IVF/ICSI Support Group

I start IVF straight away.. Coz need to spend $$ oso Y not choose the one wif higher chance.. But if ur case is not too serious can try IUI.. IUI i tink no gov subsidies is it??

Chevy, the breakfast table I bought fr Ikea, red in color n has foldable legs. Not sure if they sell tt anymore. Or u can try shops like Japan home, they hv those too but with cute pictures.
Blur Xuan, good luck for ur BT today, if progesterone level low, they will give u oral tablets to support.
Prosepina, if u r asking abt my accu package, after ET, I went to do accu only on the same day scheduled for me to do BT at Kk cos I dun want to go out before tt.
Blur Xuan, gynae didn't say anythin wrong wif me, is juz tat my hb sperm count, mortality n morphology all not gd. In my case, do u all advice me to go ivf?

I juz failed my IUI cycle... =(
Depressed gal: I feel that no point doing too many IUI. I only did once and moved on. Actually IUI is only good for people who are fertile but have problem with intercourse, or (in overseas) for lesbians using donor sperm :p

Like Blur_Xuan said, I'd rather spend the money on the one with much higher success rate, which is IVF.
Nurul, currently my hb is only taking megaman from GNC and CQ10. He only just started taking the supplement for about a month. For myself, I'm taking prenatal supplement from GNC.

I had already been TTC for about 1.5 yrs, me n hb tried all ways to get pregnant and even went to c TCM...but it don't seem to help us

That y went to c doc n she suggested me to try IUI first. Unfortunately, it also don't seem to work for me. Guess u all have a point in that I shall opt for one with higher chance of getting pregnant coz I'm not young anymore.
depressed gal: how many times have u tried IUI? personally I've tried 3 x IUI and finally conceded to IVF. For me, some of the considerations are:
- time
- money
- IVF is not 100%, what if I fail? What's next? (somehow when I did IUI, there seems to have an invisible safety net, i.e. IVF, that I can go to if I fail IUI <-- skewed theory, I know)

Most important is you must be physically, mentally, emotionally and financially ready.

Have been missing this thread for a while, to those who have BFP, congrats! to those who didn't, *hugz*, especially Usagi, you are a strong lady. I really hope you and dh can come to a mutually agreed decision soon. Whatever the route is, he is still the one who will be with you for life.
Chevvy, totally agree with you on the career advise to Usagi. To me, family first then work..we can earn back the $ but not the time..

U can get the table from Ikea, they are still selling it. In fact now got more colors, i saw purple colors
biggly, i only did once for IUI and is a natural process without any medication and i read that the success rate is only 4%. IVF to me seem to be the last option bah. Hb mentioned before worst to worst, it will only be me n him but then i feel it b like a incomplete family. Whenever I c my friends with their kids, i oso wish n hope it will be my turn soon coz i love kids.

Now me and hb are getting very tired of the same results every month. Bcoz of TTC, we seem to be having problem. Less communication bet. us and even when BD, it is like a routine job for us...haiz...really getting emotional now...

Going back to my gynae on 30 Apr and from there will have to decide whether to go for IUI or jump straight to IVF. Can I ask u all whether is it the first time u all try IVF? Anything u all need to take note during the process of IVF? Any stuff to eat to build up the body before IVF and after IVF? Or any food to avoid? Sorry for so many quest coz wanna get myself ready for this road
Depressed gerl me too hv been TTC for e 5 past 5 years. Had 2 miscarriages 3 years back. My DH currently on Vigor Ace, Tribestan n Folic Acid for supplement. He has been taking it for e last 4 months. Now I can onie hope n pray for e best cos theres n improvement in his SA. For me I m fine.

Btw how old r u? I decided to try IVF cos I dowan to waste any more tyme cos me myself is not getting any younger. Furthermore, I'm taking tis step bravely just for DH. He yearns towards children. Even my injection is done by him cos I m a needle freak.
depressed gal: think ur gynae will be the best to advise you. my gynae told me to try ivf after my 2 failed IUI but coz of the concerns stated above, I tried one more round IUI, in the end, my cycle went haywire, AF came 4 days after IUI. That was the last straw for me. My gynae did say he had a couple who refused ivf due to religious reasons, tried 6 IUIs and finally succeeded.
Blur_Xuan: Why do u need to take no pay leave for ivf? i tot there's HL given by hospital?

