IVF/ICSI Support Group

Doudou, I actually asked my Dr do I require to do GH test or other test, he advise me not necessary. As what mentioned by joyfully before different Dr may have different practice. Though confuse abt the diff requirement, we must choose to trust our Dr. By doing so will put our mind at ease.

Hi Ladies..

Usagi.. thats a motivating news for us, especially during the 2ww. Oh my..the time passes so slow during 2ww. Today is only my day3 of 2ww and im already bored haha..im watching kpop variety shows, kpop music shows.. talking to my ex-colleugues and friends on msn to kill my boredom. Sometimes i wish i can go back to my mum 's place to enjoy her TLC but she stays too far from me.

Chevy, are you also having the progesterone inserts? Do you have those white creamy discharge from the inserts, just now i want to poo poo den i saw a far bit of amt flowing out, i scared the med go wasted.

Joynfaith, i only did acupunture and no tcm med during the stims. But she did mention to me b4 that its good to combine both but most gyneas advise not to therefore she will not give any tcm med to her patients incase anything happens, the gynea will blame the tcm sinseh.

Times crawls. Everyday, I am counting down, hoping for the best. I am staying at my parents' house. Otherwise hubby at work and I will be all alone at home.
Dear sisters who r currently in 2ww, I know time crawls and everyday is a torture cos yr mind will keep wandering helplessly looking out for any symptoms & even if no symptoms, yr mind will still wonder and think alot.... easier said than done, but try, not to think too much. Keep yourself occupied by going out hi tea with pals, go cafe read book, watch tv series best is watch comedies to kill time ya! Jia Yo!
Ladybugger, yepz, am using inserts too. The whitish stuff I believe are the remains from the casings. I also got colourless discharge quite often. Dun worry too much okie....
Sarah, I am planning to take Coq-10. But I saw there is 2 option selling in Utility. One is 50mg and the other is 150mg. Actually, how much mg is required?

Any sisters taking that too? Can advise how much mg?
Happy, At1st I taking 150mg but now I change it to 75mg. 50mg normally ppl will take 2 capsules. Actually for 150mg is normally for those elderly or who have heart issue. But can see that lots IVF sisters take 150mg.
Hi HappyPinky and Sarah, I read from one of the sisters that she consume 150mg per day, and increase to 300mg during stimulation.

Have just bot the Blackmore 150mg to try out today.
Hi all,

Am new here. Am due to start natural FET next month with Dr SF Loh at TMC next month - does anyone have any experiece at his new clinic/ novena FC? Of particular concern is how does the A&E work at the new place (below will give you an idea of why A&E is so impt)

Had my first boy through IVF1 with Dr Loh (@ KKH) in 2011 + saw Dr Zhong @ EYS Paragon whilst doing the previous IVF. i had OHSS with IVF1 (hospitalised entire 2ww to drain fluids from my body) + super unstable preg (bled the entire 36 weeks and had weekly jabs + daily hormonal pills support entire time) - was in/out KK all the time from day 1 of ER.

Thanfully, baby was born 36wk+6d (but he has cogenital PDA).
Hi pinky, think a lot of sisters are taking the 150mg for coq10 when ttcing. But once when bfp, better check with gynae on the supplements which you are taking.

The sister who posts on her supplement intake during ttcing, took it even though she is pregnant. But if I rem correctly, only until 1st tri. But still good to check with gynae. Also, I am unsure of her intake patterns once bfp. Can only rem the ivf journey part. Cos she is my inspiration!!!

Just for sharing, she took immunocal, coq10, royal jelly, folic acid, chicken essence and vit c. You can google singapore motherhood post on 15 Apr by Pandawife.

Hope the above info helps.
Joyfull, u mean pandawife with triplets..
Know her when 1st time Im doing fresh in 2010. She got her triplets with FET @ CARE if Im not mistaken.
Had a busy weekend... went to Tanglin Flea to make some money... hee...

BabyLew, me on long protocol. Dun worry, the will be growing well! Was thinking how to consume so many EWs when at work.

i1BB, thanks for your well wishes. Me only starting Lucrin this thurs.

Ladybuggy, think I was at KKH abt 9.30am...

