IVF/ICSI Support Group

i see..should be ok lah not too late to start..at least you're doing what you can
jia You on your cycle!
mc, I have not start stim yet. Can I start eating to prepare for the next try?

Btw, anyone know after a fail try, will the bbt remain high for few days or it will back to normal immediately?
Hi Adeline ! E default doc is dr Paul tseng but probably u wun get to c him until er/et day cos Angela is e 1 who do all e scans n decide on yr dosage n when u r ready 4 er.
Estimated cost will be abt 18k. er n et itself cost abt 12k.. E rest ll depend on how much dosage u need.blood test 4 both, sperm storage, sperm DNA etc, gh, amh, fsh. Lh etc More if u need growth hormone.
Medisave ll only b deducted on er day.
U can make an appointment to c angela for counseling.
Big bear: may I chk which doc u r seeing? Actually when I go to other forum chat those fr states/uk e ladies mentioned they r on gh during stimulation stage hence I was oso surprise when Angela recommended taking 4 at least 3 mths.
Technically our eggs take abt 3 mths to develop so I assume tats e reason n din question Angela.
I'm goin to kick myself if a wk of gh is sufficient juz b4 stimming! It's so bloody ex! Worst cos it doesn't help me at all.
Hi to all in 2ww... How is everyone doing?
I'm getting anxious about the long wait haha..can't get to sleep!
Got some pretty bad cramps today..but still went out get meals.. So quite a bit of walking done today..

Besides cramps, I also find it getting difficult to put the inserts in.. Like its 'blocked' there and can't get it properly in (sorry if sounds a bit weird). Anyone has the same problem? Wondering if this means anything...
Thanks bb journey, luvNhope & dou dou.

Dou dou, which means all the medication n tests have to pay by cash? Do we need to bring any report from KKH to show to care? Becoz we just did some blood test few weeks ago, so thought can save some money from the tests.

Thanks in advance!
Hi Cas,
I also can't sleep, woke up at 3am n felt asleep near 4am, still bothered over the hypocrities' call. Normally I felt more stress at the middle of the night.
When is your Bt?
Doudou, mine is Dr Ng Doon Chye from Gleaneagles. I decided to see him last Thurs after reading abt some sisters starting GH few mths before stimulation stage so I worried may miss out. But susprisingly he said only need to start on D21 after menses before the next menses cycle. I am on short protocol so mean abt 10-12 days before stimulation stage. May be u can clarify wi your Dr. Do keep me posted as I was curious too. Thank
Hi Usagi... Don't stress.. I know it's difficult esp now.. I had nightmares a couple if times already and woke up in the middle of the night.. Haha.. Think our bodies react to our mood, too stress weird things happen..
BT is on 17.... Yours? Think some of us is on 16...
Stil quite a no of days to go without getting too paranoid! Keep worrying this and that... Then now I'm having problem getting the progesterone inserts in, feels weird.
Ya mc... I think I will increase my we intake gradually. But bait concern that I dun feel anything now, is it that my folics are not growing? My first scan is on Monday
Bigbear, so glad to know you have consulted Dr Ng SC. I have read gd reviews about him before, and trust that you are in good hands.

Actually, the requirement of HGH (Saizen) jabs for ivf/ICSI cycle really depends on the individual patient's condition and every doctor/clinic also has different practices and protocols.

Some take it 2-3mths before stimu stage, some take it during the stimu stage. But I believe all the fertility doctors have the same objective. That is to help us bfp!

Medical help aside, more important is to have trust in our doctors, and maintain a positive mindset. Wishing you with positive results too on your cycle, and please spread babydusts to me and sisters here!
Doudou, do you mind sharing your GH reading level when u last took the test? Could it be the reason why you are advised to take HGH 3mths before stimu?

Thanks for sharing with us your ivf experience with CARE. Sorry to hear tat you do not respond well to saizen. The doctor also need to experiment with different protocols so that they'll know what works best for us. Hence, with each ivf journey, you are one step closer to fulfilling your dreams.

