IVF/ICSI Support Group

Congrats ladybugger, welcome to 2ww!

Yo mc, nurul, fou fou & other sisters that I've missed out, congrats on the start of stim stage n gambete ya! I can only stand one side n cheer u gals on.... Jia yo!

Hi all,
Just wondering if anyone has ur prolonged AF lasting 10-12 days after a failed cycle?
Today is already my day 10 and still spotting!
never have such a long AF before. It's so frustrating! Anyone has similar experience?
Dear KittyKatty,
No worries, the HL is on "O&G specialist clinc" letterhead, and they don't state anything about the reason for leave, only the dates of the leave.

TFC does not issue HL, and do be prepared that you may have to go down to the Dr Loh's clinic (O&G Specialist) at Thomson Medical Centre to collect the HL paper. I asked the receptionists if they can send it over to TFC at Novena, next time i will pick it up. However, they refused to do so, saying that the other patients also go down to TMC to collect. Fortunately since my hubby was with me, he drove me there to collect.

Thanks for your wishes and all the best to you!
How do you know that nobody had had IVF in your office before? It may be that they had, but just didn't say. Just found out that one person I know also underwent IVF to get her daughter. I didn't know that. Usually if it's twins or more, ppl are more likely to suspect compared to singleton. Haha.
Hi sisters, thanks to those who replied my earlier post like Usagi,Jeanne and etc

Today is my 5th day of 2WW,today i went to KKIVF for blood test to check whether the medicine to support the 'pregnancy' still enough,got good news (is this good news?) the nurse called and said very good no need additional medicine,just continue what i have to do everyday.

I met a very blur nurse today,i asked her what is the purpose of the blood test today ( after i passed her the paper which indicate the blood test i have to do), not sure she got read the paper or not, she told me to test ovulation! I was "huh?" then she speak mandarin 'pai luan'!!! ( wah! she tot i'm not understand english) I was shocked!why check ovulation in this stage?!I told her i have done embroy transfer few days ago! Then she went to ask other nurse and come back tell me to check whether my medicine enough to support 'pregnancy'! and she told me she is from 'other clinic'!I saw her name tag,she is senior nurse! So angry to met this kind of nurse.....

during my 4th day of ET, I suddenly felt myself very hot at night time!!! My body very hot and i cant use the normal blanket i used to sleep, so i have to use thin bed sheet,haha!I dont know why suddenly my body temperature so hot,but this 2 days not as hot as that day,not sure why ...
Hi Ladybuggy,
Congrats on your successful ET, and welcome to the 2ww wait!
For the heart beating fast, I have been experiencing that lately too, read that it is one of the side effects of the progesterone. It could also be anxiety in your case.
But for me i know it was the side effect cos I wasn't really stressed at that time, as i was sleeping but suddenly woke up feeling hot plus heart beating fast.
babylew..i throw away the yolk..cannot eat so many lah..very high cholesterol..

i1BB..thanks ya.. I will +u this time.. HOPE is my sample.. though i cant take 20EW per day like her.. I am going for 10 first and see what is the response. FIGHTING!!!

Lavendar..high temp may indicate gd sign.. normally preggy lady feels hotter.
Hi Lavendar,

It is probably the hot flashes, which is the side effects of the hormone supports. Many of us experience this too. Feeling hot suddenly. Some people will have it more often. It doesn't really mean anything except that your hormones are changing.

The nurse is quite blur, but as she said, if she is from the other clinic she may not be familiar with the ivf procedures. She should give a more general answer like, "It is to measure your hormone levels" if she is not sure, rather than confuse people. Cos hormone testing can be done at many stages for many reasons.
mc, the Dr is asking me to rest for 2 cycle before starting a freh cycle. So now suppose to rest n can't do anything yet. Thinking of eating EW. Did u drink ensure milk n chicken essences everyday? All in the morning?

Now after failed cycle, my bbt is high and feeling very tired everyday. Is this normal? Any of you ever experience that?
Hi Chevy, I hope that fresh milk is ok, as I have been drinking it with cereal quite often!
Does anyone think of drinking those type of milk formula for mothers, such as AnMum or EnfaMama during 2ww? Is it too soon? My hubby thinks should wait for results first. Haha.
happypinky,i don't drink ensure milk but I know some sistars do. Currently, just started drinking immunocal but I have been taking tons of vit and supplements, drink red dates, wolfberry, LRD for past 4 mths.

