IVF/ICSI Support Group

Baby-thanks for replying me..
That's good your tummy goes back to original. Don't know why mine still big..
Not clear out all? or bec I put on weight? But I don't have any cramping or bleeding.. hmm.. have to wait for next AF and see how..
Now don't want to wear tight clothing... so depressing..

coolcool, just curious, is the D&C painful? Before and after? Any bleeding after? How much did you pay for it? Will it totally clean? Sorry for asking so many Qs.I'm just afraid that if mine not clean at all must go for D&C again. So try to be prepared first. Yesterday was heavy bleeding, but today only spotting, so find it abit strange. Hopefully no need for D&C.

Hope you will feel better after next AF, don't think so much.
Hi chocolate, I only had 2 symptoms.
1) frequent pulling ard tummy area
2) perpetual standing nipples..

Hi Fatefully, try alternating sides when injecting. And yes on the side u inject will b pain cux d pain is more from the medicine than d syringe. Apparently, the medicine molecules is bigger that's y can give us more pain. If pain is really bad, try numbing area with ice pack before injecting...
Hi Hopeful, thanks for your reply. Can I check with you when you felt the pulling around your tummy area? Did you test using hpt before your blood test and if so, how many days past transfer? Is urs a singleton or twins?
Hi baby, D&C has two types. One is scraping the contents of the uterus and another is vacuum aspiration. For me they use the latter since my pregnancy is only 11 weeks. Dr said by using gentler version of D&C, less damage to the uterus. And I have to take 2 tablets 3 hr before surgery. And it made me bleeding and cramping. I think this is similar to abortion medicine. D&C procedure is done under sedition. So it's not painful at all. And I felt mild cramp after that together with bleeding. But once you are allowed to eat, cramping is subsided. I don't even need to take any pain killer. I was back to normal next day. And I only bleed for 1-2 days. I paid 425 because I am a subsidised patient (if not ~800) and can be used medisave.
Take care..
Hi, Can I start to eat bird nest as bird nest is high in protein? I started eating egg white 3 pcs 1st...may I know what kind of food is high in protein?

the fish soup noodle those kind of fish can we eat? I am not sure wa kind of fish is that, nt sure it contain high in mercury cos i rem someone say dnt fish that is high in mercury.

Can I continue to eat conveive well gold while doing P Jabs?

Pls advice.
Hi Chocolate, I had the pulling feeling aft ET. The feeling was ongoing. I tested 12 days aft ET on HPT, n it was a very faint pink line. Ehhh.. I dunno if mine is singleton or twins yet. SGH don't want tell me my 2nd beta test. They said no news is gd news. My 3rd beta test is nx wed n 6 wk scan is nx fri.. I guess I will only know then..
Singleton or twin not impt.. Most impt is a healthy baby...

Dun think too much into the symptoms. Diff pple have diff symptoms. I think some dun even have. Just stay positive..
Today is day 7 and my leading egg is 11mm the rest are ranging from 10 to 6mm. About 14 follicles in all. Is this normal? I'm supposed to inject something to prevent ovulation tmrw and the next day.

Fatefully - I drink immunocal Which is. Protein drink and sometimes when I feel like it, I ate up to 10 egg white..

I also wonder what kind of fish can eat and which kinds cannot eat. I like to eat ba tan fish. This one can eat?
Baby, d&c is not painful. Dr loh is very gentle. If u hv not given birth before, tablet will be inserted into the vagina to dilate n soften the cervix before d&c. It takes 3-4hrs. So, will rest in day ward. After the procedure, may feel light cramping. But no need pain killers when go bk. Light bleeding for a few days unless hormones refused to reset.. I hv continued bleeding as hormones went haywire. Two times also like this.
Baby, the risk of d&c is scarring of womb. I m very prone to scarring. After d&c, and after I recovered n menses revert, I hv to do detailed SHG to check no scarring. Dr loh told me fine scarring he can't see from normal scan. But u r in gd hands. Dr loh is v good n gentle. He nv scarred my womb both times.
Thanks for your reassurance, Hopeful. Agree with you that singleton or twins is not so impt. Most impt is to hv a healthy baby. Gd luck to u for ur week 6 scan next week. By the way, is this ur first ivf?

Dollygal, read tt hot baths n even hot water bags is a no-no after ET. Suggest tt u check with ur gynae whether you can do so.
HI Vyvy,

I am not sure what the BT criteria is. The nurse called me this afternoon to say i am cleared of the BT and to proceed with puregon tomorrow. As for the scan, the result is more immediate and I managed to ask the other nurse about it - basically they want to make sure your lining is clean (no menses), normal and uterus got no cysts.

