IVF/ICSI Support Group

Thanks. I'm not drinking cold drinks too.
I used to have blood clots in the past, then when I started Clomid, there were no more blood clots. But it's also the same time I started acupuncture and herbs, so I'm not sure which is the reason? But then last session of failed SO-IUI I had a big blood clot at the end. I remember I only had 1 acupuncture that month. So maybe it's the acupuncture..

Btw, any ladies here did ER without transfer in the same cycle??
Hello my old friends! ( bbjourney, angelxuan, hope, heartbeats, sashamama, luvnhope) !! Hugz Hugz!!! I miss u all so much!!! So happy to see all of u gals popped in to chat after I told i1bb that I miss u gals, really feel like my wish come true! Kekekeke...

Congrats for seeing ur bb heartbeats! Singleton is good la... Easier to take care ma

How are you? Ok? Must take care ya!!! No prob, let's meet up in some of theses days!
Nurul, i m on MC until next friday.

Ching, i am better now. Ok i will take care and i look forward to meet up w u.

Blur_xuan, Happy Birthday. Your wish will come true.

All sisters Jiayou okie. Gambatte!!!!
Hi all..gd morning..on my way to kk now..thank you for all yr well wishes..grabbing them .

so if transfer 3, no govt grant?

hope...nice to hear from you..take care n rest well

juvi..i am wearing brown tee with pink words..see if we can meet..;-)
Mc, I'm still at home haha. My fren picking me up n going w me, guess I may just catch u aft ur ET. All e best! Oh n rem to request to lie down for at least 20mins after ET k?
Blur xuan, happy birthday to u. May your wish come true.

MC: all the best for your ET. Require to lie down longer after the ET.
Thanks everyone for e wishes.. After ET haf to lie down so long? I sort of less than 5 mins i go toilet le super high tide.. Haha.. But will it affect??
Dear sisters, I'm gg for ET tmr. Super worried now. Initially supposed to do blasto but dr loh suddenly recommended normal day 2 trsf due to some uncertainties. Today embryologist called to say they thawed 2 four-cell embryos and both survived. They will monitor and see how they cleave tmr. Any sisters know if there's a possibility at least 1 won't survive by tmr? I worry what if tmr my embies never cleave well? Then how? Oh dear...my heart is beating faster today alrdy. Praying all will go smoothly tmr!
Also, after ET can I go out for dinner on the same day? Will be driven. Anything to avoid in particular? Feel quite stressed now...esp with the utrogestan daily inserts...worried that it will drop. Full of worries now. I trying to keep calm. Hope to catch the baby dusts here!
ET completed. 4 embbies make it. 1 grade 5, 2 grade 4 and 1 grade 3. transfer 2 freeze 2. the nurse like,wanna chase me out in less than 10min but i requested to lie for another 5min..today a lot of ppl so i think cant let me rest too long..

i am now sitting outside, not moving,for another 15min...hope can make a diff.

juvi..nice to meet u at kk...keep in touch.

faith..dun worry too much..everything will go smoothly de.
Well done mc! One step closer to ur dream!
Faith, if u r feeling alright, then go hv dinner lah. But better be careful when u walk k. Just avoid cold/cooling n raw food.
After ET, dun do any housework. My take is tt it's always better to b on e safe side, ESP when we hv gone thru so much in e process, dun want all our effort go to waste right?
Faith: dun worry abt e inserts, it won't drop out lah

For me, I find it easier to insert standing up, w one leg prop up on e toilet bowl. After tt sit or best just lie down k.
Happy birthday blur xuan!! May your wishes all come true!

Bbjourney, u ok ma? Hope things ok with u. Rest rest rest well with your mc ya!

Congrats mc! Awesome results! Your embbies (babies) r all so Swee!!! Welcome to 2ww n welcome PUPO!!!

Hi faith, have faith in your embbies (babies) ok! Wishing u best of luck!
i1BB, i m better now. I dont want to go into details here. Not appropriate here. Hehehe. Dont worry, i will rest rest rest well.
Hi ladies,

The thread is going very fast.. haha..i cant really track back the names.. but i really thank you for all your encouragements. I have decide not to test anymore of those evils HPT and look forward to the BT on tues, another few days more.

