IVF/ICSI Support Group

Thanks Imel! Thanks I need miracles!

Got my hubby to jab for me. I'm still quite scared of the needles.

I feel nothing at all nothing very normal. Not even bloated. Yesterday bloated due to the 10 eggs. Drink immunocal better taste better than eggs..

Sorry if I miss out your previous post. May I know why you may need to do D&C? What happen? I also feel scare when see DR Loh. It's either good or bad for me. Stress man

After my failed FET, I've became very kiasu. Just bought few supplements. Anybody tried and have postive remarks?

1. Royal jelly - believe to increase egg quality and sperm
2. Pycnogenol - (French Martime Pine Tree Bark) - improve sperm motility and morphology
3. Raspberry tea - prepare uterus for conception
4. Vitex - good for pcos
Hi Ocean, I was confirmed bfp at 351hcg. But during 6 wks scan, can only see sac, nothing inside. So Dr Loh said : not good not good...might need to do D&C. But he gave me one more week to see if any improvement which the chances is very very low. I had bleeding few times also these few days but not sure if AF, because it's only either in the morning or at night. So I guess that's it. The scan is tmr, which I'm already prepared to hear any outcomes.

So what is your seeing Doc tmr about?

Hi Tanny, I have all my jabs done by my DH too. I didn't even look at it when he jabbed me haha. So scary. Every time after he jabbed me, he will ask if pain or not and very worried if got bruises. But I guess he's very familiar with the needle liao hehe. All done very smoothly and painless.

So sorry to hear that. Hope Dr will scan out your baby is growing. Will pray for u.

Dr Loh will need to assess me for the failed FET and to schedule another try. May be going FET again as I still have 2 frozen. But I hope to go straight to fresh cycle. This journey is not easy for all of us. Stay strong
Hi Ocean, thanks. Let's jiao you together. Will pray for you too and all the sisters here. Maybe your 2 embbies will create miracle for you.

Anyone know what is the diff between natural FET and medicated FET?
Hi all

I am on my 3rd ivf try. 2nd fresh cycle Et last thurs.
I was given 2 weeks hospitalization leave which is affecting my work as it's my 3rd 2ww.
The first 2ww cycle, I stayed at my own home but I was so
Bored n no one cook for me. So this time my Hsb said go back stay w my parents, there got maid n them to cook n take care of me plus my 8 mths cute nephew ard to make me laugh daily. He said maybe nephew can give me more bb blessing. Indeed this cycle time passby easier cos bb Is ard to Lighten my mood.
May I ask those who success , did u fully lie on bed for the 2ww? I stay to for the first 3 days bt after Tat I feel vy sore Liao..
My tcm said can sit aso lah jus dun walk too much or too long. I really hope this time successful after spending so much money ..
Bless everyone w good luck ...
My last 2 cycles, 2ww was ok until 2nd week I start to feel cramp here n there. I know something is not rite from then. Menses din come until I was cfm not preg n stop all medication.
As my gynae said my vaginal is too tense, she put me on ga when do ET. Tats something I can't control when someone starts poking below rite... Hahaa

ya jus want to add on . Last 2 cycles not only I have to take daily progestrone jab, I aso have to take progynova and utrogestan as well.
This cycle only take 3 hcg jabs plus daily utrogestan only.
Pray pray hard it's successful this round
Hi Dollygal, I can't consider myself as the success one, but just want to share my thinking..
If u think your work is quite relax type which doesn't require you to move around and OT too much, I guess you can just go back and work, but try not to stress out yourselves, at least this will kill time. Otherwise, you might want to consider taking unpaid leave, at least it will not affect your job too
much bcos HL too long will really affect performance.

I hv regretted didn't make use full of my HL, I went back after 1 wk rest, and tired myself. Even after my 2ww scan I still
work as usual, run here and there, walk here and there. I suspect because of this too my pregnancy didn't grow, not so sure. But I'm planning to take 1 mth unpaid leave for my FET.
Hi dolly gal, I'm only on 6 mg of progynova, seems that u r having a lot of progesterone support! Shd I ask my dr for more?
Hi VyVy, I just told them that my stomach not feeling good n Doc asked me to rest...I guess there is big question mark on their head too, but I just didn't want to say too much. I think they might suspected too bcos when I went bk to work always with flats which I never wear before, not even once. I was always on high heels. And I also always wear dress. Hehe. Just can't be bothered with what's on their mind.
when i was on 1st fresh et cycle, i didn't tell my boss why i was away for 2 weeks bt 2nd round, i have no choice but to tell him wat i m gg thru.
the 3rd cycle which happen last thurs, i also informed him, it was failed so i ve to do it again. at first he was caught off guard then after tat he asked me do i have enough HL ?
bt i did plan my work properly, getting my backup to attend meetings on my behalf, my admin gal will update me thru msn on the meetings updates. I still read emails n do some simple work. I am not those totally off work n bo chap once mc or on leave tat kind.
as i m half sales, we can't really let go not to reply emails or response to query. so all these while, i read n response when i can from my iphone

