IVF/ICSI Support Group


ya, my hb joked that he looked so young on TV
heeheee... yup he's my fav doc tooo altho he's a man of few words hahahahaa

Thk u chris n hazel!!
Hope not long waiting time for Fet. Hope they will have upload the show by tonight. Cant wait to see.Hee.
He discussed abt the complications of ivf, whether everyone is suitable to go through ivf, succee rates, ivf process, the govt subsides, etc. He was also asked how to prevent mixed-up during ivf process,
Hazel> thank you for ur info. Too bad that i miss it. U not working today? When r u going for ur first scan? So excited for u.
hi hazel

at first while i was reading abt FET on the forum, i also realised that Gonal F injections are not used in Singapore for FET. I think in Singapore is more on oral medications for FET.

i was feeling weird so i went to search on internet and read that Gonal F is used for FET in other countries too.

and this is the process given by my gynae, so i guess i just have to trust him.
hi pau le,

During my FET, i wasn't given any oral medication, just went thro the normal scanning at kk to determine if my lining is thick enough for implantation. And after ET, i was given progesterone support.
Pau le, of course must trust ur dr. Just wondering wats the purpose of gonal-f. Without lucrin, ur follicles will be stimulated to grow at a much faster pace n hence result in early ovulation. For FET, what we need is a womb with the right lining. That is either achieved thru natural ovulation or oral medication if menses are irregular. Even if the woman dun ovulate is ok coz she can go on medicated FET where she is given oral med to achieve ideal lining for FET. Just curious on the purpose of gonal-f in FET cycles.

Dr loh is in a gd mood today! He told me he Siam the interview very long already... I told him after this show he will be even more famous! Ha!

Chris, I asked him for b6 vitamins to curb the nausea. He said Indian mango helps to move bowels! He Also told me to take 3litres of water a day! Wow! There's alot of water to take! I told him my stools were soft but I can't move them! He was surprised why soft still can't move... Haizz

He is so obliging, I asked him if I can see him more often. Immediately he said no problem! He very KS today. Asked me if I wan to oscars test. I said I want but abit early right? Then he went, arrange first! Then he asked me if I hv done all the BT checks. I was like wat BTs? Shldnt they be all done b4 ivf starts? Wat else did i need To do? Then he went ya hor, I even did chromosome tests! Aiyoh!
Chris, you are on natural thaw fet cycle tats y no need meds prior et. I on artificial thaw fet cycle but only given progynova. I heard there are other sisters who did fet under different hospital was given other meds & jabs. I saw one patient @ KKH on tue was prescribe gonal f but not sure if she is doing fresh or fet.
just to share, before you go for cvs or amniotic test, go for detailed scan at prof anan at camden, mine came back at 1 in 200 chance after oscars at kkh, after prof anan's scan became 2000 over. the one at kkh not that precise.

dr lawrence ang from tmc which operates out of sun plaza only charges 550 for prenatal package from 5th week onwards, so whatever paid now will be offset or pay maximum 550 till birth. he delivers at tmc or Mt a. a good gynae but super busy type, q can be few hrs, waiting area ia rather cramp but he's a responsible gynae who bothers to call and update (when he remembers)

how's yr scan, pls update us.

we had a bad scare today, sonographer cld not find heartbeat, cos of the severe bloating, took more than 10 min before can see the heartbeat, and it's beating very strongly. it's such a relief.

also need to make appt for oscar blood test between week 9 to 10, scan at amc for nuchal between 11 to 13 weeks.
Baby making, scan is normal. Abdominal scan already can see, sinographer went, this is sac, fetal pole, all normal.. hubby went asking Where is the heart beat? Sinographer pointed to the screen then said vagina scan will be clearer... N she did vagina scan. How many wks r u based on dating scan? I was told 6.2weeks.

The nurse took my no down & said will call me to arrange for oscars test. Well, I m not going to do so early this round. B
BT I will do at 11wks plus, the tail end if acceptable range n nuchal scan, 13wks.

