IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi, i will be starting my 1st IVF with DR Tan HH at KKH soon.
I was told to go for Saline Sonogram as my HSG was done in 2009.
Wondering if anyone has done that prior to starting IVF?
I am contemplating whether should go or not.
Can someone advise me?

Ching, hi hi. Hope you are doing well. What's your next plan?

i1bb, don't be naughty during this rest period. Be a good gal, okay.

MC_007, when is your ET?

melody123, why not if you have not done so? Go and check whether your fallopian tube is blocked. Who knows you can conceive naturally then.
Hi ladies,

Anyone knows what to drink to let menses flow out properly without clotting? I am waiting for my menses to come so I can do FET, wanna make my uterus clean clean...
Egg Factory, I take TCM during my menses. Only have a few little tiny clots last AF and without seeing big clots. It's a great improvement for me.
Blur_Xuan, don't worry, I also was called to go back to boost up the Progesterone.
Is your cramps better?
Ching, I'm still considering lor. My dh dnt wan leh. He say transfer 2 will do n que sera sera wor
ya la I only at times Abit notti lah but cnt help it lor cos feel like so deprived leh... So sometimes I indulge Abit but generally will still try to b a Gd gal lor. Hee

Thanks joynfaith, I'll (try my best to) b a Gd gal... Keke
joynfaith...halo...my ET is tml...hoping for the best...u starting next mth right?

1ibb..if possible, i am thinking to transfer 3...do u know 37++ gg 38 in the next few mths can transfer 3?
We are fine!
But we are now at the other forum lo (mummies to be) Some sisters chase us to go other forum

We all miss your gals very much too, we always mentioned yours gals too
Mc, all the best to yr ET ya! As long as u r 37 u can opt to transfer 3 but no govt grant lor.

Yoyo hope, Hw r u? U serious ah? U gals Kenna chased meh? Mmmm but y wor, it's ok ma. U gals can always b here to give new sisters advices what... *scratch head
Ya Hope..we miss u, Baby Journey, AngelXuan, Cock Cock, heartbeats, Cool. Wonder how r u ol doing. If u r ol in tis forum, we wil get updates about each other's baby unlike now. So quiet...
ryte i1BB????
Ching!!!! Big hugz. How r u? I miss you leh. Glad u r ok and gog for FET soon. Jiayou. Lets meet up someday.

i1BB, u just had an op, try not to drink cold drinks okie. Guai hor. U r right that we do come in to "monitor" u all but did not post unless u need to be "kok" or come here to be your PomPom girl. Heheehhe

Mc, all the best to your ET. Jiayou!
I1bb n nurul,
We also miss chatting in this forum too..... Afterall, we are used to be so closed and like a big family
but we scared if we talk too much about our current status might affect some sisters here lor.....

But we are not that active like we used to be before, as most of the time we get tired easily.... Need to sleep alot ( i took a day off today to sleep at home the whole day...
i told my boss that i am too tired to come to work...

But, sisters JY wor
soon we will be reunited as we have a same goal and b family again ya
Ching, i1BB, LuvNHope, Bigbear, MC, JoynFaith, Nurul and Babysmurf, jiayou ok. We are rooting for you. Thou we did not post here v often now, we r always thinking of u. Fighting!!!!
Hope! Ching! Bbjourney!
So nice to see all of u here!

Babysmurf too! I'm fine. Waiting to start my suppression med. How ya been? Still going for healing?
Hi, I do come in here to read often. Just that for a period of time I hardly see my old friends around thus got abit shy..Also see alot of new sisters
and find it challenging to keep track as my brain is either sleepy most of the time or getting smaller..haha.

Oh, Bigbear, wanted to knock your head..better go see your doctor ASAP! 48 days too long!

MC, all the best for your ET tomorrow. Ladybuggy, good luck to your BT!

Jia you wor!
Nurul, i only won 1/3 from Dr Loh, saw my bb heartbeat last thursday
Dr Loh was quite worried about me when i visited him last thursday as he was afraid that my bb is implanted at this wrong side of my womb, the edo's side. But he is feeling relief after the scan. Me too

Luv & bbsmurtf, JY JY wor
Dear Gals,

We BFP sisters still read this thread often and drop by now and then!!! Just that when it comes to preggie topics, easier to keep to the other thread rather than here where the focuses are different.

