IVF/ICSI Support Group

Mamaleen, sorry to hear that. You may want to do a mini confinement to BU your body. Good to go holiday to relax, who knows you may come back with good news.

Mama Leen,
Hugs... We work hard tgt k.. I'm also gg holiday first. Come back then try. Yday my hubby ask me if I wanna quit cuz lately got some problems with my boss. So very unhappy at work. My hubby actually encourage me to quit then slowly find another job/ continue to do my fresh cycle.
Hi MaMa leen
Sorry to hear that , don't worry once your recover thing and try again in June , don't forget to take care your bobby and get body ready for next cycle.
Hi Jeanne
just got called from lab this morning total eggs 19 and use 18 to fertirize and 13 eggs fertilize , I am quite happy with number but still worry because my lining very low so depend on tomorrow
scan and check up if my body ready to accept , other wise my doctor will postpone to next cycle so that my body to recover.

but I really wanted to get it done anyway it's not up to me
depend on my body condition
Hope, Sorry for kepoh, but my MIL told me if preggie better dont drink ginger at night, day time ok, think is about scare the over blood circulation at night...just my two cents..
1bb, sorry if I'm asking qns that you may already have mentIoned in the forum. How many cycles have you gone through n any implantation success yet?
Mama leen,

take care ya, i have a fren with similar cases.. but at least u noe u can preg ..implantation is not a problem for u now. u already one step ahead..jiayou k..how many frozen left?

how r u? u doing fresh?

ur lining is 4mm? hmm, any supplements dr give to help u? did u go tcm ?
Hi sugary
I didn't take any supplement at all , just some medicine doctor been giving me but maybe not related to lining
Only done acuputure not taking any Tcm but now thinking to take not sure if it's too late
Jaded...the lap affected my endo condition causing AMH to drop..

Joyfully...well i am buddist cum taoist cos i pray to guan ying too.. try take DHEA..may help
hi Ladies,

Im now on day5 of puregon, after yest evening accu at Dr Zou, i felt nauseous and slight headache this AM,not sure its because of the puregon or the accu... hmm.. does anyone experience this?

Angelxuan, its me, i asked about the immunacol.. thanks for the contact. As for the LRD drink, how much to prepare, as in the ingredients? Im also those kind xu bu shou bu.. i think i will start with 2x a week first.

Usagi, so you are the one at Dr Zou yest evening, i heard you talking about the follicle size, and you replied her x x x ... Im the one laying on the bed beside you asking Dr Zou about the raw and cooked eggwhite..keke Im also going again this sat, her HB sometimes abit blur blur hor.. i remembered making appt for sat but he say dont have my name..

My hubby asked me, why gotta take so many things in a day haha.. im drinking ensure milk, eat egg whites, eat brazil nuts..im only eating the multivits from Ocean Health not taking conceive gold, hopefully its good enough.

I just call FUNG and Goh pharma, its $106 per box and free delivery with min of 2 boxes, any of the gals here wanna buy, maybe we can consolidate the orders together.
Mc_007, oh dear! Serious ah? Lap will affect AMH? Jeez... I'm thinking of doing lap wor. How ah? I tot can do lap to unblock tube n let dr Loh check my internal c got anything overhaul bo leh....
Thank u all for the encouragement. Actually I do wonder whether my embryos are not growing because they were cultured too long. Mine was a day-4 transfer. Haiyah, but dun wanna think again...my DH also say dun question anything anymore. It's just not meant to be. But it is heartbreaking knowing tt the embryos will be miscarriage-ing themselves anytime in the days to come. They r still here and waiting to say goodbye n I cannot do anythg abt it.
*knocks head* be strong!

Sugary...I got no frozen ones cos my other 4 fertilized ones didn't pass the blastocyst stage.
Mamaleen hugsss. At least you can rule out implantation problem. I was almost going to do a womb biopsy before my 1st BFP as i failed 3 tries consecutively before that. Now you just have to concentrate on eggs health, take supplements, TCM etc and in 3 months time, would be ready for another fresh. This time, i also recommend you transfer at day 2 or 3. Sometimes embryos survive better when placed in womb earlier. Labs are afterall chemical environment, not as natural as womb. You may also want to consider if change RE. For IVFs, labs play an important part. If a lab is good, they culture embryos better. I am not saying Dr Ann's lab not good but now that you will plan another fresh, its an opportunity to look out.

