IVF/ICSI Support Group

ic... if you know that your womb is the problem... then take tcm or tonic to build up your health and try another round.... most important is u must be comfortable with the doc.

the bloating usually comes after ER or ET.... i didn't feel anything during the suppression or stimulation stage....
Hope, I have already failed my attempt. The ER was done on 14 Nov (Mon) and ET was done on 16 (Wed). Is this consider day 3? Initial plan was to do ET on 17 (Thu) but SGH called on Wed 16, to say that the condition of eggs was not favourable.

Hence I was wondering if there's anything wrong as well.

Thanks for the contact. Already called Mdm Tan for appt.

Ahhh... okie, so it's normal! Oops, which means I shld prepare myself for the real deal after ER!

Thanks for clarifying!
Elaine, did u call Mdm Tan to attend her healing session? did she tell u what's she gg to do during the healing class? i'm interested to go for her class too
qingwei, i seen Dr Tan HH after my failed cycle. He is friendly but he nv help me to do any scanning like Dr Loh did. I will do my FET after CNY....
Dear Sisters

Need help!!!

My ivf failed, menses report 16 Nov, full menses for 4-5 days, follows by spotting for 5-6 days, after clear for 5- 6 days, the spotting is back again, these few days (from day 15days), tummy slight pain, see spotting 2x yesterday and this morning.

And anyone encounter this?

Is this normal?

Very worry
have you check with them why still proceed with the ET if embryos quality is in question? or maybe there were a miracle to implate the embies early? now thinking back all my journey with SGH i should have ask them what happened to my implatation.... but i move on la.
Hi Rainy
She recommended me to go for Yoga first. Will be going for my first lesson next Tuesday. Will see how, may consider healing class as well since it is on weekend. Will want to talk to her more abt it.
qingwei, Previously whenever I see Dr Loh he will help me to scan. Like 1st visit he also help me do scanning. After MC from Fresh cycle he also scan for few times and also for the failed FET cycle. But Dr Tan HH did not do any scanning for me. However, he did answer to my doubt that I raised.
Hi Hope, I didn't ask as I presume only two is still of quality for ET while the rest are gone case.

Scheduled to see Dr Yu in Jan 2012, will see what she say.

Btw, do you hv very long menses after failed IVF? My menses seem to be very heavy, already day 5 and still experience cramping. Normal cycle, I don't hv such experience
hi Elaine,
yes, my mensus was heavy and long after the failed IVF. after that mensus i took alot of herbal soups, black chicken soups to regain my 29-30days normal cycle. it was very painful and cramping, usually Dr yu office will prescribe the mensus painkiller to reduce the pain...
Sarah, Dr Loh did scan me at all.
I only see him twice before the IVF start.
Then aft the failed fresh, i see him once.
None of the appt he scan me.

First time see him, he just ask me to do HGS, then 2nd time review he see the report saying ok.

Im thinking maybe cause im did a transfer from TMC to KKH after the mix up that is why no chemistry with him.
Hello all
Today is my 9th day past FET on NOV 22.
And I have mild cramping and visibly swollen vaginal. Is it normal?
When i did my vaginal progesterone insert i notice a big change as compare the first day i did the insert, i can feel my inner V is also swollen!
Pls help! Does anyone have the same symptom like me?
Which hosp r u with? I'm with kkh n did my fet on 23 nov. I'm given rectal suppository cyclogest. Wat r u given? Maybe u'll like to call the hosp to find out more?
qingwei, mayb he see ur report no issue therefore no scan required.
think in +ve way. I not afford to go private therefore I choose Dr Tan HH instead. In addition, since I failed the cycle with Dr Loh for 2 cycle then guess is time to change also. No luck from him.
this few mths work hard on my own hope to dtrike naturally.... hahahaha.

Last time I face this problem during FET. When I did insert on 1st week of 2ww no issue, but on the second week onwards feel very tight when insert n a big painful. So guess no problem for that.
I was told to insert into rectum from the start. It's much less messy n the suppository won't leak out as compared to previously fresh cycle vaginal insert.
Hope, I was not prescribed any medication. The nurse just asked me to take panadol if there's any cramping. Hope the cramp will end soon. My back is aching badly as well.
Hi ladies, had my consultation with Dr Jerry Chan today and has schdule me for April ivf.. im a first timer. Anyone going to be in the same cycle as me? I dont mind a buddy.
Ohhh no wonder it seem to be tighter these couple of days as compared to when I first insert it.