I think will stop yoga for now..Its from CC so not too expensive to miss the lesson.

Have you try TCM?
Hi Jeanne,

Thanks for your reply. I think your reply clear my doubt! haha....i think no need to find any symptom as the medicine to insert vagina have the side effect like menses going to come.Am i right? When will be your bloodtest? Where u did your IVF/ICSI?
Hi Chevy,

I think fresh milk is fine as I have been mixing it into my decaf coffee. Jeanne, you are quite a planner.
U just put a smile to my face when i just access my co email. There were no major emails from my subsidiaries to warrant the HR to call me to question me for my long absence. Irritating. The subsi are obviously still closing in progress! Obviously, she is upset that I did not join in the big proj which previously I said I wont volunteer. But my words fell on deaf ears. I hope I zz better tonight since I did not throw alot of work to my colleagues. Stress, stress, go away!
Usagi..hope you have sweet dreams tonight..dun bother about those irritating ppl..maybe watch some comedy.. city hunter although hv leng zai but plot not too funny...lol

All the best to your stimulation! Best to skip yoga. City hunter not funny, is thrilling, I always scare the male lead will get caught.

But I watched some other nice korean romance b4 such as: Oh my Lady! My girlfriend is a 9 tailed fox. I watched The Secret Garden but dun fancy. Totally boring.

Another nice drama is 49 days. But if u dun like sad ending, dun watch k.
LOL.. Usagi..I actually finished ALL of these that you have mentioned. 49 days is nice..why you dont fancy Secret Garden? I like it alot..haha

Actually, "Scent of a women" is quite nice but a sad story too..cry and cry..hmm..maybe not a gd idea. I am watching Love Rain and Fashion King now..

oh.. you can try 最佳爱情..its a comedy romance plot..
Just found out another of my good frens is preggie with #2 by accident. Though i feel happy for her, can't help but feel sad for myself, sigh...

Well, this is it... i'm starting my cycle. Now taking OCP too. Sthg new for me.
Happypinky, my bbt is 36.5. Any relations to this? Ya, really sian when AF refuses to stop. Wanted to start my Bai feng wan pills
this is like disrupting my usual cycle
Usagi, OCP = Oral Contraception Pills. Taking them b4 the suppression drug to prevent cyst formation. That's what i was told.

I almost had a scare today when i was told that my AMH figure seemed very low for my age, and didn't tally with my FSH scores. I googled just now and phew! Turns out that there are two different measures (one is ng/ml and one is pmol/l) and she was thinking in terms of the other measure. What a relief!
Hi Jeanne,
Thanks for your reply. It's a relieve to hear that the HL is from O&G
No need to tell my HR is for IVF unless they ask further.

My company is not vey big, some more HR very busybody so if anyone goes for IVF, the news will spread.
Actually I don t mind sharing with them is for IVF, however, I feel stress is too much people know and keep on asking me about it. I rather go through the whole process stress free peacefully and let them know when I succeed.

Jia You everyone!
Hi Lavendar,
Yes, you are right! the symptoms are confusing, could be from side effects from medicine, could be from early pregnancy or menses coming... All the side effects are similar, hard to differentiate. Eg, cramping, spotting (brown/ pink), hot flashes, constipation, tiredness... They are common in early pregancy& before menses also!!
Even so, during 2ww, most of us ivf-ers think about our symptoms and what it means. Haha. For me, I am quite obssessed also. I like to google every symptom and read other forums about it & check whether those ppl with the same symptoms as me got BFP or BFN. The answer I usually have is, both ways are possible!

My BT is on the 16th and I'm with Dr Loh at thomson fertility.
Jeanne, my BT 17 th, one day after u! Haha wish us good luck!I dont want to care about the symptoms anymore as it make me crazy but at the same time I also like to read other forum n post! Haha ! Can I know what do u eat during this 2 ww? As I seems always eat the similar food, very bored already!
Hi pandager,
Just sharing according to my experience last week. the receptionist and nurse Nora told me that TFC only issue MCs. They told me to go to Dr Loh's clinic to get my HL. It was quite an inconvenience to go down, so i questioned a few staff, but the reply was the same. Anyway, I also prefer my HL to state "o&g specialist", so as not to let HR know what is it exactly.
Hi jeanne, not to worry, just wanna to let d rest of sisters be aware that TFC does issue HL if they dont mind the stamp "TFC" to be shown. Quite cumbersome to go down to TMC.
after drinking 3 packs of immunocal plus 5 EW in the morn make me feel so full...think will eat 5 more in the evening..

