IVF/ICSI Support Group

thanks all
im scared..it was like a bigger than 50 cent much pinky discharge with cramping too..so afraid it's AF
im taking it slow and see now..trying to watch tvb shows to relax...hopefully stop otherwise i'll call the clinic tomorrow ... will test hpt kit on wednesday..that's like 3 more days...crossing fingers and praying hard!

heartbeat i started my puregon jabs(225mg)on my 7th day with nasal spray of GnRH everyday (started 2 weeks b4 AF) Don't think about them lah..just ignore them..some people are just like that not that sensitive

Hazel, yup, we're not ruling out FET. I still have 6 embbies n FET is cheaper, faster n less pain. So, more pros than cons actually

Not really much stress nowadays, just waiting for things to come to close.. hopefully soon. Being sad at times is ok I think. After all life has its ups n downs.

Heartbeat, I started puregon on day 5 (scan day 4). After scan n blood test, nurse informed me whether can start puregon.
Thank you Tanny, Chrisl, Moo

Strange mine is so far away at day 7. Worry is it they made a mistake. If its mistake, day 7 will be too late to start stimulation then i have to forego cycle already.

Moo, may i ask were you on long protocol with lucrin?
dollygal : MIL are like dat. so insensitive, old pple lor. one ear in , one ear out. better dont go at least no need to see them.

i also din tell my PIL side and forbade my buddy to say, until got good news.. afterall I dont see how they can help me much. only tell my own mum... in case i need their help.
Same thoughts as you Tanny! Then DH ask me why can tell my mum cannot tell his, so unfair. But i say tell my mum i wont stress, tell his mum sure stress!
Heartbeat, I had the same question before. I currently on lucrin. Going for my scan tmr, d6 of menses. I think lucrin suppresses our hormones and prevent ovulation so I guess should be okay.
Hi, heartbeats,
When to start stim jabs (gonal f, puregon) depends on ur scan & BT to confirm tt u r well suppressed & lining is good, no cysts etc.. & not based on a particular day of ur af cycle.. In fact sme sisters af were delayed due to lucrin jabs.. So don't worry too much, yah..
Besides, whn @ stim stage & (touch wood) follicles don't stim well, doc may deceide to increase dosage of stim..
To further ease ur doubt, i wld suggest tt u call up the hosp to ask y ur scan so late? Hope the above helps...
Heartbeat, yes, was on long protocol with lucrin since it was my first one. I think puregon can start only after u lining is good (thin enuff), folicles are small enuff, no cysts.. But if u r still doubtful, as Quennie said, just ask the hosp why. During my cycle, I din dare to ask much qns coz the nurses often gave me incredulous look.. but next time I wun care. Spend much time, effort n money for each cycle so we have the right to ask them to clear all doubts ya..
U can start puregon anytime after ur hormones are suppressed from the Lucrin jab, ur womb is cleared of cysts n the lining is thin enough, ie after menses.

Usually u need to jab Lucrin for min 14 days. Menses will come one more time during suppression. After which, u hv to do a BT to check hormones are suppressed. If hormones are suppressed and menses have arrived n cleared, Puregon can start. Menses can be delayed coz of lucrin. If so, u need to jab lucrin longer before u can start puregon.

In KKH, the nurses will space out the patients for start of Puregon. Coz once started, follicles will grow n when the right size is hit, hv to proceed to ER. If the nurses dun schedule properly, it Can end up to too many ER a day tat the dr can cope. But for Lucrin, can keep on jabbing.. Hormones are suppressed anyway. That's why some patients are scheduled to start Puregon after 14 days of Lucrin, some jab lucrin longer, 18 days or even more than that.
Heartless : same lor! My hb also ask why I can tell mine but he can't tell his. Told him if really need extra help i can ask my mom but for his mum, difficult to open my mouth and ask her to do things mah. Anywh I just heard from my mil that my sil is trying for a second kid! Somehow I feel stressed abt it. I must tell myself to keep cool and steady; stay positive.
Hearbeats, don't worry, the nurse will inform you when to do puregon/gonal-f injection once you're cleared of cysts and lining is good. Like Queenie, moo3moo and Hazel have mentioned, you can call up your hospital and check with them if you have doubts.

Tanny, I can understand your feel as a daughter-in-law. We always feel comfortable with our mom and feel a bit uneasy to ask our MIL do things. I guess I will have to be a bit thick skin during my 2ww if to get my MIL to my house to help in preparing my lunch since my DH don't have much AL left and my mom needs to work. If so, I'm afraid it could be a bit stressful with her around. Same here that I need to stay positive and stay cool. Let's do it together. As for your SIL, just try to ignore the case and accept the fact since you can't change anything. You just need to focus on your case and don't let others affect your mood.
For those who are staying near Causeway Point, there is one stall (opp. Emicake stall) selling Brazil Nuts by weight ($5.50/100g) at B1. Cold Storage selling 3 mix nuts (contain protein) including brazil nuts at $9.20 but I can't remember the weight.
i just bought Chew's Eggs with Organic Selenium and Vit E from NTUC Fairprice.

Is this also considered as Organic Eggs?

Somehow the NTUC Fairprice doesn't seem to carry organic eggs - this is the closest that I can find. When can I easily find organic eggs?

BTW, how come Kampong Eggs are so expensive and white in colour?