Frankly speaking, when i saw the -ve hpt 2 days ago, i really want to stop all the supports but if there's really a life inside me, it is very irrational for me to do that. When i saw all the encouragements, it touched my heart, so i carried on the same routine everyday. I continue drinking LRD, chicken essence and egg whites.

mc, congrats on the success of your ET, rest well and enjoy your 2ww.

blur_xuan, happy birthday and may your wish come true. My birthday is also coming soon in May, hopefully i will get a big present for my birthday.

Angelxuan,heartbeats,HOPE, wave wave.. thank you for popping by this thread. I remembered when i first join this thread, you'll are the ones that gave me advices and sharing your experience that really help me alot along the process. Nevertheless, i do hope i can graduate and join u all over 'there' soon.. hehhe
Ladybuggy, eventhough Im spotting I still did not do any hpt. It makes us more stress. After we saw -ve so many things with our mind. So continue with the support until ur BT.

Mc welcome to 2ww.

Blur_xuan, have a blessed birthday.
Blur Xuan, blessed birthday to you!

MC, congrats to another milestone passed! Your embryos so good grade!

Ladybuggy, even if you feel discouraged, never stop your supports. Never trust HPTs. You know, my first BFP also negative on HPT, i went to stop supports on my own. End up BT was positive just that HCG not high to be detected on HPT. Then i felt so guilty, quickly go take back supports but 2 weeks down the road i miscarried. Although cannot confirm its my own doing for stopping supports on my own but still better not to have regrets. Jiayou dear!
And that is also why i always tell my friends, when do BT, ask for the HCG level even if nurse just say negative. Just to be sure. That time, my HCG was in the 20s, KKH told me negative becos their standard is 250 but i did BT earlier than schedule, they didnt realise. Then the 20s become 70s 2 days when i repeat BT as menses didnt come, more than doubled! So you see, they should not have concluded its negative, better ask to know the level. I was so angry KKH gave me false let downs, whats worse was becos they said so, i went to binge on sashimi and have heavyduty housework, never rest.
Happy burstday Blur_Xuan. May ur dreams come true n hv a good day ahead

Heartbeats harlow... Todae never werk issit? U oso wana join in pushing me n i1BB? Just kidding. Whu noes both of us hav twins like u cos ur baby dusts stuck wif us cos of e pushing. Hehehehe
Hi sistas. Im dropping by to shower some baby dusts...

Need to seek some advice. For singleton or twins, anyone knows what are the beta hcg levels?
Hi hi babyjourney!!!!...thanks so much for rooting for me! *~*
I will jiayou! Missed your presence in this thread.

How are u feeling now? I just read about your hospitalization post in other thread... Thank God your baby knows how to reassure u, through strong heartbeat.
you must rest well ok.
Take care ya...
Leapgal congrats. What ur hcg level?

Normally hard to know singleton or twin unless the hcg very high. Normally u only know once u do the heartbeat scan. Jiayou.

Hearbeats agter preggy ru still with the Dr Tan HH.
Bbjourney, do take care n rest well!!!

Yoyo Nurul, I agree with u but think Bbjourney cannot push us la. She preggy. But she will b supporting us I'm sure!

Congrats leapgal
Hi for those sisters from KKH Ivf center,any of u have experience to request IVF treatment medical report?How details the report? Do we need to pay and how long it take? I'm thinking to go another hospital for 2nd IVF cycle.Thanks
Juvi, a big Congrats to u!!! U must still take care at least for next 3 mths hor. Have a smooth 9 mths ahead. *grab ur baby dust!*
is this ur first try on fresh cycle?
BabyJourney reali? Can check again? I send a new pm.

i1BB not BabyJourney shes unwell. Its heartbeats. Heheheh. Btw i1BB never mind den dun push ask dem to JY n pray for us dat we BFP n can join dem.

Lavender, can ask for the reports but it not that so detail. U hv to pay $5 plus for that copy.

Juvi catch ur babydust. Take care
