IVF/ICSI Support Group

Sarah and Usagi thank you.

Sarah I thaw 2 transfer 2. Both grade 3 b4 thaw and also grade 3 after thaw. 7 & 5 cell embbies.

Ya Juvi, was told to come back for scan tmr. If the rest still dun grow then got to forgo the largest one. Hope they grow grow grow ... Have being gg for scan and review since jabs except weekend.. My partner covering my duty already black face le
Hi Ladies, im having some dull pains and cramps at my v area last evening and this morning. Its pretty uncomfortable, gotta keep laying on bed. Im now only at DPO4, abit early for implanting right. I keep having the pulling pain like a few sec and cramps at pelvic area.

Pancake, all the best of your ET today, all will be fine!

Juvi and Shannie, welcome to 2ww, more gals are joining in for the 2ww

Babylew, today is your 2nd scan already? Rest well and take more protein stuffs, the eggs will grow well. My small ones managed to catch up after my 2nd scan, during my final scan, only managed to see 4 matured ones on my right ovaries all the others are still below 16mm but during the ET, i managed to retrieved 12 matured eggs both from left and right side. I think acupunture helped the eggs growth too, i went for acu 3x before my ER to stimulate the eggs and the lining

Usagi, what other dramas to watch? Im running out of dramas to watch haha.
Hi Ladybuggy,
U can try mc's recommendation - 最佳爱情, love rain or fashion king.

Currently, I am watching 医生冠军 which i dl b4 city hunter. Another nice one is prosecutor princess, but I find the latter parts of the drama draggy. But overall, nice!
Hi all
BT out result negative ... Thanks for all your support and caring ... Just need to try again , my doctor said can try on the next cycle or when ever am ready.
For me I am quite ok because I can manage better than miscarried last year .. My husband said it' s not time yet will be our time soon
For these who 2WW. Relax is most importance and sometime is can't tell that whst's went wrong it just body can't accept it yet

Good luck everyone will update once I start Next cycle
Hope to be soon
Hi Babylew, I was doing acupuncture during my whole process so I def think it helped a lot cos when I did my last scan, doc said I only hv 4 of the right size while e rest was still abit small...but when I did my ER 3 days later, manage to retrieve 9 follicles. So stay positive ya!
Gals, in prepn for my 2ww, i actually rented like 8 books to read....and also all the k-drama i wanna watch....but a few days later i got bored....cos so used to working n suddenly u hv nothing to do.....today is my D7 of my 2ww n I went out for lunch n dessert. Came home happy n satisfied
Im going into KKIVF tomorrow morning for my blood progesterone test in the morning...anyone going there?

Take a well-deserved break and relax yourself to start again k, this time u sure can make it =)

Hope so too.. din go for TCM, but will eat more EW and protein food... i m planning to watch all movies I missed during the 2ww.. but will ease my bored =)
juv...i am gg tml morn for scan..maybe we will meet each other ^o^

babylew, how long hv u started jabbing? dun worry..u hv so much follicles, sure hv some who can make it de.. lining at 4.5, i dunno gd or bad, if u let me know today is how many day of stim, i can help u ask dr zou later.

happypinky...thanks ;-) hope my scan tml will be better...need test ovulation tml too...so fast meh?
Pancake, big hugs. Hope you are ok.. Have a break and start again once u are ready! Jia you...

Welcome Shainie and juvi to 2ww...all the best!

Jeanne, Chevy, Usagi... How are u girls so far? Another 5 more days to BT right...anxious?
Anything different?I'm stil having a bit cramps so just hoping hard menses don't come! Other than cramps, nothing much...
mc and babylew.. All the best for your scan... May you have lots of good sized follicles!

Ladybuggy, how are you? Hope you are not having anymore pain or uncomfort... Call ur centre if you still not feeling well.. Sometimes it may be due to the inserts?
mc, u so fast test for ovulation? That meant your follicles are of good size. All the best tomorrow.

Pancake.. don't be disappointed. Try again. I am sure all of us can make it one day. Jia you.
What is scitropin for? Prob ll c Angela aft 24th. She's flying off on e 17th.. Whole of this wk aftnoon she goin jb 4 case.

Hubby bot e dhea off e shelves fr pharmacy.which part of states yr hubby goin 2? If NYC can get fr duean reade, SFO can get fr Woolworth . Super cheap. U can get e coq10 fr there. Guys encourange to take too.

Rest n recuperate well. Jiayou again once u r ready!we ll get our bfp as long as we remain positive n hv faith!
Hi Cas,
Nice to hear from you. Yes, pretty nervous is only 5 more days! I am so glad that we made it to 10th, a double digit. I got no symptoms. Just only hope no menses. Gets worried enough to check in toilet if I have slight discharge.
How about Jeanne and Chevy?
babylew..i jus check with dr zou and she say 4.5 is abit too thin..try increase yr Protein in take...i m low in amh so hv been taking lots of protein now..u got go tcm? dr zou say lining can tiao de

btw, Dr zou say my lining 7 is ok..lucky..i scare too thick some more..
pinky and luv...i also dunno why so fast they ask me test ovulation..today only cd6 leh..the dr say will need to jab to stop ovulation if test positive..but i think too fast le lah..

dr zou say maybe becos i am on short protocol, so harder for them to control..scare the response become too fast..
Ladybuggy, how r u feeling now? If not better call the center n check w them.. The embbies will hatched out n latch on day 5 onwards.
Mc: what time will u b there? I should b there around 8 plus 9 ba. I must hv breakfast first before my blood test. The prob is they always hv difficulty locating my veins, say my vein very thin.
U c a tall short-hair lady with glasses, carrying a bag with many flowers....tt's me
juvi..i am planning to reach by 7.30am to get Q no. cos still need to go to work after that..will call u if i see someone like u..
Hi ladies,

I'm doing my first IVF (ICSI) this cycle. Short protocol. Been on Puregon and Orgalutran jabs, ER soon. Also doing acupuncture.

