 on hk! Hee... That time I took progynova, I got side effects leh... Puked... So I got to stagger the dosage
Chrisl, do you speak Norwegian now? Admire how u can adapt to life in a foreign country. How many years have you been in Norway now?
Cranky eh? *wink* ;P
Luv, since we r on the same cycle .. Is today 9dp2dt? I'm confused on how to count. My bt is on the 12th.. Wish I had more clear cut symptoms too. My tummy is looks alil bloated but my fav pants feel alil tight when I put on. Had sore boobs till today and suddenly seems like it's disappearing
I pray and trying to keep very positive.. Had been very emotional the past few days, tend to cry so easily. Must be the hormones..
BabyGalore, today shld be 8dp2dt i think. I know it's natural for us to keep wondering... but let's not over analyse the symptoms (though easier said than done). I have so many meds in me now that i dun know what's real and what's caused by the meds. Can only hope for the best and prepare for the worst. But wow, it's amazing that we've passed one week of the 2ww already!
Hope4bb, i'm doing hCG BT on 11 June. Have already done my progesterone tests. Are you doing prog test or hCG test this Thu?
Eskimobaby, if u feel any discomfort rem to ask your doctor ok... I staggered my dosage n I dnt feel any discomfort after that...
Chrisl, thanks! Let's all jiayou together!

Hope4bb and Luv, all the best for your BT!! Hope you ladies will graduate from here soon.
yes Luvnhope..simple ones, not that fluent lah. Been here for almost 5years, it has been a big change from a busy sg/tampines town to an ulu town area 1/4 size of sg. It's not easy these 5 years, 1st 2 years were the worse, i cried mostly..missing my folks esp my mum and sis. There's always 2 sides to a coin. I had to 'start afresh' here at 1st..with zero friends, language barrier with most ppl here and no job. Till now i have to count so much on my hubby. But luckily my in laws are very supportive and they just live next door

hahah yes cranky ;P ;P crossing fingers and toes
Thanks Nurul and Joyfully!

Chrisl, how do you say "Hello" and "Thank You" in Norwegian?

mc, you're taking Utrogestan orally too right? Do you feel tired and sleepy after taking the med? I do! Been napping twice a day. I wonder how you manage to work while on the med! I just found out today that if insert in the V, we don't get this side effect.
Hey luv, what's the diff between taking it orally and thru v? Mine is thru v and I sleep all the time as well. Heheh. So far am 4dpet, no symptoms yet except occasional cramps lasting 2/3 secs. Do you guys get it too?
Joyfully , tks. I can only hope for a miracle on me.

I do estrogen n progesterone every 3 days to ensure I have enough hormones support.

I thought u did transfer few days before me. How come 11 June then do hcg test? 9dpt can test hcg already
Miracle, doc say progesterone jab has the fastest effective support follow by Cronin gel then ugesteron pills.

I am not on the v insert. But every 2 days on jab and daiily ugesteron pills
Chrisl, thanks for the mini-lesson

Miracle, actually i donno too. I was asked to take orally this time round so i took orally lor. Last cycle i put in the v and wasn't so sleepy. I only just read abt the difference today too. How many days transfer was yours?
Hope4bb, i was just given an hCG jab on Friday, so can't test too early or else will get false positive. Do you mean Crinone or is there another med called Cronin?
Btw, which doc are you with again? Still at Gleneagles? Sounds like they offer good support.
Hi luv, i'm currently 4dpet. Don't know how you guys calculate, i did my embryo trsf on last thursday, 31st. I'm just on ugesteron 3x a day only. I hope this is enough.

Hi hope, wondered why my doc didn't recommend the jabs. I rather take the jabs if they provide a better support.

Do you guys lie and have bed rest the whole day? I find lying down the whole day very xin ku, so i walk around the house whenever I feel backache. What about you guys? I wonder, when the doc does the et, the embryos are just floating around right? So does it mean when they become blast they will auto find the lining? I really wonder how the embryo implants. Any ideas?
Luv, what is hcg shot for? Yup is the same gel u mention. I got typo using iPad. HahA. I am with Christopher cheng gleanE.

