IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi all!! Many thanks for your congrats!!

Hi Hazel n clb, thanks for advice. Will just stick to the 2 items prescribed by gynae. But can drink the milk for preggy woman already rite?

Hi Hopeful. congrats to u... so even a fair line also means preggie.

See like alot have pass the test... gd gd.

My AF came yest and it seem alot... tummy like bloated... is it becos of Lurin that why AF flood alot?

Btw can anyone tell me wa do Lurin do to the body?
Hi Fateful, the lucrin injection will make your AF flow more than usual and with lots of blood clots because lucrin is the drug to treat endometrosis (blood cysts).

Hi sister, result is out. My hubby, without my knowledge, went to KK to get the result and as what we suspected, the HCG went down, so its a BFN for me. He then came home for 1 hour just to spent time with me and to be there to make sure Im not too sad by the news. So touched by his gesture. Well the good news is that my son is better. So today is not totally a sad day for me. Im also blessed that all my embies survived, got the report this morning that shows I have 6 snow babies waiting to be hatched ;)

Hi Moo3moo, All the best to you. HOpe you have a good news today

Hi Hopeful, like what Hazel said vitamins can cause your MS worsened. I didn't eat any vitamins because of my MS in my first pregnancy, in fact I didn't eat much, I lost 6kg in my first tri. I had to be hospitalized twice to be infused because dehydration and not to mention visit to psychiatrist due to depression. Dr. Loh only prescribed me with obimin after my trimester. But anyway after 4 mths, I gained 20kg. Hahaha... I regret eat so much coz Im still overweight by 10kg.
Hi Hopeful,

Congrats ! On your BFP. Take good care of yourself in the upcoming 9 mths.

Hi All, the nurse jus called to say HCG=2.5. Yes is a negative. yeah will have to strive harder n jia you next time. Seem like implantation din take place. When k we do FET huh? yo, more or less prepared. Can I go exercise now huh? My menses not here yet leh.
Hi Sunbell, Sorry to hear u have the same news as me
. My menses also not here, and Im dying to exercise as the 2ww caused me gain 2 kg. I think we can exercise but not the heavy type one. WE can go for light exercise like yoga. Argh...I need to stretch my body
Hi Imel,

I have prepared myself when I tested the home pregnancy test kit. Jus now even bumped into Dr Loh. Yeah disappointed cos my two close frens succeeded on their first attempt. Yeah life still move on. Will go eat favourite food hehee. Before goin back to work next week.

2.5 is far too low. One fren say might double cos tested too early. By right, my blood test is next mon. But I disagreed. what do u all think?
HI Sunbelle, frankly speaking yes its too low. Even if its doubling, it won't survive far. When I first tested on wednesday, my hcg only 35 and I know thats not right. Today I tested 25. Its coming down. Like you Im mentally prepared liao... but anyway my first attempt also fail and only success in my 2nd try. Btw Have u decided when u want to go for FET?
Hi Imel, I have endo. So do I need to call nurse that my AF come?

It raining now and it such a nice weather to sleep and hide under the blanket.
Hi Fateful, did the nurse tell you when to come for blood test and scan? Mine that time late for one week. When I came for the blood test and scan, my menses had not come yet. The nurse told me to come one week later. Eh the next day my menses came and I called KK and they still told me to come one week later.
Hopeful- You can try Amum...i tried similac, din like it.. alot of MTB also prefer Amum..esp when the MS kicks in, the choco flavour for Amum will be more "edible"..
Thanks for your info. It's very detail. I will see Dr Loh next week and I will go for fresh cycle straight. Dun wish to risk cycle abort if my 2 snowbabies didn't survive thaw. For FET failed no need to rest before embark on fresh cycle? Can I straight go for fresh cycle after my menses?

Congrats! Happy to hear your good news

Sunbelle & Imel,
Sorry to hear that. *Big hugs* Let's try again. I'm sure our perservence will pay off. Jia you jia you. I just called KK, my hcg is 1.2. Didn't even implant. My embryos were 3 days old and 1 compact and 1 grade 3, 11 cells. Was told high chance preg. Will it due to my miscarriage thats why can't implant? Haiz
Now waiting for my period to come.
hi fatefully,

I called KK just now and told them my AF is here and today is day 9 of Lucrin. They say it's ok/normal and i just go for my BT/scan next Friday as scheduled.