it depends on individual, during my 1st cycle, my progestrone dropped so badly after the et, i was immediately summoned back to the clinic 2 hours later to have jabs besides the tablets i am taking. 2nd cycle, my gynae wants to make sure my progestrone level is good so she double/triple the dosage. Sad to say, 2nd round failed after FET.
So tis cycle, everything went well, only utrogestan but since i stil have so many left over progynova from last round, i just continue to take tog w utrogestan (3 times daily).
first week after et, have to go back for BT every other 2 days, so today is the last BT for 1st week. I call the clinic to check on the results, the gal said no worry, i dun call u tat means everything is fine , no need additional help.now i even have personal contact of the nurse to sms or query to...:)
hi baby,

CARE , the ivf clinic is quite strict with me, dun even allow me cross my legs. they even gave me a list of what not to do (including food)
Does anyone feel giddy after taking utrogestan ? I dun feel Tat but this cycle I feel giddy after taking it.
Nurse said maybe I sleep too much n stay at home without seeing much sunlight, cannot be Leh. The giddiness only starts after i took the pill
Baby : bruises came on that side that hubby jabbed. I was too nervous and forgot to release the pinch. How to reduce bruises?

Dolly gal : can u share what the list says for our benefit? Is it for the 2ww after the ET- what to do and not to do/eat?

Today did my 2nd jab.. No 'special' feelings right until now.
after ET

Have plenty of rest
drink plenty of water
eat more fish n leafy vegetables
rem to take ur medications
inform doc if u feel bloated or have any menstrual cramps, bleeding, diarrhoea or vaginal itchiness or fever
Do take prunes or prune juice if u ve constipation

NO pineapple, watermelon, banana-green skin, papaya, coconut, oysters, sashimi, rojak, bittergourd, brinjal, brown cucumber, spicy food
no cold n gassy drinks, coffee, cocoa
no strenuous exercise or carry heavy things
don't take chinese herbal tea/soup (eg bak kut teh , etc)
don't stress urself

u gals use crinone for vaginal insertion daily after et/fet during 2ww?
ya Dollygal, maybe you can share with us the list of DOs and DON'Ts.

Tanny, I ddn't pinch myself. My DH pinched for me, and I always ask him to pinch harder haha, bcos once pinch harder, you can't feel the needle poke in at all. Then he will release the pinch and injected, no feeling. Try to poke diff places each time, and after injected, try to press slightly harder on that spot, it will prevent it from bruise. Do not rub
as it will cause the bruise worsen.
Hi Ocean, Yep my AF also very heavy. Now is the 4th day and still very heavy with lots of clots. Waiting for my AF to finish soon so I can start exercising. Have Dr.Loh scheduled you for FET?
Ladies, thanks for all the well wishes! Baby dust to all of u, hopefully u will get better hcg than me!

Hazel, I'm wif KKIVF. Dunno why the nurse asked me to see doc, but cannot be for scan since I know cannot see anything now. Today I called again, then she told me to retest hcg again tomorrow morning since my doc asked so, then still, doc appointment on Fri.. Sigh, I dunno what's happening, dun think the doc can discuss wif me anything unless bfn or gg for 6 wk scan rite..

Hopeful, yes! I'm still monitoring bbt n testing hpt daily. Scared my oredy slow moving hcg level will drop... cannot stop worrying until pass 6 wk scan.

Hi Imel, I'm back at work too. I feel it's less stressful than staying at home whole day. Take care of ur health n ur son's first ya, before starting the next cycle
Moo3moo, she may wan to monitor more closely. Early stage of pregnancy, can only monitor bhcg increase since scan can't see anything.
Hazel, thanks, I thot so too. I actually called the nurse today just to ask whether I needed to go for retest, then only she asked me to retest tomorrow... otherwise I also dun know what the doc can discuss wif me based on 2 slow-moving hcg results..

