IVF/ICSI Support Group

Sarah, I have pretty good impression of dr hh tan, beside he is good looking haha, he gave assurance when I did ET, I was very nervous during the process, he cracks jokes with me to help me to relax and chit chat with me and my DH. The process went on smoothly withnin 15 mins. There's some negative feedback about him in the forum but personally I only met him twice at ER and ET, I can't comment much though but overall he is ok.

I was with dr loh last yr sept but we postponed the ivf to this year cos of my work commitments. But when we decide to do this yr, he already resigned, initially I was upset that it's not dr loh cos alot of pple say he has the 'magic hand' I wanted to changed to TFC but my hubby say give dr. Tan a chance.

Sisters.. M having tis cramp n sharp pain below my stomach area.. is it normal?? Went out today to KK n walk a bit.. So scare now.. Pain n oso headache..
Congrats Juvi. Catch ur baby dust.

Juvi and Elaine we are with same Dr.

Im just not feeling well today. It just 9dpt and a light spotting appear. Still hold the hope. Last pregnancy Im spoting like this too. Only can pray everything goes well.
Ladybuggy, look forward to your gd news... going out for a breather is gd, at least no stress, can take mind off.. another few days more!Jia you!

Juvi, thanks for your sharing,really feel happy for you.. after grad from here, must still come back "see see" us ok..

blur xuan, think it could be ur embbies trying to fit comfortably, so maybe cramps. Don;t overthink too much or stress yourself. Headache and cramps can also be side effect from the progesterone. Just try to rest more for the rest of the 2ww.

Shainie, light spotting can be implantation. Keep your faith, as long as not increasing, if spotting does continue, do call your hospital ok. Bed rest and jia you! Less than 1 wk more to go..
Shainie, try to bed rest n dun move too much ok. It could b implantation spotting.

Ladybuggy, I meet dr tan once last yr after my failed cycle under dr loh. I found him quite friendly but still a bit worry for the ET. But will trust him n hv faith on him.
Ladybuggy, Bigbear, no nice of you gals to remember us too! Jiayou ok!

Juvi, PTL!
Today is dpet14? Your HCG level looks good. KKH always like to have above 250 on dpet16 so by fri you would have more than passed their requirement! Congrats!
Xuan, u better rest more n dun walk around too much these few days lah. How many days aft transfer now?
Ladybuggy, my case similar. I hv been seeing Dr Loh n by e time we decide to IVF in Nov, KKH refused to take on new case Liao so Dr Loh transfer me to Dr Tan. I stayed on w KKH cos wanna use e govt subsidy n I'm a civil servant so better.
Shainie, bed rest if possible k?
Mc, for e first week, my MIL brought lunch n dinner over for me. I went out w my fren for lunch only in e 2nd week cos need to take a breather lah. My fren would pick me up n send me back home as I was forbidden to drive.
Friday I will pop in abt 915 to wish u well k? U must call out to me hor. I will reach Kk around 8 n hv breakfast there first.
Thank q juvi for your sharing. Enjoy a smooth 9months ahead ya