Not much but some cramping occasionally in the lower abdomen n soreness at the nipples area... thinking to test on 12dpt hehe
Hi everyone,
I've been admitted into KKH the night before my ET for moderate OHSS. Doc recommended to freeze all embryos and do FET in future, if not may risk going to ICU as my condition will only worsen after ER. Quite disappointed but no choice.

I took 8 egg whites per day and drank lots of water, but still,,,, sigh. Guess i responded too well to gonal f - within 8 days of stim I already got 20+ eggs >13. Also because of PCOS and my relatively young age (<30). Too many factors
Elaine, please take good care and good rest now. i remembered my cramp was very bad; and i ask Dr yu to prescribe and Nurse Ee was helping me that time.... but, anyway, please rest well and i am sure the pain will soon be over. tommorrow is a better day
Hi Elaine,

When i failed my first fresh, my menses also heavier and longer by 1-2 days. Maybe is coz i ate Dr Zou's med, it helped. I know about the cramping part. I experienced it too. My review with Dr Yong is 15th this month. Wonder when I can do my 2nd fresh.
just back from ET and transferred 2 embbies, forzen 4 good ones! Im very happy with the results! Im officially in 2ww now

i see..nvm, don't ever lose hope! Try again! My friend who has PCOS just gave birth not long ago with a boy!
Jia You!
On my failed fresh cycle, my menses was very heavy n it happened in the middle of the night. So cramp till I cannot sleep. Woke up to boil hot water to drink n I nearly fainted due to the sudden heavy flow. I was black out for a few seconds, legs turn jelly. But aft a while I'm ok. Luckly I'm holding on to my kitchen table top. I experience such black out before when im having high fever so I know I might just faint n land on the floor.

So sister with low blood pressure please take extra care.
Anybody know if we can just see TCM Dr Tan or Dr Zou for accupunture? I thought of visiting the TCM at Marine Parade (BCC) as I heard brew medication is better. However BCC does not practice accupunture.
anyone have a high BP and still process to start a fresh cycle?

I found to have BP only after my ET from the first cycle till now but no medication given after checkup at polyclinic and dr there said my BP is a little high but ok..

I have monitored my BP everyday. It is sky high!! Told dr Loh already and I can process hmm... then again notice dr HH tan (taking over my case) abt it and he did nothing to make sure yet asks for full blood test only! I am still scheduled for next month cycle.. so worried..

Help pls advse me??
Elaine, r u referring to Dr Tan at clementi? He did do acupuncture. Each session is only abt 20 min (1side each session). For Dr Zou is 40 min (front n back). Both Tcm also hv to call and make appointment before go down.

Why not? They don't reject any patients. During my fet, I solely did acupuncture without med. Just tell the tcm u only wan accupunture.
Elain, Dr Zou Yumin contact number is 64560833. usually you won't do acupuncture in your 1st visit. go visit her and tell her your problem, she will base on her experiences and share her knowledge with you. But she don't speak English... only Chinese. for my case, 3 days acupuncture from 11days after my period; and then difference kind of chinese medicine for 3 stages. one for period. one for after period but before acupuncture; and one for after acupuncture.

after one month trying, my period's flow is more consistant. less cramp too. this suppose to improve my lining and uterus....
Had my ER yesterday and today having diarrhea, anybody had same experience?

Can I start drinking the longan tea now or after ET?
Hey all, had my first scan for Stage 2 done today. While there are some leading follicles 11mm and above, others are mostly 8 to 10mm. Realistically, is it possible for them to catch up with the leading ones in time for ER? Will the leading follicles become too big by the time of ER if we wait for the rest to grow?? So many question marks in my mind now... Appreciate any insights!
anyone taken antibiotics while in 2ww? today i went in for blood test after 1ww and i'm given antibiotics by my ivf doc (dr yu) due to some bacteria infection down there. think she did a test for me just before ET and result came back with bacteria infection. the nurse said it's ok to take the med and won't interfere with implantation but somehow i'm still a tad worried.

Hi LuvNhope, during my stage 2 scan, the impression given is as long as there are a few that can meet the requirement, they will go ahead.
