IVF/ICSI Support Group

Baby, I was there at tps too! Why non pregnant cannot see him at tps? Rule changed? From day 1 I see him at tps. Pregnant or not pregnant.
Hi Hopeful, thanks. Yeah will rest well to prepare for FET.

Hi Hazel, I'mnot sure. The nurse said TPS more for gynae, maybe bcos I'm not pregnant anymore. Not so sure.

May I know what should I do now since I'm 'cleaning' my womb. Anything I must do to 'tiao' my body better?
Baby, wait for the sac n the remains to be out first. Then take some herbal stuff to pu. dun take cold stuff n liang stuff. U have a oblighted ovunm. I had that too last aug. I was emotionally unstable so dr loh did d&c for me. He knows me too well n knows i wun be able to take the pain n lengthy process of removal naturally through oral medicine. If not clean, still need to do d&c. Mentally torturing.
Thanks for your advise. I think I would ask Dr Loh for progestrone level as I think my previous miscarriage could be due to progestrone level not enough to support bb and cause heartbeat stopped.

You mean I can jump from medicated FET to Lucrin jab if embryos dun suvive thaw? That's great. Then I dun need to wait months again. Can't wait to try fast. No patience for waiting anymore.

Are you now in 2ww? Do not think your embryos are no good. I seen some women 45yrs still able to have bfp. So stay strong and cheerful.

I'm sorry to hear that. Please do not be too sad. Most importantly after the sac is out, do have a mini confinement. No cold stuffs and rest well. I pray that God will heal your pain in this period.

I went TPS tonight but Dr Loh has emergency hence re-schedule to Friday afternoon.
Rainy, I had two IUIs under Dr Eunice Chua of TMC. Each IUI costs abt $600 not including medications. IUI is simpler. No jabs. Only given clomids to help my eggs grow. Once reach desired size, need to submit hubby's sperm for washing. The best soldiers will be used. After realising that private gynae is a waste of time and most importantly, the gynae I went has no passion to help me conceive (she's more interested to see preggies), I changed gynae. I was with her from feb 09 to may 09.

I started seeing Dr Loh d following month. He prescribed me clomids for 3 months to try natural. We didn't make it. Saw him again in aug 09 and use the same month cycle to start SO-IUI. FYI. My hubby has low sperm count when I was with TMC. Under Kk, his report was normal. During those 3months, he also started on co10. I BFP on my first soiui with Dr Loh. But lost it at 8weeks on 5 oct. No heartbeat. After mc, I realized that my work was too stressful. Hence told myself to go slow and put work aside should I do soiui again. My first soiui with Kk costs around 1.2k. The procedure is almost similar to IUI. But gotta self-administer daily until follicles are of good size. The fact that I stick to Kk till now is because they hv a proper IVF center. Things are much organized in a way. And they monitor our follicles closely.

I embarked on second soiui under dr Loh in mar 10. The follicles were not growing well and was asked to abort the cycle. But I insisted that I wanted to carry on. I stopped working immediately to make myself feel less stressful. The follicles became over-stimulated and dr Loh convert it to IVF immediately. 13 eggs retrieved, 5 fertilized. 2 transferred on 15 Apr 10. I BFP and delivered a girl in December 2011. I just used up my remaining embbies 2 days back.

If yours is a male factor, iVf mayb a better option. The waiting time at Kk is terrible. I ever waited more than 4hrs to see Dr Loh at clinic D. He is a busy man. From deliveries to emergency c-sec, performing egg retrievals/transfers etc. He is the head of IVF. He has clinics in clinic D and the private suite (TPS). If u see him at TPS, waiting time is shorter. But no matter how long he keep us waiting, I will still continue to see him. He made it happen for us and we are now enjoying parenthood.
Rainy, typo mistake. I delivered my girl in december 2010.

Sophia, I transferred 2 embbies on 23 aug. 3 thawed, 1.5 survived. The 0.5 is not doing so well. So officially only 1 grade 3 transferred. Not thinking much about the result - only need 1 embbie to stick to me. All the best to us! Is yr BT on 8/9 too?
Hi ocean

Yes I m in my 2ww. Thurs is my day 7 after Et. This cycle I went thru menopur jabs to grow follicle when we had scan 2 days b4 er, shows 17. But on er, only 12 retrieve, 7 matured m only 5 make it after thawing. But on Et day I
Was told 3 to b trsf but dun knw y the embroyo din grow as well as expected , only 6 - 4 cells. Was disappointed but gynae proceed w Et . Angela said u may nvr know whether they further develop
Inside ..

