IVF/ICSI Support Group

heartbeats, yeah, hoping hard to join you all at the other thread soon! Thanks for all your support!

Bbjourney, glad to hear you're resting at home. Soon it'll be 2nd trimester for you. Jia you! AngelXuan too!

Wonder how's cock cock? Hope she's fine too.

Hope, did you ask Dr Loh if you could get 33% discount off consultation then? 1/3 of bet won mah, hahah...
BabyJourney replied u too
Hello sister *wave wave*, indeed we are all still reading this thread and rooting for u gals

Mc, congrats on one step closer. Embeds are in u now! Rest well for ur 2ww.

LadyBuggy, don't give up till the BT. Jiayou.

Joyfully, still remembers that u will be starting in June right? Now must bu bu sheng ti

Nurul, u just started ur lucrin, must drink more water ya. If not sometimes will get headaches.

i1bb, *wave wave* jiayou!
Hi hi Cool, ...*wave*... Thanks for your concern!

Ya, my ivf is scheduled in June. Meanwhile, I have been trying to bu and tiao my Sheng ti.
Dr says, I have to do another round of BT in May, to recheck my AMH and FSH. Hope my reading can improve, so can swee swee go for ivf in June. I have already spend a bomb before ivf, so really look forward to joining u gals in MTB thread!

How have u been? When is your EDD? Really missed you gals in this thread!! Thanks for posting here and jiayou for us...
1iBB, gd to hear that u r recovering well.

Btw, when will u be trying for the next cycle? Wondering if we could be cycle buddy.
Thks Shainie. My hcg level is 603.3.

Kkivf was really pack when I came this morning. Its my first time seeing many ppl standing due to no seats avail.
Thanks Joyfully. I think I will postpone my fresh to oct or nov. haven decided yet but definitely wnt b June

Thanks Nurul. Ya I will work "hard" in the meantime. MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Joyfully, my edd shd be the 1st week of Nov.

i1BB, good to hear that ur wound is healing nicely. BUT hor dont start to anyhow eat or drink har. Still have to take care okie. Guai hor.
Hehe Bbjourney. Yes mdm!! I wonder by 9 May I can start to indulge Abit bo... Gg bkk n it will b torturous not being Able to indulge n enjoy to the max!! Keke
Leap gal, mc n I were there this morning Leh. She was waiting for her ET n I was waiting tondo my BT. Congrats to u too!
My hcg is 479.
Blur Xuan, how r u so far?
Joyfully, my EDD is originally 7th Dec. But 1st scan shows baby growing a bit slow by 1 week. So maybe EDD will delay too.

Juvi, congratulations and take care.

Usagi, are you feeling and looking better? All the best for your interview hem
Juvi.. gratz again..

Leap gal.. gratz too.. grabbing babydust..what time are you at KK this morn, shld have told us so maybe we can meet each other. I met Juvi..lol.. so coincident that she sat right beside me and i recognise her flowery bag..

Usagi.. gd luck to yr interview ..dun feel sian.. once you got a new job, you will look forward to it.

I have been lying on the bed most of the day or sit abit at the sofa.. dunno if I can continue to nua so long on bed or not..lol..

still felt abit cramp from ER but the 热水袋 do help to release the tension abit.
leapgal wow ur HCG quite high uh...u r not doing fresh ryte tis round? As usual share wif us ur throughout journey til BFP.
Wat u did, eat n such....
Nurul, i today on medical leave.
If at work, wont get to go forums at all, work is crazy!

Leapgal, Juvi, congrats! Today is which DPO for you gals, DPO17?

Shainie, i am closely monitored by Dr Loh at his TMC clinic but i still have my case open at KKH with Dr Tan HH, seeing him once in a while only.