As for the blood test, they drew 3 tubes !
Oops, I seldom have cold shower unless heater faulty.
I always have warm shower..
Haiz... Better dun tik too much...

I m so bored at home for week Liao. Feel giddy when I step out of the house during daytime. Only went out for Bt then home. Once at nite to parkway w my bro n wife walk walk

May I know Longan drink after Et , ok?
hello everyone, i am new here. I am doing a new fresh cycle with kk. Today is 1st lucrin inject. The nurse say do bloodtest and scan in 14 days. If results ok will start puregon inject. It will be menses day 7 by then. Is it correct start puregon on day 7? I recall last fresh i start puregon on day 4. Am i wrong?
Hi tanny
I think ba tan fish should be okie. Cos my nieces eating this with the porridge when they started to eat solid food. They are only 1 to 5 yrs old.
Fatefully, Whitetiger, Baby, Chocolate, Ron, thanks on the information in getting brazil nut.

Mmfeen, I also went to Giant at Sembawang Shopping Centre today and could not find brazil nut.

Gals, For those who wants to buy Conceive Well Gold, I saw Guardian having 20% discount currently.
Chocolate Dollygal im also feeling slightly pull on my left side where my womb is..oh and i noticed that elevating up my legs & placing some pillows/cushion under to support while on the sofa helps..maybe you can try?

And hey dollygal i am also feeling giddy these few days..read that you're taking progesterone as well too. And that is one of the side effects..Just try to rest as much as you can
and longan drink should be ok ba in moderation..im intending to make that tomorrow as well
what stage at you at now? 2ww?

Chocolate relax & rest well & let's jia you for next week's hptest ;) think positive!!

tanny think should be no problem..i ate mackerel, cod and pangus fish. Im fact i've just made my own homemade pangus fishcake.
Hopeful, happy for u tt u succeeded in ur first ivf attempt. Hope all of us can be as lucky too.

Chrisl, I also feel pulls around my womb area and sometimes near vagina area. Not sure whether I am imagining too much or something good is happening inside. Definitely hope it's the latter! When's ur blood test and when do u intend to test with hpt?
Oh ya, Chrisl, is king mackerel the same as mackerel? I did read before tt should avoid king mackerel as it contains a lot of mercury. If they are the same, suggest tt u avoid eating next time.
Hi dollygal, yup i did hv discharge during 2ww. Am keeping my fingers crossed for some positive news next couple of weeks. Good luck to all!
Hi Moo3Moo n other ladies,

Went back to work n very busy. moo3moo, sad to learnt about your case. I been thru all these n also tired by all these. Sometimes I also feel like giving up cos going to chinese physician also quite tiring.

Is never easy to get past people giving birth, full month party. just wish that one day it will be our turn.
sounds good Chocolate! Crossing fingers!!!!
Im not sure when is my blood test (are you referring to preggy blood test?) if so the protocol here is that to test with the hpt kit 1st then call the clinic to inform results then they'll further advise..testing coming wednesday!! nervous sia!

And oh the mackerel think should be normal mackerel not the king type as it's rather small fillets ..not that too sure.. i do the same as the people here, eating it straight from can.. it's eaten on slices of bread for breakfast or lunch but so far i've only consumed not too many lar..i believe 'moderation' is the word

DollyChocolate so excited! if all positive results we get here our future bbs will be born ard the same time hehehe..

Dollyenoki1 i've also have much more discharge these days..prior to testing next week

think postive sunbelle! Im sure our turn will be soon! Just have to stay positive, eat well, rest well, relax and try not to stress much..cos if stress, it'll definitely affect the body and the body will react in response i think
Hi Hopeful, Sunbelle, my hcg on Fri was 294. Still increasing, but getting even slower. They did a scan everywhere to confirm whether ectopic, but couldn't find anything. Mebbe coz hcg is still too low. Doc decided to wait another wk, until Fri to test hcg again. She said if AF can start after stopping the support (oral progesterone), it is good. Otherwise may have to prescribe med or consider surgery after Fri test. Ectopic shd be painful, but I have no pain now. And still no spotting or bleeding till now. If AF doesn't come, I'll request for another scan on Fri to confirm where the embbies are.. sometimes if I think of how my embbies struggle to survive, I'll feel very sad.

