IVF/ICSI Support Group

Anyone there feel more tired than normal during stage 1 or stage 2 of ivf injection. I have been having bad headache n extremely tired n into 2nd wk of suprefact
The following is extracted from wikipedia:
Chicken eggs are widely used in many types of dishes, both sweet and savory, including many baked goods. Eggs can be scrambled, fried, hard-boiled, soft-boiled, pickled, and refrigerated. They can also be eaten raw, though this is not recommended for people who may be especially susceptible to salmonellosis, such as the elderly, the infirm, or pregnant women. In addition, the protein in raw eggs is only 51% bioavailable, whereas that of a cooked egg is nearer 91% bioavailable, meaning the protein of cooked eggs is nearly twice as absorbable as the protein from raw eggs.

Hence, seems we shd avoid half-boil eggs at this time. And protein is higher for fully cooked eggs, contrary to beliefs.
Hi Linda and Sunnie_Gal,

Thanks for sharing the information with us.
Hi all,

KK just called. It a BFN as I have predicted. Seeing my doc on 5th What am I supposed to ask from my doc? And do I make my next IVF appt with the doc on that day or I can make appt now?
Hi ladies
Just done my ER. Experience during my recovery time. Ended up last to go hm. During scan I have 19eggs but only 10 eggs is retrieved. Hoping these 10 can make it. Praying for my precious one.
Hi piglet, take good rest and get ready for Et. All the best.

Fatefully- hugs, tk care.

Sunshine - try to have good thoughts before going to sleep, then u will get sweet dreams aswell.
10 is a good number. Above 15-risk of OHSS.
What happened during recovery time? How long did u have to stay after the ER procedure?
Hi Piglet,
10 no. is good, but risk of OHSS. I have 25 eggs retrieve and I hve risk of OHSS... OHSS is a living hell for me..drink lots of water after ER.
Well, I called up KK just now to ask for an early BT but was rejected. They said that I have to wait for 17 days and the HPT I did is not accurate. *Sobz sobz. Another 7 days of waiting.

Good luck piglet02! Go get ready books, drama series, every entertainment you can get cos you will be lying on bed or be staying at home for next 2 weeks after your ET!
Hi fatefully, you can ask yr doc if you need to do saline sonogram (ultrasound scan) to check if the uterus environment is ok n dont hv polyps before your FET. Best to rest at least 2 months to let your uterus recover and usually after ivf, the period will be irregular so it will be gd to see a tcm doc to regulate yr period 1st. Best to stick to the current ivf doc for 2nd attempt again since he knows yr condition better.
Hi fatefully, maybe it will be good if you try to relax during your 2wwk by watching Mr Bean video on youtube.com... just my 2 cents worth.
Hi mmfeen,
My 2ww will be over in few days time. I just cry alot just now.. until i feel tired now. Will the doc able to tell me what went wrong?
Btw, Mediacorp Love 97.2 radio has invited Dr Christopher Chong ivf doc to give pregnancy advice on every alt tuesday at 2.30pm hosted by Violet Fengyin . U can call in or leave yr qns on Love 97.2 facebk if you hv any pregnancy related qns. He will reply on air. He will be on air again next next Tuesday.
Hi fatefully, dont be sad ok? Tell yrself you will strike jackpot next time.. must be positive. He will probably tell u that he is unable to control your embryo growth development after ET.. Sometimes, u feel stress during 2wwk which will affect yr embryo implant. Dont be sad so please move on and ask your doc wat went wrong ? Is it because your embryo poor quality or uterus environment not conducive. Best to write down your qns in a notebook so u dont miss out. I heard many sisters strike 2nd attempt or 3 attempt.
Polyps is a type of growth in the uterus and we must not hv polyps in our uterus as it will affect pregnancy as baby is unable to develop well. We can't ivf if we hv polyp in uterus. U can google search for more info.
U hav to b strong... Sometimes failure can be due many reasons eg the uterus environment, support not enough, embies not healthy to continue develop, over stress, etc. So Ivf is reali need a lot of factors tO fulfil our wish. Pls have faith n try again . Perhaps u can do a little summary n show ur doc n see wat he can suggest
Hi sunnie they wake me up after the procedure and cannot sleep. After that felt very pain till my tears roll down. No energy to call out. Till the nurse push another patient next to me. The dr give me jab and painkiller. Now only have cramps
Piglet, the 19 u saw during scan r follicles. Not all follicles have eggs. Some are empty. At KKH, the dr will retrieve all eggs regardless of size. 10 were retrieved. On ET ask embyroist how many if the 10 are matured eggs. Coz only matured eggs can be fertilized. Then u will know how good is your fertilization rates compared to the matured eggs.
Thanks Linda, sunniegal.

Linda, currently hubby also taking same gnc megamen. Thinking of asking him to bu more, since I taking coq , conceive well gold, folic.