Miracle, I transfer on 30th one day before u. Think your hormones level r quite gd that y don't need injection. The progesterone jab give very pain hard bump aft inject which last few days. I also never lie whole day. It's so hit this few days n I perspire non stop even with fan blowing at me on bed.
Thanks nurul..

Luv, we can do it.. Just another week more

Miracle, I tend to walk around half the time. Other than that I try to lie down when I'm watching tv and make sure I sleep every afternoon for at least 2 hrs..
Miracle, i meant how many days old were your embryos when you did your transfer?

Hope4bb, hCG shot is to trick ur body into producing more progesterone.

BabyGalore, yes, we can do it!
luv..the pharmacist told me take utrogestan orally will cause fatigue..luckily i only took 2 at night together with the duphaston..really very sleepy..knock out within one hr after taking...

at work the nausea pill will cause drowiness so i hv to endure without med...
Haha..I also walk ard. My DH kept telling is just an ivf myth to be bed rest. I was angry and ask him, now what, u want me go shopping is it? Lol! Maybe my relative in town, he felt pressure to bring them ard too
Nurul: Yes. Yes. Let's Jia You
i believe we will succeed soon.

Joyfully: Thanks for your well wishes
Initially, my doc found cycst during suppression. Thats why my suppression was extend another 5 days. After that, it's gone and I can proceed to stimulation. I am not sure if polyp and cyst is the same. But, I do wish your polyp can disappear soon so that you can proceed to the next step of reaching your dreams. Jia you!
Kittykatty, thanks for your sharing. It's sooo great to know that your cyst has disappeared after 5 days.

I certainly hope that the polyp will be flushed out from my body too. Hope to be able to update gd news soon.
BabyGalore: www.funshion.com, www.pplive.com

Nurul: HugZ for u. hope you conceive naturally soon!

Anne: congrats.

Prosepina, moo, Luv, miracle, Hope_4_bb: all the best to your 2ww!

Chrisl, thanks for your sharing. hope you have gd new from ur try this mth!

Joyfully: all the best to ur scan and hope everything goes smoothly.

abple: all the best to your upcoming ivf!
Hi Hope, i'm not too sure about the hormones level thingy but I'm hoping what they gave me is enough.
Hehe, you're right the weather is awful these few days. Even the air blowing from the fan is super warm la.

Hi ginger28, i also cannot stay still although I try to lie down while watching tv. Lie until backache, stand up and do some light stretching to ease the pain.

Luv, my ER was on 29/5 tuesday and et was 31/5 thurs so it's day 3? Cause they will let the eggs and sperm be fertilised on the day itself right? Most of you guys put in day 3 also right? Seldom see ppl here putting in blasts.

Prospeina, i think walking ard is better than lying in bed and thinking too much about every symptom you have. Doc says not being completely immobile helps take some stress off, so most likely you are on the right track!

I've been really naughty today as well, i ate laksa yong tau fu and had durian after dinner! Hahaha, happy jiu hao right?
Miracle, Luvnhope,hope for bb, Prosepina

Do you mean all of you after ET, you went home and straight away laid down on the bed until at night, except walk to toilet or eat your meals? What do you do on the bed? Sleep? And this last for the first 5 days after your ET??
Miracle: it's D2 transfer. btw durian is good for implantation. I think some sisters mentioned to eat during during 2ww. but not too much cos very heaty. =)
Oh i see, I dunno what days and all that. Heheh.. I love the bitter kind of liu lian. My dad bought it from JB today. Yumz! Tmr eat somemore again.

Sunstillshines, the day after et, i slept when I came home and then only get up to walk to toilet. The next day I walked around slowly cause I was feeling ultra bloated. But mostly I have been lying down or sitting up in bed and walking up and down to take stuff, play with my dog, eat.. Etc.. Think it's ok to walk around but no vigorous exercise. =)
Sunstillshines, not complete bed rest lah. Have also been walking ard the house when necessary. Just minimise rigorous actions
