IVF/ICSI Support Group

Got a stupid qn to ask. I went for my day 6 scan.Started my purgeon from day 3 only. On day 6 scan, its at 9mm for biggest follicle. Dr Zou says it's big - quite strange it's this big on day 6. Wonder how about u girls? Kkh dr says tomorrow do another scan and they might give me an injection to prevent the ovulation while I continue with the purgeon jabs.

Joynfaith, I was given progynova n aspirin. The medication hv to take fr 4th day of menses onwards n for a period of almost 2wks then 1st scanning to c the lining ba. If the lining is almost there then they will thaw the embryos n if everything goes on smoothly should be after 2-3 days for the trsf. N I read they only give 3days mc but I think I will request for more, at least a complete 1 wk rest. I will go bk work the 2nd wk cos I dun wan keep thinking abt it too.
Ok sistas! Done with FET. Quite sad they thawed all my embbies cos some couldn't survive. In the end, picked out 2 of the best for transfer. Praying hard that I will succeed this time. Otherwise it'll be back to a brand new IVF. So scared of all the injections! :S
FaithBB, thanks for your details. I am prescribed with progynova and aspirin but yet to buy the medicine. Will get it once my AF come next month and also need to go down to take blood test for HepC that is newly introduced to the protocol since my DH and I are not tested previously. Need to spend more $, sigh...

Koirc, all the best! Rest and relax time in 2ww.

Gals, anyone knows where to buy Brazil Nuts?
I saw bugis got sell nrazil nuts. It one the basement where Soup spoon is and there is a stall that sell nuts. Taka basement food centre also hv cos same branch. It $11 for a pack.
Fatefully, thanks fyi. I was looking high and low from Unity, NTUC Extra, Nature Farm, and etc. What is the weight per pack? Do they have a smaller pack then? I was thinking of eating it during FET 2ww to help in implantation hence I just need a small amount.
Hi Moo3moo, I dun think yours is ectopic. Do you feel any sharp pain at either side of your ovaries? Lets see what the doctor said on friday. Dun jump to bad conclusion just yet. Your HCG doesn't double, which I believe like Baby's case that is blighted ovum, where the embies stick to uterus wall but it doesn't have any yolk inside. Same as my 1st IVF case. This mostly due to chromosomes problem, but it doesn't mean that all your embies have the same problems. Another positive to look at it is that BFP shows that your uterus is strong enuf for the embies to stick. I succeed in my 2nd IVF and I believe you will succeed too.

Hi Baby, do u perform any d&c? Last time my case, I just stop all the supporting hormone and the AF come eventually 1 week later. But I think it also depends on how big is your sac.
Hi Tanny, does this mean u only had 3 days of puregon? If so, 9mm is quite big. Ideal size is 18. When I was day 3, thr follicles is only like 3-5 mm..

Hi Fatefully, Eehhh... I dun think so. I remembered nurse telling me no cux ovaries are enlarged n BD may cause unnecessary friction to ovaries..
JoynFaith, you can buy the brazil nuts from carrefour too, it's selling based on weight, so u can just buy bait. $5.65 per 100 gms. I bought the other day, it's quite nice. But dun take too much as it's also very fattening.

Imel, I didn't go for D&C, Dr gave me Meds to wash away, it's quite ok actually, when I feel bait pain, I will straight away take panadol. The pain will go off. Today, pain twice.

Anybody know if do D&C, will it pain after that? How long need to rest after that? Just curious
How many Brazil Nuts should be taken per day after ET for implantation? I read somewhere that normal people can only take up to 8pcs. I think someone from this thread eats 3pcs per day if I remember correctly but just to double confirm. If eating EW for protein, guess can reduce the no. of brazil nuts since also provide protein and to prevent overeating.
Hi JoynFaith, u can also get brazil nuts from Giant. It's also by weight and cheaper than Carrefour.
I started eating since my ER and eat about 5 nuts a day till now, 6dpt.
Hopeful : yes I had only 3 days of purgeon injects.

I head that Brazil nuts has selenium which is to help in implantation.
Hi Baby, just do a short confinement. Eat "chicken wine tonic soup" to heat up your body and rest well. Your AF will come out with lots of blood clots. Last time I had my D&C when I was 4 mths pregnant. The doctor gave me med to induce the cervix to open. The whole day I felt painful, its like having contraction and lots of blood coming out. I took the med in the morning and at night I had the op. I was under GA. No pain though.
Koirc - glad to hear you in 2ww. Now we just leave the embbies to do their thing.

joyfaith - pat's oven got a few branches you can google their location. Usually nuts are v fresh & sell by grams. Brazil nuts @ $4/100gm.
Hi hopeful,
I saw the injection form it say we should continue with our own pattern of sexual intercourse till ultrasound scan. Even the nurse say we can.. So am worry if we BD what will happen?
Hi fatefully, hmmm... Not sure if its cux of diff clinics. But I did ask d nurse b4 esp the period b4 ER. Hubby need to clear 'stock' 3 days b4 ER. N nurse specified that it has to b a dyi job.. But I guess if u ve urge then I guess it shd not stop u..
Hazel, Sophia, Bnb, Baby, Imel, Ron, Hopeful, thanks for all the advices n comforting words! Dh n I are mentally prepared for tomorrow. We'll listen to what the doc says, hopefully can get clear explanation of what happened. I agree, whatever it is, better to happen now than in the later stage of pregnancy... at least I know my embbies have tried their best.
All the best, Queenie!