Anyone with dr zou and hubby also go along? All along, I was the only one doing accu. But next round, wondering if hubby need to also do accu and if it will help.
My hubby can feel the diff when he took megamen.
As for accup I didng bring my hubby along, maybe u ask him whether he is keen if he yes let dr Zou feel his pulse then see wat dr Zou suggest la.
Thanks ladies for your well wishes! KK today quite crowded but Dr Loh very fast, zoom in zoom out. No wonder they say he is a very good surgeon.

Hi Piglet, i am also back from ER, so tired and sleep till now, wonder is it the sedation? Are you still in pain now? Got bleed alot?

I am very tired but thinking from friday onwards must confine at home, tonight feel like going out. But dh say better rest. Sigh~ Feel like eat ice-cream!
Just now a lady with her hands full of groceries tried to dashed fm behind me at the tampines mrt plateform! Oh my! I was so scared that I will fell if she had pushed me away harder! How I wish to tell her I m 2wks pregnant! I didn't. But just stood there on the spot n looked at her walked away n said "aiyo!". I find I m very poor thing. Pregnant for 2wks n no one will give up their seats for us.
Hi Fatefully, you can make appt with doc on your consultation day cos doc need to write the memo to KKIVF one. If we call KKIVF to make appt ourselves, they wont accept de.

Fatefully, JY ok? Sure will succeed one. This time cannot, next time. As long as we dont give up.
Hi all,
Thanks for the regards. I have cry many times in a day and I feeling very tired. I dont kw what else to do beside crying. I find myself so useless... we try naturally we cant, now IVF also cant... I dont kw what went wrong. Was it my endo that affect the IVF? Was it the bad luck? Was it the things I have done wrong and now I have to return back? I cant help to cry and I thou I wont feel so sad becos I didnt really expect alot from this 1st IVF. I was like a blur queen whenever I go for my U/S or BT. But I wont give up. I have to build up my body well and start afresh with my life. All I hope the doc can tell me a reason what happen so I can tack it the next round. I hope I hv the courage to face another round. As of now I dont hv the courage and hope time can heal me. I just feel sad that my embbies "just die" inside me.

I just got to know 2 friends who is already 3mth preggie... The more I feel sad and jealous.

As of now I will rest well and I hope I will be back soon... I cant face SMH forum cos I hv bad memories...
Hi heartbeat now i only having cramp and pain at my buttock. Felt like have contsipation. Mine is done by Dr Tan. Did thy told u how they retrieve?
First day at work so tired. Just knock off and feel my brains wrecking up. Out of my Dept 5 pple, left me 1 working today....1 on maternity, 2 on annual leave, 1 out station.

Fatefully : I been thru this- yes I stayed away from
SAHM too because it is too sad here - for the first 2 days. Glad I tested Hpt 2 days ahead and used the 2 days to get over it...Also very much because of a book I borrowed from the library. It's quite good called The Infertility Cure - it's about TCM. It tells u to prepare your body well If your body isn't prepared well - eg if yr body still has deficiency in qi, even if we try ART, it may. It kinda open me up.

I console myself this way- tell myself I prefer a bfn than a bfp with something else happening later, I know I will not be able to take it. You have to be strong - we will be cycle buddies again!
Ladies, i am in first stage of suprefct gg into 3rd
Wk. Gynr said nt suitable to go into stimulation stage. Anyone had first stage of suprefact
For 3wks?
hope4bb: how's ur ivf with prof chen? as i want to switch doc to do ivf, i called the clinic today to get the medical records for myself and hubby. they charge $350 for that and said will take up to 1 mth
told them to expedite my request else i have to skip this cycle and wait for the next cycle to do ivf
Hi Fatefully

Sorry to hear about the sad news and only to respond now - I am now back at work in my 2nd week of 2WW so been very busy.

I feel your disappointment and frustration - I also wonder why
it is so hard for us. have a good cry, go out and have a big
feast before starting on FET

By the way I had only all of my 10 eggs retrieved; only 8
matured and only 2 yes I repeat 2 fertilized passing grade
3. Even Dr Loh says no good before my ET as my uterus
lining is only 7mm triple. My heart just sank la so somehow i
am not very hopeful. I would need a miracle ! If fail this Cycle I have to start all over again since no frozen Embbies.

How's everyone in their 2ww? I hv zero symptoms except my
tummy is bloated and big especially after food which already started before ER. Waiting for BHCG test next wed. I am hoping for a miracle.
Fatefully... I duno how to console u but I fully understand how u feel. Maybe after listening my story it will make u feel much better.