Hope to make friends here as I don't know anyone who did/is doing IVF.

Best of luck to everyone and hope that this is the month for all of us!
joyfully, I bought immunocal last week. Was thinking of starting on it when I am nearing my 2nd stage. So maybe I'll just have 2 to 4 EWs plus immunocal. Adequate?

Mummyexcited, Tanglin flea is good if you are not asking too much for your clothes. I sold mine not more than $5 per pc.... manage to sell almost all.
They will buy but they want it cheap cheap.

BabyLew, all the best for your next scan.
Cas, Usagi,
Quite fine actually. Boobies not as sore liao. Occasionally cramps. That irritating pimple still there but not as big as before

Glad you ladies are doing good!

Cas, your BT is only 5days away ah? Dun thk too much. Stay relax hor.

How's Jeanne?
cas and juvi.. thanks for the concern, im feeling much better the dull pain is gone but i still get abit of discomfort on my left side after i pee. I will call kkivf tomorrow to ask them, hopefully its because of the inserts.

juvi, ohh.. your ET is 1 day earlier den me, im going for the blood test on thurs. I also have the prob of locating the veins, i always have to take breakfast first if not drink hot water. There was once, the nurse even asked me to walk under the sun for 15mins, immediately, they are able to find the veins, try this method if they cant find again.

doudou, i went to Zou sinseh at AMK, quite a no. of sisters here consulted her.

mc007, because for short protocol, some pple tend to ovulate early after a few jabs. Like my friend, she did short protocol, she ovulated after a 2-3days of jab, she gotta abandon the whole cycle. She is very upset that the nurses at kkivf didnt inform her earlier on.
usagi, i will watch fashipn king and rooftop prince. Im now watching the taiwanese drama, but pretty slow. So fast your BT is only 5 days away. Mine still far far away, you will be doing BT on Day15? hmm.. im doing mine at Day 17.
Thanks Chevy

I have a question about progesterone pessaries and hope someone can help. I used the pessaries with SO-IUI last time but my period came on time - I thought it is supposed to delay my period. This time IVF I don't know if I should take injections instead as I'm not sure if the pessaries actually supply me with enough progesterone. Anyone knows about this?
Hi Ladies,
This is my second day of Lucrin. Still very clumsy with the jab. Lol. Can I ask what is the proper way to dispose the used stringes?
Ladybuggy: thanks for ur advice. Am def gonna do tt!
Kittykatty: u may wanna use plastic bttle like Meiji milk container tt has a relatively big opening than those 1.5l plastic bottle.
Hi egg factory
I suppose yr doc ll decide e best option. Which ivf centre r u with?
When I was with Kk. Was given only pregnyl jab cos only 10 eggs retrieved. For those ladies who produce more, they ll b given inserts. My menses came 1day b4 bt.
2nd attempt at care, given max support. Jab n inserts. Menses only came aft stop all inserts.

Wat I did was dispose it in used soft drink bottles or any transparent big container. Once it's full, put it in clear bag so tat whoever clearing e refuse can c e content n avoid hurting themselves. Hope it works!
Thanks mc for checking
today already my d6, n the nurse also said my lining abit too thin..
Tmr afternoon I gg down for 2nd scan, hope the lining had thicken.. Will increase my ew le.. Do u know if taking brazil nuts helps??
Mc, no worry about the ovulation test. My last cycle was on short protocol as well. And my er is on day 8, shorter than the supposed 10 days. Just leave the decision making to the Dr. Relax. I believe you are in good hands.
Thanks ladies for your tips!

Nurul: 8 more days comes very fast...and is your turn liao :)

Kitty Babby: That's great...we start same day of Lucrin. And, both our names have "Kitty". Wah....really co-incident ya. Lol.
Let's Jia You!

Good Luck everyone!
Hi Usagi... Me too.. Wil feel like checking because of my cramps. It's getting more and more like menstrual cramps and I'm having a bad feeling about this. Hope I'm wrong...

Chevy... Yours not the same as Usagi and Jeanne on 16? Mine is 17 so 6 more days... Still feel very far away as anything can happen.. So pretty anxious. Don't worry, the pimple wil be gone soon!

Ladybuggy, glad u are feeling better.. Do check if stil feel umfortable ok. Sometimes could be the inserts or could be your body reacting to your embbies!
Happypinky, I am not sure abt other place. But the sale is only made available on level one of novena square, not on the watsons store on 2nd floor. So it may only be limited to the novena sq.
Doudou, I think scitropin should be just another type of GH jab. It is more convenient as compares to Saizen Which requires different syringes. For scitropin, the jab comes in pen form, no need to mix the solution, and is more handy in size.

Thanks for the info on DHEA. My DH is flying off to orlanda. But think will stop over SF on his flight back. But becos he is flying off in Jun, and my IVF also scheduled in same mth, might be too late to take the medication Liao.

Ya, I am also asking my hubby to take immunocal and coq10 to improve on his sperm quality.
Hi Foufou, I rem reading from another sister that it is best to start taking immunocal 2 to 3 months before ivf. Then when nearing to stimulation stage, some may take up to 3 packets.

Think it depends on your personal health condition ba. In my case, as my AMH Reading is not gd, plus GH level very low. Hence, I am taking one packet daily now. Also ask my DH to try taking it once every 2 days.

gd luck minnie...hv more more egg

babylew, keep us posted and gd luck

happypinky..thanks ya

both kitty and nurul...welcome cycle buddy