I read one post by a sister's DH 2 years ago. He said when his wife has a bfn for their first ivf try, he says that God knows that the pregnancy is not going to be a good one, hence gave them the negative result. When they try ivf again 7 months later, they got a bonus from God, and his wife is pregnant with twins.

Ivf is such a trying journey, and has taken a toll on our financial and mental conditions. With perserverance, we will all achieve our dreams! Think bfp! Bfp! Bfp!! And you will get bfp!!
So jiayou, doudou!! We will all be rooting for you!
Hi Cas,
What type of inserts are you using? Did you experience any discharge of the inserts residue? Could it be the old residue accumulate and cause a blockage?

I'm using crinone gel inserts, and every few days I will have discharge of the residue that come out. At first it was a bit dry and powder-like, but lately the discharge seems more wet.
Cas, mine on 16. Hopefully, my menses won't come b4 tt. My first fresh, I didn't manAge to wait till bt date, got brown discharge a few days earlier by 4-5 days that time n I knew that was a bfn le.

I think is our hormones that causes us to have weird dreams at night, daytime is ok. Yesterday, my hubby visited me with emi maoshanwang cake and durian puffs. So felt blissful de until nighttime then stress comes again.

I don't have inserts only 3 pills per day. If u feel weird, then do insert slowly, maybe you are too tensed. Jiayou!
Hi Fou Fou, yes, stimulation is the second stage. Wishing you all the best!

Hi Dou Dou, thanks for your sharing. There are so many tests which I did not take, eg, AMH, GH, sperm DNA etc. Are those routine tests at CARE? Is CARE at paragon? I'm a bit confused cos I thought the SGH centre is also called CARE?
Hi usagi, I also have strange dreams at night, eg. Last night I dream about boiling many eggs, and 2 of them were cracked open and have bright green egg yolk!

I don't feel any cramps any more and this also makes me feel a bit worried. Why did the cramps stop? Quite funny, if there are cramps, we worry, no cramps, we also worry.
Hi Jeanne, CARE used to be at paragon. But has since move to novena specialist centre last year. The one at sgh also called care. But they are different centers altogether.

The above tests mentioned by doudou seems to be standard tests for CARE patients. But also depends on patients condition. Like initially, angela only told me to go for AMH and fish. But becos I have conflicting results, hence she asks me to take additional GH test. My DH also took sperm DNA fragmentation test. Maybe it's because he is a smoker n also due to age.
Hi Jeanne,
2ww is indeed difficult, the doc has done his/ her best, now we can only wait for our exam results that is beyond our control regardless of our efforts. Every fresh is a new hope, hope we all get BFP.
Hi Jeanne... U also had strange dreams.. Must b the hormones haha my inserts is utrogestron or something, small white round pills... 3 times a day. Initially was ok but these 2 days it's like the cervix position change or something. The 'opening' is closed so I have a hard time to get it in and only manage to push in slightly.
Usually after inserts, will always have discharge one... Nurse say normal. So I also don't know if it's residue or what...
It's just like it's sort of closed up so can't insert properly. Like this I also getting paranoid haha... This 2ww is really tough!

I stil get cramps today.. Really menstrual like cramps.. Haha like what you say. Cramps also worry.. No cramps also worry!

Usagi, So yours also earlier.. 16,same as Jeanne.. Yeah lets pray hard for bfp!!
I totally know how you feel ... My BT around the corner only and lucky this time time my husband will be here together ... Really can't stop thinking about the result ...
I have not cramps But ifeel very sleepy and need to sleep at less one to two hours ... 3 more days to go for BT and don't want to think too much also .. Just let it be .. Wishing you , cas , Usagi good luck and all have a best result
Hi Cas,
I understand what you mean. I experienced that the cervix change position too. It becomes lower at the later half of the cycle. Maybe just relax a bit more and it should be able to go in.
Otherwise, another way is to ask the nurse whether can insert rectally. Last time I did IUI at KKH, they told me the progesterone can insert rectally or vaginally, & even that more patients prefer rectal.
Hi ladies, I'm back from ET, out of the 12 embryos retrieved, 5 are fertilized..2 are transferred in, 3 freezed. Cant sleep last night, I'm super excited about the results, we arrived ard 7.30am and wait for our turn. Difficult part is holding the bladder haha. Finally it's our turn at ard 8.20am, dr tan came in and greeted us, wahh he is young and quite good looking haha.. I was very nervous so he chit chat with us to make me relax, he is quite good, it's totally painless and no cramps after that. The only discomfort is the inserting of instrument but he is quite careful.. Everything is done in 10-15 min.

