IVF/ICSI Support Group

Ocean...urs is under KK...During FET they dun check prog level..high prog level doesn't mean high chance of pregnancy either...Prog test is carried out via blood test...

But u can try to request with ur Dr if u wan to do the test during FET...

Since u have 2 left...U may go for FET to give ur 2 embbies a chance...Who noes can BFP...But If u wan to go for fresh..Tok to ur Dr..

I had 3 left after my failed frozen FET..I requested from my dr to do my 2nd fresh cycle..My dr is Dr Sadhana though not Dr Loh..She agreed..But unfortunately due to some hormonal issues..I am no longer with KK...

Wish u all the best..;-)

Chrisl, I took clear soup bat ku the during 2ww. Also papaya n brinjal. I still bfp. All these read with a pinch of salt lah.
Herbal soup may contain higher amt of dangui n cause bleeding in first tri. If u nv see bleeding then is fine. Alot of soup outside contain little amt of dangui for flavoring. So little until u cant taste most times. Even Kuey chap, also has. This dangui in herbal soup usu higher content coz the smell n taste of dangui are strong. So avoid.
Ocean, u can do FET first. If embyro survives thaw good. If not, start fresh cycle on the spot. Ie collect Lucrin on the spot n start injection on d21. When U r ready for FET, it shld be around d14-16. Request from dr Loh later. Shld not be a prob.
hello gals, I'm new to this forum
Thinking of trying IVF treatment after failing to conceive for several yrs. Could any gals recommend which doctor & hospital which i could seek the treatment? I'm really clueless in this area.
Hi ocean

Progesterone level is check thru BT. P level is impt but Tat doesnt mean will get pregnant too.
Gynae said my embroyo quality mayb not good enough tats y do fresh cycle again. Tcm said old age embroyo as explanation of the last 2 failure.
Hi ron, I went to TMC before & the gynae recommended ivf as he said higher success rate. so now trying to c which hospital I could go
hi Rainy - if you are comfortable with your gynae, can prob ask him/her to recommend a few specialist, then you and dh can set up a consultation visit to speak with the fertility specialists to learn about your situation, and more about the whole process, cost, if IVF is the solution for you. The first consultation you & DH don't need to commit to the clinic/hospital.

There are many good doctors around, but most important it has to be someone you and dh are comfortable with in terms of the clinic environment, the doctor him/herself, the total cost (govnt restructured vs private), so better to do abit of research homework.

do you know your situation? female factor? male factor? unexplained/secondary infertility?
Sophia, you are officially in 2ww. Are you on HL or still going to work?

Fatefully, are you starting your Progynova after the scan? May I know what is your bt for?
snoopy & ron - for my case, is male factor. my hb's sperm quality is not gd. hb & i hv thot of doing IUI first but TMC gyane said IVF will be better since higher success rate and maybe bcos of our age bah. perhaps they don't want us to waste our $ & time on IUI.
HB & i prefer to go govt hospitals cos more grant given. thot of getting some recommendations of docs from forum here then we will consult the docs.
rainy - we went straight to ivf as we have male factor too.. Looks like we have to welcome you to our club, alto we do not wish ivf on anyone
Hi rainy & ron, i hv smiliar challenge as both of you. But i still try iui first as not mentally prepared for ivf then. Hope can graduate from ivf journey soon! Ron we abt same age, i am 34. Not so young lor. Haha.
Hi Chris, i also take chinese herbs during my 2ww from the tingkat order i book. In e end, my embryos fail to implant in my uterus. Later on, when my tcm doctor told me that i shd avoid chinese herbs and tonics except clear chicken essence during implantation period. After my AF comes and i hv heavy flow and blood clots too. I also learn frm this forum that i shd avoid chinese herbs and in future i shall not get tingkat lunch again.
Hi Rainy, may be u wanna to try some prenatal vitamin from GNC pharmacy or either Blackmore Conceive welll before starting your ivf treatmt. Heard that its gd to take these multi-vitamins before conceiving. btw, u can try kkh Dr Loh SF or Dr Tan HH. But Dr Loh's success rate is higher as he is head of ivf. I also know a patient that bfp under Dr Tan HH.
I have total 21 follicles from yesterday scan, average size is 11. Prof reduce my dosage from 225 to 187.5.
I would be seeing him tomorrow morning, likely ER on Mon.
ROn- I should up my EW & immunocal to prevent OHSS hor? But I worry that follicles would grow too fast then gone by the time ER or not?
I also thinking the no. of follicles don know would affect the quality.
I super duper bloated now.
mmfeen-thks for the advice. will take yr suggestion into consideration

