IVF/ICSI Support Group

I don'tknow the exact cost, it was briefly mentioned to me but i didn't pay attention as i knew i wasnt going to do IVF with them. I would think that even with the $6k deducted, would still see a 5 figure bill. So choice is clear to go with govt hospital since i can go for alot more tries with the same outlay. You considering them?

Whitetiger, hugs to you! Take good care of your body.

AF reported this month and was delayed. I've spotting for 5 days before AF reported, any ladies face this issue after fresh cycle AF? And the amount was slightly more on the first day than usual before fresh cycle.

Since AF came, yesterday went to KK to buy medicine in preparing for FET and taken my blood test for Hep C that was requested now (didn't need when I did for my fresh previously). One of the nurses told me from her experience in seeing many patients, she advises all of us to relax (keep stress level as low as possible) during the process although is tough. That will help in conceiving. Ladies, let's keep the ball rolling together...

Did Dr Zou advise you not to do acupuncture during heavy flow AF?
Hi joynfaith, were u given progynova for 15 days n aspirin for a mth? My af came over the wkend n just started on the medication today. Funny thing is, no one told me to do blood test for Hep C..think I'll ask abt it when I go for my scan..
Whitetiger : I'm not sure abt patient records.. Take care! We will make it soon!

Jaded : u mean can just buy medication and baby aspirin over the counter? did u manage to see the doc? I find the doc apptm so difficult to book that I need to forego this cycle for Fet.
Hello sisters!

Haven't been here in a while. How's everyone doing?

Whitetiger - sorry to hear that. Don't give up ok. You will succeed! *hugs*
Faithfully: Today is my beta Bt! Doctor told me HCG is 180 (bfp) only, but he ask me come back next two days to take beta bt again! isn't my HCG level very low that's why he request me do the bt again at this thursday? He didnt give me any med support on now.He only mentioned that after bt on thursday, i need to jab every twice a week,(sorry i dont know what's the med name),cyclogest and some supplement.
Now i only use cylogest, folid acid & Cholecalciferol once a day.

Koric, tanny, joy faith, pinpanter, Ron, hope283 - thks for yr kind words. Will strive on. Look forward to my crab buffet this weekend.

After talking to doctor, decided to stick with the same. Even 'confessed' to mil this morning.

All the best to those in 2ww.
So today is ur beta hcg test? Which date u had ur fet done?
Think the twice a week jab is those progesterone oily base jab, quite painful but at least v good support
And surprisingly u so fast on calcium tablet Liao
Anyway jia you
Meantime tiao urself for at least 2-3 months
Anyplan to change gynae?
Cos my 1st fresh failed in nuh then changed to dr Loh for mh 2nd fresh and success
Linda: i done fet at 12/9,i still confuse & worry why my gynea request me to take beta hcg test at this thursday again? last time i fail my 1st fresh cycle, they only ask me take one time hcg test after 2ww.
Hi ladies, would greatly appreciate if someone could enlighten me on the medicated FET procedure at kkh..haven't been told anything about it except to take progynova and aspirin..are there any other things to expect like blood test n maybe injection to prevent ovulation? And typically when will the transfer take place? Tia...
Hi Tanny, r u also seeing dr loh at kkh? If so, perhaps u cld try emailing him for an appt at TPS. He prescribed the medication for me when I saw him in early sep n told to start medication when af arrives. What comes after the medication, I have absolutely no idea...hopefully someone can enlighten me on that...
Hi mei, which clinic r u with? I am with kkh and my transfer was also on 12 th sep with blastocysts. My bt (preg test) is on 26 th sep. Not sure, if hcg can be detected so early, may be that's the reason they asked u to chk agn? Did dr confirm ur pregy?
Hi jaded, for med fet in kkh, my protocol was like this, from day 4 of menses, tkn progynova and aspirin for 10days. And then went for a scan, they checked the lining is adequate and given me date for transfer after 4 days. It took ard 18 days from my 1st day of menses, for the transfer. Mine was blastotransfer.
Hi gals,It my 2nd week of of 2ww and I am ab to go crazy... I so sian at home.. and my mind start to think neg. I dont hv any symptoms whatsoever except I feel abit pain on my lower left side abdominal. No brown spotting at all.. why??? No implant? My BT HCG is on 26th and that when my HL is due. So if mine is a neg, I will hv to go bk work feeling sad on the 27th..
Hey fatefully, I am in the same boat, and the worse part is, I did hpt tody and it is still not showing positive. No symptoms yet, and yeah no implantation bleeding also, but still holding hopes and trying to be positive. As our stress shd not play negt role in the result, so trying to drag myself towards positive energy. Please do the same. Hv faith as we know many people has bfp in the past without any symptoms. So let's not giveup. Cheers!
My 1st cycle was long protocol then failed with low beta hcg
2nd cycle was short protocol and passed

I jus done for my medicated fet today
Usually they will ask u to take the medicine on ur menses day 4 continous till day 14. Then hav s scan on day 14. If lining is good they will ask u to buy the rectal insert to prepare ur progesterone level and by day 19 can do fet Liao
This is typical for my cAse. Of cos they tailored to each individual
Pinpanter: thanks your info.

