IVF/ICSI Support Group

blur_xuan: PET D5 is important! starting of implantation. So get plenty of rest and do not lift any heavy things ah. all the best.

Egg Factory: exercise during stim period is not advisable cause as the ovaries enlarge, u may feel discomfort and there's a risk for ovry twist.

I also found this interesting theory:
Women who exercised at least four hours per week for one to nine years before IVF treatment were 40 percent less likely to give birth after their first treatment compared with those who hadn’t gotten that much exercise.

Exercising excessively—especially doing intense exercises such as running and biking—may stress your reproductive system and cause subtle hormonal alterations. These changes help “protect” your body from a pregnancy as it would have trouble maintaining at that level of activity, explains Dr. Mark Hornstein, lead researcher and clinical director of reproductive endocrinology at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, in a "U.S. News & World Report" article.
Blur Xuan: aft ur ET,Madrid e ebryologist come in to explain abt ur embbies? Mine she told me they were day2 embbies..urs most likely is day2 embbies.

Sisters, my nausea is still hanging around...n I did pregnancy test just now...n it's +ve! Tried calling kkivf to c if I can do BT tomorrow instead of Friday..... Heart thumping v hard now......
blur_xuan.. hahhaa.. too early for that la..i dont think i will test so soon, might be too early to pick it up. Juvi did her ET 2 days before me...
hihi all ..

jus out from my ER and to my surprise, they retrieve 9...my scan only showed 8 and 2 of them are small ones...so my final chionging did work..hopefully the quality r gd.

juvi..gratz on yr positive..i am with Dr Tan. u?
Hi mc, congrats on your successful ER. Im also with Dr.Tan, i called him the big eyed doc.. haha He managed to retrieved 12 from both right and left side as my sscan only show 7-8 from the right side but none on the left side.

juvi, how, kk allow to do early BT?
Aiyah MC I missed u again
I went to kk just now to do my BT, now hanging ard novena waiting for results.... *fingers croosed*
MC pray tt all 9 of them will b successfully fertilised n grow healthily k? Mine also Dr Tan. Rest well mc, continue to keep ur womb warm.
Thank you ladies! I have accepted this fate and will build up health for the next cycle.

Omg, Juvi, congrats!!! Did you lie down for the whole day after ET? Need more advices from those who got BFP...

Mel, I have tried acupuncture from Clementi and AMK then tcm from Serangoon and even Thong Ji (the longest, for slightly more than a year). Stopped the herbs after deciding to go for IVF. Now at a loss.... Seemed to have tried everything but ....

Oh btw, I only have 2day embryos transferred everytime. Dunno if can request for 3/5 day embryo tsf instead....

Ladybuggy, best of luck to you ^^
congrats Juvi, you are with Dr.Matthew Lau right?! this news indeed inspire me

Please share with us what you eat, what you do, how many jabs,how many eggs..haha..so greedy to know everything.
hi cas, soli i made a mistake. the medicine from tcm is for 1 wk, not 2....

2day is my first day back to work. so sianz......
Mc, all the best for your ET, may all your 9 turns into best grade embryos...

Usagi, Chevy, pancake and Jeanne... How r all of u?
My period came right after i stopped the inserts...this month is slightly heavier than normal but the cramps are terrible. Still considering to see tcm or not before my next try...

And to all the new ladies too, jia you for your cycle and hope we have more good news coming...
Hi Chevy, was just thinking about u and the rest.... After rest going back work is indeed tough.. So each week is around $80 for the med and acu... I'm thinking if I go, maybe only 1 month plus because I want to do fet straight after see dr next month. Still undecided... Like want to do fet asap... Then thinking if I should tiao body for sometime before I do... Torn inbetween.
Hey Cas,
I sure am feeling super duper "nua" lor! hahahaaaaa....
I was thking since my next appt is May(brought forward from June), then I might as well take this period to tiao my body first. Am not sure when can I start FET. Better get prepared first

Hi MC, may your embies turn be the best!
Hi All..thanks for all your well wishes :)

I will continue with immunocal, LRD and EW..

Anything that I need to avoid?

