IVF/ICSI Support Group

Saggie : like what Ching said, it's v easy..as long as u go v early, guess the wait will not b too long like mine. Think I went at 9am but the time I took the letter was like 1-2pm. I just told the doc give me a letter of referral to Kkh for ivf.. Then the polyclinic will call to fix an apptm with KK. Actually from my experience it doesn't really save much.. Only save on some intial tests costs. When u hv to go to kkivf its considered private rates anyway. When I switched doc, I had to pay first consultation again.

Girl girl > I dily dally back then cos was trying naturally too...

Saggiegirl, if u dun hv ur dh full support on Ivf, u will feel sad especially during the Ivf process. It is really hard to go through alone for the whole process. Talk to him nicely or discuss with him what's in ur mind and share with him the info u hv gather on Ivf. Last time I search a lot of info n compare the dr before I ask dh to decide which dr shld we go for. Dun be sad n must relax ok....
Saggie: sat polyclinic super crowded. Wld polyclinic if go between 8am to 10.30am for registration. I working under polyclinics. Have you done check like scan for womb or your fallipian tube? If not then go get referral letter to kkh O&G clinic. Get the dr to do all this check first. After which they will referred u to IVF centre. After which all private charges.

Maybe let ur hubby have a peace of mind just do want he deem fit. He is slowing coming to the term that we need medical help to have baby.
yo Wendy, yr hubby is really sweet to the max! U r so lucky. He ain't too old la only 35. My man alrdy 42.. Lao Kok Kok Liao...

Yo saggiegirl, I dnt knw u nor yr dh well so if I said anything offensive, pls dnt take it to heart. No offense but I seriously think yr Dh Erm, kinda jiatluk leh. N how cld u even put up with such abuse?! Even if he didn't abuse u physically, he is mentally abusing u. Husband n wife shd respect each other right. How cld he scold u useless? If u r useless then he is worse lor. U shd seriously have a nice talk with him, make sure he change his attitude n get the correct mindset b4 u proceed further. Dnt have a BB for the sake of having a BB. I'm sorry if my words r too harsh. I just cnt stand it when husbands shout n doesn't respect their wives... Apologies dear
Saggiegirl: don't be upset. If you need to release stress. Come in to this thread. We are here to support one another.

At time, my hubby also said my stomach useless cannot produce. Make me very upset also. I will shout back him. Telling him that I already take all supplements, tcm and IVF. Partly also his soldier not taking to my egg. What to do. I make him eat lots of supplement like vitamins and tcm. Heehee.
Saggiegirl, like what the other sisters say here, Mayb yr dh is under some kind of stress, that I dnt knw lah. But whatever it is, if he continues to treat u like dirt n doesn't appreciate yr effort... This IVF journey will b rather taxing on your heart, mind, soul n the relationship between u n yr dh, not to mention finances as well.
Yoyo babysmurf, I dnt knw where to get oysters to cook oysters egg for DH leh... Outside sell those 蚝箭 eh sai bo ah? Heeee ^,^
Babysmurf & I1BB,
Dr.Loh's nurse told me to make kiwi juice for hb everyday... You might want to try it out too

She also said an oyster a day lo... But I dunno whether to buy oyster sashimi, so hvnt start on that yet. 蚝煎 a bit too oily leh... Can't eat so frequent leh
I1bb: I just read a website. It said that oysters are good for the libido - but for fertility?  Oysters have a huge amount of zinc in them, a substance that is said to help with both healthy sperm and egg production.  If you don't like to eat oysters, look for zinc in baked beans, eggs, nuts, pumpkin seeds and multi-vitamins.

A Few Additions
Both garlic and honey are two fertility items that are often overlooked.  Garlic has selenium in it, a mineral that may help to reduce the chances of miscarriage in women and that is said to enhance male fertility.  It also contains vitamin B6 which regulates hormones and builds your immune system.  Perhaps tasting slightly better, honey has been used for centuries to boost fertility.  It is rich in minerals and amino acids that are good for the reproductive system and that help with the function of the ovaries.