Dont give up. Try try try ... surely will get there one day! Jia you ok?!
ladybuggy, for Fung & Goh, if buy 10 boxes of immunocal it will free 1 box. They can help to deliver to 3 different places and the cheque also can give them seperately.
Mamaleen, know you are very upset now. Do you blog? I find blogging a good way to express thoughts and heal. I keep a private blog since 2009, documenting all my BFPs and MCs. Sometimes i read back, i teared. But i do find myself healing better.

I tell myself, my 1st and 2nd babies are in heaven and God is babysitting them for me. That gives me closure. Hugsss again, stay strong gal!
I1BB, you mixed immunocal into hot Milo? Wah..wasted, hot cannot lah. Maybe next time you mix in cold/room temperature Milo, but not the instant Milo mix coz got milk powder in it.

Ladybuggy, are you the type that gets heaty easily when you have bu food/drink? If yes, maybe you try red date & wolfberries drink first. For red dates, buy the seedless type. Boil red dates (say 6 pieces) with some wolfberries in 2.5 cups of water for about 5 minutes, simmer for about 10-15 mins, add a little bit of sugar if you want. This would give you about 2 cups to drink. If you find this too thick, you may add more water or use less red dates/wolfberries. If you want to add dried longan, then no need to add sugar.
Joyfully, DHEA need prescription, cannot buy off shelves one. Even iherb have, i try to order, they warn me spore customs will confiscate. Need to ask your doctor lor.
Hi hi heartbeats! How r u?! (",)

Yo angel, ya lor, I so kuku hor. Sigh. I'll mix with orange juice next time

Wonder how's my dearest cockcock....

Luv!! *waving hands*
Mc_007, Sorry for being so inquisitive, but how has the lap affected your endo condition causing amh to drop drastically? Reason being I am likely to go for a lap too n got rather concerned when I read your post. I don't understand the connection between the lap n endo n amh level. I thot lap is the procedure to clear endometriosis isn't it? Do u mean lap has the risk of lowering one's amh level? What's the plan for yourself?

Sugary, I plan to go for lap first before starting a fresh cycle. I''ve been feeling blue n rather hopeless after what the fortune teller n another Gynae told me about my condition. But I'm still going to give it another try, n hopefully I can extract n freeze as many eggs as Possible before my reserve runs out. Is it necessary to do a amh test again before attempting another fresh cycle?
i1BB, i am ok i guess, haha ... each day passed without problems is a milestone but need wait for regular checks to Dr Loh to be assured everything is ok. I see you so actively planning and researching for your next cycle, i feel very heartening. You will surely have success soon gal!
LuvnHope you too ya!

Ya, me also everyday thinking of CockCock. Maybe she decided not to visit forum awhile to take her minds off. If so then good. I just hope she is not slogging out at work.
Jaded, if you have not done a AMH test before, its good to do before another fresh. Cos it can give your RE a better idea of your reserve and hence tweak your protocol better, like maybe higher dosage or add grwoth hormones etc ... AMH not costly also and more reliable than FSH, good to do.
Hi ladies!!

i1BB, aiyoh, ur immunococal drowned in your milo? Dun heart pain okie? *pat pat*

i1BB and MC, I did 2 laps b4 leh... Dun think they affected my reserve thankfully. At least based on my response last fresh cycle, i dun think so?

Mc, thanks for your tips on immunococal too!

Mamaleen, sorry to hear the news. Hope you won't mind me asking... I remember u took an Ovidrel jab to help stop your spotting rite? How many days b4 BT was that? In any case, dun look back and doubt your decisions. Blastocysts have higher success rates and it was a sound decision that you made.

BigBear, your efforts will pay off! We gambate together!!

Joynfaith, Dr Tan only did FET for me b4. Actually I thought Dr Marianne was more gentle and my ET with her was painless. Dr Tan was, uh, a bit more cor lor... haha... But he'll patiently answer your questions if you ask. I'm now waiting for my April cycle to start long protocol.

Joyfully, dun worry too much. As we all know, it only takes one healthy embbie to stick! And quality beats quantity!!
Mamaleen, I can tell from your post that you are really very sad now. Just cry if you need to cry. You have a right to grieve if you want to. Others may not understand but to a mother, no matter at what stage her baby is in her womb, it's still her baby. Try to seek a closure so that you can move on. Like what heartbeats suggested, blogging is a good way. For me, my DH bought me a beautiful angel pendant while we went for holiday after my mc and I wear it feeling comforted as if keeping the baby that I'd lost close to my heart. I also believe all unborn babies go to heaven as angels and it's only a matter of time that we will meet them there.
Angel, wow.. Tat's very sweet of your DH!
you are blessed with a loving hubby.