Since staying w my parents n c bb nephew daily, I dun seems to tik tat much this round.
Hi Ron, Hazel, got my 3rd BT result yesterday, still not growing well. D17 is 112, D20 is 205 (not 250..), D22 is 264. I'll be seeing doc this Fri morning.

I cried last nite already, now I wanna to find out what happened. I wanna to confirm whether my embryos aren't growing well, ectopic pregnancy or others? Will the doc be able to confirm? I have 2 day-3 grade-4 embryos transferred n no spotting at all (except for one faint brownish spot, during implantation wk). If ectopic pregnancy, will the doc confirm the location first?

I also want to know what the doc will recommend to me? Taking medicine (methotrexate)? D&C? I hope to ensure that everything will be properly cleaned before I try the next cycle. How long shd I wait before my body can safely start the next cycle?

Really appreciate if I can get any advice. I've been blur thruout this cycle, I dun intend to continue to do so..
Hi Baby, sorry to hear tt. Take care of ur health! Ensure everything is in the best condition before u start the next cycle!

Can I know what medicine Dr Loh prescribed to u to clean ur womb?
Ocean, yes shld be able too. My friend under dr loh did a few yrs bk. Discuss with him.

Moo3moo, dun mean to upset you, pls be prepared. It doesn't sound good. Be strong. Most likely a case of embyro not gd. That aside, it means u r capable of getting pregnant again! Try again after u recover.

Can take medicine or d&c to terminate. Th former is a lengthy n can be really painful. If not clean still need to do d&c. So, pls discuss with ur dr the best approach for u, taken into account your emotional state. D&c is a surgery, so there is some risks too, eg scarring of the womb.

But, it may not even require any actions to be done if sac has not formed. See wat dr says. She will scan to rule out topic also. But if u dub ger Any pain on the sides, shld be fine.
U can rest for 2-3 cycles then try again. The battle is not totally lost this round. At least u know u hv a healthy womb to get pregnant. Take care!
Hi moo3moo, ur case sounds like wat I went thru last May. Take care and try not to move around too much. The sac is too small to be seen doc, can't determine if ectopic.
Hi Just Faith, we have the same ET and BT dates! wish us good luck!! Wat time was ur transfer done? Could have run into u at ivf centre.
Hi moo3moo, for my case, doc monitored my bhcg levels every 2-3 days, numbers were dropping from 1010 to around 10. Was bleeding throughout, did know when AF started oso. Didn't take any medicine or d&c, cleared itself. Rested for abt 2 months b4 trying again recently.

Went to eys to tiao during these 2 months. Took the herbal concoction to make my body more 'conducive' and tried acupuncture to improve my lining. This time round, I was more prepared. Hope my chances will be better.
hi Hazel, I understand how you felt. I will stay strong and continue this journey. Maybe Dr Loh saw me so calm that's why he straightaway prescribed Meds for me. He said even do D&C if still not clean must do 1 more time and the side effect is not that good.

Hi JoynFaith, thanks. What type of mini confinement should I do? Sorry, I'm really very blur on this.

Hi Ocean, good luck and hope you will hear all the good news on your Friday scan.

Hi Dollygal, I believe your embbies will grow inside, dun worry too much and try to relax. Jia you!

Hi Moo3moo, just to be honest, your case seems like mine. Mine also grade-4 both. But it seems that good grade will not guarantee good result. I also had brown spotting during 2ww, but still confirmed bfp. But mine is not ectopic. There is sac but no baby inside. But since Dr didn't give up, please please do not give up first. Ask Dr for all the reasons and ways to improve. For my case, Dr Loh himself already given up. So I have no choice but to clean it. It's really heart pain.
Dr. Loh has given me Misoproscol 200mg for 2 days to be taken morning and night, and has given me HL for 6 days to rest.
Hi Sophia, may I know what type of food did you take when you 'tiao' your body? Did you see any TCM? I'm thinking to go the one recommended by HOpeful at Marine Parade.
What should I avoid during this period? Like food, activity?
And when can I start the accu?
gd morning ladies, glad that i've found this forum whereby I could get so much advice & info from u gals
thks lotsa! the thread is moving so fast & i almost lost track....hehe
I just ate the med with hesitation. Dr said dun take first if I'm not ready. But no matter what I still need to take, so I dun want to delay anymore. I want to fast fast do the next cycle.
Have asked my hubby to put the med in my mouth hehe. Didn't dare. So far has no any special feeling yet, but have prepared panadol incase if pain.
Hi Sophia, my FET was scheduled at 830am. Did you go with yr hubby? Were u wearing a shawl that day? Then I might know which one. Heehee.
Baby, empty sac means embyro is gone at 5 wks or even more that.. so, u made the right decision. U will succeed the next round.
hi baby-me - sorry the news wasn't good for your scan yesterday. Take care of yourself during the next few days waiting for the body to clear itself. Do you have support around you during this time if things get painful?