like snoopy, i'm not mentally prepared for IVF too. guess it should be very disruptive to work.
hv anyone tried SO-IUI before?
rainy-The other impt consideration is that, the hospital has to be near to workplace or conveninent for U to travel to & fro from hospitals & work place. As U would need to go frequently there for scans during stimulation stage.
Rainy, after going through the ivf process, it's pretty alright & not scary. Yes, will need to run to clinic to & fro during the process for bt, scans, collect med etc. Also need to learn to self jab, which is also not that bad. Take it as a new skill!! Hehe. Ron is right, clinic shld b relatively near workplace if possible.

Bluenosebear, drink more water! Don't worry too much, am sure your doc will monitor your er closely. Gd luck!

So how did your scan and bt go this morning? Will you be starting puregon soon? I'm @ D10 of lucrin and AF just came today. But my bt and scan is not due til 31 Aug (D17). Was thinking of calling KKH to change the scan and bt to this fri or sat.
21 is a good number.. Do up ur EW & immunocal to ease ur bloatedness bef it gets worst prior to ER.. & don't worry too much abt ur folliclies gone by ER / quality no good etc. All thse ll fall in place nicely.. Juz keep ur spirits up & take good care of ur body nw.. Jiayou!!
blessings - where did u do the SO-IUI? successful? how's the costs like?

snoopy-i'm holding a few pt jobs. 1 in west & 1 in east but I drive. so location not really that critical but afraid my income will be affected if I embark on IVF. my friend told me her cousin tried IVF 5 times but unsuccessful. she described the jab process as so painful that it puts me off the idea. scary...
rainy, I tried SO-IUI 3 times b4 proceeding to IVF. My case is unexplained infertility, hence it is very frustrating cos I dunno how or where to improve. Tried TCM, acupucture together with the 3rd SO-IUI in Feb 2011. All failed. Hopefully, IVF can BFP!
Hi vyvy, scan and bt goes very fast. Nurse call say my bt is fine. They hv to see my other report and will call me tomo if I can hv the pungeon jab.

Does anyone kw why? I abit worry is it anything wrong with my scan or wa?
Hi Rainy.
Usually SO-IUI will require a strong soldier as since male factor is crucial for this process.

I ever went for one IUI procedure at Geneagles. It was a disappointment! I overheard the gynae told the nurse: "This one gone case! The sperm is too little!" Aiyo!! Paid about $500 plus and get this kind of comment.

I understand that SO-IUI is different as the procedure will extract one very good soldier and put it in. My existing gynae advised us to go directly to IVF as the chance is higher and also age problem.
HI Rainy,

My SO-IUI did not succeed - i did it at mount E. The cost depends on how much hormone stimulation required. Mine came up to $2.5k including puregon for 10 days, sperm wash, actual IUI, scans & visits.
vyvy & sunstillshines - don't despair. hope both yr IVF will BFP. think positive
which doc r u all seeing for ivf treatment?
i'm still in a great dilemna on whether to embark on ivf but appreciate the advice given by the gals here
Immounocal should eat how many packets a day? I ate 2 yesterday.. Pcos like me whether should I eat too much protein. Worry that will make the pcos worst.
Ocean : I also dunno if pcos considered as cyst and whether royal jelly will affect not. I would think it means the bigger cysts?
Rainy, I am with TFC. Due to risk of OHSS, I have to do FET. My first FET failed 4 mths ago. I am now embarking my 2nd FET. Hope to bfp this time.
Fatefully, when will be your ET? I have started Lucrin. This friday I will start Progynova. 2 weeks later, the embroyos will be thawed and than ET will commenced within the following 1 to 3 days.
BBB, luckily I have a female boss and I am with her for 7 years plus. So I told her that I am undergoing IVF now. my previous 3 SO-IUI, I also told her the truth. My only worry are my colleagues, cos lots of them will be wondering where am I going as I told them that I going on leave from 14th to 30th sep.
BNB - lots of water (2-3L) and EW if you are bloated now. Should not be too fast, as you still have another scan, right? <jia-you!>