Maintaining a healthy diet and a clean lifestyle can only help to promote fertility.  You'll find that you have more energy and feel better when you're eating healthy foods that are free of pesticides, sugars, and other processed ingredients.
No idea on how kiwi helps leh... She said a dr/prof teach her one... Since kiwi is a fruit, I think no harm trying lo... :p

You might want to try organic eggs with selenium?
Babysmurf, I like oysters but cannot eat too much of it. Will go check out supermarkets.. Hee... I love garlic n I eat quite alot of it. As for honey hor, my uncle helped me buy Manuka honey from Australia but I'm not sure if it's those kind that helps in fertility cos I noticed some Manuka honey selling in Sg r really expensive.. N how do we eat the honey ah? Just a scoop a day ah?
Not sure abt pineapple. She only said kiwi juice. She very funny one leh... Even though she's a Malay, but she's quite believe in TCM leh... She even asked me did I go for accu or not...
I1bb: honey I also not too sure how much to take. Cos I already taking royal jelly.

Ching: I found it. :: Citrus Fruits--Oranges, Kiwi fruit, grapefruit and other citrus fruits all have very high Vitamin C content. Vitamin C enhances sperm motility by preventing sperm clumping. It also enhances ovulation and release of the egg.

:: Pineapple--This is the best known natural source of Manganese, a very important mineral. Manganese activates enzymes in the body that trigger production of various reproductive hormones. Low levels of manganese are associated with difficulty conceiving. Pineapple also contains great amounts of enzymes, which aid digestion.
Thanks for the website. It very informative!
Oh ya, instead of pineapple, I take brazil nuts few times a week
Babysmurf, u mean u blend pineapple juice n drink a small cup a day? I also hear it aids implantation n alot of Ang mors ladies who's doing IVF drinks that too. But Chinese like us worry abt "Liang" leh... Dnt knw can take or not
Dear Wendy,
You are a strong woman too, gone thru 2 m/c and even OHSS. I really hope you can BFP soon. We all have our tough journeys, mine is not very tough and i am honoured to inspire. I really hope I can deliver successfully too. Jiayou!!! !!!

Hi Pinkcapri,
Ya, i'm starting my 9th week today but i am very apprehensive cos of my m/c 3 years ago and my adenomyosis condition. Dr loh gave me medical leave til the end of my first tri which is 31st jan, the moment he scanned and saw heartbeat. He wants me to be stress free and not go to work and must rest. I am really glad for this rest time cos my work is super hectic. He has delivered for adenomyosis patients before so i feel better to be under him all the way

Dear saggie,
You doing ok? Like i said before, how your hubby treats you depends on your threshold of tolerance. Unless you intend to tolerate all the way, you gotta speak up. Whatever the case is, BB is very impt but a healthy marriage is more impt.

IVF & pregnancy very stressful. You will get emotional and if he is not understanding nor supportive, you might even go into depression. Now i see my husband black face a bit i also cannot. I will feel like crying. So do work out healthy communication channels with your husband.

If you really wanna give in to his ways, do try to get some attention for your needs too. And do come in here for support. We will be rooting for you!!!
I1bb: I tke pineapple as a portion for my fruit serving. I didn't blend into juice. I take it as cut fruit. Moderate portion but not when you are having AF.
Hello ladies, saw the discussion on male fertility and I thought I can share a bit as a man. I used to have very low motility (inactive sperms and swim slowly) and bad morphology (sperms in bad shapes like two tails/two heads/heads that is not oval). I was told to eat supplements on a daily basis, of the below to improve on those problems area I have.
1. Zinc - this helps to increase on the volume of sperms
2. Selenium - this helps to improve on the motility.
3. NOS - i can't remember what it stands for. Something like nitrogen oxide. Ask doctor and he shd be able to advise. This helps to improve on morphology.
4. Eat foods that are high in anti-oxidant. It helps in the above 3 areas.
After I had these for 2 months, I went back to KKH for another sperm analysis. My condition improved so much that Dr Loh jokingly asked me to be a sperm donor.
For those who likes oyster, there is this teochew porridge coffee shop called 阿里山 along Serangoon Road that sells very nice 蚝蛋. Very big, fat and juicy.
Oh ya, ask your husband to avoid caffeine.
Blessed new year to all!
Dear All

I am back after disappearing for a while.. Hope all of u are good.