hi moo3moo - sorry i can't help much on the m/c bit. The numbers are not looking too good & likely another BT on Friday will tell more. It's the draw of the luck that the embbie is not strong enough, but has been giving it best shot to grow.. May be too early to determine if ectopic.

Many sistas refer to this website, and the latest blog talks about why hcg level does not rise properly.. http://www.ivfauthority.com/

Sending you some hugs, and glad you are looking forward. Like Hazel said, each cycle we learn something and embrace the fact you know your womb is healthy, & can try again. Just need to get a healthy embbie next round. The sistas who have gone thru this & continue trying gives us courage & confidence to not give up. Cry if you feel like it - you are entitled to, but do consider that it is better the body tells you early now it's not a viable journey, than to find out later.
Rainy, good that you can find more useful info here. If I had more info about all the fertility programs before I did IUI at TMC, I wouldn't have wasted half a year there. Ivf is a long journey. Be patient. All the best to you.

Baby, I had natural m/c before. I had mini confinement for about two weeks. Wore long pants, leg warmers. Ate pig stomach soup, liver soup, red dates longan tea. It was during the mini confinement that I finally understand my body. My body was too "han" (cold). Cause I could finish all those heaty soup without falling sick or feeling heaty. My hubby who drank only one bowl of soup, started to fall sick n run fever. I also went TCM to tiao my body. Brewed medicines. I didnt do any acupuncture.
Hi baby, i was seeing 钟医师 from euyansang @ paragon. From the ingredients of the herbal powder, got the usual dang gui. The rest I oso dunno wat they are. Think it's up to individual's body constitution.
Didn't wan to do accupunture initially, but after scans showing my lining was not thick enough, plucked up courage to let her poke. Only went for 3 sessions b4 transfer. KK doc advised against any TCM after that. Hope all these can help

Hi faith, dun think u saw me. My appt was 9.30, waited until abt 10.30 for my turn. Hubby was with me to keep me entertained while waiting
Hi, anyone still taking coffee during 2ww? Find it hard to control my caffeine addiction, hw? Any I also read Milo also got caffeine, is it true? Any advise. Thxs!
Hi, JoynFaith,
It is common to hv ur legs being "suan1" the day aft acupuncture w Dr Zou.. If the pain persists, let Dr Zou know, yah...
The type & number of packs of medicine prescribed depend on which period u r @.. i.e. menses period, o period, 2ww aft o...
The number of times to go for acupuncture per week depend on wht u r gg for ivf or trying naturali.. in preparing for fresh cycle/ FET - the norm is 2 times a week.. U can ask Dr Zou to confirm based on ur body requirement...

For Dr Zou, she ll prescribe med aft ET.. She does not do accu aft ET cos she doesn't wan us to run ard & tire ourselves during 2ww & felt tt the accu bef ET wld b ok to help in good blood circulation..

A gentle note is tt @ any point, u don't wish to take her med, feel free to let her know.. She does understand.. & if u decide to go TCM (Dr Zou or whoever) despite sme gynaes not agreeing in it, please go w an open heart (quote fr wat 1 senior sister said before).. & not tink too much abt it aft tt..
Hope the above helps.. Jiayou!!
Faithbb, I took. Even now. Gynae said one scoop of coffee power a day only. Ie normal coffee shop one cup. No double expresso that kind.
Hi Ron, Dr only asked me to take panadol if pain. If the pain continue for few days then must go O&G. I was in pain earlier, lots of big blood clots came out when I went to toilet. I took 1 panadol, now feel better.

Hi Just Faith & Sophia, thanks for the tips, my MIL also asked me to go TCM after I'm cleaned. Will head all your advises.
Geminy, I called KKH just now and had my bt and scan change to 29 Aug (D15 of lucrin). The nurse told me after D14 can scan liao. Not sure y they place me on 31 aug initially.
hi baby-me - easiest would be you click on my nick, and there is a link to click to send a pm.