Anyone knows how much is Brazil Nuts at Pat's Oven at Vivo city? Prob I will buy from there since I stay this area.
Tanny, I also taking chew's organic eggs with selenium. Pat's oven selling brazil nuts at $4 per 100g, $7.80 for 200g if I didn't remember wrongly.
Thanks joynfaith. My nephew is v cute n smart... And my hb love to play with him... My hb told my mil that we re trying and ask her don't cook old cumember soup cos it's Liang. And when i drink onky hot water, my mil ask why. He say cos tcm say cannot drink cold water...Aiyo who ask him to say so much now, like become so obvious - or am I worry too much..

Dr says my ER prob this Friday...
I am not to sure why... but I am giving out gases and tummy like turning here and there.... is it like this when we jab puregon or was it the egg white? Do anyone face the same thing? Pls advice.
hi Ron and the rest of the ladies,

Sorry no bb dust to share.. Its a BFN..
Now trying to digest this result.. andhope i will fine.
hi ladies things not looking good for me
bleeding became redder and more...so it seems like it's AF (called the clinic and the nurse said it seems like too as it's pretty normal for some to have it in 2ww) but then i thought if on progesterone, AF shouldn't come right? Im confused..anyway, she said can stop medication (jab and inserts) if i want but then i decided to still put the inserts and wait till wed to test hpt..nurse asked us to call back end of the week..im very low now

Fatefully it's normal to feel cramping
Me too gave out lotsa gas and had stomach turnings..i thought was the milk i drank cos i always get that if i drink too much milk..
Ron, BNB, Koirc, Sunbelle & other sisters..
Sprinkilng zillions of babydusts for every sister here..
It's a BFP!!!
I did natural fet...
Thanks zillions for all the superb advices, comforting words & for the great company which made tis journey easier...
Have faith, b hopeful & we ll definitely b mummies one day...
Ziah - sorry to hear. Take your time, each cycle we learn more about our body & embryos.* Hugs*

ChrisL - AF will come if prog level no high enough or sometimes it has own mind even with the support. If you wan, you can try hpt at home for some peace of mind coz if bfp, can call clinic for increased support.

Fatefully - everyone's meds are tailored to fit our requirements. Not everyone needs menopur. We just sometimes have to trust our doctor
drink lots of water.

Queenie - congrats on the good news.
Congrats Queenie.

Chrisl,God bless u, Ziah, Hugs tk care. The same old saying I say again, it jst takes couple of tries before we succeed. Keep faith.
Queenie, now time to give ur list of "Dos and Donts"

I started my progynova from today. Thinking of starting chicken essence from today. Have'nt tkn it sofar. jst tried a sip once and dint like it. but maybe now i will tk this time since it's gonna benefit. Wher do u guys buy wolfberry and red dates drinks?
Hi fatefully,

This menopur is also another stimulation drug. Good thing you dun have. It's complicated - gotta mix 1 vial of liquid with 2 bottles of drugs using a long needle. can spill easily if not careful. I spent 20 minutes every morning jabbing myself lucrin, puregon and menopur. the whole table is a mess!

I also have a bit of wind here and there in my tummy - think it's the half boiled eggwhites.

Hi VyVy,

All the best this Thu!
Congratulations Queenie!

Thanks everyone for your sharing. I pestered KK to explain to me and finally understood. Phew~~~ Like what Hazel said, usually lucrin is inject 14 days to ensure enough suppression.

Chrisl, how about do early BT? This will cut all the ambiguity. If pregnant and bleeding means need more support so an earlier BT will be good. If not pregnant, at least can give up the inserts without wondering 'what if's.
Hi VyVy,

My 1st scan is this Sat, D8 from puregon & menopur and D24 from lucrin. with acupuncture, i think my tummy is very "holey" from the all the poking and needles haha

Dr Zou said we already have small follicles when injected with lucrin - no wonder the nurse said aloud the number when she scanned left and right of my uterus last sat. I din catch her but think the total number is 10 - maybe that's why i need menopur to boost more.

At this stage I just follow instructions - cant worry as much.
My 1st scan is this Fri. D7 from puregon. U got any side effect. My tummy been feeling cramp like AL cramps... bloated cannot see... I hv a small tummy if bloated also cannot see properly lor.
Hi Queenie,
Hardwork pay off... congrats and enjoy the 9 mths ride.

Hi Ziah and Chrisl,
Sorry to hear that... take a break, rest well and fight again.
Hi Hope283, you can buy the red dates and wolfberries from any medicinal halls, like euyansang or hock hua.. my mil has been making the drink for me daily.. she also added dried longans..

Queenie, congrats!! so happy for you!!

finally master up my courage and tested hpt earlier *BFN* and oh well..there goes my hopes..anyway, though very disappointed both hb and i... im standing up again and preparing for the next round...clinic will schedule me again when i call them again this friday..

wonder if superstition has got to do anything abt this or not...we are currently also renovating the hse and hb goes around hammering and knocking and painting stuffs..and also diet..that day before the bleeding, i made and ate a whole packet of tofu with pork for dinner...think tofu too 'liang'?
My cramps is on and off... the cramps is increasing each day/jab, not comfy but bearable. I have headache for the pass few days today dnt hv... my headache nt those headache but it feel like my head is heavy.