Yes, couldn't agree more with you that your baby is in heaven now, with angels watching over him/her. It's a matter of time that you and baby be reconciled in eternal life! Hugzzz!
Mama leen, I am also not good with words...big bear hug to u.
Let u heart out by blogging, as heartbeats suggested n crying too.

Pancake, u can try red bean soup. Heard that it helps in the lining

i think now may be too late becos u already did your ER..but just try your best to have some red bean soup like that others suggest. have u ask ur dr if its ok to go ahead bcos i tot the minimum is 8mm, and sometimes they can go as low as 6mm..not sure about 4mm..i think u have to discuss with ur dr is its adviseable to transfer so you dont waste the embbies in case they are realy gd quality.

oh i see..no one knows the answer for every failure.. dont blame urself for that..even Dr Loh told me he doesnt know the answer for each of my previous failure. he can tell you 'maybe is this, 'maybe is that'.. u already tried your best..but i admire your courage to blast 4 embbies. cos blasting is no joke, really takes a lot of courage becos we were so scare to lost them during blasting. take care

oh i see..im not too sure about AMH test. from wat Heartbeat mentioned, seems like a test for reserve..hmm, if u have lowere egg retrieved the previous round, perhaps you check with ur dr if you shld do one..for me, dr just sent me for a scan to check for reserve, thats all.
Heartbeats, luvnhope, Angelxuan, cool....

Thsnk u...I'll heal with time...slowly but surely...i do keep a blog but I stopped blogging slightly after my ET. Perhaps I'll log in again n blog again. Was ok but then suddenly I got upset and wanted to cry but my mum's around. Wldn't want to cry in front of her cos I'll make her sad. I'll be ok...no worries...

Heartbeats, my lab is at mt e...dr loi's procedures all done at mt e...i still dunoe my next step but based on my last discussion with DH, we may not go thru another IVF in the near future. Giving ourselves many months to try naturally n maybe get some traditional help for now.

Luvnhope....my Ovidrel jab was on thurs morning. I had my BT on mon morning. On mon after my BT results, i was given another support jab on my thigh.
Sugary...it wasn't my decision to blast the embies. The embryologist and/or my doctor decided on it probably because they want to confirm the best 2 of all...until now, I still dunoe why mine is a day-4 transfer...but nevermind...perhaps they think I'm still very young and can 'experiment' more...
hihi ...long time never come in....was really busy at work and settling my kitchen+2 toilets reno for end of April-mid May ....

i have done all the tests - rubella, checking of ovarian reserves, cavity, etc...all results are ok... hubby also passed his blood test as well...

so now we are given 3 weeks to decide if we are really gg to go for iVF.... ...

seeing all my friends become pregnant and becoming mothers really makes me upset...it does not help that inlaws are pressuring me from day 1...

again..feeling v demoralised...

Mama leen,

actually blasto is very famous in US..almost 80% of the clinic does blasto for ivf bcos the best will work out..and once they can survived up till 5 days, they have 50% more chances to be preg than Day2 transfer.

the reason for Day4 is because everyday they will monitor the growth of the embryos..if they find that the embryos are not growing too well, or going to stop developing ,they will quickly ask u to transfer..and probably your other embbies die along the way and they see the last one can tahan till D4 but may not be developing well, so u r ask to come at D4..some cases they transfer at D3..super gd ones can blast till D6..so its always monitoring on a day to day basis. this is becos embbies who doesnt work out at lab enviornment may grow better in womb environment. but those who can make it in lab environment up to Day5 are definitely high chance that they will developed further when place in womb.
Mamaleen, was your support jab progesterone or hCG? I know you're feeling sad right now, and what I ask may upset you further...
Hope you won't be angry wif me for asking... Did your clinic ensure that the hCG from the Ovidrel was out of your system at the time of your BT? I do hope so, becos otherwise they'd be doing you an injustice... I'd be indignant and angry for you if that were the case.
Mamaleen - sorry to hear. No need to analyse why and how, God works in mysterious ways and there's nothing wrong w a day4 transfer. Take care of yourself.

GirlGril - ivf takes it's toll mentally. Just a friendly comment that if you can afford the time, Dun rush into it if your mind is not ready. It's more of a mental journey that is difficult. But if you have decided to go ahead, then charge on and good luck. Everyone have their own path - as difficult as it is, don't compare w friends who have, since we never also compare with friends who don't have, right? You will know that if I succeed via ivf, you and dh really wanted the child.

Mamaleen, I'm really sorry.. Lots of hugs to u.. Pls tAke care n rest well.. Glad u r going for a holiday to distract yourself n also reward yourself for all the hardworking u had to go thru