Thanks mc for the info on the tummy warmer
Xuan, these few days v crucial hor, cos hatching n implantation so best is rest at home n dun walk too much. If possible, wear long pants n wear slippers at home. I know of sisters who wear socks to bed too. Also try not to have sudden action, like getting up from bed, get up slowly, likewise for sitting k. Imagine ur womb a ship n ur embbies in it, dun rock too much let they get dizzy n can't find e right place to latch on
Depressed gal: Hi! Overall I think IVF not very painful lah, the jabs are quite okay. Most painful is on the wallet
Yeah need to go hospital every few days for scanning and blood tests.
Xuan, it's ok to lie on e sides dun worry. I am a side sleeper too. I think best is wear pants to sleep. I wore long pants thru out n those bedroom slippers at home cos e Han qi will going into our system thru our feet.
Happy pinky, I drink Similac mum. My fren pass me some sample packs to try e test n I prefer Similac.
as for e embbies, the hospital will rank e quality of our embbies from grade 1 to 5 where 5 is e best. But dun despair over it lah, it doesn't really matter between grade 4 or 5.
Hi depressed gal, initially I thought e jabs will b painful but it helps if u hv a spare tyre like me haha. I know God gave me e fats for a reason! I prefer to jab myself as I will know which spot is e least painful, then as e days go on, u will get e hang of it. U will need to go back for at least a few times for blood test n learning on how to do e jabs, then followed by scans for ur follicle growth.
Actually I'm gg thru IUI but seem to fail dis cycle. Wonder shall I go for 1 more try or go straight to ivf. Hubby sperm count, mortality n morphology all way below ave. what advice can u all give me? I'm sick of pain n worry bout ER n ET coz think of d needle
Thanks Juvi, the information given by you seems to give us hope

Blur xuan and Shainie, it really may be due to implantation if you are feeling a bit unwell. Sleep earlier tonight ya?

Hi Depressed gal, I feel that IVF process is not very scary. The more scary part is when waiting for result in 2ww. And yes, I must agree with Juvi that I appreciate my tummy fats more during IVF. Lolx.
Chevy, can check with you if u go to Dr Zou on a weekday or weekend? Is the wait very long? I went there before but stopped after the 3rd failed FET. Too disappointed to carry on that time. Now, thinking of gg back to try again or to try the TMC de (recommended by Juvi).
Depressed gal, for ER, u will be sedated so u won't know anything. For me, the only pain from the ER was when e nurse keep asking me to move further down on e chair, wanting me to open wider BUT im not so flexible loh, plus e fact tt i am tall. Wah! I even told e nurse if I hv known earlier, I would hv do some stretching before tt! Lol. For ET, it's a very simple procedure without any needles.
To all e sisters, I always share w my frens tt really the whole process is not scary. We must not let fear overtake us n stop us from going forward in realizing our dream. And I always make light of the whole thing, like my spare tyre is my buddy

I even find my sudden outburst of tears funny cos I am usually a v calm person. The funniest part was my tears rolling down n my mind was asking what e heck was this all about? Why was I crying?
We all react differently cos our body r different. What's impt is ur spirit... If u r badly affected w mood swings n all, sometimes your mind can help to control it if u tell ur body to. Mental strength is very impt here..... Pray.... I hv several prayers I used from a Christian book.
Hi Cas, Chevy and Jeanne,

Just went to meet my job agent, going interview this friday which I am totally not prepared. I felt like quitting first but after 2 rounds of IVF, my bank is dry. Sob Sob. I still feel in depression mode. Hate the work, the endless boliao meetings conducted by XXX just to fill his work time. XXX fakely ask me how am I when he saw me today. Then still insisted to put me in the same project without regards for my feelings. I feel like tender.......................but no $$$$
If I changed job, then i can't start my 3rd round so soon...I hate it. I stayed in my current firm so long coz I was comfortable until this straw man XXX came. XXX is just lucky to be XXX post lor. He dun deserve the post at all. He is the main reason why i want to go. I am very unhappy.
Thanks to all sister. Hopefully it's implantion spotting. Get to know that FET implant late compare to fresh.
Blood is really freaking me maybe due to previous experience.

Good nite all.
Usagi, you sounded really unhappy. Tried to pm you but unable to. Which industry you are looking at?

Prosepina, I managed to find the number earlier. Tmc's tcm : (65) 6350 8850.
Juvi, congrats! Nice to hear good news here!!!
Thanks for sharing too

Hi Cas, me just made appt to see Dr Zou this sat. My first appt.

Btw, when do we need to start putting warmer on our tummy?

