IVF/ICSI Support Group

wendy> oh no..then now??? go hospital to drain the water???

Parkway East is at where? I stay at woodlands...easy to go there? (I dun have a car)...

I heard about Dr Loh...as usually with busy doctors, they dun have much time... last time my KKH doctor (Dr Khoo) also very busy... talk for me for 5 minutes niah...charge me $59

But does the doctors entertain us only?? Or need hubby to be around??? I am very scared now...

Dee> i am not on clomid as my eggs are good. The hormone (pro......i cannot rem the spelling) is very high...

I just came back from Maldives...i purposely plan for the trip way back and every time no good news

He always say i spend $$$$ but he also spent $$$ on his online shopping and his IT stuff...
and i am the one who bought most of the things used at home

Feeling very down again...*cry*

Saggie girl..try n calm yrself down 1st..I was devastated previously when I get mc @ ww 17.. n failed my fet during nov..I cried bitterly coz I felt that it is not fair to me coz that was my 2nd mc from my 1st ivf..luckily I am in this forum.

I saw the perseverance from dee n sashamama..they went thru much more than any of us here yet they never give up n encourage us in the forum...this is the time which I tell myself to give myself more time n persever forward..though I am not preggy now...so jiayou like them n have a never give up mentality like them n u will be better..n not feeling so sore like before like what happen to me previously too...
Saggiegirl..this ohss happen to me last yr 2011 during april when I did my ivf..I get this when I had my et...now still have the stretch mark on my body bcoz of this...sad..
..after which I get water tapping from my stomach n then I get preggy from et..everything was short lived..I get mc after ww 17..I lost my bb boy during July..then I proceed to do my fet during nov but failed..now still waiting..I am 1 yr younger than you...not young any longer too..

Parkway east is located @ previously known as east shore..u can take a train to eunos met then take a shuttle bus to the hospital.

Normally for 1st consultation,it is more x but dr Roland will solve n answer to all yr doubts n questions...
you can choose to go on yr own or go with yr hubby..no issue...

Btw,you don't receive pm?
wendy> i see...

doctor say a lot of couples around our age are facing the same problem - girls ok, guys tadpoles very bad...haiz...wondering what went wrong??

Alamak, i tink i never click the PM function..wait i go and click..
Hi ladies, later when the nurse call me, what r the questions I need to ask if negative? Or even miracle happen, what do I need to ask aso? Is it only the bt reading?
Cherrie, ask for the reading ya. If BFP, the nurse will tell u go down take support meds n fix an apt for u to c Dr for further check ups
Gambete!!! Waiting waiting waiting to grab bb dusts ya!!
Cherrie: If nurse called, ask for your reading regardless whether BFP anot. If BFP like what i1bb said. you need to collect medication. If not, can ask the nurse to arrange for your next appt with the Dr.

Jia you. Waiting for your good new.
Ladies, miracle do happen. I got BFP. I burst to tear when nurse called. I could not believe n yet happy. She say my reading is 289( If I dun remember wrongly)
babysmurf, do u continue to c laoshi for yr healing? ytd i went to c laoshi n she shared with me a lot abt those ladies which she's helping them to ttc. she said we need to have patience as God is also seeing our determination. there's a lady in her forties who got preganant naturally after seeing laoshi for abt 3 mths. laoshi said 1st 2 mths, the lady was very kan cheong n kept asking her when she will succeed. laoshi also became stressed by her that she didnt wan her business hehe. laoshi said kan cheong is not gd for our mind set. after that, the lady became more tve thinking & she striked! so we need to hv tve thinking and trust the one up there that they will give us our baby at the right time. this time round, we may not strike but we need to hv patience n tve thinking. ultimately, we will strike one day.
gd luck to u & all ladies here. hope our dreams will come true in the dragon year
Hooray cherrie! *smiledance* I think you r No. 1 for Dr HH Tan's case here hor! Woohoooo! **grabbing baby dusts** CONGRATS!
Saggiegirl BFP=Big Fat Positive=Pregnant=Success=Hip Hip Hooray

Ya ya cherrie, share with us what u did during yr 2ww & any symptoms?
Congrats cherrie... Must faster go to kk to take your support. So that the pregnancy is stronger. Are u from kk?

Dear sashamama, I do feel emotional too! Had a fight when my dh said crazy too.... Hahhahaa..... In the end he give me ang pao !!! Hhehehehe... Then I happy..... Then he said he will call the baby 'zian xi'an......money money...
Dear all, thanks for the wishes
I feel af n cramping during 2ww. That's y I thought no chance Liao. But is really happen. So those in2ww, dun worry if u feel af.

