IVF/ICSI Support Group

Babylew... Maybe take more protein... Eat meat? Like pork or beef etc. I took slightly more meat during stim as I did not take ew. In end managed to grow more. Don't stress yourself ok... Maybe it wil work out..

babylew..jiayou..still hv 2 more day..jus that yr gonal f dosage don't seem to be alot yet..how many jab now? today the dr told me normally 7-10 jab before ER

today i felt abit giddy at work and very very tired..hv been on bed since home..not sure if it is the side effect of the new jab...hope tml will be better

also, think i am suffering from constipation..how arh? take too much heaty stuff?
Hope, increase does for 3rd time le. She only said she does not understand why only 1 egg respond to the jab. Might be because I started the jab too late on d4 of menses for my protocol. She just said different ppl react to the jab differently n I m the first case she has where only 1 grow n the rest not growing
BaBylew - may I ask who is your doc? How come u started at d4? What level gonal-f did u start at? You are around d5 of jabs today (ie day 9-10 after menses)? Not trying to make u feel worse but just wondering how come such a big difference btwn thE lead follicle and rest of pack. Any chancE to focus on rest of the pack & sacrifice the lead follicle (depending which day u r at)...
Cas, thanks. Yes, we only need one good embbie to make our dreams come true. Hope to hear your good news soon!

Ladybuggy, I will, thanks! Let's Jia You together!

BabyLew, don't despair. My puregon dosage is almost reaching the max, but only my right ovary responded with 2 eggs. As what cas said, we only need The ONE and only ONE to succeed. Stay positive and increase more protein into yr diet. Jia You!
Joyfully, thanks for your advice too... will just ask DH to take Coq10 as well. He taking vit c now only.

btw, immunocal can drink with anything? cold drinks suggested was yakult, fruit juices... what abt room temp drink? dun wan to drink too cold drinks with an empty stomach...
Hi ladies!

This thread with all the wonderful sisters helped, encouraged me through my 1st fresh cycle (bfn) & FET (bfp). I was practically 'glued' to my laptop on this forum during my 2ww.

This is a very difficult journey, physcially, emotionally & financially. It is hard for people who have not been in the same situation to understand what we are going through.

I am now blessed with a little girl.

I pray that all you ladies will be successful in your journey. Sprinkling cartloads of baby dusts to everyone.

Hang on to your dream
Foufou, I mix the immunocal with room temp water to dissolve the powder first. Then add orange juice or yakult to it. So turn out, the drink is not as cold.
Ahh I forgot to check this forum...thought I will get email notification...

Hi Usagi!

Hi Doudou:
Thanks for sharing about the progesterone. I am with a private hosp. They didn't do injects for me last time and I hope they will give me both injects and inserts as I think my progesterone is low.

Babylew: Did your doc mention about adding growth hormone to your jabs? Some people do that.

Ladies, may I know what is immunocal for? Can it be bought at pharmacy?
Egg factory, your Dr adding growtg hormone for you? What is it for?
I heard from sisters here immunocal can buy from og. I can't find it in other pharmacy Luke utility and waston. Going to try og.
Happypinky: thanks!

Growth hormone is for those who don't respond well to the usual Gonal-F/Puregon, it's a different type of protocol. I'm not on it because Puregon works for me so far.
Ron, I am with Dr Herma at SGH CARE, doesn't seems like there is any sister here with her too..

I started gonal-f 112.5 last Thur and increase to 150 on Tue and yest to 187.5 plus cetrotide. I also find it weird why I start on D4 of my menses, when I first called the nurse that my mense is here, they are also curious why dr ask me to start jab on D4 instead of usual D2 and my dr did state that perhaps we should start 1 day earlier =( today is already my D8 of jab le and yest scan still only show 1 growing and the rest just did not grow.

I have 1 more day before the scan, so hopefully the little ones grow and I no need to abort the cycle.. Dr said will not increase dosage anymore as she start me low initially becoz I am on higher risk of OHSS.

I really feel that only we understand what we went through, the emotional baggages... which others who did not went thru IVF will understand..