Congrats to Juvi and hope the other sisters will BFP very very soon and join us!!! Jiayou!
Hope 1/3 is better den nothing. Dats a big relief indeed. Do take care of urself ESP n ur baby ya. Rest n eat well. Hope to hear join u n rest in e other thread real soon.
Posted by JoynFaith (joynfaith) on Thursday, April 19, 2012 - 6:01 pm:

Egg Factory, I take TCM during my menses. Only have a few little tiny
clots last AF and without seeing big clots. It's a great improvement
for me.

Joy: sorry to bring up this post .. is it abnormal to have clot? What's defined as "big clots"? I didn't have that so much but with adenomyosis, i notice so and very painful.

I have been busy and tired so able to catch up w postings. But still reading.

MC all the best for ET later!

I am also looking forward to the gynae visit in 2 month's time when I am back; just don't know what to expect only and keeping in mind job. To have a family and bread is equally important .. just do my best.
Wah Wah Wah so many 老朋友!! Howdy hi hi everyone! Hope, babysmurf, Sasha, Bbjourney, angel!! I'm sure all of u r doing fine. And yes, just had op I will refrain from cold drinks. I am trying very hard!!
thanks dearies! I know u gals still hangs ard here but just that seldom post unless necessary
u ladies take good care n have a blessed soon soon pregnancy ahead ya! Me n other sisters here will try very very hard to go to the other thread ASAP ya!!! Wait up!! Lolx
FouFou, Ching, Nurul, thanks for thinking of us!

Honestly, i feel more at 'home' here as many of you are so close to my heart especially since we have all been cycling around the same time previously. Hmm, how to say? Its like we have a bond here as we walked the same journey together. Believe Babyjourney, Angel, Hope feels the same too. All the familiar names here are so close to our hearts.

So, have been thinking alot about you gals and quietly rooting for you! Jia you ok?!
i1BB, will de, you and Luv and the rest of sisters here will come over to the other thread soon. I am waiting for you all to come chat with me. Miss you all!
Joynfaith, Chris: thanks for the tips, I will go ask my acupuncturist for some TCM...

Hi all,I need some advice...

Has anyone done a ER but not a transfer in the same cycle? I'm confused about when my menses supposed to start. Coz it looks like its starting way too early... btw I did not trigger with HCG, I used something else.
Hi Givemehope, will be seeing Dr Zou this sat will check out wi her again, sigh...i do have mild cramp ocassionally but only few sec the cramp will go away. May be I will go back see Dr Sada next week if still no news. Hope your AF will be reporting soon!

Angelxuan, thank for the knock! Is so nice to have sister knocking so I can be more alert.
Melody123, I have done saline sonogram sometime back, dr requested to do is to check any polyps growth on the uterus. It is a simply procedure, a fluid is injected via vigina to scan the uterus.
Ching, I'm fine and in the mean time waiting for my cough to recover fully. Need to refrain from sweet and chili hot food for now although I can't do it totally from sweet stuff. When cold wind especially from air-con blow at my throat, I will start to cough. Keke... just now I took ice-cream and no cough. A great improvement already and hope to see better.

Ching and MC_007, I will be doing my fresh cycle (short protocol) next month.

MC_007, all the best in your ET.

BabyJourney, thanks for your cheer.

Chris, I've checked with my chinese physician and she said it's fine to have different sizes of blood clot depending on the amount of lining to shed down. I feel without big clot (bigger than 2cm in diameter) is better, I also don't know why I have that thought. No worries, as long as you shed off your lining smoothly. You have menses cramp?
Big bear
My 1st failed cycle bt was on 16oct n menses came on tat day. It was super super cramp! Nv had tat kind of pain b4.kind of contraction pain like trying to purge out e blood. V bad experience! Then no menses 4 nov.. Went to c doc 4 scan early dec. In fact on e day aft I c doc, had cramp n slight bleeding.Was thinking sld I start e medication. Called care n they advise to start takin e med e next day. So no more bleeding til 30dec. Was crampy too but better than 1st x. It's gd to c yr gynea for scan. Dun worry I'm v sure u ll b fine. It's prob e hormones thingy.
Egg factory
I used to hv lots of clots.. But since I stopped cold drinks, noticed no more clots
tcm medicine is gd too! Can consider trying.