Or you can go to top left corner > Edit Profile > Edit profile to allow others to pm you..
Baby, you are not blur just as new as me. I'm not sure what to eat during mini confinement too. I know we should not eat chilli, no cold and cooling drink/ food during our daily life in order to conceive. After my recent failure fresh cycle, I just drink red dates with black dates on alternate days since afraid might get too heaty and fall sick then. And eat healthy food. You can also take chicken essence on alternate days to boost your energy level. Wear home slipper at home and wear socks at night to keep your feet warm. Maybe you can search under confinement food from internet/ library.

All, any gals here can help answer to /b{Baby} on what mini confinement she can do?

Queenie, appreciate and thanks to reply on my queries. After reading, it's a relief. Sometimes, I wonder will I be overstressing my body with first time taking Conceive Well Gold, TCM Medicine and Acupunture. I was thinking of preparing my body well before FET since I didn't do it during my past fresh cycle.

FaithBB, yes Milo has caffeine but it's very small amount. I drink during my past 2ww. As for coffee, I'm not sure. If you want, drink moderate as in maybe 1 cup a day. For pregnancy, if you want to drink, doctor recommend 2 cups per day maximum.
Thxs Hazel!
I feel so listless without it. N constipation without drinking it, haha... But reading caffeine can affect chances of implantation hence I try to curb it.
Already with so much supplement to take n also tcm, hence 'time' nt enough. I'm sure u understand what I mean.
We are all trying to boost our chances of success.
JoynFaith, yeah, I've been following all the advises from sisters here so far I've been wearing socks at night, wearing slipper at home, keep my tummy warm at night. No cold drink & food. Today's tips I've gotten no spicy food, no 'liang' food, take herbal stuff, drink red dates with black dates, chicken essence, pig stomach and liver soup (didn't really fancy this stuff) and red dates longan tea. I guess this is really useful, just like mini confinement
Anyone to add? Might be useful for other sisters who needs it too. Thanks a lot Gals!
Hi ladies, could someone pls kindly educate me on medicated FET? Essentially, I want to know if any jabs are required or is it is just consuming oral medication? Thks v much!
Thxs joynfaith for ur kind advise. Think I'll jus take some if nt my mind keep thinking of coffee n we alr hv so many forbidden drinks n I need some flavoured drinks especially in the morning to perk me up.
FaithBB, try Prune Juice to help in your constipation. Nurse tell me to drink maximum two cups per day. If it does not work, you can try Lactus Syrup that my gynae prescribe for me. If you are concern about the caffeine, you can take decaffeinate coffee. If you feel tired, please go and rest or sleep if you're in your 2ww.

Jaded, are you planning to go for FET? How's the visit to Dr Loh this week? I've decided to go for my FET next month. It's oral medication and no jabs required. I'm not sure if this is medicated FET.
Joynfaith, I'm nt in my 2ww. Just started my medicated FET but since I'm on the pills I thought to stop caffeinated drink for this cycle n nt wait till 2ww.
I took a yr aft my failed cycle to start my battle again! I don't feel much confidence but I'll do whatever I can n leave it to God. Taking it easy this round but sometimes will panick especially when time is nearer n I was like do I hv to take or do anything extra to boost my chances. I guess I jus hv to take it easy n nt stress over it.
Hi gal,

I finally gt an answer from KK that I can start my pungeon jab. I was so worried I ask her why took them so long and ask them whether is there anything wrong with my scan. Then the nurse told me that they hv to sent the report to let the doc see whether I hv "Ping xuan zheng". But is the scan got to do with "ping xuan zheng"? I thou is BT that can detect it. Anyway since she say my report is ok no problem I will start my pungeon jab tomo... dnt kw why I feel so excited abt it and at the same time worry ab it too.

There is so many steps to worry, worry is there anything wrong with the scan, then worry whether I can produce eggs/follicles. Now I am going to start step 2 and I hope I can go on to step 3...

Btw gals, kindly advise me pls. Once I start my pungeon jabs what should I:

1. Eat?
2. Do/Dont?
3. Side effect like?

FaithBB, what medication are you given? If you feel caffeinated drink will effect your procedure, then forgo it for now and stop thinking about having it. After a few days, you can go without it. Be positive, rest and relax during this period and put your stress level to the lowest. Leave the rest to god and faith. You can pray for the best to put yourself at ease. Will the FET be done around a week after your AF?
