IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi fatefully, I think dun need to panic. I went to Dr Zou during the injection period for acu also. During that time she did mention that she is ok for her patients to take her medicine while injecting. But I chose not to cux my main TCM Sinseh is agst it. I guess it's just a diff school of thots.

Hi Sunny, yes my cousin tried 8 times fresh. At first she wanted to give up already and already adopted a girl, but his father asked her to try again. For the last one, her father took her to china to seek for TCM to tiao hao her body. And the last try she strike lottery. Her pregnancy journey was not that smooth too. She carried tripplets and there were so many side effect on her. Half of her head became bald during the pregnancy and vomitting throughout, not to mention her whole body was bloated. And for the last 2 mths before the delivery, she need to stay in hospital and were not allowed to move at all. But she endured it all. She safely delivered 2 girls and 1 boy. Now she has 4 kids with 1 adopted, her own children are about 9 years old and her boy went to genius school. All her sacrifices are worth it
Tats why whenever I want to give up, I always think of her.
Hi Imel, that's a wonderful story of your cousin. I believe it will motivate all of us here who are trying to get bfp.
Triplet..sounds great hehe.
Hi Hopeful,

Thankd for ur advise. I know western doc disagree when we take TCM but it all depend on indiviual. For me when I inject Lurcin I will eat 1 Folic Acid and Conceive well Gold. I will eat Dr Zou med after 4 hrs later. I dont kw whether I am doing the rite thing (Eat TCM & Jab). Oni when someone mention it,i start to worry and think.

This AF that I hv now have alot of blood clot and flood is heavy but tummy not as cramp like yest.

I dont kw why since I have the jab my temper get short and get agniated very easy. I trying to be cool at times but sometime work make me feel stress... I thou as long as my ET hvnt started it ok for me to be short tempered... but is it ok? And why do I feel like that?
Hi fatefully, just do what u feel most comfortable in doing..
Oh yes, I was very short tempered when I was injecting Lucrin as well.. I think it's one of the side effects..
Imel, your cousin is amazing, 8 times fresh cycle!

Reading the info on TCM here. Most sinsehs will ask us to sleep as early as possible and before 11pm. I am seeing TCM next Fri afternoon..hope I won't be ill-disciplined stop half way again. Haha.

Sunbelle, in my case though I BFN, the menses was like 4 to 5 days late. I am also planning my FET in Oct / Nov. My last FET was a natural cycle as lining was thick enough, did not require any medication of sorts. I still took 2 weeks MC to rest at home. I hope you are feeling better already.
Hi, BNB,
I still tink the EYS red dates chic essence taste weird.. Stil prefer Brands.. Or best.. mummy's version.. Enjoy urs tonite..

Hi, Tanny,
I hv done yoga but stopped juz bef I started my fresh cycle earlier tis yr. In my personal opinion, I wld not suggest tt u start taking yoga nw, while cycling. Like wat joynfaith said, no strenuous exercise.. & since u r new to yoga, it may b quite taxing... Juz my 2 cents worth, yah..
My AF has finally ended, there were many big blood clots during the heavy flow days that were more than my usual AF. I've started my yoga at home this morning and found my body's stamina has dropped and stiff. I'd been taking things slowly and easy since have not workout for 5 weeks. Hope to pick up the stamina soon.

My gynae recommended me to take Conceive Well Gold while waiting for my FET.

Fatefully, do you take Conceive Well Gold together with Folic Acid or separately?
Thanks joynfaith n queen for yr advice on yoga.

Kimmy - yes i love Acpuncture very relaxed and I sleep during these sessions.

By the way the eggs - can I braised like 30 eggs to eat? Lu Dan that kind, just braised with dark soya sauce should be ok right? Don't put herbs.
Hi joynfaith

I actually taking conceive well. Just went to KK to collect my lurcin. The pharmcist said is the folic acid is only 5mg, if taking with those off shelves multiple- minerals, the level is very little. Multiple-minerals/ vitamins the contain the folic acid is less than 1mg. Total only 6mg per day.
Hi Vyvy, I started taking at lucrin stage. Read that the ladies here recommend 6 - 8 at puregon stage and after ER. For me, I take 2 - 3 every alternate days including the egg yolk. So far no ohss n follicles grew quite well. Retrieved 18 eggs but had only 5 usable embryos.

