IVF/ICSI Support Group

Baby maps, all the best for your ER tmr! Jia yo!

LuvNhope, thanks dear. Really cheaper alot.

Howdy sunstillshines, me still struggling lor... No graduation leh... Lolx

Luvnhope, i read up a lot before I decided to work rather than stay at home. Complete bed-rest does not guarantee good result. IVF is just like natural conception. The only difference we know ahead that we have embryo in our uterus so try to becareful every move, hoping for implantation. However by so doing, we may add on some unnecessary stress to ourselves. Before I knew I am pregnant with my girl back then, i still went for exercise, life as normal. So take it easy. Dont too harsh on ourself. Of course, dont do strenuous stuff as this we have to pay $$$ for conception haahahhaa. It is ok to work. Thank God my boss is very understanding but dont wish to take his understanding for granted. Use it when necessary lor. All the best of all of us.
Ya goodies I totally agree with u! Mayb rest for one to three days after ET la but after that can go out walk ard take it easy. If not stay home will think till kee Siao one! Like me! Wahahaha
i once asked Dr Zou also whether 2ww should stay home or be normal. she advices that we should rest for the first 2 days and after which we should be returned to normal or go back to work. as our embryo is covered by our uteru's muscle, not like can drop out from our body like that, it's just a matter of whether our embryo can be implated to our linning or not...
Dear i1BB, Noy, Joanne, Luvnhope, Babysmurf, Babyhug, Hope,

Thank you so much for your well wishes! I am more assured now as I read that 15% of pregnancies before heartbeat is detected are lost. And only 1% of pregnancies after heartbeat is detected are lost. I wonder if these stats are accurate?

Dear Joanne,
Dr Loh gave me MC til 31st Jan which is the end of my first trimester. I told my bosses. They are more than happy for me and told me to stay home and rest and not worry as they will do redeployment. I am very relieved
I don't have much MS except for frequent urination, discomfort sometimes in chest and throat, slight pulling cramps, light-headedness, fatigue, hungry every 2-3hrs, nausea when I see or smell anything disgusting. I only actually vomited once so far, 2 days ago. I smsed Laoshi but I think she is too busy to reply me. My EDD is 15th August. When is yours?

My good friend who also strike under Dr Loh, heard from him that only at 20 weeks that the pregnancy is really stable.

Dear Babyhug,
At dpt 17 my hcg was only 167.5. At dpt 19 it was 411.4. You can check the spreadsheet at the bottom to see the BFP sisters info. Mine is the lowest reading at dpt17 but everything turned out fine till now, so no worries ya?


Dear Hope,
Dr Loh was telling me he is probably the doctor with the highest success rates with adenomyosis cases as one lady just before me also strike, and he delivered another with adenomyosis too. He did not expect me to get pregnant actually but I managed to. So there is always hope. Jiayou!

Jiayou to all the gals here, I'd still be sticking around here if u gals don't mind! I'm just a silent reader at the IVF graduates thread and August 2012 thread.
Dr Zou also said if the implatation work, ever if you jump it won't drop! but abit crazt talk la, why would we jump2 in this 2ww.... LOL
Its not totally raw but then I was told that u need to drink it as raw as possible so that the nutrients are still there. Thus, i just boil hot water, put the eggs into the water for a few seconds and start taking them out one after another and break it into a plate and take out the yolks. Then I just hold my breathe and gulp it down. Its disgusting but I told myself, I have to do it.

I start taking when I start my puregon jabs. Take until the eggs are extracted. So if I didnt rem wrongly Its abt 2 weeks. I think the egg whites helps to ease bloatedness or something. I took a protein drink called immunocal too. That one also is disgusting. The eggs, i put into hot boiling water for a while first. But of cos when u take out its still quite raw de. I just hold my breathe and drink it up. After that I prepare milo or juice and quickly drink. Else its super disgusting.
Luvnhope, goodies,
Means our elder ones are all in the same year... Dun regret. At least now trying already. I'm more kiasu, thats why after trying 1 year, I seek treatment and eventually from IUI went into IVF. Hai, dunno why it has become so difficult. People tell me after delivery will be easy. But I tried 6m but still see red every month.
Thanks for sharing! Yeah, i was reading up too, and trying to convince myself that not staying home during 2ww won't jeopardise the success of the cycle. I really should learn to relax and not fret too much after FET. Just let nature take its course after FET. Zen....

Ordered from Tan Tock Seng Hosp online pharmacy as recommended by a sister here b4.