Hey Ron, how are you?

Btw sistas, do you know how many cells embryos are considered good ones?
Moo3Moo, be positive and don't think too much. Wait for the news from Dr.

JoynFaith, I read from Internet, it says 3pcs per day is enough, do remember to drink plenty of water as this will cause heaty.

Imel, so is yesterday considered my first day of AF? That means I would expect my next menses around this date.
Hi Hopeful, haha it sound like i got high sex drive... no la... wa to make sure incase anything happen. I from KK, how ab u? Today my 1st day of puregeon... the needle indeed pain lor... after the jab i feel abit burning feeling on the needle hole there.. but awhile it gone. What do I expect from this jabs..side effects?
Hi, may i know what is D & C procedure? Where to get brazil Nuts from which giant branch? I went to sembawang branch but they dont sell. Carrefour sells but quite ex for a small pkt $5.35 for 100g only
Hi fatefully,

think safe sex from now till ER?

Anyhow I finished my scan/BT this morning. Most likely start Puregon tomorrow so waiting for their call. During scan, the nurse said aloud the lining and the number on left and right of uterus. I think she means follicles ya!

Hi everyone,
By the way, safe to drink yakult during 2ww since I mix it with immunocal? Thanks!
Hi ladies, I have started Progynova today. 2 wks later, will be the scan to check how far my lining has grow. If everything ok, embroyos will be thawed and FET will be between 9 Sep to 13 Sept if my embroyos survived through blastocyst. Any buddy to cycle with?
Mmfeen2011, u can try those bigger branches Giant. Tt time I bought at marine parade giant.

Gals, today is my 7dpt. I feel so normal. No bloatedness, no nausea, no constipation. My bloatedness only lasted 2 or 3 days after ER. Appetite also good as per normal and feel hungry all the time. Read tt by 7 days after ET, embryos would hv implanted. For me, other than cramps 2 days after ET which I don't wish to read too much into, I don't feel anything else and I don't hv implantation bleeding.
My blood test for progesterone on 5dpt came back a little short of the min, so I was prescribed duphaston as additional support.
Does low progesterone and feeling so normal mean nothing is happening and thus failure? I m feeling so disappointed and scared to know of a failure next week.
Hope283, what is BC transfer? Which hospital are you with?

Chocolate, understand how you feel because I felt the same in my last 2ww. If you are daring, you may like to use hpt. I would say that is the only way out. At times, symptoms are different from person to person.
Hi anyone who did D&C, your tummy went back to original (before preggy) after that? I did D&C (@11 weeks of preggy) and my tummy still big (bigger than prepreggy but smaller than preggy) after 3 weeks.
Hi fatefully, no need to b shy.. It's ok to b horny!

I m with SGH. What I recall is cux during stimulation, ovaries r enlarged. And in case dh bang too hard may cause friction. Also even though u r on Lucrin plus puregon, chances of egg released is very slim, but there is a tiny possibility that egg may still b released n u get preggy. Hence may complicate d cycle..

When I was injecting puregon, only side effect I had is that I m very very tired..
coolcool, I didn't do D&C, but using medication. Yesterday started, today is 2nd day but my tummy flat like before preggy or before ER. One day before I took the medication, my tummy so round just like 3mths pregnant hehe. Amazing, all came out yesterday and today back to normal phisycally (but not mentally).
Sunstillshines, thanks for ur suggestion. I think I will test a few days before my blood test on 5th Sep. Now is probably too early to test.
Hi Hopeful, tt time before u tested positive, what were the symptoms u had during the 2ww?
Hi hopeful,

Today is my 1st day on puregon, but why do my right side like gt a bit of "pulling-poking-like" kind of feeling... the left side like quiet. I dnt feel tired (before i start IVF everyday i also feel tired, haha). But my head feel heavy lor. I told my hub that my head feel head, he say becos my head is big that why... dnt kw should laugh or piss. Maybe it my 1st day of the P jab so wont feel anything much.

What does Lurcin (suppress)and puregon (stim) do in our body?? Anyone kw?

Gd u have started stim...once u have ur 1st scan on D7..Dr can tell
when ur er will be liao..

Lucrin is hormone suppression...This is to inject and disallow our
body to disrupt the stimulation stage of Puregon as every mth we tend
to release egg from our body..

Puregon is stimulate ur eggs to grow and mature...

Once ur egg reach abt 18mm can do ER liao..

Do pump in lots of protein to allow eggs to grow...Resting well also help..;-)

Wish u all the best dear..;-)
Hi Fatefully,

From what I know, Lucrin supress the our body's natural FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) to prevent early stimulation and maturation of our eggs. Puregon is artificial FSH which will then synconized the growth of our follicles, forcing them to grow together.

Fatefully & BBB,

Any idea what is the citeria for the bt and scan in order for us to start puregon? my bt and scan on next monday, calculating whether I will be starting puregon on monday itself, Tuesday or Wed.
