IVF/ICSI Support Group

hi momo - Preferably can start during stim (or if you don't mind can start taking 2ew during suppression stage). helps reduce any effect of ohss and provides vital protein for our follicles to grow. After ER, can still take as proteins help reduce bloatness. prob can take for a few days after ER, and if feeling better then can stop. Also need to drink lots of water (2-3L) from stim period to help flush out the meds, and reduce ohss. But if you like EW, can take anytime even if not cycling
I was nervous during injection and poked myself twice in front of the nurse! Yes twice! I chicken out last minute and nurse said I poked and withdraw! Alemark... It's actually not painful. No feeling not pain during injection; somehow I'm just scared.. My 600iu purgeon cost abt $400 today.

My hb bought normal eggs in one tray. Think I should change to organic eggs better. Eat soft boiled should be easier to digest cos i feel so full after 3 hard boiled EW now.
Blessings > it took me half a day from 930am to 1230..including demo injection to me.

My hb was given anti- notice start with d something. When u eat this, u need to sit upright and drinks lots of water. How strange. What's this for? They say it's to fight infection but we have no infection leh... The spouse (lady) need to take it later next week or so I guess.
Blessings > it took me half a day from 930am to 1230..including demo injection to me.

My hb was given antibotics start with d something. When u eat this, u need to sit upright and drinks lots of water. How strange. What's this for? They say it's to fight infection but we have no infection leh... The spouse (lady) need to take it later next week or so I guess.
Tanny it's true soft boiled eggs are easier to digest. Take 2 EW instead of 3 if you feel very full after taking 3. Another 1 EW can eat at other meal or timing.
Ron-U started working already?
So sweet of U to remember my scan was on last Sat.
I had 6 follicles on right ovary & 7 on left ovary. But left ovary was high position, so hopefully will be lower when the follicles size become bigger.
The worry is that when retreive would be difficult & cause bleeding due to the high position.
The nurse said this round seems like better compare to last round.
Tomorrow is my scan again.
I went to the MTM thread in 2012, so tempt to go in & say halo. So happy to read that Pink went in there to chat with yr.
from the first appt seeing ivf doc
and going thru all kinds of tests...
till the day u started with self jabs..
how long was this period?
Chocolate ~im 100% singaporean haha and a kiasu kiasi one hahaha
I am kinda annoyed at the options one can find here in the hospital..i would like to opt for GA but then they say no can only take a semi one. So during the ER and ET i was kinda sleepy though fully awake and feeling pain..i guess this is one of the sacrifices one has to make for wanting bb..

You now 2ww same as me right? hehe..im very the nervous! And have you started to stay clear of certain foods which are no-nos to preggys anot yet..just in case? I am very very tempted to take ham & mayonnaise & lotsa other food

Joy&Faith ~me too! super bloated and the long car journey to and from the hospital didn't help! I felt like i was ready to pop or burst!!! What stage of the treatment are you at now?

All ~Did you gals starting the procedure here inject with puregon pen? Cos there's a tutorial online you can watch again if forgot or unsure..sometimes it's difficult to take leave or something like that happens...good to take a peep..and oh for those coming home with the medications to be placed into the fridge, i would advise to bring along a travel cooling box/bag with cooling elements to keep the medicines cool when collecting medications from the hospital/clinic cos Singapore is very warm .. the expensive medicines can spoil.

jia you on this IVF journey!!!
babydust to all!
Hi Ron, thanks for ur concern. Today tested, hcg is 250. Increased from 112, but nurse said still slow moving.. Gg to see doctor this Thu, is this a normal procedure? Hopeful, are u seeing doc this week too?

Officially I'm pregnant now, but still dun feel like it, esp since I've lost 2kg since ohss. Now almost back to my original wt. Hope it doesn't mean bad for the pregnancy..

Sunbelle, Imel, Sisi, tons of babydust for u! Hope u can strike in the next round & start smooth pregnancy wif no worries

Other ladies in the 2ww n yet to start ivf, all the best too! Remember to drink plenty of liquid to avoid ohss..
Hi, Ziah,
I'm on progesterone insert, day & nite, 1 capsule each.. U? Which hosp r u with?