Kittykatty, you are brave. Me has been thinking & thinking but have not make an appt.

To all sistas on 2WW, all the best!
wow...coq10 need take 150mg arh..i am only taking 90mg per day...will up dosage tml..

feel slightly bloated despite taking 10EW..hope it is a gd sign..will know the outcome tml...
Fou Fou, I eat 2 half-boil egg for breakfast at toastbox, cook 4 eggs in the morn and bring to office to eat. Night cook another 4 eggs to eat for dinner.
mc_007, thanks for the suggestion. Will also eat the EWs from the Killiney near my office in the morning then. The ones you cook in the morning and evening are boiled eggs?
Fou Fou, I cook hard boiled egg in the afternoon and fry egg with ham at night.. diff variety lor.. or else will eat until sianz.. Fry egg is ok.. all mix together wont feel alot.. worst is hard-boil..lol..but easier to bring to office. I jus put some pepper on it.
Had my first scan today, was told that though I many eggs but only 1 is growing.
have to go back to check on my blood test before dr decide to increase my Gonal-f dosage anot...

What should I eat to make my folics grow bigger?
I did took coq10, multivit, royal jelly, omega3, whey protein during both cycles.
I dun think I took scitropin. R u taking? wat izzit 4?
Btw.. Hv u tried gettin coq10 fr amazon ?e 1 fr herb valley kind of ex. I bot mine online 3 bottles of 120tablet each for abt us$35. Hubby happened to b in state so I save on delivery. Angela advise can buy dhea fr states cos cheaper so manage to get 2 bottles of 300 tablets for us$20 !! Got 1 for 1 offer .But I dunno izzit e same as e 1 doc prescribe in sin. Curious how much they selling in sin. U might wanna google e coq10 fr amazon?
Scitropin is gh rite? I took saizen. different name ?? So u ll b takin for 3 mths too? Were u asked to take e hormone test?
Hi JoynFaith, thanks for remembering me. Hasn't been reading the thread for a few days cos am at Bangkok for a short holiday and going back to Singapore tmr. Luckily I tried means n ways to 'steal' wifi from a condo nearby today. If not, I would hv missed ur msg.

Yes, started my suprefact alrd. Been almost a week since I started. How abt u? U doing long or short protocol?
Doudou, thanks for the info. I just bought Blackmore coq10 today to try out first. My gf has some friends visiting her, and she will ask them to bring back the herb valley coq10 150mg for me by end of month. The one which you take from amazon really very worth it. But since I hv already instructed my gf, think will just stick with the purchase.

My DH only going to US in June. Wondering if can get hubby's colleague to help us buy DHEA? Which website did u buy it from?

Yup, took Saizen for past 10 days. Was given scitropin for next 2 to 3 months. Are you referring to growth hormone test? If so, yes I have taken but my reading was terrible.

When will u be going for post ivf discussion with Angela.
hihi ..jus finished my first scan..detected 4 follicles on the right and 3 on the left..largest is 9.5 and smallest is 3. hv 2 at 7.5 and lining is 7.. will need to come for scan tml again.

is lining at 7 ok? seems like quite thick at this early stg
Watsons at novena square is having up to 50% discount for Blackmore products. The watsons fair is located at the 1st floor, outside kfc.

Conceive well at 50%, coq10 at $34.50. Limited stock only. Please go grab!
Mc, did u ask the nurse for the sizes or they just informed u? They never tell me the measurement at all, only that the follicles are small.. I gg for another review now, think will ask them..
thks joyfully and usagi...i will check with dr zou tonight when i go for accup..was trying to eat red bean soup yst but sold out. why r so many ppl eating this?

babylew, i listen to wat the nurse say during the scan and during doc review, she show me the records..u can ask them so at least u hv a better idea, how many and how small is small. let us know..ok?
Mc, just had my review. I got right 10 n left 7 follicle. Largest 12, two 8 and the rest below 6. Got to forgo the largest one to cultivate the smaller ones. Lining only 4.5. Got to come back for 2nd scan tmr... Nurse said I might need to prolonged my jabs period as the rest of follicles are growing abit slow.
