IVF/ICSI Support Group

hi ladies,

last month i just had a miscarriage at 5wks and now i start progynova on day 2 to thicken the lining for the FET and seeing dr loh on the 7th dec.after tat hoping for the best tat i can have the FET then 2ww.i dun wish to have history repeat again.just wanna to check if there's any advise on medication to support pregnancy for the 2ww? i might wan to prepare early.thanks.

My BT is tomorrow morning. So would be there to do it. I went toilet just now there seem to be more watery pink on my pantyliner but when I wipe myself it's very faint. I didn't have a HPT else I would have tried to test. But it's ok. I just hope no more discharge.
Hey Tricia! You've the same day ER as me! 37 eggs!! That's pretty a lot, i've only 14 eggs and follicles. Drink lots of water helps with OHSS and also take small meals even out thruout the day..You got any progesterone support yet? Im to insert 2 tonight and then 3 times tomorrow...then ET on thursday most likely..tomorrow will receive the call from clinic on whether eggs successfully fertilized or not..

ER was painful for me this time...my ovaries still sore now+cramps
Ching: i went healing 3 days after ET.. Cos I wanted to rest dun wan to walk too much.. But hor now if given another choice, I will go right after ET provided as long as feeling well.. Cos by 3rd day I went, Mdm Tan can feel my snow baby is v weak. I think so cos only grade 2. For healing is ET+3, Et+6 and thereafter too, abt once every 3-4 days until BT test date.. To me very important - I tell Mdm Tan please make them implant, make it a nice warm womb for my babies to implant.. During yr healing u relax ... I imagine my babies swimming and implanting.....Stay positive...
Tanny...I think milo is ok for me but it'll not quench my thirst..hehhe..are packet juices at room temperature ok? I do
n't mind drinking apple or cranberry juices at room temperature..actually I love teas (apple tea, peach tea, green tea etc)..does anyone know where I can get a list to know which tea makes the body cold or warm?...btw, what is LRD drink?

Strawberry...*hugs* rest well n start again when ur body is ready..

Lovetohavekids...all the best! May we hear good news..
Abbaby, actually myself is confused about the long and short protocol too. i have my 1st cycle in long protocol, 12 eggs retrieved, 9 was fertized; but failed this cycle. Doc suggested to me to go for short protocol in my 2nd fresh.

sistas, if in long protocol only 12 eggs has been retrieved; should i expect in short protocol i will properly getting lesser eggs?
Hi Chrisl, the doc didnt't give me progesterone support, only cabergoline which helps prevent bloatedness. Same here... My cramps were so bad that I couldn't sleep well last night. Now I just lie on the sofa and get hubby to do everything for me.
Sistas- doctors sometimes change protocols (short to long, or long to short) as our response to one protocol may not have been that great, so they try the "other" method. Our bodies are funny in that sense - uniquely us mah!

In both protocols, we had approx same yield of follicles, eggs, maturity & fertilisation rate. Not necessarily one protocol better than another. But for some ladies, protocol A may not work but protocol B may yield better results.

Abt short protocol is the risk of eggs being uneven in maturity is higer as there is no suppression stage. However, short protocol has more monitoring (scan more often) so doctors often get to adjust meds to get the leading pack of follicles to respond better. For ladies w OHSS risk as well, sometimes (not always) short protocol can help doctor reduce overstimulation occurrence.
Hi mummies n mummies to be,

am a graduate fm this thread... Went thru my first fresh cycle end last yr n am blessed with a 3 mth old bunny boy...

I have an unopened box of immunocal expiring april 2012 at $70... Will bear the postage...

Do let me know if interested... Thx!

All the best to everyone! Hope u will get to carry ur bundle of joy very soon!
Thanks all for the encouragement! Decided to have a cup of coffee to make myself happier cuz have not been drinking it for a while..

Yes Tanny, thinking of taking up exercise.. Read about the Yoga class that you talk abt. Perhaps I should go take a look..

Thinking of gg for a short holiday with my DH too.. Luckily we'll be renovating our new hse soon so got some other things to occupy myself with..
Haha... Stawberry Gal, glad to see you're feeling better!

I still haven't managed to rid myself of coffee... bad of me huh... ;p
It was v v difficult for me to get off too initially.. Hmm.. Try to cut slowly, not all at once cuz it's really quite impossible! Haha..

Need advise: although I have bleeding & tested negatively, it's not my normal mensus flow.. How??
Strawberry, when i was first failed my cycle i have a very heavy mensus ( i guess it's more like the mensus + implatation); after 2 months, my mensus have readjusted to the normal cycle of 29days or 30days.
Hi ladies, this is my first time in this forum and reading all your entries make me feel better knowing that there are so many of you going through the same baby battle.

Im going for my 1st consultation with Dr Jerry Chan tomorrow at Kk ivf centre. Any questions im suppose to ask? Im 29 and everyone around me are getting pregnant naturally and it is very frustrating that im not.

Anyone seeing Dr Jerry Chan as well? I hear most of you going for yoga and healing session, very interesting. Can share the contact, I also want to give it a try.

Was very disheartened to know that i can only start the cycle in Apr 2012. what a long wait..