Does anyone know how the embryologists determine whether the embryo is usable? Is it grade 3 and above are usable and grade 2 and below are non usable? Is poor grading due to poor egg or sperm quality? Was expecting a detailed report but only got verbal readings from the embryologist after my transfer.
Hi chocolate, thank you for reply. Currently, I on D6 of lucrin. Have been eating two soft-boiled organic egg whites everyday since D1 of lucrin. Planning to up it to 2 soft-boiled organic egg whites and 2 hard-boiled normal egg whites from D8.
Hi Imel,

Thank you so much for your encouragement. Had a great swim n run today haha time to build my health hehee
let's jia you together hehee

Anyone taken herbal life to slim down huh? My fren recon mended for slimming. Afraid of side effects leh
Fatefully, thanks for your information.

Tanny, no swimming as told by nurse to prevent from infection from the pool water.

Sunbelle, I've never tried slimming pills/herbs. I only believe in exercise and healthy food to slim down.

Chocolate_Soh, I guess you can obtain a report from your embryologist and get her to clear your doubts. If not, check with your gynae.
Piglet, thanks for your information.

For those hormones jabs that we need to go thru, it might effect our mood. It's similar to some gals having bad temper, that's one of the PMS, before AF. Just relax and control your temper by doing deep and slow breathing. 加油!
Hi everyone!

I wished i've found you gals here earlier for support! Reading through, i didn't know that must take eggs..

I've just finished my 1st IVF-ICSI and after my embryo transfer on wednesday, im now in my 1st few days wait within 2ww.

Doc said my blood too thick and i am getting some blood thinning jabs everyday for these 2 weeks now. Anyone similar to me blood thick?

Sunbelle - i had taken herbalife way back like 10 years ago and it was rather effective. I remembered i lost 1 kg everyday! But then thinking back now, it could have been something in the powder that made it thus so..therefore now i don't think it's a good choice to put that into your body if you're starting IVF procedure..Anyway i've put on KGs back again haha..
Hi Chris, I had this issue of blood being too thick during my 1st IVF attempt, was advised to drink alot morewater to thin the blood.

Hi Sunbelle, I also went for a run yesterday evening. Feeels good and will continue after work tmr. I also dare not take any silmming products. Have colleagues around me who takes herbal life, really quite effective.
Oh dr Loh reply to me email saying yoga is fine during the stimulation stage..
but guess I won't take it up afterall since I have never done it before, scared of too taxing for my body.

The nurse v blur - I called to report day 1 of menses yesterday and gave my name/ ic no and she say ' oh u got frozen embryos' - gosh- it's my v first ivf ok! So scary. It was 8am inthe morning only. she nonchanlantly replied 'we take yr file n call u back later.' Not even say sorry. So scary! Confidence shaken..

So I'm going kkh on day 3 Monday to collect my purgeon. It's day 3. Wonder if it's too late usually day 2 right? Kimmy u started on day 2 or 3? What to expect that day? Take scan then collect purgeon My hb want to know how long it takes. 4 hrs enough?
Thanks JoynFaith for your suggestion to get the report from the embryologist. Not sure whether they have one or there will be a charge for it. Anyway, I think I better don't harp on the embryos grading and egg/sperm quality. My main objective of wanting the report is to see how we can better our results in the next cycle (touch wood). Hope I don't have to request for the report eventually.

Hi Chris & Snoopy, from which report did your gynae use to determine whether your blood is thick? I read that baby aspirin can help to thin blood and increase the chance of implantation. Maybe you can do some research on it and check with your gynaes whether it is suitable for your conditions?
Hi hazel, babymaking, nell

How are you gals doing? I'm still having backaches so I've just signed up aqua aerobics with KK and antenatal yoga @ Big splash. Thought of doing some light exercises to prepare myself for the next few mths ahead and also to improve my back muscles. My fren signed up KK's aqua aerobice 3 yrs ago when she had her gal and says that its a very gd workout for preggy laddies starting from 4mths onwards and she gave birth naturally and only 3hrs labour. So she highly recommended me to attend.
chocolate from a blood test i took prior to the egg retrieval..baby asprin..read that too
but then doc straight away prescribed me fragmin or Dalteparin. dunno why and i didn't ask though..should ask hor..

snoopyYes! doc told me to drink at least 3liters a day before the embryos transfer. Then another blood test showed my blood was cleared as in good enough to support 2 embryos. But to be sure, she prescribed a blood thinning jab everyday. The jabs are really painful!! can compare to bcg jabs..i think

oh chris baby Big Splash has yoga? I've not been to big splash since the 1980s!!

