IVF/ICSI Support Group

Mamaleen...hugs hugs...Yes go for a holiday, engage in something u like to do, meantime still continue eat n rest well. We will all get there if we learn n move on from our failures and nvr give up.

Hi Tickles & Mamaleen,
Still remember me? My BT was yesterday, 1 day later than u girls... Took so long to post my results as i was really upset yesterday after collecting the results and the review with Dr. Already felt something is wrong when they did not call me to tell me the results after 2 hours and instead, wait till my Dr to break the sad news to me during my scheduled appt with him that evening.
Dr told me he was also disappointed with the results, esp. when i had 25 retrieved, 15 fertilised...and told me not to be too disheartened and try again in a few mths time. I almost broke into tears then

Was catching up on the previously posts and learnt we are in the same boat... hope you ladies are doing well!
Thank u all. Will definitely move on and stay positive.

Sugary...I suppose so. Like what ron8129 said, God sure works in mysterious ways..we can never understand....

Luvnhope....I suppose it shld be out of my system cos tickles (tikcles, i hope u dun mind i used urs as an example) had her jab on fri/sat but not reflected in her BT. And, they gave me another jab after my first BT and yet, not reflected in my 2nd BT....btw, how to know whether the hcg are out from my system?
Hopeful ng.....*hugs* let's stay strong together. I suppose u have some frozen ones waiting for u? Get ur body prepared and try again when u r ready ya, dear....
Mamaleen, i think it depends on the dosage given and the metabolism rate of the individual's body? In any case, glad to see you're staying strong! Take care dear!
Mamaleen, hugs to you too! No, i don't have any, as the remaining 13 fertilized ones didnt grow well and eventually didn't make it to blasto.
Got to start a new fresh cycle

That's the part i dread most...needles and more needles.
Mamaleen, mine is also a Day 4 transfer!! Was suppose to be day 2 or 3, but they were too compact and thats y Dr suggested to wait awhile longer to get better qualities one or even a blasto. Must blacklist this day 4 transfer the next time!!
Mama Leen hugs. It is ok to cry and let everything go. I remember when I miscarriage it more worst. Imagine Dr scan ur baby hearbeat is still beating but at the same time Im bleeding heavily.

I know how it feel but as your husband said if it is not mean to be our's we have to accept. It is hard but life must go on. Our journey is not easy. Mine is day 3 embryo also mcarriage and embryo maybe also not strong so what ever day the transfer to be it is not the matter. Dont blame urself. Do take a good rest atleast 3 mths to prepare ur body for the next cycle. God is always with us. Don't despair. Take care
Hopeful, try again when you're ready? I am also starting over. I'm not as scared of the needles as I am of the side effects of the ER sedative.

Shainie, sorry to hear abt your loss too.
Luvhope, It is last year. As time pass Im ok. Prepare mind and body for another transfer. As Ron said no need to rush when we never prepare. It has been 9 mths and now I think this is my best time to do another transfer.
Hopeful, I had 7eggs retrieved, 4 fertilized, 2 transferred. The other 2 didn't grow too well, so no frozen too. So if this round didn't make it, I also hv to go fresh again. U r not alone.... Errrr my also d4 transfer leh >.< praying that my embeds will hold on tight and grow.

Have been having spotting quite a bit for the passed two days.
going for test tmr
Hi Cool,
Hope you have better luck! All the best for your test tmr. Btw, which hospital are you with?
I am thinking of changing a place.. mine is with Raffles.
I didn't have any spotting at all thru out, only bloated and lots of gas. That's all. now still waiting patiently for my AF to come...
LuvnHope, i was feeling nauseous and badly bloated during the next few days after ER! Quite a sian feeling though. No appetite but got to force myself to eat.
Your cycle is this mth too?
Hopeful Ng,

im quite surprised they blasted all the 13 fertilised embbies. i personally prefer wat KKH does as they only took 5 to blast each time..the balance freeze at D2..those 5 that they blasted will transfer 2..if all make it , freeze the balance 3.. if only 1 make it, then transfer only 1 ... but its risky to blast all 13 embbies before if all cannot make it, all collapsed together. and actually blastocyst when freeze, during thawing is even hard to survive than those D2 embbies. So usually they die during thawing.. but of cos also got survival..hmm, its very wasteful leh..if they freeze 8 and only blast 5, u still can do FET wor.. cos D2 embbies also can work better in our womb than D5 blasto on lab environment.
yes, they dont survive that well compared to younger ones.. but if really good ones, they will.. Dr loh dislikes blasto cos he doesnt want to waste embbies, and also scare thawing doesnt work well.. unless u have 20 embbies and already with a child, he willing to do blasto
Sugary, you are so right. I think its a gd idea.
We weren't given such suggestiion which i would have go for it. I thought either all or none... *sign* lesson learnt.
Thinking of switching hospital.
Ladies, any suggestion? Is CARE or TMC good?
U got one day fall on Sunday ? Otherwise I also not sure. Fet will be between day 2 to day 3 depending when they thaw and how long they thaw.. Also can do blast for fet
Anyway, so tired and frustrated with the diet regime for the past few wks.
Going to stop my egg whites/milk etc and feast tonite and eat all the food i have always wanted. The first one will be my favourite bubble tea with lots of pearls!!
Haha, i think i am gg crazy...
Sugary, yeah, think that's prob why lor. Cos my ER on Fri. ET on Mon. I only had 4 snow babies. Think not enough to try for blastos. Anyway, thawed 3 to get 2. Left with 1 which is not ideal too.
Hopeful, I am with SGH.

