IVF/ICSI Support Group

Thanks for your concern, Cool! We did take it after food, but it still happened.
I just hope that it will be totally recovered by tmr! just worry what if it leak out during ER... sorry, too gross!

Hi Usagi, I also considered that maybe it is related to the egg whites, cos not used to eating so many!

Luv, when you have ovulated, your temp will increase by 0.3 degress celsius compared to the highest reading of the previous 6 days.

Mc, so usually how many degrees increase after O? Thks!

Jeanne, ic.. I'm having trouble knowing my normal temp now cos of limited data. There's an increase of .2 to .3 but donno whether it's due to heatiness. Tested opk still neg. Confused now.
Hi Usagi,
All the best for your scan tmr... your injections will end soon!

Hi Luv, sorry, i mean increase by at least 0.1 degrees... There is this book i borrowed from the National Library called "Taking charge of your fertility"... it is very useful to teach you all about charting and seeing your fertile signs.
depends cos my bbt fluctuate between 36.3 to 36.5 from AF till b4 O...normally after opk positive and bbt rise to 36.6x..i will consider it the ovulation day..

i also read tat as long as yr bbt dun fall below the coverline after O, it is ok..for me, if fall below than 36.6 mean little chance le..
Usagi, sorry I missed your post. I think Dr. Yong is very personable. I like her... How are you today?

Pancake, I was initially with Dr. Jin but she was on MC for two weeks the other time and I changed to Dr. Zhao during her absence. I feel I can connected better with Dr. Zhao although I heard Jin is very good. Anyway, I went back for acupuncture on ET afternoon as advised by Dr. Zhao. Went back again yesterday and supposed to go on Friday and then next Monday.

I feel extremely tired this week cos I had gone back to work and had so many early morning con calls... I hope everything is fine cos I usually feel very tired the week before my menses.
Hi Luv,
You can find examples of BBT charts at this link.
Through seeing it is easier to understand how to do it.

They have classic charts, pregnancy charts, and even IVF success charts.

Did you take your temperature 1st thing in the morning before you get out of bed? And did you wake up the same time each day? These are things that may affect... wake up late by and hour can cause temp rise. And each day, our temp will naturally fluctuate.
Usually charting start from day 1 of menses, try to take temp just after waking. When you see that a temperature is higher than the immediately preceeding 6 days of temperature by at least 0.1 degree, then it is a sign of ovulation, provided you had at least 5 hours of sleep, not having fever.

As mc said, you can draw a "coverline", this means draw a horizontal line on your chart, 0.1 degrees above your "highest pre-o temp".
I have no idea will update you tomorrow ,if really can't do ET this round then I will go holiday first he he
Sleep early today and rest well and wish you all the best tomorrow
for all the good effort will pay off
I feel sometime she ok , sometime is not ok with me
because we just have a few word and main is only acupuncture
no connected with her , so i thinking to change to other TCM maybe will try and DR ZOU since she is near my house
oh.. Luv.. and I use an App call Ovuview to track.. It will show you the trend, predict when is your next O based on the information you entered like when is yr AF, OPK positive or not etc. I find it useful and you can see the graph..

Like Jeanne say, try to take the temp about the same time each day.. this wld mean having to wake up early during weekend too.. :)
Good morning sisters
Morning ladies....
Read abt some of the BFNs, feel so disappointed *big hugs* to u brave ladies...it's my first fresh and I'm feeling very jittery too...sometimes somethings just can't be explained, even my embryoist said that she's was surprised that I couldn't conceive after a few cycles of assisted natural and iui coz the eggs are of top quality which are rare....I myself pray and hope everyday..hopefully can overcome the odds this time...u ladies give me a lot of encouragement and I feel alot for u...*hugs again*

Hope: congrats to u...I'm seeing the doc today...hopefully I can psycho him to let me take some tests today though he said in email yday a no...he insisted on the 16th day...gonna quote ur example...the 2 ww is torturous...I went back to work yday..felt some acute pains and serious cramps at night...luckily my boss is understanding to chide me for going back...now gonna spend $$$ to see doc again..fear hyperstimulation again...aaarrgghh
Hi ladies, I'm at KKIVF, gonna do my BT today instead of tomoro cos of work commitment.. Hopefully it's good news.. I hope God grants me my wish cos this is my last chance Liao, no more frozen eggs left, need to do fresh n im not looking forward to that...

not really thats the case, everyone reacts differently to symptoms. i know of an ivf lady who has no symptoms during 2ww until day14 cramp all the way till BT day..she confirms immediately that her AF is going to report. and she really waited and waited, but still not here. she went for BT and her results were amazingly high. true enough she got a set of twins..so dont give up hope first, no symptom can be a symptom..on the contrary, AF symptoms can also be pregnancy symptoms.
Hi Mc 007 and Jade,

What is AMH that you both are talking about?