Hi, BNB,
Pink went to chat @ MTM thread too? So nice to b there.. We jiayou together & see each other there very very soon...
Nice to hear tt nurse said tis round beta for u.. & ur follicles r growing good in numbers...
moo3moo, congratz!!

I'm gg for ET tomorrow.. hope my snowbabies survive the thaw

heard that kk only gives max 3 days of mc, anyone actually went back to work after that?
Chrisl, I've gotten bfn from my recent fresh cycle. Will proceed for FET in Sep. Remember to drink 2-3l of fluid to help in your bloatedness. How do you highlight the fonts before post here?
hi eskimo baby, oh did not know that primose oil not good when ttc-ing. Checked the gnc women's multi-vit, don't have primrose oil. Thanks for sharing.

Tannny - drink more water to combat the bloatedness.

Ziah lo & Queenie, all the best - BFP!
Joy&Faith Just go the the bottom of this page, find 'HELP', click 'Formatting', 'Text formatting', then choose whatever format you want i.e: ---\b {text here} = bolding--- Copy and paste the code into your written text and add the text you want to be bold ..and there you go
You can also choose the colour of the fonts or other thingy..dunno if i explain well or not..hehe trial and error..

Good for you! I didn't yield very good egg results during my this 1st cycle. Of all the 14 follicles i got only 4 good eggs, then nothing was frozen, they tried fertilizing the 4, 2 came out looking good, 1 was ok, 1 cannot make it
so in the end they only placed the 2 best ones back
hopefully these 2 fighters can make it to the end
Hi Quennie,

Im with KKH. Im on Pregnyl Jab (one jab in 3days) and progynova tablets (2 per day).. Which hospital are you at?

Are you gonna do a hpt? If you are, when do you think is best to do it. I understand if we do it too early we will have a false positive rgt..
Bnb - next time say hello when u r in the thread! Waiting for u to join us there shortly!!! ;) good to hear that your protocol is gg very well.
Hi moo3moo - good that it increased.. I know it's hard but just go with the flow for the scan on thurs. And congrats on the bpf

Hi bnb - haha, we supposed to be cycle buddies-mah! Not same cycles, but still buddies! <jia>. Lots of EW &amp; water. Glad to hear nurse says this cycle looking good.

Hi ziah &amp; quinine - one more week? Ziah, pregnyl will last around 3-5 days so earliest is test 3-5days after last jab. Or you can test daily Using the cheapies &amp; watch the false positive leave system, then any line after that is true positive... But v nerve wrecking..
Hi, snoopy,
Thanks for the well wishes.. U jiayou too..

Hi, BNB,
Yup.. BT on 29/8... U wld b after me in abt 2 to 3 weeks.. Will b rooting for u then...
Posted on Monday, August 22, 2011 - 6:57 pm:       
Hi, Ziah,

I'm with KKH too.. Dr Loh.. U? U r on medicated fet? I m on natural..

Cos I m on insert, I can test earlier.. But I m still tinking if I wanna test hpt... If test, then won't b so nerve wrecking waiting for THAT call.. Hw abt u? When's ur last jab? Can test a few days aft it...
Hi, Ron,
Yalor.. one more week.. Then u know lo.. 2nd week more diff to pass.. So I m gg out, keeping myself occupied tis week... Heehee.. How r u doing? When's ur next scan? Pretty symptoms set in?
Hi Tanny, I agree. Organic eggs seems to be a better choice. Initially, my follicles were growing real slow and at the final stage 3 days, I started stuffing myself with organic eggs. Suddenly, the follicles grew tremendously..

For improvement of lining, you may consider drinking red bean soup..

Hi Moo3moo, congrats!! Stay positive.. My next BT is tmrw and 1st scan will be on 2 Sept.. Are you still testing on the cheap HPT? I am still testing as I read that the pink line should darken everyday. So I just wanted to feel better by seeing the darkened pink line.

Btw, I was seeing my TCM last Sat. He said that as long as it is above 100, it should be fine. He says we shd continue drinking chicken essence (if you can brew it urself, it will be better). And if you beleive in TCM, consider, going to them to get some "An Tai Yao". These 2 items are supposed to help with the HCG.