feeling bloated around my tummy. *bleh*

Hi Imel,

Sorry to hear about the news. You really are a positive person - thanks for spreading your sunshine rays to us.
Hi Ocean, *Big hugs* I dun think its due to your previous miscarriage. There are so many things is unexplainable. May be its just not the right time yet. This time fail may be next time is a success
So dun give up, let us Jia You together!
We still have long way to go. Take a deep breath and shout Im going to success next time! Im going to be a mother one day! Always believe in that.
It seems like most of them failed the exam like I did. Let's be strong n move forward. Try n try again until we r old, until we hv no more eggs to produce.
Gambate... Jia you and we will succeed!
Hopeful, must take gd care n dun stress too much, your efforts has paid off.
Actually I plan to switch to KKH and since you were with SGH and get an BFP, I guess I will stick with SGH at this mean time.
Any other sister here get BFP with SGH other than Hopeful?
I think most of the sister here r fm KKH Dr Loh right?
hi all
i am new here.. been reading and reading... now at archive 1st aug 2011

had my 1st appt with dr loh early aug
next appt 3rd sep
alot of jargon to learn here
can someone tell me what is BFP?

I would like to know... i wonder if any mtb can share with me... the process b4 the puregon
I wanna know what kind of test were conducted, etc

Many thanks and much appreciated
Ocean, sunbelle and Imel, we have to continue to work harder..I still have 4 more embbies for FET. Planning it in Oct..BFN early Aug. Some friends ask me to rest and stregthen body first. Also dying to get some exercise!Put on weight leh.
Hi Hopeful, congratulations! That's a good level! I wish I could join u..

Hi Imel, Sunbelle, sorry to hear abt ur bfn. I din know it could just be bfn without any symptoms. Take care of urself well. Eat n exercise as much as u want, then get ready for next round. Jia you!

My BT is 112.9. Nurse said below safe level of 250, so I have to go for retest on Mon. Still collected oral progesterone for support tho.. Dh and I are very worried now. Any advice how to improve the result? Been feeling cramps similar to AF these few days..
Hi Imbel,
When I collect my Lurcin, nurse already schedule my appt for Ultrascan and BT.

Hi blessings_beyond_babies,
Since it that case I no need to call KK le. Hehe. Becos that day i ask them when my mense come hw, they say just go ahead with the jab until the scan date. Me too also bloated and cramp...
Hopeful, congratulations on your BFP! Cheers!

Ocean, Imel and Sunbelle, sorry to know on your BFN. Big Hugs! Today I've received a bouquet of Sunflower and a Huggy Bear from one of my friends with surprise. I'm touch when I received it. It has brighten my day and felt being given a big hug. Share to all of you. You have tried your best and you should give yourself a good clap on your good job!

I have discussed with my gynae and we will proceed for FET in Sep with my 2 snowbabies. Wonder can switch to FRESH cycle if they can't survive thaw.

My gynae don't support TCM and I'm still wondering I should visit Dr Zou to Tiao2 my body now. I didn't visit TCM during my recent fresh cycle. Nurse also told me no herbs to be taken during FET. Anyone can advise me if you've gone through this?

What should I eat for now where my AF had came before beta BT and result was BFN? Can drink red/black dates during AF? What's the purpose of drink red dates before ET?

What herb is good to warm our womb?
Hopeful, I just take pressurized fresh milk in whatever flavor I like. Those powdered milk is fattening n high sugar content. In 2nd tri, dr Loh will give probaforte vitamins which r rich in minerals such as iron n calcium. He said this one better than obimin.

Moomoo, relax, rest more in bed n take your support on time. Nothing much u can do. Bhcg will at least double on Monday is the embyro is gd.
Hopeful, congrats!! You passed the first hurdle! You must be smiling all day today, we're happy for you!

Imel, sunbelle, sorry to hear bfn but keep the positive spirit! Can treat yourself to nice food and drinks before starting again.. i miss my KOI bubble tea!!

I'm feeling sick from yesterday and spent almost the whole day sleeping. sigh. The only thing that made me happy today is that my scan is just one week away.. Btw, is it just scan or also blood test? I'm sick of the needles already.. ;(

Happy weekend everyone!
hazel >>
do u know if have runny nose can we take any medication to stop it? and also is peppery bak kut teh ok to consume? :D I read previous posts about it being cooked w herbs and all...but i'm the sort i can't taste if they put any dang gui or herbs we should avoid. but I'm super gian the soup now.
Kimmy, priton is safe for pregnant ladies. Medical name is chloropheniramine, is a small yellow tablet. I hv nasel conjestion now caused by pregnancy. I will take too when it is really bad some days. I use vicks for kids too at times. Hospital pharmacy can get.