BlurXuan, not say not accurate, just that sometimes the nurses not forthcoming and withold info that would have been so crucial. Had they told me HCG was 20s instead of negative, i wouldnt have given up on myself.
So heartbeats.. Wat is HCG? At wat level is good?? Sorry really duno abt tis.. 30/4 m gg for BT if they say neg den its 100%? I still confuse abt ur incident.. coz not sure HCG is wat..
Dear Cool and mc_007,
The job does not sound suitable for me. Alot of Ot required even on weekend. Then I won't have time for bb. Don't think she will offer me, even if she does, I doubt I want.
Hi Luv! Starting your next cycle soon right? I'll be "monitoring" you..hehe.

I1BB, I think you have planned your break very well leh, had lap successfully done and going for 2nd (?) holiday this year soon..( *envious*. I am just sleeping my time away and getting muddleheaded...want to get rid of my sleepy bug! ). You cannot take cold & liang drinks/food for the time being..be guai.

Bigbear, made apptmt to see your doc already?

Mrs Ching, *waves*
Hope you had a good break. Are you planning next attempt? Will be rooting for you (& the rest)!

MC, congrats on your embbies good grades and successful ET! Bbjourney is right, cannot use hot compress on tummy after ET, also cannot take too hot a shower or soak in hot bath tub. However, do continue to keep yourself warm by wearing slippers and socks, long comfy pants. Remember to drink LRD, chicken essence, ensure milk and eat brazil nuts.

Blurxuan, happy birthday and may your biggest wish comes true!

Juvi and Leapgal (and other newly bfp sisters, sorry if I missed out your names), congratulations! You may like to join the MTBs and mummies at this thread regarding pregnancy related topics.
Hi Huda. It was my 2nd cycle n I did natural FET. Still left 2 frozen embbies in the storage. I conceived my boy on my fresh cycle 2yrs back. Didnt expect to be +ve also as I did not do much this time round. In fact I went back to work aft the transfer n been carrying my 13mths son most of time. Not really a good example this time tho...anyhow I 'tawakal'. Eventho its my 2nd, the feeling of anxiousness, worries, nervous, are exactly the same as my 1st cycle.
But for my fresh, I took unpaid leave n rested at home throughout the 2ww as trying to minimise walking n feeling stress at work. I believe most importantly, try to refrain from eating or drinking cooling stuffs n keep a positive mind always. Keep the womb warm by wearing socks n slippers at home, eat healthy food...n I also followed strictly on the dos n dont.

Hi MC. I reached there around 10.30 (late for my BT actually) n was in pink long sleeve blouse. U still there?

Juvi. Congrats to u too...
Angel, hahah... Glad to have you all "watching" over us..

BBjourney, concerned about you all mah, so also look see look see in the other thread lor. Heheh... ;p
Hi Prosepina. I remembered reading the list from an excel table in the last 2 yrs post. My cycle buddies that time was Pandawife, Faith NM, Tickles n many others. Maybe we can still find it in the early 2010 thread. Will try to search for it n post it here.
Blur xuan, yesterday what did u test shld b progesterone test. To see whether ur support is sufficient. Bhcg is the test to see whether u r pregnant.
I1BB, Angel...thks for yr advice..will take note..

Leapgal...i am still there but can't rem seeing u...a lot of ppl..

any sister know can drink those herbal chicken soup during 2ww?
Faith, can take chicken essence (without heRbs), LRD tea n brazil nuts during 2ww. Can also take fish essence and walnuts, but remember brazil nuts n walnuts can be v heaty so take 3 or 4 per day will do. Also remember to drink more water, hv a positive mindset and stay stress free.
MC, cannot drink herbal soup. Ginseng and Dang Gui are two big NO NO for pregnant women, and they are commonly found in herbal soup. These herbs have 活血 effect which might lead to miscarriage.
Joy: ok cos I also hear another friend say clots should not be big? ya, I have painful cramp, urge to sit in toilet to clear (but nothing to clear le; dont know what's going wrong there), backache, headache, dizzy and all. So I have to live with pain killers during AF.

Hi hi luv and angel, I will reward myself Abit but will try to stay away from Liang things lor... Means I cnt drink my fav coconut drink in bkk

Yo Nurul, ya extra hard it is!! Lolx
