IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi Usagi, we are almost same day for BT. I also wake up at midnite for these few days,I have some symptoms but think better dont bother it anymore as those symptoms are confusing ,and not guarantee with BFN/BFT as Jeanne and me discuss in earlier post.Today my ears seems quite pain and i dont know whether related with hormon or anything else. All of you spend your 2ww resting at home?

Hi Jeanne, mango my favourite fruit.Last nite my hubby eat mango and want share with me but i told him i cant eat! haha...actually not much appetite,recently eat lot of fish also,and i have one more favourite drink recently, it's strawberry milk from breadsociety,ION! haha,strawberry milk should be ok to drink,right? I drink it when it's not cool. I always emotional and mood swing easily,especially my hubby like to make me angry,and i always warn him better dont make me angry.
Hi Lavender,
Ya, I am so far still resting at home except ET and going back for blood test, I have not step out.

Hi cas, if bloated, nurse says drink more h2o. I am drinking non- carbonated 100+ per day, so not much feel. Now waiting hubby to buy me my decaf Mocha from Starbucks.

Hi Jeanne, do Watch some comedy, it will make u happier.
hi usagi..thanks for yr advice..btw, do i need to drink 2L of water daily now? read somewhr abt drinking water but cant rem.
Hi mc_ 007,

Ya, need to drink water, but i am not sure how much is enough. It will help to reduce the bloated tummy. During my stimulation, I always drink a can of 100+ after my injection. I rem the first nite, my tummy very bloated after injection of menopur. To-date I am still drinking. But I am not sure if I am taking in too much calories. Maybe water also can?

I am happy today! My idol instructor asked my hubby how come so long never see me in gym, hahah. My hubby said I on HL.
oh..100+.. actually yst after menopur, I gobbled down 5 EW.. maybe that's why I dun feel bloated. Have been feeling pretty thirsty and tired today. First time on menopur so not sure what will be its effect on me.
Hi mc_007,

Don't worry too much. Just look forward to ER and ET! Rem to stay stress free if possible. Good luck to your stimulation, hope they produce good qualities follicles and get BFP!
thanks Usagi..I am worried becos my previous IVF was cancelled due to poor response..also, I did not do much during the previous attempt..didnt really take that much eggs.

I am looking forward to my first scan next Tue..hope will have some gd news.
Hi mc_007, do rem to take more meat, fish and red bean soup. Jy!

Hi, Jeanne, Cas, Chevy n Lavender, Sianz. I started to have abit of discharge. Not sure if my menses coming, hope not! Hope is ok n can last to BT.
Hi Adeline! U may bring yr rept over to care. As long as it's within e 6 mth validity for blood test they ll accept. Juz 4 yr info e test care advised us to take r amh, growth hormone, insulin growth factor,fsh/lh/e2/prolactine/testosterone for ladies. For guys complex sperm analysis,hba,DNA fragmentation,seamen culture,sperm survival test,2x sperm freezing.
I spent abt 1800 on all e tests. I mean if elsewhere is cheaper why not. Save e money on other things since there sldn't b any difference in e result. Hope the info helps!
Hihi! I'm pretty much feeling ok except like wat I mentioned earlier...... Sore boobies, occassional cramps, thirsty. Let's JY!

Oh I just found a pimple like bump on my vulva this morning. Hope it's nothing.......

Usagi, dun read too much into the symptoms. It cld be after effects from ET? Rest well okie.....
Usagi, what kind of discharge? I also have, mainly from the inserts... But these days feel like more so also can't be sure if all is from insert or not. As I use pantiliners, only can feel its like wet.
Yeah, don't worry too much.. I know it's hard not to be thinking about it.. Another week or so! Jia you ok...

Chevy, think the pimple like is because too heaty... Previously I had before and saw gp. She checked and told me its nothing to worry and could be too heaty. It went away after a week or so.
MC_007, is this your 2nd fresh cycle? Have your started your Puregon and Menopur?

LuvNhope, how's things?