Yes, I m from kk. Going to get my medicine now
Cherrie> good to hear that. My KK doctor (Dr Khoo) recommend Dr Tan HH. But he ask me to get referral letter from polyclinic
i dun understand why he dun want to write the letter...
Cherrie: Congrate. Collecting your bb dust.

Rainy: Yes Yes. I still going for my healing. consider this month 2nd try law. Nothing to do. Just take it as a form to relax and someone to chit while waiting for my next fresh cycle. After 1st round of healing and TCM, at least now my mens more predicable. I also try clomid give by Dr Tan HH for this month as booster.
How are you?
My ops? I din go thru any op ah... Am now waiting for my menses to come to start a fresh cycle. I m under Dr.Loh now.

Like what i1BB has said, it may not be necessary to tell your in-laws. I haven't told mine and I haven't even told my own parents, cos I don't want the added stress of telling them when my cycle doesn't succeed. First of all, get your hubby on board first and once both of you are ready, then u can discuss whether you'd like your family to know.

Congrats Cherrie!
Cherrie, congratulations!!! Catching your babydust.

Dee, i did not go for the Reiki seminar last night as I was not feeling well. How isit?
I didn't go la, it is Dee & Tanny :p

Congrats!!! So happy for you
If you want, you can join the IVF/ICSI 2012 mums at http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/5453919/5843068.html?1323788807. When is your next appt to see dr for heartbeat scan? Rest well!!!

Lol, im not the only crazy emo one! I 'forgave' my husband (actually he didn't do anything wrong :p) when he gave me some food, lol.

Dear Saggie,
Don't mind me saying this but how our hubby treats us depends on our level of tolerance I think. Both parties need to compromise and it seems like you are compromising alot for the sake of the marriage. If you continue to allow him to be MCP (shout at you, ignore you, he pay his own stuff & u pay for household stuff, no celebrations), he will continue to be MCP and you will need to find a way to get thru to this MCP.

Getting the doctor to talk to him is one possibility but he has already heard it from the doctor abt IVF right? How about writing him something? Emailing him (since he is so into IT)? Or talk in a 小女人 manner? Since he doesn't sound like he can take the hard approach.

How long have you two been married? I am married for 6 years and I feel that the first 5 years have been pretty unstable, thus a lot of time wasted for TTCing. It takes time and practice and loads of give-and-take to work out a marriage well. With a stable and healthy marriage, then it is time for a baby to arrive I feel.

TTC really takes two to work even if it is the IVF journey. More and more men are having probs and it is not always the women. He probably cannot take the truth. I have a friend who strike on first try of IVF. For her case, it is mainly her hubby that had the problem. But IVF solved the problem for them as the best sperms are chosen.

To have a bundle of joy in our arms is so easy for some and so difficult for others. It is up to every couple how much they want a child to see how far they will go for one. Does your hubby share your belief of wanting a baby? If yes, then focus on the solution (IVF), there is no need to magnify the problem anymore.

I dunno if what I said helped, just saying how I feel, no offence taken ya? Take care and jiayou! We will always be here to support you
Haha Ching, I have confidence that Dr Tan is a good doctor as ive heard good feedbacks on him n no negative remarks so far.... I only hope dr tan can hear me out as in he got the patience n heart To go thru my file n hear me relate to him my treatment and hopefully he can help me by coming up with some "suggestions/solutions".. It will b my 3rd fresh next... Last chance le
sometimes felt cheng sim got even Magic Hands Dr Loh also cnt help me... Sigh
Sashamama> no lar...what you said is true. Before marriage, it was good...after marriage, nothing
... maybe I am asking too much... i dun ask for branded bags or what (coz i know some hubbys give LV or what) but all i need is a word of concern or encouragement. I wish for less housework but I am willing to chip in and do my part....

His parents also have been scolding him for his bad temper...FIL ask me to "ren ren" but i dunnoe how to "ren"....

I have been married for 2 years.

Yeah you are right. More and more guys are facing the same problem. For me my eggs are OK, hormones are fine as well. No medical issues.
Dear saggie,
I am so glad you are not offended, I was so worried, kept refreshing the page, lol.

Wa, you have understanding parents in law wor! Sometimes men are insensitive and does not see the need for encouraging words lo. Did you tell him you want to hear encouraging words?