Hope 283: I under GleanE Prof Ng. He told me is pregy, i think maybe too early hcg detected,so he request me go back on thus check again. Did doc give you any med support right now?
Today while I lying on the table and when I saw my 2littld embryos I teared. Cos they r reali strong and went thru frozen stage n thawing stage. I reali thank my embryo for giving me a chance and hope again.
I was initially left with 3frozen thaw 2 and put in 2. Now left with one frozen
I also tink why ur gynae test u so early n yet nvr prescribe any meds... Anyway congrates to u cos ur number for day 8 is actually quite convincing Liao.
Mel - the results is detecting hcg already, not too early. You are pregnant, so congrats! In early stages, hcg levels typically double every 48-72 hours so your doctor is probably just making sure the levels are doubling properly.
Hi ladies, my ER is tomorrow. Am feeling very down.
Hope got eggs to pick up. I very scared mine are empty follicles and or ovulated too early before dr gets to retrieve them.

Hey Piglet how come your jab is so late one? My pregnyl jab was 830pm yesterday, think tomorrow i will be the first few to ER.

Whitetiger, first of all, give yourself a good big hug, for coming thru this far. IVF is never an easy process and you have did it, have tried your best, no regrets right? IVF is all about tuning protocol to body needs too so each protocol will be better. So will succeed one. JY!

Fatefully, Hope283 .. hang in there! JY!

Congrats Mei80!
Congrats mei. I was given cyclogest 400 inserts as support during my 2ww. Also taking progynova and aspirin tablets per dr advise. Until the result is out in 26 th, no more addnl supports. Was this ur fresh cycle or fet? And wat supports hv u been on?
Piglet, the nurse who did your pregnyl is it an elderly nurse? Mine is, she also talk to me when jab, ask me how old etc ... before i knew it, its done! So nice hor? Distracted me though my face still cringed! She ask dh hold my hand since i so scared of that jab, needle so thick and long! It was painless last night but this morning start to ache liao. So you will have to start fasting at 10pm also?
Mei 80 n hope 283
For the cylogest u all insert thru vagina or rectal? Cos evrytime I insert thru rectal like will trigger me to pass motion . any recommended method or position to insert correctly?
Hi Linda, I insert through rectal. Jst ensure to go to loo befor doing insert. And after u insert lie down for 30 min. Later shd be ok.
Thanks. Will try to follow ur method

N quite curious why for fet kk no need to check progesterone level? While fresh cycle need?
Btw hope283 were u success on ur fresh? u still got left how many frozen?
Hi Linda, not sure why they do not wnt to chk progesterone for fet. When I asked the nurse, she said diff drs adv diff protocols.

I did my fresh in apr this year nd ws not successful. I had 11 fertilized embryos, from which two used in fresh nd 2 used now. Yet to collect my sumary report to find out how many remaining after this fet.
hope: i do fet ! 1st fresh cycle fail at last year. After fet, every morning i take 2no boil egg( i use kampong egg), 1 cup hot milk, lunch & dinner as normal,if possible dont take spicy & fry food. b4 bedtime i take another 1 cup hot milk. I oso did hpt last few days, show negtv, my gynea say we insert cylogest can't use it.the hpt is not true one.

Linda: same with hope. make sure b4 insert go to loo first.
U mean u haven got ur report??
But usually they will pass to u after ur ET.. And u must wait outside the procedure room
I had collected mine report today itself

Thanks ... Ok wll do
reali ah? Using hpt is not accurate for us?
hope283, you are only in 8dp5dt. Still too early to test. Wait for at a couple of days.

Fatefully, perhaps that is a good sign!

Mel, yours was a Day3 or Day5 transfer?

Linda, I think bfp or bfn is not related to long or short protocol. It depends on the embroyos and also the hand of God.
Thx sunshine. Sure.

Linda- I was supposed to for 5 day transfer, however, two of them already turned to blastocysts on day4, so I had transferred a day's advance. The other two embryos which were in thawing, they said will observe until 5th day and then give the summary report. Thtswy not able to collect on Et day.
Hi heartbeat

Actually I need to fast at 10pm but when I told the nurse Sara that I will feel thirsty. She ask me to start at 11pm and drink alot of water b4 that time. Don't worry or think too much. As we already come to this stage. Don't stress yourself. Jia you and enjoy our 2ww.
Linda, on insert can start using hpt after d8 coz insert r not hcg. U can google online to confirm. For FET, ET is d3. only those on pregnyl jabs during fresh cycle can't use hpt so early as pregnyl is hcg. So may give false positive if pregnyl is not out from syst yet. The trigger pregnyl shot before ER Is 10,000iu n will take a wk to be out of our body also. Hpt tests gor hcg so unless the support has hcg. If not wun affect hpt reliability.

Someone asked if hpt is reliable for Ivf patient. Of course they r. No issue on that. These days hpt can pick up hcg of 50 n above. Not pregnant blood hcg is <5. If after d14, dun even see a faint line on hpt, chances r slim.
Jaded, Yes for the medication. Hey... you are my cycle buddy this round. I was told by the nurse during the FET briefing to test for Hep C. Did you have it tested at your previous ivf cycle?

You will need to call KKIVF to inform them when is your first day of menses so they can give you the date and time for ultrasound scan (usually at D14). You will need to go back for repeat U/S until your lining is more than 8mm. You will start support Cyclogest/ Utrogestan and continue Progynova. Then your embryos will be thaw 2 days later and do ET same day or 3-4 days later if you have more embryos available. Prognova amount will be advised by nurse thereafter and continue the support. Beta HCG test will be done on D17 after ET. If pregnant, medication will be given to support pregnacy and plan U/S at week 6 together with appointment date to see doctor. If not pregnant, make an appointment to see doctor and maybe do the next thaw cycle if there are balance frozen embryos.
Good morning ladies,
All the best to all doing ER today

BFP for BTs today

Stay positive everyone

We shall see the rainbow after the rain 
Piglet, mine is 830am. I very very thirsty now, feel like steal a sip of water! Very scared also. All the best to you later! May we retrieve many good eggs!