Depressed gal: If you have no problem ovulating (since gynae didn't say anythin wrong wif u), why not trying IUI 1st. although IVF is not scary, but there wil be alot of hormones introduced to the body. you may also consider TCM &amp; acu which would help to improve ur body considtion for lining &amp; implantation.

before i embark ivf, i took 2 IUI, as my gynae recommended it for lower cost since i was ovulating (tested by ovulation test kit). after 2 failed IUI, my gynae then recommended me for ivf ICSI (sperm quality not gd). I have been TTC for 5 yrs, and ivf is really like the last resort.

btw, i think there are diff kinds of IUI. the one i tried before involves no injection or stim. only wash hb sperm and put in the uterus on the day when ovulation test is +ve. it cost <$200.
I heard from one of my fren who had problem ovulating, her IUI in KKH needs injection to stim ovulation, which cost $1-2K. Her 1st IUI failed, but soon after IUI she conceived naturally. So dun give up, and keep on trying.
anyway, it depends on individual situation, and u may want to consider ur age and the time u could wait for TTC, my suggestion is to try IUI 1st. If IUI really couldn't work for u, then u can still try ivf. just my 2 cents.
Nurul: same same here. my ivf injection was done by dh too. after my 1st failed ivf, we stopped for 3 yrs, cos dh dun wan me to go thru all the injection again. we nvr stop trying naturally, but really had no luck. now as the bio-clock ticking, i'm prepared for 3rd try as soon as I'm allowed to (waiting for dr review). r u going to try ivf again?
stickybb..u can buy from gmarket..$1 for 1 and buy 3 get 1 free. i used it and results is ok.

juvi...i also got the red breakfast table leh..i use it for my laptop to watch drama...hope to see u tml but not sure will reach by 9.15 or not cos my appt is at 9.40am..mus reach very early to wait?

usagi..rest well today and look gd for yr interview tml...

blur..rest well..cycle buddy..:)

sarah, the maca brand is Now. u can find it at nature's farm..orange color bottle.

i jus came back from dr zou. feel so much better after the acupuncture session..dr zou advise to put hot water bag on tummy to 驱风。。
Depressed girl, I know it's tough making the decision wether to continue with iui or go straight to IVF. We hv been TTC for 4 yrs, I'm 38 n my DH 40. No major prob, except DH's Quality not so good. I struggled w e decision of IVF cos My perception then was tt it's not natural. I didn't understand the whole process tt's y I had tt wrong perception. After knowing more abt the whole process n spoke to some of my frens who had done it successfully, I realized tt it's really just assisted. Man n science can only do so much n e rest is really up to God. If u r younger, ur body may respond better to the process as compare to older couples.
But of cos before u embark on it, both u n ur hubby must prepare emotionally n mentally. Money wise, giving the govt subsidy n medicate deductions, doing in govt hospital is not as expensive.
Why not try doing acupuncture to help u n ur hubby now?
depressed gal, each one of us here have our own story to tell, most importantly is what you must prepared to go for it by understanding more of the whole ivf procedure. Actually this forum help me alot since my ttc period for these 6-7 years, i have many good friends from the forum over the years and most of them are mummies already, im the unfortunately ones that are not preggie yet. I have been to many fertility docs from raffles hospital to Thomson medical and now to KKIVF. I did not do any rounds of IUI but i have done 2 rounds of clomid under LC Cheng, TMC but it doesnt work out cos of poor sperm quality. FInally i picked up the courage to go ahead with IVF, im not young already, this yr 35, my DH 41. Both of us dun have any major probs, its unexplainable infertility. Go for it if you think its time, never try you never know the outcome.
Depressed girl: I understand how you feel, BD becomes not enjoyable when doing for a 'purpose' especially when fail month after month. My gynae said a lot of people have this problem, so don't feel too depressed about it. Me and DH just try to communicate and support one another.

Some people will say 'relax, go for holiday and u will strike' ... well, depends on your age and how badly u want a bb, whether in-laws giving pressure, etc. In my case I married late and don't want to delay any further. Like Prosepina said, money can earn back but bio-clock cannot be reversed.