Sunstillshines - jia-you to you too!
Hi gals,

The nurse call say my blood test ok but they hv to see the report to see whether i can start my pungeon jab. May I knw wa report was it? Is it the scan? I am worry becos I hv severe endo so I am nt sure is it becos of this. Do anyone experience the same like me? Help!!! I can't wait till tomo.
Thanks snoopy, queenie &amp; ron for all the reassurance &amp; encouragement.
rainy-Maybe it would be good to decide to see which Dr then plan whether So-IUI or IVF suits U.
Hi fatefully - you did BT and u/s scan right? The scan is also to check for cyst (and a final precaution that you r not pregnant.before you start the stimulation drugs). Everyone needs to be cleared for cyst before starting so you can relax. It's prob not due to your severe endo, just prob due to the long queue getting your scan to the doctor for review. Just follow the flow &amp; try to relax
did the nurses say they will call you today?
hi sunstillshines, on 7 days of HL, and took leave until BT on d18.
Actually KK wanted to give me 3 days at most, dh told them that i needed more bed rest. I actually bfp on my first cycle, but started bleeding. In the end i mc.
So this time, trying to be more careful and rest more.
Hi Ron, the nurse say will call me tomo. But when I in the rm doing scanning I hear the sonography say 5mm, then say something else which I can't rem. But when we another room the other nurse who taught us hw to use the pungeon jab say usually there is no problem if nt they wont ask u go buy the pungeon jab. I was worry becos i thou it just 1 phone call I didn't kw I hv to wait for another call.

Hi sunstillshines,
I am now waiting for the call fr kk to start my pungeon jab on fri. I really hope i can go to step 2.
Fatefully, good or bad news, nothing you can do now except try to relax, our bodies are what we are blessed with. Stress is fertility enemy, so maybe Do some thing different tonight to distract yrself from worrying about the call.
I did iui once cost $800. Due to male factor the soldiers were pathetic. Failed too. So decide to jump to ivf don't waste time.

Ocean : dr tan is v nice but u need prior apptm. Do yr bbt to show him - he need that. He pokes quite low maybe some girls are not comfortable.
Thanks for sharing hazel and mmfeen2011. I'll try to avoid then..

but anyone knows if can drink chicken essence with cordyceps (cong cao) during 2ww not?

Im super bruised on my stomach with blue black areas all over after taking my fragmin blood thinning jabs! Im hoping that i don't have to continue long after this 2ww...Read in horror that some women had to jab all the way before giving birth!!

ladies rest well and take leave if you can cos in the end, our objective is to have healthy babies! Baby dust to all!

Just for encouragement

<font color="ff0000">"When you feel like giving up, remember why you held on for so long in the first place."
~ Unknown</font>
How do u all feel during 2ww n know whether it's successful or not.
Last 2 cycles I dun feel bloated bt got cramps on 2nd week. 1st week so normal until like nothing happen. It's only when the mini cramps come, I knw it's bad sign.
This time I am not sure whether is it becos I super occupied by my bb nephew trying to talk to me, I dun seems to feel anything except I got bad constipation tat I need prune juice to relief it if not I will Ve stomach pain. My mum said I scared her, I told her it's diff pain, it's those I need go toilet pain ..
I'm just back from KK, Dr LOh told me to wash away as no chance liao. He asked me to take pills for next 2 days to let the menses come and gave me HL till after hari raya as I will have heavy bleeding and pain during this session. It's true that he is more relax in TPS and can ask more things. Waiting time is also quite okay. I waited for abt 1 hr only which consider quite fast for me so far.

I'm going to see him again next 2 weeks to see the lining of my womb to see if I need to go for D&amp;C or not. But I can't make appt at TPS again as they only prioritize for preggy woman there. Ah at least I tried the environment once hehe.

Ocean, how's your seeing doctor today?
I have got a frd who had progesterone jab daily during her 2nd pregnancy daily. Gynae said scared cannot hold so
She had jab till give birth..

Hi Rainy, for got grant. That will leave you with 3 hospitals only. KK, SGH and NUH. I think a lot of sisters are with KK (Dr Loh is head of IVF there). I was with SGH (Dr Yu who is the head of IVF there). I am not sure of NUH cux its too far for me. I stay in the East and work in Raffles Plc.

From what I gathered when I was choosing btw KK and SGH, KK seems to be slightly cheaper than SGH. But I think waiting list @ KK is longer. My 1st appointment with SGH was in mid April. And I finish everything (including 2ww last week). This is also taking into a/c that I had 3 weeks of Lucrin (i think most pple are 2 weeks) and 12 days of puregon (13 days is the max).

U shd also take into consideration ur hubby's working plc (in case he wants to join u for every appointment)..

Hope this helps..
