IVF/ICSI Support Group

Try to eat some food e.g meehoon cook in soup, eat while is hot, u will feel better. At least must eat a bit if not after 11pm tonight u can't eat anymore. Remember our body needs energy if not tmr u will feel more giddy cos no energy in ur body. Take care
Hi Linda, ys I am tkg progynova and aspirin.

Girls,cansomeone advise how does ecto preg happen in Ivf? If dr transfers the embies to uterus, r tgey not supposed to implant only inuterus?how does an ecto happen? Plz advise.
You may want to give IVF clinic a call and tell them abt your post effects of ER and get advice. Sounds like symptoms of OHSS. How many eggs were retrieved.

Happy for you,
Hi heartbeat: you may want to drink 100 plus.
Hope283: although embies is transfer but the travel as well. They may ended up else where like in our tube. My last cycle I had severe pain at one side of my womb, dr did a scan can only find 1 embies. The other one didn't go where.
Etopic pregnancy can happen as it does not only mean pregnancy at the fallopian tubes but also at the cervix or anywhere outside the womb. Especially in the case of IVF, sometimes the embryos are placed higher than it should be, or it may wander off and implant in anywhere but the right place. In both IVF and natural conception there is a risk just like anything else. This is what I found from the net.
Heartbeats: try to increase the intake of egg whites as protein helps. I really know what u r going through. Please call the hospital and let them know if u continue to feel unwell. Usually the more eggs u retrieved, the more u will feel uncomfy as each folicles are quickly filled up with water after aspiration. The fluid will take a while before they get released. If you vomit, good to take some gatorade (sip) so that can help replace the electrolytes in ur body. Sometimes in bad case of OHSS, lungs and abdomen may be filled with fluid but that is quite extreme. Just monitor and dun hesitate to inform the doc. Take care ok and I wish you be better soon...
Hi, kindly enlighten me for the procedure of natural FET as I will be starting next month. How much is the est cost as I dont get any grant. Thanks
Enigmaysl, Piglet, do you mean the embryos are like inside a pool of oil inside our uterus and they will flood anyway? So if I have been sleeping sideway on the right, the embroyos inside me will flood to the right? If sleep on the left side, they will flood to the left side? and so end up in follopian tube either on the right or the left side???
Yeah! I am cleared of hep c. Think it was reactive to the previous testing due to my previous liver failure .

Thank god. So now I can relax....
Must call n make Appt . Close on wed. Ya better do before u start Ivf. I was doing accup 2x/week for almost 2 months before I embark my 2nd Ivf . Dr Zou will feel ur pulse n u can ask her whether ur body is cool or warm. Some sisters here Also taking med herbs but I didn't.
Hi Linda,

Last Friday 16th, yeah so happy. Now I can truly relax and look forward for next Friday bt.

Everything looks nOrmal to me. NO sign at all. So just let it be.

How abt you?
Hi gals,

Just now I call Dr Zou to make appt for my next visit. I told her I didnt make it and she was shock why my AF came so early I told her I dnt kw. She ask was it the progesterone support not enough but I told her when I go for my BT for progesterone support the KK say my bllod have enough no need extra... I also dont kw the result why.
From the post as stated for which stage my embryo now, looks like my embryo now is in blas stage, still long way to go .....
Hi heartbeat: how r u? How many eggs did u retrieve? Take care and rest well. Sunstillshines: our womb is filled with water. The embbies will float and see where their landed (implant).
I have very low threshold for pain, always shout whenever i take bt :p hopefully acu is lesser pain. I have made appt to see dr zou next monday.
Sunshine: I think our uterus is still quite small for now... I had the same concern as u lol as I am a side sleeper but I am sure all will be fine and they won't be wandering too much...
fuyutsuki: dun be worried abt the needles.. They r just so fine and u won't feel it poking like injections.
Im considering whether to go for acupunture too, have been on TCM for abt 6 mths already. Dunno whether to add on, for those who went, are there really significant improvements?
And does it really improve sperm quality of hubby too? I've heard that it really does, but just want to check with those whom been thru it..
Hi sibling hopes, how is ur 2WW coming along? Do u really rest in bed all the time during ur previous cycles? My blast went ok although full bladder with us against the bladder is not too pleasant lol. You must rest well and eat more nutrition food ok...
Fuyutsuki: I m seeing Dr Zhongshan @ EYS Paragon. So far so good. ET was over in a blink of an eye but it's important to have a full bladder during ET though uncomfy. Now I just really eat, pray love hahaha. Yes my doc is prof Ng. U r with Prof Foong right? How is ur cycle coming along?
Ganie16: my hubby did not go for for accu and his everything is low.. Just put him on supplements and change of lifestyle. To me accu helps me to relax. In fact it help alleviate my lower back pain during the course of it.
My tis 2weeks at home tot can rest at the end runing up n down to catch my 15months boy , hopefully my son's siblings ( the 2 embies inside me) could understand
Thanks Ladies, if OHSS and want to get rid of the bloat, best is drink alot of fluids right?

Enig, can drink 100 plus if dont have gatorade? I will also take some eggwhites in a while. But i feel nauseous what if vomit out?

Spent the whole afternoon at A&E, do bloodtests, scans etc .. dr say mild OHSS but mild already killing me, cant imagine severe!

Anyone have ohss before or know how else to deal with it?

Miraclebb, indeed very xin ku. I have to monitor, if gets worse, tomorrow cannot ET.

Piglet and ladies, i retrieved 28 eggs. Thats why right? Sigh~ feel so miserable now.
Hi ladies, I am undergoing the controlled FET cycle, going for my uterus lining scan tomorrow at KKH. Can anyone please advise me of the pros and cons of blastocyst transfer at KKIVF ie. how does it affect pregnancy success rate for a thaw cycle which is already lower than for a fresh cycle and the probability of the embroyoes not surviving past the 5th day?

I have 7 embroyos left from my first fresh IVF cycle and hope for the best this time round!!

Also, what are the dos and donts after the ET? Is acupuncture and herbal soups allowed?

Glad everything still goes under controlled, I heard some ladies even need to undergo abdomen tap to drain fluids, reali hope u won't end up to that stage and hope u can still proceed to ET tmr. But jus be mentally prepared some may get worst after ET done.
Fatefully, this is a post fm other sister. I copied and paste here for your reference:
My good friend, whose family owns a Chinese medicinal hall, tells me to bu after a failed IVF, can double boil black chicken with dangshen, paoshen and black dates. I haven't drink yet as I am still recovering from stomach flu but my mom is going to make it for me once I'm well.