When is ur next visit?
great, mine can't see via abdominal scan at all, and v scan took more than 10min before can see, when can see, all 3 of us (sonographer, me and hubby) heaved a huge sigh of relief.

mine is 6weeks 4days, exactly as the ivf calculator.

going to do bloodtest at week 9, on same day at doc's appt on 20 jul, scan will be on aug 5, i plan to do it earlier so that if anything goes wrong, have sufficient time to redo the scan at prof anan
Baby making, sinographer told me 6.2 wks= 6 wks 3 days. So abdominal scan can't see the sac at all? Oh.. I am seeing dr loh in 2 wks time at wk 8. Told him I wan to see him more often. He said ok, see me in 2 wks then. Do too early not very accurate. At least this is wat I think.

I dun even know if he saw my scan pics in details. He just flipped only. Like nv see!

My white appointment card wrote, convert to OB, gynae case next visit.
The sonographer was so cute, the moment I lied down she asked if she has scanned for me b4! Yes, she has, I recognize her... I only started freaking when I lie on the bed... Dare not even see the screen!
Hazel & babymaking>
congratulation. Really glad that u gals had seen bb heartbeat today. Please give us more bbdust as we are all desperate for it. Rest well.
hi chris and hazel

a very small dosage of Gonal-F is used supposely to get a better control of the cycle, just good enough so that the body makes at least one good egg, then they can proceed to prepare for transfer.

i dun noe why my gynae didn't prescribe any medications for womb lining, i'm not sure if Gonal-F helps with the womb lining. Or maybe during my first fresh cycle, i dun have problem of womb lining, that's why he dun see the need. Or maybe he wld presribe later on??

i have PCOS and blocked tubes. my first fresh IVF cycle, i used Gonal F too. maybe considering my history, the gynae used Gonal F on me.

haha so many maybes!

oh congrats to hazel and bbmaking for the +ve!!
so happy to hear all well for hazel and babymaking. Both you have singleton or twins? it doesn't matter, the most important is to see them healthy and finally in your arms.
I hope all the same for everyone here. Yup I hope for myself too!
hi hazel, babymaking,

Congrates!!! ooh my oscar was arranged around 12wks+ which is next sat.

Hiaz I juz merlion again...vomitted all my dinner sob..sob... i tried to take 1/2 cup of milk around 5pm with 3 pcs of biscuit as i was really hungry...thought to see if I can take milk...
My stomach started bloating and after i had dinner around 7pm, i felt really uncomfortable, bloated and nausea. Around 15mins later, i merlion....

my hb told me to give up on milk for the time being since it always cos bloating and vomitting after i've taken it. Guess will ask gynae's opinion on next step since i can't take milk.
hi hazel/babymaking,

Congrats!!! it must be a real exciting moment to see the heartbeats.

I just merlion and threw up all my dinner sob..sob... Think i really can't take milk, hiazzzzzzzzz i tried drinking 1/2 cup of milk with 3 biscuits around 5pm as i was really hungry. My stomach started to feel bloated from 5.30 onwards...after i had my dinner at 7pm (in-law's place), i felt really uncomfortable and the bloatedness went up all the way to my chest area. I tried to walk around but didn't help and 15mins later i merlion.

My hb advised me to give up milk for the time being since everytime i take, my stomach will start to bloat till i merlion. So now empty stomach, took a small bite of honeydew and mango at my in-law's place and so far so good. my sil was there and when she heard i merlion again after taking milk, she commented that i should talk more to the baby and get bb to be cooperative to drink milk. i fainted....