For the rest of sister in 2ww or stimulation, jia you okie..
Happypinky, you can get immunocal at OG. Go to the level where they sell health products, and head straight to the cashier. Cos the product is only displayed at cashier.

Hope the info helps.
Babylew, sounds like u on short protocol. I am also from SGh under Dr. Yong. For both my fresh, I usually start with centrotide on D2 or D3 then gonal-f or menopur. Dunno why u start with gonal-f first. Jiayou ok! Hope your follicles grow, otherwise do not be too sad, as the next cycle will be a better one for sure since they will do a review and adjust the protocol for better results.
hi babylew, makes sense if u r high risk for OHSS that she kept you at the lower dosage. Good that she err on the safer side.

Do speak to dr hemma if she thinks can wait for the othet 15 (ie sacrifice the lead follicle). it will all depend on timing & how mature the rest are.

if you do end up discussing abt aborting at next scan, ask how & what she would do differently at next cycle. Looks like you have a good reserve, just maybe this protocol didn't suit you. (i'm no doctor

hang in there, it is a journey but we are all supporting you along the way.
Thanks joyfully & mc_007. Will try your methods tml morning.
Today i mixed with apple juice...a bit too cold for me in the morning. So difficult to dissolve... I stirred very long. No wonder they say use shaker.
Fou Fou, if u have a shaker u can pour a quarter of water/ juices in the shaker and add Immunocal then shake it for 10-15 sec then pour the rest of the juices in and stir with a plastic spoon. What I usually do is take out the juices from the fridge and pour it into a cup and place the cup in a plastic container fill with room temp water. That will take away the coldness after 10-15min.

May I check how to contact the Organiser of tangling flea market? Will like to sell some of my old stuffs
Ladies, i'll be starting my lucrin on 30 April on long protocol with Dr.Matthew Lau. I been to KKIVF yesterday to sign consent but i didn't see the doc.

i talked to Dr.Zou, she asks me to start acupuncture on D4. Today is my D3, meaning tomorrow i have to start acupuncture until ER? which is one month acupuncture? still got a lot of unknown thingy in mind, hope you girls can share more

thanks in advance.
Hi Prosepina. I hav been eating Conceive Well, 5 pieces Brazil nut, 5 EW, Longan Red Date, Folic n Ensure Milk. Tot of gg acu but mayb too late oreadi. How about u?
Cas, Usagi,
Guess I'm dropping out of the race as I have from brown spotting to slight red. Although I have tried not to give myself pressure and think abt it during this whole prcess, it somehow still leaves me quite hollow. Hiaz.....

You girls jia you! And to those in 2WW and embarking on this journey, best of luck!
Hi Chevy, did u go for early bt? Cool's story is inspiring, so I am telling myself to have faith.
Cas, how are u today?
Chevy, Jeanne and Cas, I am also no good today, I think I have 3 tiny specks of spotting, so I am worried and has tried to bed rest today, it helps the uterus not to contract. Hopefully, miracles will happen!
Hi ladies, may I know if already taking Conceive Well, still must take folic acid 400mg? I see Conceive Well contents got folic acid too. Not sure if taking both will be an overdose?
Usagi, pls dun worry too much now. Last time when I bfp, I also had slight spotting. I didn't worry abt it that time as I didn't know much, so just relax ur mind now and think +ve.

Dear sisters, I'm due for my scan next wed. (doing med FET) hope to hear good news that lining is good. Currently taking progynova On D5, 3 pills daily, then D6-D10 4 pills daily. Seem to feel wierd in my tummy and feel headache and a bit like want to vomit too. Wonder if this is normal?
Usage,rest more k.. I read from other sister before that brown spotting might be residue, so dun worry too much.

Anyway is DrYong good? I thinking of switching dr if my first cycle is abort..

Thanks Ron, it become a regular for me to visit this forum coz only here then I can find sisters who went thru the same as me and understand how I feel.
Chevy, all the best for your BT!

Usagi, rest more. It can really just be implantation bleeding.
For the 2.1/2 days of my spotting, everytime I urine, there's always some brown spotting. And for 3 mornings when I pass motion,
it was one big patch of brown discharge. So don't give up

Cas, how are you today?
Hi babylew, dr yong is ok. Friendly but u can also consider dr yu, the head since u thinking to change.

