IVF/ICSI Support Group


Hugs n jia you.


How are the polyps detected? I have a blocked tube n am thinking of removing it before going for my second fresh. Anyone succeeded in getting pregnant after that?


When is your next fresh for the short protocol?

I went thru SIS and detected that i had polyps.

After my surgery, dr loh gave me hormones pills to take for 21days. Dr loh told me that my menses will come after i complete the pills. true enough, my menses came 2 days after.

U may want to check w dr tan on wat to expect after ur surgery as i m not sure if his treatment/view is e same as dr loh.
I hope to start my protocol in jan next year.... Hopefully dr loh thinks my uterus condition is okay to start ivf....
What medications were you on on your 1st fresh? My 1st fresh cycle(long protocol too), didn't really yield much good eggs and i also had none to freeze. I was on puregon 225iu and injected for 9 days..i was mildly overstimulated then
this round, doc decreased the puregon amt to 200iu for me and this time it's with good results
Maybe you were on too high/little dosage?

I asked the nurses there and she told me that looking at statistics from the clinic im from, it showed many women responded well with long protocol. (i think also it has to do with each individual bodies as what Ron said) so you might want to ask Dr loh on his perception on what works best for you
meanwhile 'tiao' your body

Ic. Did doc ask u to do SIS or did u do it voluntarily.

Other than the hsg test, I was not asked to do the SIS before the Ivf.
I did polyp removal 2 months before ivf. I did it then went tcm tiao my body n rested 1 cycle then started on 2nd mense cycle.

Dr tan at clementi not very pro ivf n for me I dun seeing effect maybe becos I'm not diligent enuff to go for more regular acupuncture. As for ban choon chan, I saw him 1 month before my ivf to tiao my body after my polyp removal n to my surprise after taking his medicine, my cycle was 28 day for that cycle. My usual cycle was very long 40 days type. My bro n SIL saw him for 2 months n got preg even tho she only has 1 fallopian tube. There's another tcm, dr zou at amk whom quite a no of ladies r seeing her. She is knowledgeable abt ivf n caters to treatment to complement it but I never see her before.
Hi Ching

I taking up the healing session first. I want to lose some fats while doing my tests before the next cycle Heehee. But this month too packed to go for her yoga class.
eskimobaby, for ban choon chan, their medicine must brew one issit? not in powder form? can we juz do accupunture w/o taking the med? my hubby sperm quality is not so gd so thinking of bringing him to tcm.
Eskimo, brew Chinese medicine, cannot use any pot. Eg Aluminium pot, steel pot, etc cannot use. If not all the goods of the medicine will be gone. Need to use pot made of clay.

Rainy, I saw ban choon chan before. U asked them who sell u the herbs. They will tell u what types of pots can be used.
Is it? I ask them how to brew. The lady who pack the medicine for me tell me normal pot can liao tell me no need buy leh... My bro also uses steel pot. Anyway, the medicine still work for us hehe.
Eskimo, ya, even ginseng, cordycepts, bird nests, all cannot use steel pot. Very troublesome. So I buy the pot n get my mum to brew!

Wen is ur BT?

I just saw dr loh today. Till todAy, I still like him MOST. Whenever he scans he will point to screen n explains, u like other of his drs who cover him at times.
Seem like doing saline sonogram is quite normal b4 IVF.
I'm doing 2nd saline sonogram next Tue.
Dr Tan order for this procedure as i told him my the volume of my menses still did not increase & he worry my uterus might get stranded again.
I've actually went thru saline sonogram & later hysteroscopy in Jul b4 my 1st fresh cycle in Sep.
Now it seem like I have to go thru again!

eskimobaby/ rainy : i use a clay pot to brew medicine before.

tangs basement sells such electric zisa brew pot. i bought mine from there. cost about $100 thereabout. u just throw all herbs in, put in a few bowls of water and on it... it will auto cook to 1 bowl of medicine liquid and the pot will beeep. then u can siwtch off and drink it. this was recommended by tan siew buoy tcm previously.
mamaleen : LRD is Longan Red date drink, to keep your womb warm.

Thorw in some red dates, some dried longan and gou ji zi and boil with water to make the drink.
Go with the one that u are most comfy with n give u the least stress. I stopped tcm when I started my ivf as I find it very stressful having to run from place to place.
Hi Hazel
Do u think ban choon chan is good since u see him before?

Hugz to lovetohvkids and elaine... Tiao ur body well before try again k.. U will succeed next round...;)
got a question always on my mind..maybe any senior can advise me?

i had an iui done previously. doc at that time said to wait 2ww -if no menses arrive, i can test hpt. if got menses, means bfn.

but around 12th day, i start to bleed (i tot it was menses) and the bleeding got heavier, was a lot... lasted 10 days and gushes out like water (yes like an open tap) and got clumps and lumps. tummy also cramp. i nvr had such heavy menses before.

i was only on progonova and utrogestan at that time. now that i hv done more research, im thinking if it was a miscarriage back then. anyway i nvr went to test hpt after the bleeding started (tot was bfn)and waited till the "menses" ended. now i started to regret how silly i had been, i could hv done more to save myself then (might hv been a bfp).
i see..i supposed Dr Loh knows best on what amt to suit you..don't worry abt the protocol..take it as it comes and try to eat more protein rich food and not too 'liang' food to build up body meanwhile..who knows? maybe your body respond better
jia you for next round ok!
im not senior lah..but then..my 2 cents worth..as what you said..yeah..sounds like maybe it was a miscarriage since it was like flow like water..but don't blame yourself..maybe the embryo was not ready to implant then..(it might be underlaying reasons no one knows) So don't think of how 'silly' you were..some things are meant to happen so that we can learn from it. Now, looking back, im sure you're happier now that you're with another 'happiness'..when is your next scan? I bet you're excited over seeing that little sac and heartbeat
You good hor..got an early x'mas pressie
Im still waiting for mine..
if you 'pantang' superstitious then avoid loh..cos some ppl think bb might be 'xiaoqi' but then if you're not then, why not? just go, be happy&enjoy yourself
Pink doll,

During my 2ww last year, I even attended funeral. I still BFP and gave birth smoothly. If u dont feel good, then dun go, but I dont see anything wrong with that.