Anyway i'll shall ask my gynae about other alternatives beside milk. My colleague told me that when she preggy with her 1st boy, she couldn't take milk so had to be on calcium pill for the whole period, and her 2nd baby she is able to drink milk.

hi hazel,

i tried soya milk once, so far okie... didn't dare take soya milk cos b4 i preggy soya milk used to cause me bloatedness and so i've been avoiding and i've no problem with milk until now.
Think maybe i'll tried soya milk and see if stomach can take it. thanks!!!
hi chris

i remembered during my first pregancy, i was always nauseous. So the midwife told me to avoid some food/drinks (i can only remember milk and tomatoes) which wld make me feel worst. But after the first trimester, nauseaus all gone and able to drink milk again.

i think there are calcium supplements for pregnant woman.
hi bbmaking hazel

may i know what the diff between oscar blood test and nuchal test? pardon my ignorance, it's the first time i heard of nuchal test.
i cant seem to find a replay of the Good morning Singapore interview on Dr loh. can any kind soul give me the link? thanks
Ron-Won't be yr cycle buudy, as I have to delay 1 cycle. Becos AMH result came out to be 4. Last Sept done beofre IUI was 32. So Prog wans me to repeat again.
As this test only run once a week, which is Tues, Result only be out on Wed.
So either I jab on Mon & wait, which might have to stop if result still low or I k continue from there.
So I choose to wait for it & see what is the next step.
I was very upset yesterday, but felt better liao.

Hey, *hugs*.

Do the test again next Tuesday and see how it goes.. Is it too late to try natural ttc this month?
Oh AMH. I did mine too but kkh din give me my copy of result. We will have it right? I don't really understand. Mine is v high means high Ohss according to dr. Reading out of range : 97. Means no good right? Dr Zou says this test only done by Nuh so kkh must send to Nuh.

Bluenosebear : hope all the best for u. cant advise much cod I'm v new too.
Thanks J03.
Is ok Tanny, which means U are very high chance to have OHSS.
Ron, anyway think this month no ovulation. My TCM dr also think so, after seeing my BBT.
I kan qai liao. So have to wait & see, hopefully is just false alarm.
I will cheer for U instead.
Hi BNB - I guess can treat as one more month to <tiao> the body &amp; mind for the cycle. Hoping my BT results &amp; CD21 scan will be ok to proceed - trying not to think too much about this cycle. Thanks for the support!
Hi paule,

Thanks for the advice, i'm now 11wks+ going to 12wks next tues. Hope when i reach my 2nd tri i'll be able to start consuming milk
Hi pau le,

I remember you, you were one of my cycle buddies in yr 2009 rite? saw a few familiar sisters going for 2nd try ivf this year.
Oh i'm now taking daily calcium supplements.
Chris, I m back at work. Rather busy trying to catch up after leaving office for 2months plus. I m in week 10 now. I went for scan last week n can see the baby little hands n legs. Tomorrow going to see my doc again. Doc say growing well n length increase as expected. I have gained a total of 2.5kg since day1. Doc just ask me to watch weight.
Morning sistas.
The weather is so nice, &amp; is Friday.
I really envy yr, but I know one day I also would be like yr, preg, but don't know when. Hope don't need to wait too long.
Hi nell,

good to hear u are doing well. My next visit to the doc will be next sat, and i'll be week 12+...my last appt was when i was 8 wks. Didn't gain much weight, the most 1 kg.
Chris, I see my doc every week except for the week I m in Sydney for holiday. Guess will have to see him weekly for at least another month. Very troublesome.
Don't worry too much about your weight, you shd be gaining steadily when your appetite gets better.
Too tired to post anything n I sleep early these days. Working makes it worse.... At the salon now. Almost fall asleep when washing hair!
Hello Ron,
How r u? You're at lucrin stage now (trying to catch up on posts)?
I just started on puregon, day 1 today.
r we cycle buddies?

Hello to all sisters too!

Have a lovely weekend everyone.
hi ladies.

very long never check this forum..
I have been admitted for 3 days for observation due to my bleeding. Have done the scan and they found 1 sac. I have been observe and was rest in bed for the past 3 days. Hopefully can see bb hb nxt week. Just feel tired and happy that my pregnancy stable but Im still worried.

Minako, how's ur ET?