Cannot taste dang GUI in soup? Then better dun take coz different stalls may put different stuff inside. I take the clear colour peppery bak ku teh soup at famous circular road stall during 2ww n first tri. No taste of dangui. The black base soup dun take.
Panadol is safe too. When u next see dr Loh, ask him for some medicine for flu, running/block nose n cough syrup for standby since flu is going around. If not, u can drop him an email the medicine GP prescribes to check if safe.
Hazel, ok thanks. I just have to hope for the best then..

Hi BBB, Fatefully, pls remember to drink lots of water (2-3L) n take white eggs (min 4) daily to prevent ohss okie..
thanks hazel so much! yah suddenly I got runny nose / nasal congestion and bcuz of that my taste buds gone hay wire that's why I need food with a bit more flavour. Will take note of the medicine names :D

yeah, I only like the clear colour peppery bak kut teh soup. Usually drink the one at 933 balestier. Dun like the herbal black base soup at all. Maybe one day I go circular road one to get my craving satisfied since u tried and tested liao. haha!

rojak ok right? steamboat I know someone told me not ok. grr.

moomoo >>
hope that yr hcg doubles! I think someone here mentioned had also lower reading but then went back re-test and it doubled :D

sunbelle & imel >>
hugs. yes i truly believe that you will be mothers one day. like what queenie said, sunshine after the rain!!!

Happy weekend everyone.
Rojak n steam boat can eat wat. But the former not healthy lah. "poisonous", got prawn paste. Steam boat hv to make sure food is properly cooked n soup is boiling before eating. Then chopsticks used to take raw food dun used to take cooked food also.
Hi Sophie

My DH always don't support me to go tcm. I just do whatever I am comfortable with. Anyway Dr Tan also don't support to take any herbs. I am still consider with to continue my TCM during my lurcin jabs.
Hi Sisters, once again for your congrats!

Hi Sophia, not sure if it helps. But do you want to consider drinking red bean soup? Also, try using heat pads on your womb area?

Hi Imel, sorry to hear that. But glad that your son is better now.. And your hubby is really nice.

Hi Sunbelle and Ocean, *hugs*. Prepare your body for the next cycle..

Hi CLB, thanks. Will go drink that already..

Hi Sisi, this is your 2nd time with SGH already? Actually, maybe you want to seek a 2nd opinion before deciding if you want to switch clinic.

Hi Moo3moo, congrats on your BFP too. Hmm.. KK's passing mark is 250? Seems a bit different from SGH. I asked them this morning and they told me the passing mark is 100. So, maybe KK is just being cautious? Dont think too much.Relax and rest more this weekend.. I also need to go back for BT next tues, and the following one too.. Just to share what I will be doing next 2 weeks till my 1st scan on top of the oral progestrone and folic acid prescribed by gynae
1) Organic Egg Whites
2) Logan+wolfberry+red date tea
3) Durian (hopefully stock does not run out)
4) I am going to see TCM tmrw morning to get "An Tai Yao"
5) Chicken essence
Hi piglet, is ur TCM referring to herbs or acupuncture? My gynae is ok with TCM. But they did give strict instruction thar during injection time, we shd not take any herbs. Also, my TCM also advise me not to take any herbs during that period so that it does not clash with the injections..

Acupuncture is ok though..
Yes Hopeful, this is my 2nd Ivf with SGH.
I m planning to TCM first then decide whether to switch or not. My hubby decided to take a long break and mayb we might go to HongKong to do the next IVF. Hv read many success story about the IVF in HK, currently I m trying to do some research.
Any sister has info abt HongKong IVF?
Yes Hopeful, this is my 2nd ivf with SGH. I do not whether I shld switch to other hospital or not. To b frank I m quite comfortable with Dr Yu, dun know whether it will increase my chance of success if I do a switch.
I hv read many success story of IVF in HongKong especially many actress get preg so just wonder if anyone hv info abt HK IVF?
Hi Hopeful, congratulations! So happy for you...Hope you will have smooth pregnancy.

Imel, Sunbelle and Ocean, big hugz to you gal. Let's jiao you together for FET.
Hi sisters,
Just watched giulanna and bill on e! Entertainment channel 441 and felt so sad as I watched their entire ivf journey. It's a reality show and I realized how diff us protocol is from Singapore... Doc even prescribe muscle relaxant pills to relax her uterus... and she had bleeding on night after ER due to ohss... Duno if anyone else watched it... It really shows how difficult this journey is emotionally...

