IVF/ICSI Support Group

Congrats Cool!
rest well and take care of yourself!

Hi Jeanne .. Did my ER today also, had bad uncomfortable feelings through out the week.. Think it's really ohss.
I had over 20 eggs retrieved as opposed to what I thought to be only 10... Was given medicine to take for the next 7days for the bloatedness.
Came back slight spotting and now stomach really bloated!
feel uncomfortable again.

Any way to curb this ohss besides egg whites? I see eggs now will vomit...

Will kk inform us if the eggs are good or not? Or if got form embryo? ET this sat.. But other than that nothing was said.

Booboolina..hope to hear ur gd news later! All thebest...

Usagi, all the best to your upcoming ER. Don't worry.. The eggs will continue to grow and I'm sure you will get a gd number!
Ladies, dr loh suggested to blast 7 of my frozen embies. Do u all think it's a good idea? I have 15 frozen. Really worried if all do not make it to blasto then do I really have to cancel the FET cycle? What shld I do?
Hi Sarah, I'm starting my fet next wk once my menses come.
So far i've been eating brazil nuts, folic acid, 1 cup ensure milk/day, LRD tea (1-2 cups/day), 'traditional medicine' Female Toner tea. Been doing a lot of walking and some playing badminton too. Dunno if I shld try tcm accu but I dun have much time to go so often so I may not try out afterall.
faith, thanks. I did taking brazil nuts and Ensure, Folid acid n conceive well too. Dunno what else to prepare. I will have my D10 scan next week.
Hi Sarah

On top what faith mentioned, u might wanna take chicken essence (homemade or bottled) daily or once in 2 days from start of the FET cycle to bu. Also I have been taking aspirin as prescribed by dr tan since start of the cycle.
Oh yes, chicken essence too. Sometimes i feel I really have so much food to remember everyday, my mind must go thru a checklist everyday else i sure forget something! But I take essence only 2x a wk. Maybe when I start progynova I will take alternate days ba.

Which clinic r u at, Sarah?
Hi gals, unfortunately it's a BFN.. Less than 1.2 HCG.. No more eggs to try..

Surprisingly I have no more tears to shed.. I've started thinking of my coming holiday, what colour to dye my hair.. Trying to see the positive in this horrible negative..
Probably not gonna do anything for abt 2 or 3 months..
mc, only started last week. My reading from 36.2 to highest 36.5. It was 36.2 for the first 2 days i charted, then has been 36.4 /.5 thus far. But so far, still neg OPK leh. Donno whether i missed it or what. But TCM doc thinks i haven't ovulated. Maybe i'm really heaty, starting to feel sore throat coming.

Jeanne, thanks for the link. I'll check it out!

Congrats Cool!

Booboolina, understand how u feel. Take some time for yourself first dear.
Hi cas, congrats for your successful ER! sorry to hear you're feeling uncomfortable. The nurses told me that drinking water can prevent OHSS. Try to take at least 3 litres throughout the day. Besides this and egg whites, I'm not sure.
I'm starting to feel a bit of ache now and bloating too.
Thanks WenWen. I did take btl Chix Essence but will only take after menses clear. I actually dunno what else to take as I have failed so many times.

Faith, I with Dr Tan at KKIVF. My 1st time with him as I transferred from Dr Loh. Urs is Medicated or natural fet?
Thank u sisters. Just came back fr SGH. Went for a progesterone jab. My progesterone only 19.9.

Heartbeats, Is there anything I can do or need to do. I remember u shared something abt it before.

Sugar, thanks for ur sharing...now I know, never to trust in HPT before AF due date.

Booboolina, hug hug. Have a good sleep first. And go do something that will make u happier.
i1BB, oic... well, at least you may have found the root of the problem and can tackle it now!

Do you feel any symptoms related to the high thyroid level leh?
Hi Sarah, your efforts n perserverance will be seen by the one above.. Jia you. R u seeing tcm dr for accupuncture ? So u have been on aspirin for previous cycles?
Booboolina, sorry to hear
hugsss .. rest a while first then replan your steps ok? Surely will get there 1 day!

Cool, the 19.9 is in nmol or ng? If nmol then indeed low. But you have been given progesterone jab? That will push up the progesterone. Then moving forward is how to ensure progesterone sufficient all the way, what supports were you given? You can request pessaries or even more jabs. I am now on daily jabs, jab until my bums are so sore cannot sit for long or walk too fast
Sarah, I was under dr sadhana but I couldn't make it for my 1st appt w her and she had no other slots till end April, and I wanted to start in April, so I decided to change to TFC dr loh. I used to be under him at KKH 4 yrs ago and was successful. I'm doing medicated FET.
I1bb, or maybe false alarm? But even if true, my fern who had thyroid prob tiao her body wif tcm n has a healthy boy now! Dun despair!
Wenwen, I see dr Zou for 2 yrs +. But after last failed cycle I change to ban choon chan. Hope he can help me. I on aspirin now. Previous fresh cycle no, but I took before during med fet n also no success.
Faith, all the best for ur coming FET ya... Medicated fet have better control. I ask dr tan to gv me med fet but he say try for natural fet 1st.
Luv, I dnt think it's a false alarm. I think dr sadhana wants me to repeat BT for a more precise one. I know it ain't a big issue nor is it a very minor one. Now I'm just worried abt the side effects of thyroid meds cos I heard it causes one to swell n eyes bulging.
So sorry to hear that. Do take care & go for a great holiday, get a new hairdo, and eat whatever you like!

