IVF/ICSI Support Group

Nurul, sorry to hear ur news. Since u've striked before, I think u'll bfp naturally again wif no problem yar. Hope u'll strike soon & followed by smooth-sailing pregnancy.
I also wanna exercise to lose weight.. dunno how much I've gained since the start of this year, scary.

Prosepina, I also just did ET today. No embryos to freeze since the embryologist dun think they'd survive. A bit heartpain.. Anyway, now's it's our job to take care of those transferred embryos transferred as much as we can

Fou fou, is the massage at her place or home visit? N how long does it take? Is there any time of the month need to avoid, e.g. having mense?
Thanks in advanced.
Nurul, sorry to hear that. Take care of yourself, tiao yang your body and try again naturally. I've heard stories of my fren's Fren who did Iui and ivf but failed.... Then later conceive naturally. Must have faith and hope.
Moo3moo, may all embbies hold tight tight until you. It's important to maintain a positive mindset. I have read somewhere that it'll help by talking to your embbies too! Jiayou and hope to collect babydust from you!
Bbjourney, hahah... thanks! Much as I don't enjoy the bloating, i'll take it if it means a BFP!

Joyfully, the hCG jab's supposed to help promote implantation i suppose. Think you would get 3 hCG jabs, but i only had 2 cos on the day of ET, they only gave me progesterone jab in case of OHSS. Had the 2 jabs when i went back for progesterone and E2 BT.
Wait, correction! I think the hCG jab is supposed to trick our ovaries into thinking that there's a pregnancy so that they can produce more progesterone and support the uterine lining. So indirectly helps implantation lah.
happypinky, Luv, Joyfully, thanks! Ya, trying to stay positive positive. It's gg to be a long 2ww. Glad to have many sisters here.
Moo3moo, how come u just done ET today? U ER on 28May. U r doing D4 embryos? That's very good

Hope4baby, my gf did not make it,she spent $41k for a fresh and a medicated fet, I think the $$spent do long got outcome then worth it,

Luv, I think in kk no hcg jab right? U r in better hand, I'm sure u can make it
Nurul, i1bb & Happypinky... Ya the massage is home based one. I have not try it. Location is at Tampines, my fren told me per session abt $90 or more. Shld do after AF... So I thought of calling after my AF gone.
may i know your friend is female or male problem?

ya..is a lot of money spent..sigh..i just hope for the best...also cannot afford another cycle if fail.

the hcg jab-think named 'pregnyl' is for final maturation of the eggs..that's why it's purposely and carefully timed to coincide with ER to enable fruitful egg harvest
Chrisl, i'm not referring to the trigger jab.
I'm referring to the support jabs after ET. Some clinics practise giving hCG jabs after ET to help support implantation. Do they do that in Norway?
Nurul: Take care .Jiayou jiayou

Prosepina / i1BB: kkh also never give me any jab...mine also less than 15 eggs

how come so many different practises.
Mc and blur_ xuan : did kk give u guys any hCG jabs ?
I see luvnhope, hehe..here i don't have that for my both 2 fresh cycle..only v progesterone inserts for support..i dunno but i've asked my doc for more support next time after FET..he said ok..but im not sure what he'll give me though
xian..think im sick again with a cold..after getting bugs from the preschool again i highly suspect!

luvnhope how many days are you at now in your 2ww? Im also kinda in 2ww haha..cos i tried naturally and think these 2 weeks are also considered..
prosepina: my bt over liao. if i call on monday dunno will anyone pick up and if yes dunno they will entertain me. they are always in ahurry
sry for not reading the thread till now..Morning sickness is killing me....can't eat, can't sit...

nurul...hugz...u will success soon

prosepina and bruno..kk no giv hcg jab, jus the inserts nia..
Mc ur ms so serious??till now i vomitted twice only.. hope it wont come in ltr stage.. everytime i eat fried carrot cake i will vomit.. Banned carrot cake liao..
Angelxuan, so yrs is dr prescribed. Tink I beta juz trust e dr & eat watever he prescribed.

Hope, me oso like nt much symptoms after ET except bloated during 1st 1-2 days. I oso tinking go bac wk next wk:p

Btw, when u all say day 6-7 is implantation, do u count fm ET day or ER day?
Prosepina wat er more than 15 u toking abt??
For mi i went bk first BT progestrone level not enuff so gt oral med den day15 hpt positive den go bk do BT.. no other med or jab given continue on e progestrone given before. Den week 6 spotting den given a jab..
blur xuan...my MS very serious..anywhere anytime also can vomit and the nausea is whole day..feel so super xin ku..think maybe i am old too..body cant really cope..lol

dr zou ask me to endure one more mth...seem so long

Luv, me gg bkk again in August n Mayb hk end of the year

Fou fou, thanks for your info.

Bruno, Erm, my first fresh i think they never give me jabs. Inserts only. My 2nd fresh I was given 4 jabs after ET. I requested for it

Nurul, will check pm now