Hazel, thanks on steamboat tips! Ya I think the concern cane from contamination of raw food mixing w cook food on chopsticks that's why...
Hi Sisi, I think TCM could likely improve both urs nd hubby's body.. Actually, no harm seeking 2nd opinion. No need to decide the switch yet.. Can ask the nurses to copy all ur reports n seek another doc's opinion. My opinion only ya..
hi ladies.. wanna ask if its ok to try yoga at this stimulation stage? i hvn't done yoga b4 at all.

thinking since im gg on 2 week leave during stimulation stage, and might get v bored, feel like signing up for 4 classes of yoga to be completed within a mth from date of 1st class.

any sisters, familiar with yoga, care to share if these postures are ok or too taxing for body?

tcm says i should have better sleep and exercise more to improve my "qi".

Hopeful, congrats! to you and your sil! wow, shuang xi ling men
Moo, congrats too!

Hi Hazel, u mean like DHEA? Yup he gave me, must eat 4 months. Also if cycle again, its gonalF and menopur next. All along i only use puregon so he say try gonalf. Dr loh told me about his relative's adoption before too.

Hi Imel, i was quite touched by your cousin's story, she try 8 times then kenna multiples? Wow ... 8 times as in fresh + fet ? I also 8 times if count fresh and fet ... havent breakthrough yet, only bagged 2 miscarriages. Praying for strength, faith to go on .. your cousin's story brought me cheer.
hi tanny, my tcm also asked me to sleep at 9pm! mission impossible for me..

hi piglet, dr tan said herbs is ok for me as i'm doing fet now.. but no accupuncture after transfer..

hi hopeful, had been taking red bean soup occasionally too
did not try heat pads tho.. anyway, tomorrow is judgement day.. hope my lining can increase at least 1mm more..

thanks to all!!
hmmmdr zou says no acpuncture after ET.

But why raffles hospital tcm dr jin there recommend continue to do acpuncture 3 days after ET. different sch of tots i guess...

kimmy > did u do acpuncture after ET 3rd day? u sign with raffles hosp ivf booster package right?
Tanny, I was told no strenuous exercise, no leg raise such as head stand and no abdomen region exercise by the nurse during stimulation stage. You can do alternative breathing when you wake up in the morning and before sleep.
Hi gals,
I hear cannot take herbs for TCM but I didn't kw. Dr Zou nv say cannot also. I been taking when I am doing my jabs of lurcin. Is it ok? Can advise cos I very worried it will clash with my jabs.
Hi ladies,

Thank you so much for all the support n encouragement. Imel what you say is very true. sometimes somethings cannot be explained n I believe in destiny too. yeah had a good dinner n also went marina to view the night scenery to relax. I thankful to my hubby for showing great support n my parents too asking me not to be too upset n of cos great company like you all to go thru the journey with me.

Strongly determined to get my body in better shape before starting again. Are we allowed to try naturally after menes is here huh? Yeah who knows, scarli next month strike naturally lor. hahaha

Got one question I dun understand. If one is given hormone supplement , will menses come before blood test date huh?

Oh yes, can ladies who did FET share their experiences huh? Issit go direct to ET stage n like what Queenie say only 3 days MC, any one took leave to rest after that? I m
Planning for the FET in nov or dec. if can strike naturally better stil like last time. The journey is definitely make easier with your company.

Moo3Moo, no worries. Think the level will double in two days time. rest more.
Hi hopeful
My tcm only give herb. Maybe go check out with her these 2days. Cos starting my jab on 23aug. I only know that cannot be taken with western medicine. At least 2 hrs different.
Hi tanny >>
Yep I signed up booster package cuz I find if I go 5 times, cheaper than ala carte. I understand dr zou dun do accu after ET cuz she wants us to rest while raffles Tcm have been doing accu for their raffle ivf patients cuz it's only one floor above the fertility centre. I went cuz dr Jin wanted to use the needles to relax me and also aid blood flow to womb on estimated implantation day. She wld also feel my pulse to tell me if I'm too heath, cooling or just right and feel my bloat. To me, these were assurance ...one sister went to dr Jin only after et also as she enjoys accu, so it really depends on whether u are up for it. If u r easily stress out by needles and all then, maybe not.. Hope this helps! For me, I enjoy raffles sessions bcuz I find not so pain... ;)

Hi Sunbelle, your husband and your family are very supportive of you. You are blessed
You can try naturally after your menses come. My fren gave me tips that said during ovulation, have sex 5 days in a row, sure strike lottery. Hahaha but my husband said he will die of heart attack if doing it everyday. Regarding your question about the hormonal support, if your embies stick to the wall the hormonal support will help to postpone the menses but if not, menses will come naturally.