Another thing I forgot to mention is IVF can claim medisave and have subsidies if u go to govt hospital, but not IUI.

But I also agree that IVF is not guaranteed 100% success. I'm also prepared to try a few times before I succeed. Another risk is IVF preg sometimes have a bit more complications because of twins/triplets. But it still does not deter me...coz even people who TTC naturally can have complications.
Usagi, don't be too angry, your health and well being is more important. I totally feel cos i have been through your stage a few months ago. I quit without a job and at the same time concentrate on ivf, im not young anymore, i told my hubby i just gotta gamble once though i know the outcome is unknown. My DH is a self-employed with no fixed income,finances will be tough for us but we will work together to handle it. If your hubby have fixed income, you might want to consider quitting first if you are too stressed over it. It will be better for your mind and body which i felt so.
Hi ladies, pai seh for the many posts today..
Im actually quite depressed when i wake up in the morning, i tested -ve again with 1st urine.

My heart sunk when i saw the HPT with one line only.. haiz. i was sobbing in my blanket where my DH is still snoring away. I told him the outcome of the HPT before he went out for his appt, he only trust the blood test, i pre-m him not to pin too much hope. Today is my 13dpt, it should be pretty accurate by now, my friend testing +ve on her 9dpt. But i do read on some forums that -ve HPT but beta is +ve, i do hope that i belong to this group.

The AF symthoms are getting more frequent like the cramps and backache, my whole back is aching alot more then yesterday.
Ladybuggy.. Haf faith.. I oso believe in blood test.. Sometimes its too early to tell.. Jia You!! We will pray for u and Juvi will spread her bbdust to all of us k.. Wait till blood test den tink ok.. dun worry.. all sis here support n encourage u..
Depressed gal too.. dun tink -ve k.. we always hear other ppl good news n feel stress out i understand how it feels. So we muz work double hard for our previous BB.. We will love them more n give them more love..
All sisters Let's all JIA You!! Ganbatak!!
Lady buggy, dnt b depressed. Must have faith ok. Trust only BT. Hpts r evil! Jia yo!

Depressed gal, all of us understand that kind of feeling. Cheer up.
Hello i1bb,
Long time no see! How are you feeling after ur lap? When do u plan to start ur fresh cycle? Of coz best if can conceive naturally before that la
Ladybuggy, cheer up! Hugs hugs! Dun worry abt the pregnancy test kit. One of my fren who did IVF n got twins, was tested -ve on e test kit even though the blood test is bfp.
Mc: Dun drink tt! American ginseng is cooling! Just drink chicken essence plain will do. No dan gui also.... LRD is e safest, I brew my own LRD using red n black dates, dried longan. All bought fr Yu yang sang cos it's better quality n cleaner. Rinse e dates with water first so there won't b too much sediments. I alternate LRD w chicken essence as gotta watch ur heatiness of e body too.
Ching!!! Ching!!! Haro!!!! **waving hands frantically** big bear hugs!!! How r u dear? Me feeling ok. Up n running Lo! Later go c dr for review n change dressing. My next (last) fresh shd b in oct or nov ba. Need some time to tiao back n also for tcm to work plus my thyroid meds also. Hee... U leh? How's things?
just drop by this forum to give my encouragement to all of you

Trust the blood test only.
I have tested hpt on dtp 15 and it is -ve. In fact it happened twice for both my two cycles tries.
Yet I bfp.

Stay cool and believe in yourself.
Don't give up so easily and continue fighting for your goal. God will be always there for you.

Cheers! ok!
Usagi, sorry that I could not help you, I only have lobang in Banking-sales. Understand what you are going through now, especially this period- ivf stress, work stress and financial stress. Also, we need to deal with those pple who simply do not know our flights and gossip behind our backs. Really detest such pple! Please jia you to the maximum no matter what!