Ladies, any of you drink TCM during stimulation period and after ET? I'm still wondering should I take it.
Joynfaith, thanks for asking! Hope things are good for u?
I'm starting a fresh cycle. If things go well, shld be able to do ER and ET by end May.
Lavender, just abit liquid colorless discharge. We start the 2 weeks stimulation on a short protocol, follow by 2ww. So is a month. If fail, means menses coming at the end of 2ww.
u have inserts too right? most probably the colourless discharge is from insert. this is my case and i guess a few others too.
Hi Chevy, no. I don't have inserts, only pills. Anyway, I shall not scare myself, just take it if it comes. My hubby also hoping for success as my disappearance in office for 2 weeks for a 2nd time sure made pp guessing. All these kp pp.
Luv..thanks for your encouragement

Joynfaith..well..I should consider this as 1st fresh bah..last one was converted to IUI. I have started stim yst. Today, eat a little food will feel very full. not sure is it becos of the injection.

I didn't take TCM during stim. Dr Zou told me dun take liao last week since I am starting. I will go for accup only.

Usagi, hv faith.. AF also wont be so early..especially it is colourless.
Planning to see tan siew buoy. May I know if there is a difference in seeing her at clinic 1 at ntu and seeing her at clinic 2? which is better?

Also, need to make appt first? Or can walk in
Hi pandager, I see. I have bad experience with the service of the staff there. I think only Shamseah knows what is going on. Sigh. Improvements needed!!! This is not the first time they tell me wrong things.
The nurse who told me is Han dan and then nora.They are caring in some ways but do not seem to jnow about these admin matters. The receptionist if she didn't know, she should say don't know, instead, she speak to me with a very sure voice, answering immediately without hesitation, you know? Plus tell me that all patients have gone there to collect! As a patient hearing this, I just believe her lor. don't know how many patients she has given this wrong info!! maybe till now, blur blur saying the same thing. Aiyoh. But it's ok la, it's over. Everyone going to TFC, take note, the staff quite blur one.
But never mind la, at least is a minor issue.
Hi sisters, I intend to get coq10 from herb valley. Do u gals know where to order this product from singapore?
Big bear: prob wat joyfully said is right. My gh level is low 0.9 hence tats y need 3mths of saizen. Will seek another dr opinion.taking dhea now. Hopefully ll improve
Doudou, I read from 2010 posts by one sister via this forum.

She goes to CARE for her 2nd ivf treatment. Her GH level is only 0.1. So Angela put her on Saizen for 3 mths, she was asked to take immunocal and coq10(150mg) daily for 3 mths..

And her eggs quality really improved as compared to her 1st cycle. She has successfully conceived and has given birth to a triplets. 2 boys and 1 girl..

Her story has given me lotsa Inspiration... So wanna share wif u.
Tks so much 4 e encouragement ! Actually I ought to thank u 4 bringing me bk to god. I've always believe in god but nv actually regard myself as a christian.. Dunno y?! I chance upon e msg u post abt lord.went to google n found some fertility prayer.It gave me hope n strength. Thought my 2nd attempt din wk out, I was pleasantly surprise tat I can b so calm with e outcome. Not a tear shed. I dun deny I felt disappointed but somehow felt tat everything happen 4 a reason. I noe i ll hv a chance to conceive if I hv faith n trust. In fact I got pregnant on my very 1st attempt ttc 2yrs ago but mc shortly aft. Itchy mouth too.. Was telling my hubby so easy leh? Haha!! Smelly mouth! Anyw really thank you 4 e last posting.. It seems like god is using u to pass me a msg ! =)
Was it pandawife u r referring? My fsh was 4.2 Lh 0.3 amh 11.4 and gh 0.9 hence to saizen for 3mths. Angela was kind of surprise I yield only 7 follicles during stims .seems like my fsh was misleading. Or mayb I sld try short protocol?! Will go 4 post mortem with her soon. In fact I quit my job to concentrate on 2nd cycle but e result was worse then my 1st attempt. No doubt both cycle resulted in only 1 fertilized embryo, 1st cycle had 10 eggs n no fragmentation embryo. 2nd cycle embryo lots of frags.. Sigh ! Probably sld go bk to my rubbish lifestyle since eating well n exercising din help. Haha! Jia you follies!! Pls be gd n grow healthier !! Pray tat all e ladies ttc ll hv gd n strong eggs! Healthy lining n womb! And excellent implantation!! =)
LuvNhope, I'm good and waiting for my AF to report in order to start stimulation jabs except my cough has not recovered fully although a lot more better. Yesterday saw some spotting but just now when I wiped, there was nothing. And my breasts soreness (PMS) had lighten. BBT has dropped too indicating AF is coming. I shall observe further. All the best in your fresh cycle.

mc_007, yes, yours will be considered first fresh cycle. What jab have you started? Likely your bloatedness could be due to the jab. You can check in the leaflets on the side effects if it is.