And also do you ladies here experience very bloated stomach as in with wind and also can't really poo much after egg retrieval? I am wondering should i make some ginger tea to rid of the wind or not..
Chrisl, which gynae are you under? Are u under KK as well? Your ET was 2 days before me. Mine was on fri.

My bloated stomach was ok since yesterday. Don't feel anything much except feeling warm and have headache at times.
If u feel bloated, I read tt the ladies here recommend drinking 100 plus. I tried it on the ER day and burped after drinking so it helped for me.
What kind of support were you given other than the blood thinning jabs n medicine?
I was given only progesterone pills and when I asked my gynae, Dr Loh if I need additional support cos I suffered from miscarriage previously, he said no need. I don't feel secure.
hi chris,

they have a yoga studio that teaches yoga classes such as hot yoga and prenatal yoga classes.
Saw the ad from parenthood magazine.
Chris Baby, does Antenatal Yoga at Big Splash teach at other swimming pool? What are their charges? Wow... 3 hrs labour, was that her first delivery?

Please note that hot yoga can't be done during pregnancy. That include hot bath in bathtub, sauna and soak in hot spring water.

Chrisl, nurse had ever advised me to boil ginger slice to clear off the wind if bloatedness exist after ER/ ET during my fresh cycle. You can also eat up to 8 egg whites per day. And remember to drink 2-3 litres of fluid every. Or you can try to drink Gatorade Perform/100plus/H2O.

Chocolate_Soh, because our body temperature is high after ET, we will feel warm/ hot. Regarding about your embryo report charges, you can check with your Embryologist whether there is any charges involve upon report request. I've similar case like you on the ER and no. of useable embryos. I've talked to my gynae but was not able to come to conclusion. Are we born with the type of egg quality or is there way to improve? If it's sperm issue, there is way to improve in majority.
hi joynfaith,

Nope, their studio is only @ big splash. Yes, there's her 1st baby
she was admitted around 12 and by 2pm she gave birth to a baby gal
Hi, i have a small cyst so can i still take Blackmore Conceive Well before starting FET cycle? Also the GNC pharmacy recommends me to eat GNC prenatal vitamin for pregnant woman for pple who wish to conceive. Is it ok to eat GNC prenatal vitamin?
Can i take folic acid tablet together with Blackmore Conceive well? How long must i take Conceive well before FET treatment? Can i eat Conceive well while on FET medical treatment?
Mmfen, juz found out fr a fren she takes the gnc pre natal vitamins. Seems to b ok too. I take the normal gnc women multivit + folic acid. Wondering if i shld switch over.

Chocolate, don't worry too much. Drink lots of water u b ok! I did not need to take blood thinning jabs the last time.
Chris1 > sounds like really nice classes!

When is the best time for stimulation injections. Is it at night? Inject then can sleep? Or day time also ok?
JoynFaith, I read tt we are born with the number of eggs we have in our ovaries. Quality can be improved by taking royal jelly, bee pollen, CoQ10 etc but they have to be taken 3 mths prior to take effect. If the embryo quality is poor due to egg quality, it could be cos I started royal jelly too late (I started about one week before I started my lucrin jabs). Moreover, my hb's sperm morphology is quite bad to start with.

Snoopy, think somebody in this thread mentioned tt gnc mega women or prenatal vitamins are gd and many ladies
conceived after taking it.