Is the bleeding I am having now considered mense? I read that it sometime takes a few months for mense to be back to normal. Anything I should note?
tanny, can give me this Mdm Tan's contact for the healing sessions? can we attend the healing session to relieve stress from work?
thks lots
Hazel, heheh.. yeah, that's what I'm banging on... that it's harmless to drink one to two cups a day, one preferably. None ideally.
lovetohavekids, how's your BT this morning?
my mensus took only one month to gain back to the regular cycle of 30days; but i do drink alot of herbal soups after the negective result, like black chicken soup etc...
not so gd news..suspect a polyp so need to do a scope next mth...ovarian reserve low too...feel quite demoralized now...

booking for ivf in March. will be gg for short protocol
be strong mc007.
cheers up.
it's good to get rid of the bad stuff so that your uterus is healty to carry your baby in full term.
good thing is coming soon
thanks hope...feel sad for my low reserve...dunno can react to stim or not...will tell dr zou and see if she can help.

my fsh is ok but amh is super low
hugs... can understand how you feel coz last mth I was told that I hv 3 or more polyps... Luckily managed to get Dr Loh to remove them for me. What is the scope for?

hmmm, how come my report dont hv AMH reading?
Hope: It's BFN

Mc: polyps are quite common. Sometimes, it goes unnoticed and could even become pregnant. But of cos, anything inside the uterus have a possibility of affecting pregnancy. I had ops a few times with recurring polyps. So after removal, have to try to get preg ASAP.
get a good doc that doesn't just want to remove polyp but would plan what happens after that to help you get preg.
Babyjourney, do you managed to book your appointment to see Dr Loh in TMC? Dr Loh hasn't reply my email since yesterday... maybe he is busy....
Sorry to hear abt ur bfn.... Continue to Jia you!

I've removed polyps 3 times for 3 consecutive yrs n the last one was just before I did ivf... I believed removing it did help in my implantation as I bfp that first try so look at it more positively n u dun see visible cuts outside so healing is very fast.
love to have kids~
*hugs* rest well and recuperate to build up body for the next round ..jia you!!!

Wah..sounds really bad..try to take panadol to ease the pain..and place a small supporting pillow under leg to prop leg up to relieve cramps when ever you lie or sit down on sofa/bed *HUGS* did you take your egg whites while you were stimulating before? if so how much per day you take? And also water..did you drink lots last time? Now drink as much water as you can to flush out excess toxins..know it's difficult to cos the bloatedness..but try a few sips every 1/4 hr...it worked for me the last time..you might want to try that..but, if you continue to have symptoms such as vomiting and shortness of urine, go to hospital immediately..seek medical help

Good to remove unwanted 'stuffs' b4 starting a new cycle as it means increasing your chances of getting preggy
Jia You! Never give up!!

Strawberry gal~
me too had very abnormal menses flow following my failed fresh cycle 2 mths ago..then still very little and very abnormal(2 weeks late)..but doc just gave me go ahead to jab despite the abnormality..but still it's good results of the eggs..14 retrieved yesterday (2nd fresh)
oh yes ladies..

Do i have to continue eating egg whites even after ER yesterday? Cos i really have no idea what to go with the many yolks!! It's getting too many stored in the fridge..i tried baking kueh lapis, making custard fruit tarts and still leftover..very wasted to throw..any body any idea ah?
I have called TFC... the nurse advised me to call them on Day01 of my menses and they will make appt for me to see Dr Loh.

Hugz... take care, rest well and "fight" again when you are ready.
Rainy - pmed u.

Chris - I just threw them away.. I dunno how to make kueh etc.. Yolk is high cholesterol so I din attempt to eat much..
My fresh on Apr and doing removal of polyps in Dec, is it ok or shld I do it like nearer the date? How long does it take to recover?

Gd new is I just tested positive on OPK. Will try try.. maybe luck will be with me...=p
Hi all

I am new to this forum. I am 34 years and hv been ttc for almost 2 years. I have went thru 2 SO-IUI and 1 IVF this year. The IVF was done recently and AF arrived on Sunday. Really sad and depressing. I have no frozen embryos which mean that I will hv to go thru the entire cycle for IVF again.

I hv went to the JE TCM for more than a year. I am now thinking of changing TCM. Anyone can advise which TCM is better, dr tan @ clementi or ban choon chan @ Marine parade? Really feel demotivated with all the unsuccessful attempts.
Elaine dun be sad.. you are still young (under 35) while I am already over.. I have failed 2 SO-IUI and 1 abandon ivf converted to IUI and failed too.. so jy jy..

I also failed my first fresh with no frozen embryos. NOw seeing TCM and taking conceive well. Jiayou ok. The feeling of depress will pass. One fine day, we will achieve our goal.

thanks tanny! Think i'll throw the rest away too lah..just feel that im throwing money away hehe

Oh update~

clinic just called to say that they found 15 eggs instead of 14! Then of all 15, 2 were not good, and they'll try fertilizing some and see the results tomorrow..will be ET tomorrow..praying hard that the embroys survive until tomorrow.

Im so glad that this time eggs were so much more better quality&quantity than previously! Eating less carbohydrates and more proteins really helps!!