Sunbelle, understand what u mean. I somehow notice more n more pregnant ladies n cute babies ard.. I'd feel sad everytime. But we cannot give up rite.. just relax, vent out ur frustration, cry it out, take a break, then come back stronger ya. I agree with what Imel said, won't give up till 40. I wun just blindly try again n repeat, but always try to find ways to improve so tt we can achieve our goal. Of coz easier said than done, but I hope u can feel better

Now I have to wait to close this chapter then tiao my body first. Dunno how long.. Still considering whether to do FET or fresh ET. Are u considering FET? I still have frozen embbies, so doc will recommend to do FET.. but fresh ET have better embbies rite.. I know embbies grading doesn't matter, as told repeatedly by many sisters, but still, dh n I can't stop our worries..
Moo3moo, every embyro is independent & different. There r many sisters who didn't even bfp at bhcg test but prOceed to succeed in FET. Also, every embyro is a life & we should give them all a chance to be our children. We nv know if they can make it but at least we didnt give up on them from the start. I know how u feel n your worry on FET. But we still hv to hang on... All of the embiees can become babies, only if we give them a chance.
Can we continue to eat Conceive Well Gold when start medication for FET? After FET, can we continue to eat during 2ww or even bfp?

moo3moo, I know it's tough when people tell you not to worry. Try to do other things to keep you distracted from this issue and keep you stress level as low as possible. There are some ladies succeed in FET. Go ahead with the method you feel comfortable with since each of them has its pros and cons.

Later going to attend a baby girl's full month celebration. I love to carry babies lately because I felt warmth when carry them. They are so pure and lovely. Hope to have my own and that day to come soon.
It's really depressing to see so many ppl pregnant easily ard me, especially my sisters in law. 1 by 1 popping bb out easily. I m starting to avoid all family gatherings at my Hsb side where we are the earliest couple married but no bb till date. Then all ard me are bbs n mummies, I feel so out of place, I no longer wish to b presence at such gathering.
My in laws do not know we are gg thru ivf. I told my Hsb if ur parents are not helping us financially or emotionally, pls make them stay out of this. especially I can't stand my mil ask lots of questions y like tat ah, y like this ah. I dun tik I can handle replying nicely n afraid I will flare up w all the questioning.
Last oct I had surgery to remove a big fibroid, din even inform them until I went in operation theatre. Hahaa tik I m bad. N my mil really ask me lots of question after tat, y got fibroid ah, how come u dun feel pain all these while meh..
And It wasn't easy when we knew we didn't succed first cycle, it was so hard to accept where we kp telling ourselves dun take it too hard again n again in our mind. We jus remind ourselves at least we tried n ppl cannot say us.
Hi Moo3Moo,

I gone thru twice on what you gone thru. Although my blood test double up very fast, still cannot contain it. If they are around, one is 14 mths n other goin to be born in 2 mths time. Guess we k only look forward. Yeah this waiting game is never easy n u will rather know the end result to move on. Been there n been thru all these. hope u take tins in stride.

Chris, pls rest lying down. It k be implantation bleeding. If is not stopping, pls call doctor.

Dollygal: many of us are feeling the same as you. Went east coast park n saw a pair of lovely twins crawling on the grass. So cute. Wish one day my kids will do that too.

Jus had a good baking session with my two nieces.
Sunbelle, i also cut down visiting DH relatives already, cant avoid his immediate family but surely avoid his relatives. They keep giving us pitiful stares and worse, typical of ignorant old folks, they think problem lies with me. Why must it always be the wives problem, husbands sperm quality and quantity also play a part?? And of course i cannot argue or explain to them so might as well just dont see them.

Chrisl if bleeding persist, quickly go A&E. How many more days to BT? You may be pregnant and needing early hormone support!

By the way, everyone, anyone can help me? Did you start your puregon / gonal injects on day 3~4 of menses or day 7? I m on long protocol with lucrin.
Ya. My dad's sister openly ask me is there problem w me? Need her to recommend me doc blah blah. Mil aso ask wats the problem finally too, after tat she realise from her son tat he plays a part of the problem too, n she dare nt further ask y.
Now me n my Hsb vy attached to my nephew ( my bro's son), bcos of the bb my Hsb visits my parents more often than last time. All thanks to bb tat improve my Hsb relationship w my parents too.
This 2ww, my Hsb comes n visit me ( or rather my nephew) whenever he available.

heartbeat : im on short protocol and started my pugreon on day 3 of menses. not sure if i helped in your question since our protocol are different.