Juvi, yes.. I am wearing a tummy warmer at home.. so hope it helps physically to keep it warm..haha
Hi all, just reached home. My hcg level is at 179.2, so will hv to go back on Friday again for another BT

MC, r u going back for ur ET on Friday, hope to catch u then.
Prosepina, I'm with Dr Tan HH, not Matthew Lau. The good looking one haha, nice to see a good looking Gynae when u hv to endure long waits at the clinic.
As for tips, I just took eggs n LRD throughout e process. But I did acupuncture n I guess that really helped me thru e process cos I din suffer much mood swings n other side effects of e jabs. I was on e long protocol, Lucrin then puregon. My puregon dosage was 300! When I started scanning e follicles, it wasnt tt promising, scanned abt 10 but only 4 were of e suitable size. Did my acupuncture before my next scan n doc found 8. By my ER they managed to retrieve 9 out. Out of the 9, 6 were suitable, then 4 got fertilized successfully thru ICSI ( 3 grade 4 n 1 grade 3). Transferred two grade 4 n freeze the other two.
After my ER, as I was the last one, the nurse let me lie on e chair for 30 mins. For those doing to do ER, this is very impt. Aft ER, dun get up n go off immediately. If possible, insist of lying down for 20-30 mins(or until the longest time ur bladder can hold). The nurse actually tilted the chair so tt I actually lie down with my hips higher than my head.
Also dun drink too much water at home before ur ET cos u may hv to wait a long time. Just drink 1-2 cups first, then drink slowly along the way, bring along a bttle of water so u can continue e intake of water. My time there was a long wait so I had to release some water before I pee in my pants haha!
I literally lie on e bed for e first week, as tt's when e embbies r growing n implantation.
I think most important of all is to focus on e +ve, I prayed n talked to my embbies( this may sound crazy). Being positive n remain cheerful is important
even e dramas n movies I watched r all comedies n light hearted rom com.
Cas, thanks for the encouragement but I dun have positive feelings. I actually tested with those HPT but -ve, but maybe it's still early..abit bochap now haha. I'm out having tea with my hubby, later dinner and shopping with my sis.
Congrats once again juvi!

Lady buggy, stay zen.

Mc, all the best to your upcoming ET ya! Hope all your embbies Swee Swee fertilized with best grades! May I know hor, what's a tummy warmer ah? Where to buy n how much ah?
Hi Cas and Chevy, I am also planning to go for FET. But is it too late to do acupuncture if I want to do it the next cycle?

Juvi, you mean u were on bed rest for the whole week? So you watch tv from bed or really need to sleep and lie down for the whole week leh?
Hi Givemehope,
Maybe Cas, me n you can be cycle buddies

Frankly, I also not too sure when is the best time to start. Since my next appt is May, I choose to start now lor.
Basically during the first 7 days, I rest on e bed, lie on e couch n minimize my movements lah. I propped myself with 2 pillows on bed so only my head n shoulder r up to watch my iPad. I hv a breakfast table in front of me to place my iPad so it's not on my body. I also wore long pants n slippers so to keep my feet warm. As for tcm, I go to Thomson medical center's tcm for acupuncture. I started 1 month before my jabs n continued thru out e process, even during my 2ww I did twice, after e 1st 7 days.
Apart fr e folic acid, I took omega 3 fish oil n drink formula milk for mummy. I was on Similac mum. I stopped conceive well as I really cannot than e taste n smell of it, always want to puke aft tt so replaced w e folic n omega 3. I also eat apple everyday, eggs I bought those free range eggs, does taste a lot nicer than e normal ones
Yes, yes, Chevy, I hope so too ^^ This forum really brightens up my day! Should have chatted with all of you earlier

Oh Juvi, I din know that Thomson has tcm, u mean that one in Novena? How do i go about making appointment? Or I can search for it online?
Congrats Juvi!
stay rested and don't move around too much ok, no heavy stuff too...all the best for a smooth pregnancy..

Chevy, can I ask u for the acu number and address? Will try to go down next week...

Givemehope, I'm also planning my fet next month after see dr. But how the timeline is like for fet protocol, I also not sure... But maybe go acu for a month or 2 is also ok...
Hi givemehope, yes TMC has its tcm branch, one at TMC itself, 3rd floor n another one at 112 katong. The physician I see is called seah Aiwei. Both physicians there at e TMC branch r v good. However, e treatment mayb a bit ex for some. They hv e acupuncture package for IVF, 6 sessions for 400 plus, however, DBS n pops bank credit cards got 15% disc now so it's 300 plus aft discount. U can search online for e number to call for appmt.
Nurul: both me n DH has no big prob in TTC, so it's a case of unexplained fertility loh. I made my hubby took zinc n selenium to boost his sperm quality. Both from GNC
Cas, I will stay zen till next tues

Luv, I'm not giving up yet, just wanna get out of the house and get a breather. I have been lazing around on my bed and couch for the pass 12 days, time to go out for a breather if not I will go crazy staying at home.

juvi...thks for yr tips...but how abt yr breakfast and lunch? do u go out and eat? my ET at 9.40 on Fri..wat time is ur BT?

my tummy warmer is like a tube top but u wear it ard yr tummy..it dun produce heat but i felt it trap our body heat..wool texture. i hv been wearing it daily at night or when i am home during weekend. i buy it from uniqulo. less than $20..can't rem exact price as i buy long time ago.

i know some sister use towel to wrap ard tummy..i felt this tummy warmer more convienient.