Now I'm officially 2ww, the waiting game start. Did u all do bedrest for the Initial days?
Nurul... Just came back from KKH. I am only given Lurin & folic acid... Will start injection on 12th. You are with which Doc?

BabyLew, me not given microgynon. Will only start stage 1 injection next thurs...stimulation stage will be end April. You consuming lots of EWs?

Thanks Jeanne for your well wishes.
Nope, I only took 2-3 egg white a day. Perhap when I start feeling bloated then I will eat more ew. Now have many ulcers in my mouth, think too heaty.. My stimulation stage will end 3rd week of April. Just hope my folics will grow well now.. So u r also on short cycle?
Cas, I found a position that personally I thot suits me best. I will have my legs up to my chest. Occasionally the 2nd pill does takes more time to b inserted. Take a deep breathe, try to relax ur pelvic area and voila! Done
You may want to experiment with diff posture to find the best.

Jeanne, I reckon e white discharge are the remnants of the inserts. Yes, I am also experiencing discharge that's more liquid
Hi Jeanne,
I m with Dr Loh too and starting my Lucrin on Mon, 9 Apr.
Can I check with you the HL or MC given to you is it on Thomson Hospital letter head or Thomson Fertility letter head? I am trying to keep it as hush hush as possible especially to the HR in my company as they can be quite Kay Poh. I plan to tell them is a day surgery for some gynae/woman issue. But, it's on Thomson Fertility letter head, I guess I can t said that anymore......I m not even sure, they will approve HL for ivf. So far, no one has gone for IVF since 6 years I m been with them. I will be first to break the record. Lol....

Good luck on your BT! Really hope it's a BFP for you....so that you can send me some of your baby dust
Can I ask during acunpuncture , did the dr adjust / twist the needle in between the twenty minutes? Do u all have any feeling during the process? I tried two dr since last month, one got feeling another one no feeling, not sure which one is better?
Hi Usagi Cool and Chevy,
Thank you, i will enjoy the 2ww.. i think im still having anxiety over the whole procedures, my heart still beating abit fast haha.. trying to calm myself down.
I have abit of spotting just now when i pee, it should be normal right, after the ET. The nurse did say it might have abit of spotting after that.
Fou Fou, what time was your appt? I was also at KKhivf around 9am.

Morebbs, where did u had your acupunture, at Zou Sinseh? She dont adjust the needles unless you are in pain. If there's no feeling, you can request to adjust the electric level higher.
Hi Fou Fou,
I ve signed up for the IVF booster package from Dr Zhao at Raffles TCM. Have done 2 round of Acupunture. I m quite scare of the needles but no choice just endure. Not sure if it helps but I felt more relax n sleep better after Acupunture.

How about yourself?
Jeanne and Chevy, thanks for the advice... Perhaps I'm too tensed also.. Wil try changing a bit to see if better... Another 10days to go!

Ladybuggy, welcome to 2ww club...
rest more and eat healthily! Think no need total bed rest if you feel ok, my own opinion.. As walking a bit is good for blood circulation. Was advised before to not remain in a position too long.
After my ET, nurse also say may have a bit spotting. It's normal. I had it also.

Everyone in 2ww... Jia you! And those starting or in their cycle too..
hi babyLew...i just back from kk this morn and will start my stim tonight..actually i thibk its ok to eat EW even you are not bloated..i am planning 8-10 EW a day,from today..hv been taking 6 Ew for the last 2 days. see how is yr first scan results first..dun worry :)

pinky, when r u starting? no need eat,a lot prior stim..i only eat 2 Ew daily and just increase 2 days ago, when AF reported