I just failed my 2nd IVF, and am considering doing another lap instead of going for a 3rd round.

I have endo which I believe reduces the quality of my oocyte. Actually, I had 1 lap done years ago, which resulted in 1 pregnancy which was lost subsequently, but i did managed to conceive again naturally after that.

suspect my endo may be back altho no cysts showed up in the pelvic scan prior to 1st IVF..HSG also showed tubes were clear..
Sisters, this morning I did my BT. And the clinic just called! My hcg is 90+ for 9dp4dt. I am still quite numb. Maybe cried too much. Can't really believe it. As I did 2 home pregnancy test this morning and both are negative. I was crying so badly and even reading on adoption already.

Anybody knows why the HPT can b negative even when there hcg?

I hv been having quite a lot of spotting for the passed two days
Congrats Cool!!! Don't worry about HPT...BT is far more accurate and conclusive. Take very very good care of yourself! Rest rest and rest...
Cool, congratulations to you!!!
Don't worry about HPT, blood test is more accurate.

Hi CHevy, how was your ER?

Thank God that I am feeling very well, except for some spotting, which the nurse says is normal. They retrieved 11 eggs. Will call me tmr to let me know when to go on sat.
Mc007, thanks for the info on DHEA!

Cool, congrats!!! So happy for you!!!
grabbing babydust from you! Meanwhile, please take good care of yourself, and muz rest well k?
Congrats Cool! Happy for u! I wish all of us can as lucky!

Jeanne, 11 sounds good. U are so lucky, only spotting. I had horrible dizziness and wanted to vomit after ER that time. I dread of the coming one this sat.

Today my scan showed 14 eggs but got 2-3 is very small, so i think can omit. Dunno when is ET though. Lining is 12mm, dunno good or not. Tonite ask dr Zou.

Koirc, my coming ER will be performed by Dr Yu coz my doc away. Hope all turns out fine. NOw left that horrible HCG jet tonite.
Thank u all sisters!
hug hug all. Other then my DH, u girls are the second to be informed. Wow, the power of sisterhood in IVF.

Jeanne, congrats on ur 11eggs retrieved. Try to eat small meals n rest. After ER, tend to have bloatedness too.
Hi sisters! i remembered reading one of our sisters BFP naturally after going thru TCM and also taking supplements. I wanna get supplements for my husband. Other than Royal jelly what else can he take? Thanks in advance.

congrats! forget about HPT. sometimes depends on brand and quality of the HPT itself, can be giving false results. i rem for my pregnancy, i took HPT on day 9 and i got super faint line..so i kept testing every first morning urine..until d14 i still get faint line..the line never gets darker as its supposed to be becos HCG will rise as day past.. until i buay tahan went for early BT, it came back 200HCG on day14 and yet im still getting super faint line. so perhaps ur 90+ the HPT still cannot retrieve the HCG.. i read in the forum before, some ladies cant even get positive for clearblue HPT..blood test still the most accurate..thats why alot ladies say dont despair until u get ur results.. now u can cry even more cos u succeeded after so many years.
Cool, congrats!!!
HPTs can be insensitive enough even if they promises high sensitivity etc ... sometimes how we keep them (exposure to moist/heat) also alter their sensitivity. Now most important is the spotting! Got add supports to stop it? Very important ya!
Wow... So many to read, i just woke up from my nap.

Jeanne, 11 is very good wow

Cool, must get more supports from SGH CARE ya. Must rest rest rest!

Hi usagi, it sounds like a good number of follicles and your lining also is good. Hope your ER goes well. Is your HCG injection tonight ovidrel? I found that it is less painful than pregnyl.

Thanks cool. Is there any advice on what meals are suitable or unsuitable? I ate fish beehoon soup for lunch & just took 3 egg whites.