And i think menopur is much more painful to inject than puergon.
Hi pandager, i agree with you it is very cumbersome. If what you said is true, quite angry with the TFC staff for their misinformation to me that day. I also would not have minded to get the HL from them in exchange for the convenience. The Indian receptionist and nurses insisted on 31st march, when I requested for the HL, that I must go to Dr Loh clinic! Some more lie to me that TFC does not issue HL!

I thought after ET, it should be automatically given, especially since Dr Loh had already said so that it is provided. instead of us patients having to request etc.
mc, ya I feel my bbt is rather high.. normally when I have mense, the bbt will drop to 36.5. wondering is it hormone still in the body and it is going crazy... at time even feel hot at night.
Hi Lavendar,
Thanks for your wishes and wish you all the best too!
Hmm, I have been eating fish bee hoon soup, rice with veg and dishes, bak chor mee and similar. Also try to eat fruits, at least once a day, such as apples, grapes, pears, orange, mango.

Feel quite emotional lately, mood swings. Suddenly mind switch to negative thoughts, but a while later can be ok.

Hi usagi, chevy and Cas,
How are you girls doing?
Usagi, wow, you watched a lot of shows! Haha.
Last night I dreamt I was on a roller coaster, and it was actually quite a fun one. When I woke up, I feels emotions are on a roller coaster, but it isn't fun at all.
Hi kittykatty,
I know what you mean. I don't mind telling friends in the office about this, I fact have told about 3 of them, but I told them don't ask me what is the result. Haha. But I think they will probably still ask la.
Hi Ladies,

This is my first post as i am going to see a gynae for my IVF soon. all these posts have really helped me prepare myself mentally for all the jabs and meds i will need to go thru. I am all alone in tis journey with my hubby is my only support as my family do not support me in this hence i hv decided to keep mum abt tis to them. Wish you all to hv a healthy and great journey to motherhood
Jeanne: i had a HL cert with mi right now, so of cos it true la! Anyway, look for shamseah for any query cos nurse nora is fr KK (if i am not wrong and i had an unhappy experience with her). Maybe still new, so doesnt noe TFC way of doing. U cannot blame aiffsha (receptionist) cos this is a nurse responsibility, how wld a receptionist noe anything other than payment and answering call?
Hi Shanesh, welcome to the forum.

You'll have all the sisters here to listen to your problems and rooting for you!!! Please rem to update your progress and let us know your ivf plan after your gynae visit.

Btw, which clinic and gynae are you planning to see?
Hi Jeanne,
Still ok, slept quite well last night except woke up to pee. Felt better when I checked my co email.

Daily still eating the usual, didn't eat fruits but drank 1 cup orange juice when I took immunocal. So far so good, still counting down, 8 more days. Hopefully can pass the 8 more days in bliss. Try to take the mind off by reading mag or watch shows, time will pass faster. If not, occasionally, I will surf on other forums to read on ivf 2ww symptoms but so far I have none. I thought I have abit of cramps at 3am but not sure if is tummy ache. Haha. Now ok. Maybe my imagination.

How about Cas, Chevy and Lavender?
Hi Jeanne and Usagi
I'm pretty much the same... Stil having cramps and yesterday bloating.
After my ohss subside sometime ago was ok.. Don't know y suddenly bloat again?!
So paranoid as usual with these symptom similar to premenses...
This 2ww is indeed a rollercoaster ride with all the scary thrill!!

Same hot flushes... Getting up to pee sometimes in middle of night. Maybe due to progesterone inserts. I'm doing usual walking to and back for meals, other than that at home watch drama also.

Jeanne, maybe it's the hormones so you emotional..try to stay positive k! Watch more comedies etc..

Usagi, glad u feeling better le...Don't let work affect you too much!

Hoping for this 2ww to be up soon and the BT! Jia you everyone!

Hi Shanesh.. Welcome to the grp! Don't worry. You are not alone as everyone Is here to give advice and support to each other...
So do share your own journey here too. All the best!