Hi Snoopy, yes primose oil shd not be taken if TTC. If you are trying to conceive naturally, u shd not have primose oil aft ovulation. In fact, if you are BFP, you need to stop taking primose oil. (I hope I remember this correctly..)
kimmy-too paiseh to say halo, silent reader 1st lah.
When I find the courage would drop by &amp; chat with the mummies to be.
Queenie &amp; Ron- so happy that yr are rooting for me.
But I know where to find yr when yr not in here la, would go MTB 2012 to look for yr.
Moo3moo: Congrats! Its increasing and pray it continue increasing. Im ok, my AF come out liao. Now Im busying myself with my work which is so far behind. My colleagues are all so happy to see me, they miss my jokes lah but importantly they miss me helping them. Going to try again this December, not going to give up till 40
Hi Queenie,

Same same lah, me too dr loh

Im on a fresh cycle dear.. and my last jab will be on wed.. i think i will test on sat and sun. I rather kind of know early.. Do you have any symptoms or experience anything unusual these 2 weeks?
Hi Ron,

Thanks for the advise. i will use the hpt prob on sun or even sat. indeed nerve wrecking. Can Next monday come already!!!

Im gg back to work tmr though. i hope to get my mind of these things..
Chrisl, yup, I am same as you, in 2ww. Ur ET was 2 days before mine. My ER was conducted under general anaesthesia but ET totally no anaesthesia at all.

Not yet leh. I am eating as per normal and maybe becos I have been cutting down on processed food and flour products since a few mths ago. After the ER, i sort of let loose abit and started to indulge on processed food, tidbits and flour products. Think I got to control again if I succeed this cycle.
I guess ham and mayonnaise etc are ok at this moment until it's confirmed a BPF. As the saying goes, "Bu Zhi Ze Wu Zui". Haha. But to be on the safe side, everything in moderation.

Congrats moo3moo, kimmy, ron and hopeful on a BFP and have a smooth 9 months ahead.

Good luck to all who are going to start, have started the IVF process and those in the 2ww!
Hi girls - SOS! I had my first jab at 12noon at KKH with the nurse. Now tomorrow - what time should I jab? I need to work for the next 2 days.. so if i jab at noon, I will need to bring my medicine to my office and put it in the fridge then. If I take it at 7am before I set off to work, it sounds too early. If I come home after work to jab at 9pm, feels too late. Dunno how.. Is it ok for the second jab to be so different from the first jab?
Hi Tanny, the second jab can do it in the morning. That time I also jab in the afternoon. The nurse told me the next day to jab in the morning
Hi, Ziah

Heehee.. Don't knw y I hv impression tt u r on fet.. Sorry...
I feel nothg special tis 2ww.. Even worst is I m on natural fet &amp; insert.. So nothg much one.. Kept telling myself not to tink so much... U? Fresh shld b more "special feelings?"
Is tis ur 1st fresh?

Congrats! Thank God that your hcg is increasing. Hope it keep increasing. Wanna grab your baby dust
Have a smooth pregnancy.

My AF also came liao. Is it normal to be heavy after medicated FET? It seems this time round my AF is quite heavy. Going to see Dr Loh on this Wed.

Sorry for the late posting. Can't sleep
Moo3moo, which hospital r u with? If I didn't remember wrongly, 1500bhcg n above then can see sac. Bhcg doubles every 2-3 days. See dr's on thurs may not be able to see sac during scan....
Hi Moo3moo, congratulations on your BFP....baby dust baby dust please hehe. It's good that your hcg increased, and it will keep increasing.

Hi Ocean, I'm seeing dr Loh tomorrow too. I'm prepared to hear that he's going to say...."you need to do d&amp;c". Ohhh...must say bye bye to baby liao.
Hi Queenie,

Nothing special leh... very very normal so i really dont know.. like you i try not to think too much

Thats why i decided to go back to work on the 2nd week and hope time will fly and 29th aug will come sooner than later

Hi all!
Now waiting for dh to collect my progynova.
KK thawed 4 embryos and transferred 3..
Managed to get a week of HL this time..
Wish my embbies implant nice nice this time