I m/c 3 yrs ago and never bfp even though Doctor ask me to try on my own. I failed one IUI in Jan 2010 and decided to go IVF straight. In Oct 2010, I failed my fresh cycle. Both Dr Loh and Dr Zou had no answer for me coz everything is "ok" with me in fact very good. This year Jan2011 I concieved naturally but lost my bb in 8th week due to no heartbeat. From there on, my AF goes haywire. Recently, Aug2011 I finally go for my FET. I did a blastocyst and bfp again. First BT 227, 2 days later 284 and one wk later 403. Dr Loh "confirmed" me hvg ectopic pregnancy. Guess what? fm 8.30am until 4.30pm in kkh, I was sitting at a corner with my mom crying non stop while waiting to see Dr Loh, waiting for scan and wating for result. That was the worst day in my life. Luckily, the scan showed not ectopic and they found a sac in my womb. So waiting game continue. I see Dr Loh every week since start of 2ww. In the end, in 7th wk and 5 days. He told me is a empty sac and ask me to take medi and purge out the sac. If the medi doesnt work, I have to go for d&c again.

I m telling you my story because I feel god didnt want you to go thru the waiting game like me. I think mine is much much worst than u. At least you know it is not implanted and move on. It is really no good to continue if the embryos is no good. Let it go faster and be strong again bah!!

I m not strong too...hahahah... i m ok crying while writing my damn sienz story. But I wana encourage u to move on. Chin up k!!
Hi Fatefully, cry it out and hope you'll move on soon, especially after reading Miracle BB's story.

Miracle BB, I almost cried after reading your story as I can emphathise with what you have gone through. You have gone through much more in fact. Admire your courage and for being so positive.

I myself had a miscarriage from blighted ovum in October 2010 and had 2 failed IUIs and 1 IVF all within this year. I thought I have gone through a lot but after hearing your story and also Hazel's, I find what I have gone through is nothing in comparison.

Just want to add that since we have embarked on the ivf journey, we must be prepared for the ups and downs. I believe it really boils down to fate and fate will determine when we will be able to carry our babies in our arms.

Press on for those going for fresh cycle again and those going for FET (including me) and good luck to those in 2WW!
My sentence was incomplete. It tells u to prepare your body well. If your body isn't prepared well - eg if yr body still has deficiency in qi, even if we try ART, it may not work. Somehow the embby knows and will not implant. Or even if implanted also cannot carry to full term. Cos the environment is not optimal. Must tiao the body well. My case was everything fine- I have 12mm triple lining and my d6 progesterone was good in 300 reading and everything looks good in western medicine.. Somehow the 2 don't want to implant. Or perhaps stop growing inside. Why? I dunno too. I tell myself maybe in TCM my body is not ready yet - perhaps uterus still cold, blood stagnant, qi still stuck/ deficient. So many factors. I think if all these adjusted well, scally can Bfp naturally. I may not start Fet so soon... maybe check and cultivate my body to best optimum stage...

Sianz.... Worst right for me, I'm covering for my colleague on maternity leave, squeezing out my brain juice...

Thank you Miracle and Chocolatefor sharing your story. Bring tears to me... I'm sure you will be blessed with a Bfp too!
Miracle, are u taking supplements to improve egg quality while recuperating? Your case seems to be egg quality issue. U can request dr loh to prescribe. He can give
DHEA also if need be. I only take centrium multi vit which dr loh asked me to take. Must take at least 3 mths.. Also ask him to do antibodies tests for u. Also request to take aspirins before embyro transfer. Dun stop aspirins. Wun harm u n bb. Just take thru pregnancy once u r pregnant.

Dun give up. U will succeed once the embyro is of gd quality! Good luck!
All sisters, press on! Dun give up. Life is nv a bed of roses. We take each fall with courage, stand up n try again. We nv know wat our fate is but hope drives up forward. I hv not attained my goal yet too. I just pass a day at a time now n dun wan to think too far. Coz I will end up worrying myself sick n that is bad for my health n fetus too. JIA YOU!!!
chocolate soh and tanny... very sad hor my story... hahaha... too bad i m not a very positive person too but i tell myself to move on. I m a crying baby too... non stop de (now still tearings)... actually dun wana share my sad story coz no contribution to SMH but I feel for Fatefully so thot telling her i worst than her so she may feel better.

Hazel... what is DHEA for? Mayb I can ask Dr Loh this friday when i see him. Actually i was prescribed asprin too but it didnt help wor. Just tell him to do antibodies tests he will know? He hor... never recommend me do anything leh... juz said embryos bo swee lor and unlucky lor... faintz
Hi ladies, can i check whether there is alternative to aspirin? As i am allergic to certain antibiotics, my doc said i can't take aspirin when i start the ivf. Worried that it will reduce my chance of success.
Hi fatefully thank for your well wishes. Stay strong. My 1st IVF, I had an implant. Had to go thru blood test and scan. Afterwhich the scan showed I had an empty sac. It took me a long time to get over.
You jia you jia you.

Miracle BB, Chocolate, reading your posts put tears into my eyes... ...

Thanks for sharing...

I understand that after a bfp is still not the end of the journey yet..

We really have to take care of our body and make strong embbies.