Did Dr Zou say why rest the first 2 days specifically?
i tell u, when I think back, I also dunno how I did it. Its the determination at that time which push me to do it. Imagine, daily 10 egg whites, the protein drink and Dr Zou's med. All yucky de.

Oh, but of cos u can dun drink 10 egg whites at 1 go. Can divide like 5 in the morn and 5 at night. But I choose to drink it tgt cos since need to go thru it, just one shot drink.
I actually went to see the gynae after 1 year or so of trying.. Then doc suggest hubby take some vitamins first and see whether got improvement if we're not in a rush. If in rush, then can try IUI. Somehow we just procrastinated and never got round to IUI till Aug this year. Of course never succeed. Then gan cheong liao went on to IVF straight after that. You were smart to have taken action fast.
Dr Zou said after ER and then ET. body tired lo. so should rest and sleep for 2 days.

Tickles, i really not too sure whether i can gulp the raw egg whites like you ler... Errrrr...
me and hubby are more kan cheong type. We didnt want to waste time. I was previously with RH, Dr Sheila Loh, then she wanted us to try for another 3m. We reluctantly agreed. After the 3m, I told her I dun want to waste time anymore. So we proceed to do IUI. But then do halfway, there were some hiccups and Dr Loh wanted to abort the procedure. I seek 2nd opinion with Dr Ann Tan and she feels that can continue and she complete the entire procedure for me. Imagine my anxiety, after waiting for so long to do the IUI and Dr SL wanted to abort the entire procedure and asked me to wait till next month. But anyway, that IUI didnt make me pregnant. So after discussion, Dr Ann Tan suggested that we try IVF and we embark on our IVF journey.
Luvnhope and tickles.

Me too. Luvnhope, as my ET was done on Sat, so rested 2 days before work. No particular reason. For me, just wanted to rest a bit more before going back to work.
Can de. Just hold your breathe and gulp it down. Prepare a sweet or someting for yourself to eat.

Ya. After BFP its not the end. Angela from CARE told me its never confirm till the baby is safe in your arms. I bleed a lot even during pregnancy. I went HK and ended up bleeding so much that the gynae ask me to prepare to lose my baby. I panic and I cried and I told my baby to stay strong cos I can't afford to lose her. Everything is so mentally taxing. I took oil based progesterone jab throughout my entire pregnancy. Jab till I numb already. Its realy scary.
Glad everything worked out well for you eventually. I should have been more gan cheong like you, hahah...

You sound like you're doing well back at work. Gives me optimism too.
HI LuvNhope, yup... I planned to call in Feb once AF reported and do FET in March. I've met Dr. Loh on 24/12 and I actually didn't ask him whatsoever that I planned to ask. He didn't really talked much as well and just assigned me with Dr. Matthew Lau, whom I'll be only meeting him the first time in March during the FET.
hi ladies,
i didnt make it,went for BT tis morning and result is i'm not pregnant.i was upset coz i didnt get my xmas qnd birthday present.will try again after CNY another round of fet or should i try for fresh?
Noy, oh, you're not doing FET in Feb? I'm thinking of doing in Feb itself. Me gan cheong, heheh...

Can understand your disappointment. Just went through the same thing not long ago. Take time to get through the disappointment and look forward to the next step. How many frozen embryos do u still have left?
Jasmine, jia yo for next round ok. Just move on from here. As the saying goes..."you will never fail if you never give up". Disappointment and sadness is natural but dnt dwell in it too long. Pick yourself up and cheong again. Sorry can I ask did they arrange an apt date for u to c doctor? If yes, what date they gave u? U r with dr?
i1BB and luvnhope,i still have 5 more snow babies left.Dr loh had not refer me to any Dr yet and i just sent him a mail requesting for Dr tan HH.the nurse called me tis afternoon and told me the result and ask me to make appointment to see dr once my mense is here.so should i just call appt service requesting for dr tan or should i wait for dr loh reply?i personally thinks that fresh cycle would be better and i'm more than willing to take all the jabs and meds all over again.my husband comfort me and said we'll try again in feb after CNY.
Yuckky yucks, I also dislike immunocal. They taste like raw eggs! Think I wanna sell my immunocal.. Wanted to continue drinking but everytime I think of the smell.... I procrastinated.. Anyone wan to buy? I use it during my injection stage to curb belatedness and increase protein intake supposingly good for egg quality.. I have a brand new box expiry sep 2012 and a half used box expiry Jul 2012. Pls pm me if u wan to buy.
You still have 5 more snow babies. Why not try FET first? For all u know, u may strike with FET. You can call appt hotline yourself to fix an appt with Dr Tan. Prob faster to do it yourself.