Lady buggy, *sayang sayang* in life, we really can't control a lot of things. I also keep thinking n thinking y my 4th ivf was still a failure... But who can give me answer? Not even the doctors. We can only cry then accept. And Who knows? Miracles happen, we just need to trust that someday, it will be our turns.
Lady buggy, d nurse told me b4 that coz of d medication that r use in ivf, it will cause negative result w hpk n that y only blood test will give u d correct result.
Depressed gal

Yes, everyone got their stories to tell. And most of us have came so far, be it ttc for years, trying all medications and methods , and even up to the extend of having seveal miscarriages. I believed one day everyone will be mum. It's just a matter of when. I know its very frustrated waiting over and over again. U must think positive and not give up. I've heard so many cases where ladies don't give up despite years of failure even up till having going thru a few ivf cycles or a few miscarriages , ended up with twins and triplets. Having to say 'don't give up, think positive' is easy, but doing it is not. Everyone noes but still we have to brace up and do it.
Hi Big Bear, do see the doctor soon k? Do u have any big or small cramps? I am also waiting for my menses to come. So far only stains and a bit of cramps. Thinking of asking Dr Loh if menses still don't come next week. A bit impatient hor? Dunno can eat pineapple to help flush it out or not.

Thanks Chevy! I made appt to see Dr Zou next week. Thomson de is really quite expensive though I feel like trying too....
Hug hug back!!!
Glad to know that you feel ok! Which hospital will u go for ur next fresh? U still seeing dr.zhao for med &amp; dr.zou for accu?

Me ah.. Planning to do FET next cycle ba... Now seeing dr.zhao for med &amp; accu once a week lo... At the same time, I try not to stress.... Go for massage to relax also ... Hehe....But hor, I naughty leh! Still take cold drinks lo :p
I hv been away from this forum quite some time and already lost track! Wonder if there is any updates from cock cock? Was thinking how is she doing?
And I miss all those sis ( Bbjourney, Angelxuan, hope, heartbeats &amp; etc).... Hope they all doing good and their babies growing well!
Nurul huda: All the best to you!

juvi: thanks for the tips and really admire ur descipline and catching ur bbdust!

ladybuggy: keep faith and best wishes to ur BT.

dear sisters: any idea if we could take bird nest during ivf? if taking tcm during 2ww, can take chicken essense and LRD at the same time?
Ching, me same same. Seeing zhao but haven start gg back to Zou for accu. Anyway I stopped zhao's meds for awhile cos of my bkk trip earlier this mth n my lap op. I'll b gg back to c her next week. S for zou, I shd b resuming in may. I dnt knw which hospital to do my next fresh but high chance KK ba. If I decide to transfer 3 embbies (since I'll b turning 37 in Nov), then prob I'll go to Loh lor. 反正no govt grant might s well go back magic hands right! Lolx. Ai yo I oso notti la, got drink cold drinks too though I try to cut down la. In bkk I even drank ice cold blended coconut!!! Now who's naughtier?! Rofl

I oso lost track on the forum le, I do come in read sometimes but simply too many new sisters, I Abit lost track too! Heartbeats still comes in once in awhile too n gives some advices. Bbjourney Angelxuan cock cock they all I think shd b more active in the MTB thread but I know they got come in n read sometimes!
Ladybuggy, sometimes hpt cannot be trusted. Better wait for BT. Dont stress k.

Blur_xuan, the progrestrone BT is just to check the progestrone level. Don't worry. The additional med they will give u will add up ur progestrone level.
Hi Juvi, Prosepina,
Thanks for the info!

Hi Ladybugger,
You hang in there ya! All is not lost until BT

Hi Givemehope,
Hope TCM can help us
Usagi, i do not have job lobang for you, but just wanna give u a big big hugz.. **Hugz**

We understand what you are going thru, dun give up k. Hope u find a job soon..

If u hv decided that next fresh would be ur last try, then I would suggest u to transfer 3 embbies la, higher chance ma... Anyway, still abt 6ore months gor u to think &amp; think &amp; think.... Maybe when u r still thinking of all these ( which hospital? Which doc? How many to transfer? etc), u oredi strike naturally!! Hehe
Eh eh, we dun keep comparing who is naughtier la... We must jia you &amp; work hard in order to meet our old friends in another forum leh ....

To all sis, congrats to those who hv just bfp! Hugs to those failed... Let's jia you together! And for those in 2ww, stay positive &amp; hv faith in ur embbies! They can make it!