After ET, will there be progesterone injections for most ladies? How long do we need to have them? I thought after stimulation no need any more... sigh...
Hello heartbeats, bbjourney & angel,
Just to check, do yours gals take ang v D now? Beside folic acid, why other vitamin should i be considered now?
Wah Sarah, thanks for enlightening. I tot the meds will cause side effects. As for feeling hot or cold easily ah, I nvr really pay attn leh... N oh, I am not sure on what Is TSH and T4. U r so knowledgeable. Glad if u can enlighten me further dear. This am I was only told to do a BT to test thyroid n the nurse told me its a general test. Nurse called me at 5pm n told me my thyroid level is very high n dr sadhana wants me to go down n do a BT again.... Dont know what's gg on leh. I super blur de...
Jeanne, not everytime after ET will have jabs. In fact, most cases i know, esp from SGH,KKH only have inserts. So dont worry. Check with your IVF doc what are their protocols and plans for your post ET support.

For my case, i also didnt have jabs after ET. Its only after tested BFP that i also realised my progesterone too low (i m prone to that) and i had miscarriages before, thats why i ask for jabs. And doc also did not readily give me, they see my BT and my past miscarriages then agree one.

I am oddball lah. Most gals wont have progesterone problem and wont need the jabs. So you also may not need. Must see how your situation. If dont need then dont jab cos not only is it draining, once you start a level of progesterone, cannot stop so doc very cautious to anyhow increase.
Hope, what is ang v D? I think for now, dont anyhow take vitamins as dont know safe for pregnancy and also in the next few weeks, you will be juggling with hormone changes and morning sickness, best not to have too many things in your system. Anyway at first tri, babies cannot absorb our nutrients directly yet also.

From 2nd tri, if i am not wrong, doc will start to give vitamins so maybe can follow by then. Now just eat healthy nutritious food is best.
Thanks heartbeats.
Aiyah, i meant any vitamins D la (typo..).
I will stay away from the vitamin now n shall take only what doc gave ba....
Marble..AMH is to measure ovarian reserve..ic low, mean u r likely to be not responsive to stim, thus wont hv too many follicles..

Usagi...yr lining is gd..i jus check with dr zou and she say 11-13 is the best..gd luck

Cool...gratz....grabbing baby dust

I1BB...I am taking med to control my thyroid conditions..not really problem yet, jus preventive...dun really feel side effect.

Luv..u can test opk from cd12...maybe really not ovulate yet cos yr bbt not very high yet. and the dhea website is rrecommended by my previous dr..lol

booboolina....enjoy yr holiday first and make a comdback.
I1bb, no worry, go for the detail test 1st then see the result. Sometime for thyroid, the symptoms is hot flush or feel cold easily as there is 2 types of thyoird. Hyper n hypo. If detected early for thyroid disorder, the eye will not cause bluging etc. another symptoms is become thinner or fatter, heartbeat faster etc. u can monitor this few symptoms or whether will ur hand feel shaky.
Sarah, I dnt feel cold easily but recently I do feel warm but I tot that's b cos the weather is freaking hot. Lolx. I put on alot weight since 2009 till now. 13 kgs altogether n I tot it's b cos I'm aging n also cos of dhea, superfood n also the jabs for IVF. My heartbeat I think is ok n my hands not shaky (yet). Haha. Can u enlighten me for hyper n hypo, just need take meds and there wnt b much side effects ah? Cos I'm super scared i will n very fat. Hee. Sorry for so many questions. I'm gg to re take my BT either tmr or sat.
Mc_007, u taking meds ah? Mind sharing u got thyroid prob too ah? No side effects? R the meds ex? Sorry ah gals, I now Abit kan cheong spider cos I scared scared
I1bb, looks like u doesn't have any symptoms. Dun worry at this moment, wait for another bt 1st ok. The weight that u gain shld be from Ivf, lot ppl gain weight after Ivf. Me too gain 10kg. Hyper is the thyroid gland generate excess iodine whereas hypo is the other way.
I1bb, just like what sarah said, dun worry first, wait for another BT and then pick up from there. Remember, we are here for you

Jeanne, remember to ask for all supports from Dr Loh in the operation room after your ET ya gal.

Hope, ya pls don't self decide to take vitamins / other supplements without doctor's approval. Usually dr will start you on necessary supplements from trimester 2.

Booboolina, hugs! Stay strong! Have a good holiday first!