Went for my review with Dr Yu yesterday on my failed IVF. She analyze the failure was due to poor egg quality. She suggested to go for jab to increase hormone growth and a short cycle for my next try in March.

Hope things will be better and mean time still go on with my healing, TCM, vitamins etc.
sasha: with the rite mentality and coupled w the rite stress-free environment i'm sure u'll hv a smooth 9mths ahead of u.since u are under the excellent care of dr.loh,u shld not be too unduly worried
instd look forward to the bb's progress each coming scan!i'm sure u'll b bursting w excitement..
Hi babysmurf, thanks for your info. Mayb I shd take a little bit of pineapple. Shdnt do much harm lah

Hi DH, Thks for your valuable info.

Howdy LuvNhope, yeah it's weekend and u can take a break n so can everyone else.

Haro sashamama, u must try your best not to b stress ok. Be a happy mummy n bb will b happy too

Hello Elaine, sorry if u dnt mind me asking, was your embryos good quality? I also just failed my 2nd fresh n will be seeing dr hh tan of KK soon. I wonder if he will analye for me what might b wrong with my failure.... My embryos were grade 4 and cells were normal too but it just doesn't implant
Hi sashamama...I hope I can join your journey in pregnancy soon..seems so far for me as for now...haha..but I will try harder...
thanks sweetie for your encouragement.,,
Wendy, replied u too. Sorry was busy w work on weekdays so response will be slow. :p
But i wil come here daily to follow all the sisters updates.
Dear elaine,
Welcome back! Enjoyed the festive season?

Dear pinkcapri, i1bb,
Thanks for your encouragement!!! Am thankful for the support here!

Dear wendy,
What r ur upcoming plans?

Dear bbjourney,
You are single-handedly updating the spreadsheet daily for all of us? So nice of you!!!
I have a friend, Singaporean married a Russian lady (but not yet PR), if go IVF, are they entitle for govt subsidize? Can anyone confirm that if after govt subsidize, how much need to pay cash?

If they opt for private i.e. Dr. Loh of TMC, is it cost about 10 - 16 K?

Hi sashamama I'm happy to hear your good news!!!!!!!! I do hope I can hear the heartbeat soon too.
Now make sure your have ample rest ok. We have gone thru so much . Take care ok sashamama
hi... I am under DR HH Tan and just started my lucrin injection for 7 days. I am on a long protocol and nurses told me that my menses will come as normal. However, it's already late for 3 days.
Just a bit worried, is it ok? just need some advice.
Thank you!
Hi Fou Fou,
Have you tried testing if you're pregnant? Best to verify this possibility first.
If AF still doesn't come in a few more days, then gotta check with KK whether u need to prolong Lucrin stage i think. All the best!
Hi fou fou, my menses came 8-9 days after lucrin n lasted only a day when I on the programme. However, is still good to check with kk if still delay.
The session's alright .... with some hands on. The thing that got me hyped were the testimonies that babies who were reiki'ed in the tummies turned out to be pretty special babies in the sense of calm, wisdom and intuitivity. And I asked the Reiki Master/Teacher if it is true that Reiki can help ladies to conceive and she says yes! She explained that Reiki is about "Universal Life Force", it's about energy renewal and the energy flows cause your brain wave pattern to slow down to the relaxed and mediative level of 7-14hz, which is the natural rhythm of the universal. It is at this level that most genius came up with their life changing creations and most people comes up with the inspiring ideas.

She also says that reiki is proven to enhance the uptake of oxygen in hemoglobin up to 30%. This is good news to our body but the stuff which detest this would be virus, bacterias, cancer cells etc. So if there's something wrong with our body, uterus, hormones, such increase in oxygen/energy flow will help renew and repair those cells. Makes sense isn't it? (correct Tanny? that's what Keven Duff said right?)