2ww can be stressful, just go out and enjoy!!

Dr tan at clementi is not pro in Ivf, but very pro in helping others conceived naturally. I've been to both dr tan and dr zou, their accu points are almost similar. And Pple claimed dr zou is pro in Ivf. So my point is, they are actually doing accupunture on the points for infertility. I compared both in their accu skills, and I personally prefer dr tan's accu skills. I stop going to dr zou after one session. U can try urself to determine urself. Anyhow, for tcm, need to go regularly and consistent to see the effect, not just for the sake of Ivf.

*this is no offense to any ladies, just my personal view
Hi Sugary

Thanks for your advise, I have been very consistent with visiting TCM. I have visited the TCM for more than a year but no luck. She is the one that recommended me to try SO-IUI as well as IVF.

Since it has been more than a year, I thought I should seek second opinion.

Usagi : I did my IVF at SGH too. Did you see Dr Yu ?

Ching/Piglet/Tanny: I heard you ladies mentioning so much about Mdm Tan healing and Yoga session. Can you please share on her contacts and address.

Thanks so much.
BabyJourney, i called TMC this morning too. the nurse ask me to call again when my mensus day 1; then i asked her but Dr Loh will not be here until next year right; then they said they will arrange the appointment with him....
Hi Hope

I don't think I be changing doc. I was choosing between Dr Yu and Dr Loh previously and my TCM ask me to go for Dr Yu as she is more patient.

It was a Monday that i did my ER.I had twelve follices and 8 eggs. The hospital called the next day and informed me that 5 eggs were incubated and arrange for Thursday to do ET. But on Wed morning, the hospital called me again and tell me to go back the same day afternoon for the procedure. Only two eggs left for ET and of grade 2. Not sure if this is common ?
dear all,

Dr Loh leaving KKH, any other good and senior doc in KKh can recommend?
Failed 1st fresh cycle, failed 1 FET.
Need to do 2nd fresh cycle in 2012.
i have my 1st cycle IVF with SGH Dr yu too. i remembered 12 eggs was retrieved, 9 was fertilized, and they gave me update every morning to inform me how my embies are developed. at day 3 they frozen 5 of my happy embies and the other 4 were continued to develop to 8 heads/bubbles ( i don't remember SGH use "grade" to the embies); and then Dr choose the best 2 embies for ET on day 5. they never asked me to go in between the day.

so, you did your ET yesterday? strange, why ET on day 3?
Dear Sisters

Need help!!!

My ivf failed, menses report 16 Nov, full menses for 4-5 days, follows by spotting for 5-6 days, these few days, tummy slight pain, see spotting 2x yesterday and this morning.

And anyone encounter this?

Is this normal?

Very worry
Hi qingwei, I changed to Dr Tan HH from Dr Loh coz read quite a number of good comments from here. But Dr Tan HH is only consultant. U may also consider Dr Sadhana who is Snr Consultant.
When u plan to have 2nd Fresh cycle? I failed 2 fresh + 1 FET. worse....
u did a day 2 transfer instead of day 3. i'm not too sure but maybe sgh's practice is to do day 3 transfer? for kkh, usually day 2 transfer is done unless after discussion with the doc that we want to do a day 5 transfer, so in between monitoring of the growth of embies is done and if not ideal may be called down earlier for transfer. i just knew recently that for it requires a lot of energy for the cells to multiply and get to the blastocyst stage so some embies dun make it pass the 3rd or more days. it depends on the hospital's protocol and different school of thoughts.... on one hand, the womb is the best place for the embies to be in so the earlier the transfer the better. on the other hand, if the embies are strong enuff to grow into blastocyst stage then higher chance that they will survive and implant in the womb. usually, culturing the embryos to blastocysts is only recommended if there is a good number of fertilized eggs.

that means your embies did manage to grow to blastocyst stage for transfer.... so u did your FET too already?
Hey all,

Hope everyone's having a good day...

I'm in the stimulation stage and due to go for the first scan tmw. So far, oddly enough, not much bloatedness and symptoms except for some fleeting aches in the sides the first few days and more EWCM. Hmmm... I don't want to have OHSS, but not having symptoms does make me wonder if the meds are doing their magic!

Okay, I'm just rambling... I know, a little paranoid right, hahah...
i did my FET in Sept2011 with SGH again; Failed.
Dr Yu reviewed my case and told me that i have good quality of embies but my uterus can hold on of them.... she upset me quite alot with those sharp words like go for adoption, etc; eventhought she encourages me to try for 2nd fresh with her. but i would like to move on.

I plan to do it aft cny, but i read some of the sister here only manage to get a slot in April.
I guess will be be ard then.

I read is Dr Tan HH or Dr Sadhana. I also not sure who is better. Have you seen Dr Tan HH?
How is he? I refer male than female. But Dr Sadhana is the senior consultant.
Anyway I feel I dont any chemisty with Dr Loh.