Chrisl, I was on general anaesthesia during the ER process but before the anaesthesia took effect, I could feel my gynae
pushing the thing in to open up my 'v' and taking it out. Very painful!
My progesterone pills are to be inserted down there too, three times a day.
How nice to be staying in Norway. Are you a Singaporean?
does the gnc women multivit contain primrose oil? i know primrose is not suitable to be taken while ttc-ing.

if the vits are for prenatal it is ok to be taken while ttc-ing.
hi momo!

I am with Dr Loh too and just started with my lucrin jabs - i am new to IVF also. There are more knowledgeable sistas here who can help answer your queries.

Were you asking about BFP? Big fat positive means you are pregnant where BFN is big fat negative - the opposite. LOL

What did Dr loh advise you in your first appointment? what is your 3 sep appointment about?
Momo: I dunno how to answer yr question as well since as I'm also new; going to start on this as well. I only rem I do some blood tests like - hormones test, scans and HIV test, sign consent form for ivf and then wait for menses to come before calling the clinic to let them know it has arrived. Can let u know as when im going thru it. I googled a lot - Why don't u try it too? Might help...?
tanny, yep i google alot but alot of terms am not so sure. nevertheless, i feel reading from here is more resourceful as all are real life experiences from the locals

whereas online can be abit different in the western countries in terms of human react differently ba

i watch the home&health channel alot too and used to have a show on test tube bb

BBB, my case i think will be alot different from the sisters here as i am a plus size
previously when i seeking normal gynae check they will ask me shed some weight
this time when i see dr loh i am so so so afraid to be rejected coz if wanna wait for me shed some wt, i think this life time no chance to be a mummy
i have plus size friends who always can concieve normally and easily, i just dun have such luck
after my first appt, i was send to see a specialist at cgh for some blood test. i am not sure why but dr loh say its better to let her test and not wait for her to come kkh, go see her at cgh is faster. test results are out and i dun hv all those worrying problems. I also not sure my next appt with Dr loh is about what, will update again
i'm plus size too but i managed to succeed on my 1st ivf and now my girl is 18 mths old... it really depends on wat are some of the concerns of the docs... cos pregnancy can be quite taxing on the body and if u have hypertension or diabetes... it can even be dangerous for both urself and the unborn child. i know it's not easy to lose weight esp as age catches up and all the stress we are facing while ttc-ing... since u r cleared... just see wat dr loh says at ur next appt...
Hi BNB - scan on Sat went well? got estimated ER date yet?

Hi Moo3moo - your follow up BT today, right? Good luck!!

Hi Momo - try to relax. can think of it that ivf is not exam - we are just trying to maximise our chance of BFP, the rest (how our body react to meds, fertlisation rates, ultimate outcome) we cannot control. & don't kan-cheong see doctor. remember they are our doctors there to help us, not examiners to fail us.. :D

acronyms - try ivf.ca > info > acronyms
Chrisl, I'm not sure too but gals in this thread find it effectively and was advised by my nurse too. I've no experience in taking so much of them due to my severe bloatedness that I couldn't intake so much food.

Chocolate_Soh, thanks for your information.

Momo, prepare your queries in advance before you see Dr Loh so you can ask him on the spot without missing out. You can also ask him why you need to do certain test he needs you to do, he would be glad to answer to your question. Don't be shy to ask to clear your doubts. And no worries when waiting to see your doctor, stay cool.
Hi girls. Just had my first jab of purgeon (on short protocol) at kkh today. Whats the v scan for? Read they say lining reading 3mm. Looking for cycle buddies, anyone? Came home to store my med in fridge. Going back for day 6 scan later. Today they say no mc
I swallowed 3 egg whites. Actually I love them since young- I hope to eat lots of them if I can. It's now 3 hrs after my injection. Kinda feel bloated. Dunno if it's the med side effects or being full from the egg whites. Is 3 sufficient for now?

Hi Tanny - if you can, try 4-6 since already stimming (& esp if you like it!). first jab should not have bloating feeling, maybe some tingling sensation (or even nothing) at the ovary areas.. good luck!

Hi momo - some sistas take raw mix with milo, most of us take it soft-boiled (yakun-style, take away the yolk) as easiest to eat. Hardboil also can. The ew are to provide protein to our body when stimming. AFter ER, the protein helps to aid reduce bloatness.