Hi Baby, dun be so sad ok. I hope tomorrow's scan will be a miracle for u! Be strong!
Dollygal, yes sometimes will feel giddy after taking utrogeston. Juz go sleep u b ok. I always feel very drowsy. My ER & fet also done at CARE. Angela is v nice. I shld b doing my next fet there again in oct/nov.

I hv a question. I did ET on 5 aug n bfp. Finally AF on 10 aug. The menses not so heavy this time. Was already clear on d11. But tdy d14 on off i get dark brown discharge. So strange. Has anyone experienced something similar before? Called nurse ask me monitor. Dont know what is happeninf.
Hi gals,
Can someone pls advice me? I had lurcin jab for the past 13 days at 8am but tomo I need to go kk for bt and scan at 8am. Can I start my d14 jab at 7am before I go kk? If nt how to jab at 8am wor? I call kk but no one pick up... Help!!!!
hi snoopy69, tik the discharge is normal.
wat is bfp? how come et on 5 aug, af comes so fast?

yes angela is nice bt tends to be forgetful sometimes. she actually forgot i m allergy to painkiller, still ask me to take aspirin until i question her back when i recevie the schedule.
Dollygal, Sorry, i got the terminology confused. Meant BT on 5 aug n bfn. Thanks for sharing, so its normal. Cuz did not happen when 1st cycle failed. Anyway, when u feel dizzy after taking utrogestron, take a nap. Will feel ok de.
Thank geminy
I managed to call up KK this morning. But they said I will not be seeing DR Tan HH till the actual day of procedure.
Hi ladies,
I m currently taking Chinese medication from the hiring east tcm for this current cycle. Hope it's a successful.
My gynae actually ask me go accupunture at tmc bit it's kind of ex where they charge 400++ for 6 sessions. I din go for it cos I do not want to add addition stress to my body w all sorts of jabs plus accpuncture n etc. Decide it's enough I may not feel stress but my body may.
Like last 2 cycles I have to jab progesterone daily besides tablets, I feel my body generate the stress on it's own plus the daily jab at backside by my Hsb is horrible. It left me a lump or bleed alot. So scared of him.. Hahaa
Thank goodness this round no need .
Moo3moo, congratulations on your BFP! Stay tune.

Chrisl, thanks and it works on the bold of the font.

Dollygal, if you feel drowsy after taking utrogeston, go to sleep and you will be fine after you wake up.

Fatefully, you can jab one to two hours difference; otherwise you can bring your Lucrin, Swabs and Syringe in a ice cooler bag and request the nurse for a room for you to do the jab. I guess you will find it easier to do it at home before going for your scan and BT.

All, anyone did acupuncture with Dr Zou at AMK on your leg and felt the nerve a bit aching even until the next day? Are you given 2 packs of medicine for each meal to eat? How many times did you go for acupuncture per week in preparing for fresh cycle/ FET? Did you go for acupuncture and given medicine after ET/ FET?
You're very welcome Joy&Faith !

oh no dollygal! I took bak kut teh as well as chinese herbal soup! How? OK not?? I use progesterone inserts not the one you mentioned..
Fatefully Me too 1st time doing!!! Was very nervous actually, but then the jabs are ok, can tahan
relax, it'll sure go well for you too
How does the Dr check for progestrone level? Is it a must to check? Cos I also suspect may be my progestrone not enough hence unable to implant. Any idea does FET require to check for progestrone level?

I will be seeing Dr Loh tomorrow. Not sure when will he schedule me for the FET but I hope asap. I would like to go ahead with fresh cycle instead of FET. I'm now left with 2 embryos and chances of aborting the FET is high due to thawing stage. Not sure whether Dr Loh will approve.

Are you now in 2ww? Wish you best luck and plenty of baby dusts

Oops, not sure whether I have cysts. Is PCOS consider?
Today I went to visit Dr Tan Kian Sing with hubby. Since hb last sperm test was like 3yrs ago, thought of having acupuncture to improve his sperm for fresh cycle. Anybody visit Dr Tan before. Any comments?
Later I will be going for bt and ultrascan, may I kw wa to expect later?

My AF just finish but still gt brown stains, I ask nurse she say still must go for scan.

Fatefully...Urs is on lucrin stage rite..Ur BT is to check whether ur hormones is suppress enuff and scan is to check ur lining...If all k..U shld start stimulation in 2 days time...Jia you Dear...;-)