Yesterday when I called up Dr Zou, she told me to go down to get AF TCM and stopped the lining if my AF reports. I'm in dilemna whether to include TCM during stimulation stage and during 2WW. Did she tell you why don't need to take TCM for now?

Usagi, what was the amount of Menopur and Saizen that you jabbed?

Cas, Chevy, Fou Fou & Lavender, mind to share and update your status in the online spreadsheet?
joynfaith, i am on 450 puregon and 150 menopur..

that day, just a few days before AF, I told her that the,med finished, then she say since you are starting soon, dun take the med le..i didn't ask her in details tot she scare conflict..

is she aware that u r starting soon? maybe u should check with her if u hv any concern.
Hi thank u very much for all ur sweet welcome posts. Really need all the info n support i can get. I will be meeting with a Gynae from KKH on the 9th of may... Will definitely keep u sisters updates on my journey
Have a great day y'all!!
Doudou, I am really happy to know that you have started to go back to God for your IVF journey.
totally agree with you that everything happens for a reason. Have faith in HIM as he knows what is best for us.
please continue to pray and command your body and womb to function well, and give thanks & praise to the LORD that your GH is improving. Pray that you will get your bundle of happiness in conceiving twins in your 3rd try.
God may use me to share with sisters here on faith, as ttcing journey is really a trying one. HE may use you too for reaching out to sisters here and people around you.

Yes, haha.. U r so right!! I am referring to Pandawife. Somehow it seems to me that God is leading me to read her posts (the archive), and reassuring me that there are others who have the same condition as me. So I should delight in HIM and rest all my problems unto him. But I also need to do my part as well, like taking all the supplements. Pandawife also mentioned that she takes royal jelly and vit c 1000. Just wondering if you take those supplements during your 2nd cycle?
I have a few questions such as what would be done on the first appt with our gynae...will we be started on Medication and Jab from the first appt? Any side effects when we start the Med and Jabs?? Hope someone can help me with these questions
Thanks alot sisters
Hi sisters, I will be asking my girlfriend to order for me the Herb valley CoQ10 150mg, from Australia. As the shipping cost is high, was wondering if any sister is keen to do a bulk purchase tog? My girlfriend estimated the total cost per bottle for me is $63 (estimated) after shipping charges, for 60capsules. CARE is selling for 30capsules at $50. Seems like quite substantial savings.

Any of you sisters are interested to combine purchases and buy in bulk together can pm me. If I can have combined purchases of 10 bottles, then I will order by tonight.
LuvNhope, I've some spotting when I wiped just now, will observe again.

mc_007, I've called Dr Zou and she told me it's my choice whether to take TCM. I'll go for my acupuncture later if the flow did not increase.

Gals, any ladies here take TCM during stimulation stage and 2WW? Does your TCM DR suggest you to take it?
Joyfully, Oic... I currently taking Blackmores CoQ10. Selling at $69 for 30 Capsules (150 mg). Sometimes got discount at 20% hence is $55.20. This brand look cheaper.... Anyone try before? CARE also selling herb Valley brand?
Sarah, if you are taking the Blackmore one, can buy from OG. Now also having 20% discount.

I read about the herb valley one via this forum in the 2010 and 2011 posts, and got to know that CARE is selling this, and other sisters who have conceived despite low GH, also take COQ10 from herb valley. The link provided above is given by one of the sisters from this forum as well.
HOPE, thanks for your reply and you've motivated me to go ahead with the TCM. Thanks again. Were you with Dr Zou before your fresh cycle? How long?

Chocolate, how are you? Have you started your jabs?
i with Dr Zou for about 4-5 months before my fresh. (i started my TCM sometime around Sept 2011, and my fresh IVF with Dr loh was sometime Feb2012)

Joynfaith, Dr Zou mentioned to me during stimulation stage no TCM medicine only do accup will do. My Dr also advise me not to take TCM med during ivf.