"wave" to heartbeats...like long time no see. Hope you and your little one are very fine!
Hi Usagi, I empathise with u fully. It sux totally to b stuck in a job where one doesn't enjoy. Making it worst is to face some smart aleck idiots. Have you discuss it over wif ur hb? I do remember u saying he wasn't quite supportive of ur bb quest. Maybe it's time to re-visit and explain your feelings/thots to him?
Hi Chevy,

Ya, he didn't want to waste the $ and he was right. I wasted 2 rounds due to bad luck. But he did express willingness to try natural with me.

But i dun ovulate, then his sperms not much. Dr did say our chance to conceive naturally is only 3%.

But if I change job, I would not be able to try so soon as I would have to pass the probation period which is ok as well since I need time to rest my body and save $. Now I am so tired. Haven go to see my interview co on friday. To go interview is scary and tiring. My job agent says I look tired. I do feel tired from the failed cycles, the tight deadline now and having to face XXX.
Hi Juvi, I really envy ur discipline leh! Lying on bed for 1 wk! I get so restless lor hahahaaa..... I did use my iPad for movies too but I find myself tensing my tummy area unwittingly when I'm propped up against the pillows. Actually, I seem to do it quite often. Just can't relax.... Hiaz......

Ur breakfast notable sounds like a good idea. May I know where can I get 1?
Bigbear, y dnt u just go n c yr Gynae ASAP n check what's wrong. Mayb get some meds to induce... Can understand yr anxiety n pek chekness. Hugs
1BB, thank! Though very unlikely to be pregnant, I don't know why I still have this little hope inside me, could it be miracle, wish I could be that lucky. Am in self deceiving mode..... Will wait for another week before seeing doc. Also don't wanna waste uncessary money.

Still got 4 packs of TCM herbs to be taken during AF and now dare not take.
Hey Usagi, money can always be earned but ticking of our biological clock cannot be rewind. Actually I procrastinated for too long b4 embarking on this journey. 1 thing is I'm afraid of the financial burden n also I may not be able to take the emotional breakdown after 2 failed IUIs. For a while, I didn't want to admit that we have problems. After much deliberation, we decided to do it now or never and I do not want to regret later not doing anything. At least I have tried. And you know too you have tried your best. Perhaps i had disgress........ I do hope you n ur dh can work it out n walk holding hands down the road. No one can give a perfect advice on how to handle your situation. All I can say is.... Trust your heart n instinct. Move forward with courage. But first rest your body and clear your mind
Hi Givemehope, my scheduled appt last Sunday was 12 but waited more than 1 hr for my turn. Luckily am equipped with entertainment (ifone!). Hope you find a suitable Tcm soon
Big bear,
After my failed fresh, my menses was late 4 more than 1 mth. Went 4 scan n angela found a cyst. Dunno is tat e cause. Anyway was given medication to take 4 abt 3wks to shrink e cyst n regulate e cycle. Menses came abt 5 days aft I finished e med. In fact my menses for failed cycle was oct n e next time I c e evil witch was Jan.
Doudou, after your failed cycle, did your menses came on that mth and then following mth delayed or after failed cycle your menses did not come at all till Jan? Am starting to get worried now.....may be I should go back see my ivf dr. thank
Thanks sis.. Slept early yday.. skipped my dinner but feeling better now.. gg KK ltr fr BT hopefully gt enuff support no more jabs or medicine..
Depressed gal.. its not scary.. before u start IVF one councillor will b toking to u.. most important is positive mindset which all e sisters here gave us n support frm everyone.. u r not alone.. injections r pain but nt v pain u will get used to it v soon as e needles r v fine.. juz poke at e fats area its nt painful. Ltr Stage like ER is more terrible for mi but it depends on one self some sis ok coz fr mi is too many eggs..but rest a day ok le. I took no pay leaves juz to do IVF. Coz i wan fully concentrate on tis so no stress...

Ask u ladies, do u all go straight to ivf or u all did few cycles of IUI first before start on ivf journey?

I already went for ivf consulting before and my gynae ask me to try IUI first so now consider shall I startup ivf journey.