HOPE, tmr is not my BT yet. Nx Monday. Tmr going for hormone support test bah, since I am spotting. So nurse said test to see is don,t what level enough or not ...
Hi mamaleen,
stay strong.

I m due for BT for hcg tomorrow but will skip it since my period is already here. Have failed my fresh cycle again. Was actaully feeling panicky ytd about my failure..after 3 weeks at home doing nothing and yet no pregnancy to show...haiz.Not sure if i want to go another rd( no frozen) but i know for sure if i do, i will not go back to kkh...
Meanwhile will wait upon the Lord for answer on what to do next. If another child is not meant to be, i will close the chapter n move on wl my life.
Jiayou ladies!

Hopeful ng
I can't advise u on the hosp choice cos I believe each has it's pros and cons. For me, financial is one of the concern , so I have to choose govt sector. Private u get delicate drs and nurses and of cos embryologists . Dr is also one concern. Of cos we try to go for famous and experience one but they change hosp after a few years
so hard to satisfy all criterias. Maybe other ladies can help to give u their pros and cons

Ya Sunday they don't work! Sometimes they do if needed. They shld rotate shift work haha . No la I think they aren't robot, need to rest also else blurish vision. But Im not too sure if there will be a embryologists working on Sunday to monitor day growth. Maybe there is Actually.
Dear sisters, thank u for the encouragement. So sorry for raising up day-4 issue. Please don't panic. Nothing wrong with day-4 transfer. As I read thru this forum, realized that I am not alone. There are so many of u in is journey together with me and it has never been easy for all of us. My DH just came back; I've got my comfort. I'm happier now. So, sisters, keep on the positive mode and let's jiayou together ya...no more sad sad....sorry.

*hugs all who have experienced loss before*

*all the best to those going for ER, ET and BT*
Mamaleen, dont say sorry lah. What are we all here for if not to support one another? What you are feeling is not new to all of us too. Just glad you are a strong gal, yes slowly but surely!

Try again when you most ready lah. That time after my 2nd MC, i also tell hb forget it! We really forget it for a few months, go travel etc until the desire comes back again then we went on to a new fresh. It took years for us.
I did talk to Doctor After ER , she Said Maybe Or Maybe not Do ET this time line because of My lining is too low
However lab call me this morning that I got 13 eggs fertilized from 18 eggs from ER. From my view I wanted to finish this process if I wanted to transfer she will do Transfer with 2 embryo which good and normal one , so that I still have some good quailty eggs in future , but if my doctor said I should wait next cycle then I also can't do anything
Wish me luck for tomorrow after my check up then I will know
And I will decide my own since my husband is overseas so I will be on me if anything go wrong But hope it's best for me
Luvnhope (and to all sisters for future reference)...

out of curiosity, I actually smsed my nurse to ask my doc abt the possibility of me getting a false positive....hehheh...she replied saying tt my Ovidrel jab was 250mcg which wld have cleared within 3-4 days. They took that into consideration already...she said if hcg level is above 50, it means implantation has taken place.
I1BB and Jaded...I also dunno how come the lap will affect the endo thus lead to low AMH. I checked with Dr Tan and he said this do happen sometimes cos when trying to "clean" things up might touch some part and cos the reserve to degrade. So I told him maybe I should not do it in the first place but he also say cannot dun do cos with the cyst also difficult.. haizz..seems like no one best solution or I am the suay one.

Joyfully, either you get Dr prescription or buy online. www.dhea.com. They will send by mail from USA. I bought from them once and later I asked Dr Tan to give me the prescription to buy at KKH.
Hi all,

I was reading along the way and trying to remember what to write and who to write to but lost the train of thoughts.. it's really an heartening to hear the experiences.. the ups and downs, the pain and joy, the encouragements.. so much to have a family.. Someone (i think Ron) said to be mentally prepared and its so very true. To Mamaleen, Marble, Tickles, Shaninieand others.. real big hugs to you.
I really dunno leh.. It was done by another Dr at Mt E..but I check with both Dr..Dr at Mt E and Dr Tan, they both say there is a possibility. Meaning there might be a risk that it affects AMH while doing lap..

U dun worry lah.. I think I am the suay one..
Hi pancake,

13 fertilised eggs sounds good... congrats! I know you must want to do the ER this round, but see what Dr advises tmr.

Can the lining increase 1-2mm over the days? so maybe it could go up to 6mm, and they might be able to it? No matter what, you know that you have the embryos waiting for you.

I have diarrhea, quite bad today.
I think it is directly related to the antibiotics they gave. DH also had gastric pains after taking it yesterday. I think i really can't eat egg whites tonight... the diarrhea quite bad, each time i eat, after half an hour, will have crampy feeling and then LS.
Mamaleen, thks for sharing the info! Glad that ur doc was responsible n took into acct ur jab. Hope u're feeling better now. Take ur mind off ttc for a while till u're ready!
Jeanne, take care. Boil some rice water to drink. Try to drink more water too. Some antibiotics r very harsh on the stomach. Make sure that u DH eat after food.

Me too. Having LS these 2 days. I thought is related to egg whites. So i tried to cut to 6 and eat more chicken meat instead. Rest well for your ER tml. I am still struggling with my needles. The pressure pulling the med into the syringe is tiring my hands. My last bottle for the nite...5 bottles down.

Good luck tml!

Luv...the temp shld rise after opk positive within the next12-36hrs..before O temp ard 36.2 to 36.5..after O the ideal temp according to Dr zou shld at least 36.65 unless u r suffering from very low body temp e.g 36 or 35.x

for me, bbt quite zun...if bbt drop on Dpo 9 or 10..i know most likely no chance..