Please cheer up .... yes your hubby may be insensitive but I'm sure he loves you a lot still. Just because he doesn't love you in the way you want him to, doesn't mean that he don't love you with all he've got.

Hey, I stay in Woodlands too .... maybe you free or bored or upset or feel like crying can call me? I very free this month ... on 1 month hospitalization leave!!

You were the one behind me (the row right behind me), on my right is it? Someone reiki you while you were sitting there right? You didn't go out to the front. I did wonder if it was you cuz I could tell you are preggy with that small burge showing already

Your hubby went too? I saw you only.

Why don't you sign up for the seminar? At least you are learning officially from the right sources. I think that $675 is a lot cheaper and more value for money, compared to spending $150 per session ($900 for the package of 6 sessions right?) for someone to reiki us. At least after the seminar, we can reiki ourselves and others who need it. Much better long term investment.

I didn't ask them how's the min number of people required to start the class. Maybe can call them and ask? And yes yes, we heard Keven Duff talked about babies who did reiki being very special and sensitive. I think it will be good for you or anyone as a matter of fact to take this up.

You are so right .... allocating the task to our DH to help poke us will make them feel more involved & part of this journey. I think my DH enjoys it too but never say (maybe makes him feel like a doctor ... lol) ..

All of us here inspires and encourages one another. In my case, it's a situation of bo bian act .... too many medical conditions, ma chiam like have to choose between wanting my life or having a baby. Either or will diminsh my chances with the other. There's nothing I can do now except to think positive & comfort myself (or maybe I am numb to all these trials already ... lol).
Hi Sashamama

Yup, went to US for holidays during the long break. Started my new job and feeling really stress up with work now.

Will see how now...

Miss my healing session today as I went to the marine parade TCM. The queue really long, I reached at 730am and finish at 2pm.
Dear Wendy,
Replied your long pm with an even longer email, lol!

Dear Babyhug,
Thanks for your well wishes!!! You must take care too!!!

Dear Dee,
Reiki sounds really really interesting wor! I will google for some info

Dear Elaine,
Wa, so shiok to go US! I never visited the western countries before, only asia ones like japan china taiwan thailand malaysia indonesia. I wanna go europe and US next time!!! Wa, ban choon chan forever long but 730 - 2pm is super super long lo! What did he diagnose and what did he prescribe for you?

Hi I1BB,
You are really funny. My DH also enjoys giving me the jabs as he is calm and steady about it and i fear it totally so i confirm die die cannot do. I will tease him about the role play later, lol.

Dear Saggie,
How are you today? Visited the polyclinic? Gotten the referral? Haven't heard from you, hope you are alright!!!
hi elaine> i'm oso under dr.yu/sgh,did ER last thu waiting for D4 or D5 blastocyst wic will gv me a higher chance of preg.wen i was w kkh-ivf/sf loh i wasnt placed on any hormone growth jab.my eggs collected were 18/only 11 useable.tho i got preg/bb no hb at 6wks my embbie was sui sui grade 4 w v little fragmentations..even he cant really explain why preg was non viable only to say "chromosomal abnormalities".

wen sgh/dr.yu suggested placing me on Gonal F 450iu and hormone growth on alternate days jab,i agreed to gv it a try.i collected 13eggs and 10 were fertilised.according to the chief embryologist/amy,i'v 6 potentially good grade embbies w 4 to 5cells as at Day2..and i contribute it to the meds given.even the nurses and sonographer agree tat growth hormones mayb very expsv...itz worth it!i was almost on 10days Gonal F + GH med cost me a whopping $5,700...so b prepared...itz not cheap..ultimately good eggs+good sperm=viable pregnancy..
Thanks, LuvNhope & Cherrie...
Will wait till Monday and see if AF comes then.

Cherrie, you were also on the long protocol & started Lucrin on Day 21?

Thanks again!

Actually I m not sure. My programme got delay. I want to start when my menses come in mid oct . But kk inform me man power issue, they ask me to eat medicine n only start lucrin 1 month later, not 21 days. So end up my ET only on 21 dec.