Dear Chevy, Cool and Faith, I am prepared for the worst, already . My 2 tries. Maybe is just not meant to be. Tml then call for bt. Thanks and good luck to all the rest.
Hi Chevy, you just started spotting? Is it just a little? Maybe it's old blood.. Relax and hope for the best ok! All the very best for your BT tomorrow, many others have experienced this and who knows miracles do exist. Just like everyone encouraged me, I'm keeping an open mind.

Usagi, rest more and drink more water. If its just tiny specks, should not be of concern I think. Call and ask if spotting continues ok.

I wonder how is Jeanne? Have not heard from her lately in the forum. Hope she is doing well.

Hi Cool, thanks for your encouragement! I'm still having the spotting so maybe tomorrow will go back to do blood test.. Not sure is it to check my progesterone again. Though seems a little too late to increase now or to rectify?

I'm trying to keep as calm as I can. Though it seems like pre menstrual, I'm keeping my fingers crossed too. But if it's as what it seems, I'm ok.. Just have to try again.

All the best to everyone, esp those with upcoming procedures or BT!!
Thanks Happypinky and Joyfully, I managed to get Immunocal at OG. Wow $100+ for 30 sachets! I'm going for retrieval soon so it's last minute but I'll just take it, haha. Maybe it will help reduce OHSS since it's protein.
chevy...gd luck to yr bt tml..

usagi...rest more..hv faith

babylew...gd luck for yr scan tml...may yr follies grow big big

nurul..its never too late since you hv not start stim yet..no harm trying
Hi all!
Chevy: Best of luck for ur bt tml!
Babylew: Best of luck for ur scan tomorrow! May ur follicles grow to e desired sizes!
Usagi: Focus on the positive n hv faith!
Nurul: Hi n welcome to this thread! Its never too late to start of e acupuncture. I started mine abt 1 week before my jabs n I hv been doing it thru out e process. I think it really helped in managing e side effects n also to help the growth of e follicles n the uterus lining. It also helped me to get use to needles

Sisters, I'm in my d9 of my 2ww. Yesterday went back to collect oral med cos blood test showed tt my progest level abit low. That night aft I took the med, was so EMO loh. My mom was relating something to me n tears just rolled down. Finally I understand what it meant by hormonal changes. There I was tearing, felt that it's all my fault....n my mind was like ???? It was so funny hahaha!
Thought of sharing this to cheer e sisters up.....I still hv other funny anecdotes of my experience, share next time k...
Hi Cas, brown spotting started yesterday late afternoon. By this evening, it turns slightly reddish. Hence I'm quite sure it's -ve. And by now, it's alrdy a flow

Hi MC n Juvi, thanks. All the best to you......
Faith: 400 mcg is actually very little, and the folic in Conceive Well is also quite little (I've taken it before). Most gynaes will prescribe at least 5 mg (which is actually 5000 mcg) and mine even prescribed 10 mg.
Chevy, don't give up yet! May your BT turns out otherwise..
Whatever happens, we are all here for you. Have a gd night rest ok... Don't think about it anymore. Tomorrow just do BT.

Alot of things are not within our control and so we have to take it easy and just have faith. And courage.

Egg factory and faith, I only took the conceive well. Didnt know must take more? Was worried too much supplements haha..
Will take both folic and conceive well from tomorrow onwards.
Chris, if I'm not wrong... Hsg is to test for tubes. To see if any blockage.. They wil input dye and see from X-rays or something if the dye passes through the tubes.
I did this before and discover one side to be blocked. But doc can't give the reason or confirm for sure it's really blocked. Unless do a laparoscopy to confirm the blockage and to see if can clear.

Joyfully, mc 007 & bigbear, thanks for all the suggestions.
Bigbear, u can call this number to check on the balloting n flea dates. 67364922
Tanglin flea is usually 1st & 3rd sat. Balloting is using the mon & tues on the 2nd week of the previous month. Each lot is $85. I usually share with a fren or 2.