Some gals might think "if i tell my hubby what i want then he do, no sincerity. If he loves me, he will do it." I am past that stage liao. My thinking now is "if i don't tell, he dunno and don't do. if i tell, he will know and do." (of cos sometimes he know but still don't do la) So if i need hubby to do something or don't do something, i will just tell him. Luckily for me my hubby does my bidding most of the time. He is the "anything-lo" type of man and im the "cannot-this-cannot-that" type of woman :p Of cos i let him get his way at times too la. So this is how we work out our relationship lo.

You are definitely not asking for too much. We all have our needs and wants. If he needs you to let him do his online shopping, then tell him you need him to say encouraging words to you and help with some housework. Different types of needs but both are needs to be fulfilled by the other party to make this marriage work better. If he is MCP, i guess you just tell him you feel very taken care of by him if he can help you with bla-bla and when he says bla-bla. Dunno if this will work as it might boost his ego, makes him feel important.

Your hubby can start taking supplements too! Did your doctor prescribe any? There is vigor ace. My hubby takes vitamin C and E i think.

It is great that you don't have health issues. Quite a few of us here have health issues that makes TTC-ing very hard. So your only hurdle is convincing him to come onboard for this IVF journey. Just protect his ego, don't mention his problem, just speak abt the solution. I hope that helps. You can definitely find your way to do it I'm sure! Jiayou!!!
Sashamama> LOL :p...aiya where got understanding...all parents in law want to carry grandchildren but they dun want to take care (both are working - although they dun have any loans)....

U mean the Vigor Ace tablets?? KKH never prescribe...just give me open date and ask me to go polyclinic to get referral letter...
no folic acid for me as well.

BTW, where to buy Folic acid?? GNC got sell??? or where??
i am not confident of buying it online....
Hey saggie,
Cheapest is at NTUC Unity Pharmacy. About $5 only the last i heard. Guardian, watson's all will have. Start taking 1 tablet everyday the moment you start TTC-ing which is now!!! :p

Your parents in law understanding as in they know their son's tempernot good and scold him. Hehe.

If u wanna start IVF at KK, just call KKIVF for an appt. If u wanna specify which doctor then you specify. Don't need referral letter etc. Just go for first appt, will be faster.
Sashamama> cool... guardian is good coz i always buy my toiletries there...hehehe will drop by later to take a look..

OK...so just call can liao ah... hmm dunnoe y the doctor say need referral letter....:S
Dear Saggie

My hubby is also very stubborn and bad temper. Only these few years when we embarking to start our IVF. Then he starts to understand how great woman can be when we wanted to have baby.

Maybe you want to try sweet talk to him other days when his mood is good. maybe next week. Tell him that you are ready to start a family. The baby will carry his family name not ours.
I shouldn't say I m following Dr.LOH to TMC, coz I was never see him before when he was in KK. I m his new patient in TMC. Hopefully I will succeed under his magic hands...

As for healing, I hv went for 3 times. Will probably go when I start my suppression stage ba.

Maybe ur 贵人is Dr.HH Tan leh... Jia you!
Saggie: If both you and your hubby has done all the necessary check up and your Dr has also recommended you to do IVF. Not need to get referral letter. Cos IVF has no subisdy. Just that can used govt co funding.
Dee : yes I was there. I'm Chinese and I'm seated behind u to the left. I'm v shy type and did not share my story there. Wah u r so v brave to talk abt ivf and conceiving there!!! I'm pei sei type. Lol that's why my blog got no picture of my face only a cartoon. Scared pple, colleagues, frns etc recognize me leh... Cos I ever saw one colleague at kkivf centre! My hubby met his nS mate there and he was under dr loh too.

I'm not signing up for the seminar like quite expensive $700 right? Laoshi says she does it too. Price is much cheaper. I suppose more personalized if it's a smaller group like 10. Did they say the seminar must hv minimum how many persons? I know that the lady in her 40s who conceived under my laoshi also took reiki I from her and recently completed reiki 2. And she reiki her bb if she is unwell or what.. Heard Lao shi says bb who did reiki are v special, sensitive, caring and smart. Just like what one lady said during the seminar. Right Dee? Btw laoshi also says her grandchild knows reiki... Lol. Oh i I cant imagine this- hmmm a small kid putting the little hand to heal u. Anyway the kid can heal himself or herself since they have this first aid skill. My hubby and I feel like wanna learn this thingy.

Hope : yeah we went to a seminar on reiki.
babysmurf> i c i c... got the facts correct :D...coz Dr Khoo never explain properly...*scared*...

OK just call KKH...booked on 29 Feb PM to see Dr HH Tan...line not so hot and managed to get thru at one try...but i went to take the call outside as I dun want my colleagues to know...