Then maybe we can be cycle buddies.
Dear jasmine,

Sad to hear the news. For your fresh cycle, you retrieved and fertilised how many eggs? For me I only had 2 fertilised, no frozen ones. Don't despair, got try got hope. Jiayou! I think you should just book appt with Dr Tan HH I guess. But I'm unsure if you should see him now or when your menses are here.

You are really brave to gulp that down. I can't even take bird's nest nor this herb called "leng yong" (cantonese name). Last time I also can't swallow chicken's essence but now I drink 1 every 2 days. Just bought a double boiler, DH will prepare for me once every two days instead of drinking the bottled ones.
Huh? I tot they will arrange de. Cheh! Still have to arrange ourselves ah?! Gosh! Dr Loh also haven refer me to any doctor yet. Ive decided on dr tan too. Jasmine, u try FET first lah since u got 5 more snowbabies. Dr Loh ever mentioned that FET might b better than fresh cos yr hormones wnt b so messed up and will b more natural
No, it is very very cheap, cheaper than the bottled ones.

My friend who got preggie taught me. Just use chicken breast (not frozen type, fresh, about half your palm size only) then use the double boiler, no need to add anything except water. 3-4 hours later the double boiler will prompt that it is ready.

Not tried it yet, will try tmr probably!
sashamama,i had 17 egg retrieved 9 fertilised,2 used and pregnant but mc,then 2 for fet and nw left 5 snow babies.most likely i'll call tml for the appointment before menses are here.i've just called my MIL and told her abt the result and immediately she ask me to try again asap.but my hubby told me to do it in feb.
Jasmine, let yr body rest one cycle before trying again. It's for optimal results ma dio bo.

Sashamama, use one chicken breast can le ah? That time I used one whole kampong chicken double boil come out the essence only one small bowl only
i1BB,dio...my MIL just couldnt leave me alone,coz her daughter is pregnant again with her 2nd one and my hubby is the only son and we yet to have 1 yet so she kept pressuring me.she doesnt even give me time to tio my body.
Ask your hubby to explain to his mum that you need time to tiao ur body and it'll help you have higher chances of success. Sometimes easier for hubby to talk to his own mother.

Hmm... i realise many of you have managed to keep all your fertilised eggs. Sigh... my wastage rate is so high...

Gonna really cut down on coffee from now on. Maybe it really makes a difference to egg quality.
Ya, my friend said that will do. She cooked for me the last time I went her house. It was just 1 mouth, not even 1 mouthful. Lol. I will use a bigger piece of chicken breast cos it tasted good!

It is indeed stressful to wanna give grandchildren to in-laws. My in-laws have been subtly pressurizing but not forcefully, the past 6 years. I feel guilty for being unable to give them this most precious gift. My DH is eldest son, and my father in-law is eldest son too. Now although preggie but still scared everyday cos I m/c before. Only until after giving birth will it be for sure I feel.

I think you should rest first, can just say January the hospital not doing due to CNY period, or January full liao, earliest queue is in Feb lo.
luvnhope,its of no use 1 lah,my MIL listen to no1 except herself.she's all over herself.my FIL also couldnt stand her and have been staying outside for the past 10 over years only go home on festive seasons.whenever my hubby meets her for lunch or dinner they'll end up in quarrels.she doesnt like me in the 1st place before and after married to his son.her temper are 1 kind.she even told her maid that she dun understand why my hubby married me when his ex-gf loved him so much and went begging to her when my hubby broke up with her.
Uh... then that sounds really tricky. Don't let what your MIL say get to you then. Focus on ur own plan and go with what you're comfortable with.
Fwah jasmine yr mil sounds horrific! Gosh! Since she is not a too nice person n that yr dh also end up quarreling with his own mum most of the time, then u shd just heck care her lah! It's yr body, yr health, yr money, yr life ma! Ask her go fly kite lah (oops, sorry I knw I'm rude). I cnt stand such MIL de... Tsk Tsk Tsk.... If not u listen to sashamama lor, if u wanna b nice la, tell her clinic close or q full. Must wait!

Btw deary do u mind me asking u, is yr af here yet?
Sashamama, if it's only a mouth, but u need to brew 3 hours. Then y dnt u brew one whole chicken once a week? Like that more shiok n save gas n electricity ma. Hehe. Just a tot

LuvNhope, they say chocolate got caffeine an milo has chocolate so.... Not sure how true la but I play safe lor

Jasmine, I'm just curious. Cos mine haven arrive leh. My cycle is usually 28days. Today is cd30 le. No sight of it so I'm wondering if it's delayed due to those jabs.... *scratch head
