IVF/ICSI Support Group

Thanks day.it is only a small spotting. Now it stop. during my day 12past transfer I had the same spotting and gone within a day. I dont feel any cramp, but just now I do ironing.

Hopefull I did not take the red bean soup during my fresh cycle. I started taking it oy this frozen cycle. Maybe other sister can advice it but in my opinion better take during stim (puregon) coz u need a good lining for an embryo transfer.

go get additional progesterone support and bed rest! do not carry heavy stuff or strain your lower abdomen.

thanks, the puking and bloatedness is really getting me down. already taking maxalon but i am not sure how good is it long term. losing weight is normal in 1st tri, 2nd and 3rd tri will gain more. and better not to gain so much so early, cos after birth very hard to lose weight. :p

i am not even taking any milk or calcium supplements, time to think about it. now my cravings are all unhealthy stuff like salty chips and sour and spicy foods like mee siam and laksa which i normally dun even take.

anyone here also struggling with plain water? i can;t stand the taste of plain water, esp warm or cool boiled water, will immediately puke.
hopeful, red bean soup is to help increase the lining. u need gd lining for the transfer so its gd that u take during stim. Lucrin stage is to suppress ur hormome, and lining must be well suppressed below 6mm, so it's not advisable to take red bean soup during lucin stage.
Shainie, thanks for remembering me when you have your own concerns.

My ET wasn't gd, quality not gd, no frozen left. Dun really wan to talk abt it but I am doing fine, no worries.

You take care too and get additional support if needed as suggested by sistas here.
babymaking, thanks. Im waiting for DH to KKH 24hrs. Im also struggling with plain water. Everytime I drink it I will throw it out and my nausea will start.

Flowers take good care. Dont think much abt it. Just have a good rest during ur 2ww.
O I saw dr Fong yang too. He did an iui for me Which wasn't successful. I told dr sf Loh abt him saying something he said of my condition. Seems Dr Loh also dun like him, Saying it's rubbish and my condition is not like that.
babymaking, your cravings r like mine, i craves for roti prata with fish gravy, laksa, zinger burger, spicy stuffs... yes, i can taste the weird taste in plain water... but held my breath when i am drinking and pop a candy after that...

Shainie, take care !!
hi daintreez / babymaking,

i'm different from you gals, i used to love roti prata and the smell of curry gravy etc although i can't take spicy food. But now after preggy, the assam curry fishhead smell makes me want to puke...dunnoe why..
hi sis,

is it true that we can't have instant noodles? cos hb forbids me to eat...altho i got cravings for instant noodles esp even after i puke and got no appetite for food that time and went i smelt him cooking instant noodles i started to drooool......o the feeling is terrible manz..... he eating in front of me....its so near and yet so far i can't even go near it.
hi daintreez /babymaking,

i read under the babycentre website that if we dun get enough rest and when we feel very tired the nausea will get worse...so try to catch a nap or a have plenty of rest if possible
summer, thanks dear..
trying to stay in my bed as much as i can the whole of today...

Chris, its like that one, cravings differ every pregnancy also... our taste buds just changed totally and our tongue feels like its not ours...

i think instant noodles occasionally to curb cravings is fine as long as u dont take it everyday.... i've been craving fast food too, KFC is on the way... haiz... all the unhealthy food...
Hi Perper, thanks for explanation.. Cux I m still quite clueless. Stim= stimulation period? That means d moment I start with the Lucrin n purgeon injection I shd start taking red bean soup?
Flowers, dun think so much. All u need is just one to strike. I know a sister with grade 2 embies also strike twins! There was another sister who has only 2 average embies to transfer only but she too strike twins. Both sisters' twins are so cute. So dun give up on your embies. Eat well in the 2ww & think happy thoughts!
Thanks Daintreez.

Thanks Hazel, will try to eat well but tough to have happy thoughts 'coz I didn't think this could happen to me as my last fresh I had 60-70% fertilization rate. Will need to find things to distract myself. Thank you for giving me strength despite being tired from your own pregnancy.
hi Flowers - good morning! Stay positive and keep telling yourself your 2 lovely embbies are now on its way to stick super-tight to you.
Enjoy the 2ww
Flowers, how are you tis morning?

Shaine, glad to koe spotting stops

Miracle_baby, depend on your cycle length & speed of lining growth. If by cd14 scan, your lining is 8mm then 2-3 days later you will do et.
Hi flowers
Hugs.. Rest well.. Think positive.. Theres one sister here left only 2 embroye with grade 3 n fragmented oso hv bfp recently so u will bfp too k.. By the way, u retrieve how many egg during er? Sorry as i may hv miss ur post..take brazil nuts, kampong chic essence n durian if possible these few days k...
Hi babymaking, su, ritzc n ron for ur advise.. I will take things at a step.. Like what we always say, if meant to be urs,will be urs..;) will try to stay at a relax mood.. Thk u gals for being soo sweet n lovely..
Hi ladies, am now in KK collecting my stim jabs. I was given 150 unit menopur and 200 units puregeon. May I know why do I need to take menopur? The nurse here can't explain well.
Thanks minako. All the best for ur scan 2day.

Flowers take care of urself. This 1st week rest more. Dont think much abt ur ET. When I had a bad sore throat during 2ww and I am coughing hard, I thought this cycle will give me -ve result but at the end with God's Will I BFP. There's also a sister with low grade but BFP. Dont think much abt ur ET but do talk with ur embbies.
If ur bloated try to take 100 plus, egg white or immunicoal. Take care and rest well

Thanks for your concerns but i have a request, stop asking me how many follicles was retrieved 'coz it is painful to be reminded of rotten eggs. I am trying to erase that from my memory as it no longer matters now. Am moving on, eating well and to best my chance of BFP.

You can ask me anything except painful memories, appreciate that you understand.
Flowers, hugz. Dun worry, we have taken the q from your post yesterday n wun ask. Look into the future. Forget abt the past ok. Things happened when u least expect it! Hugz!!!!
i took menopur also but a few days after puregon as response to puregon wasn't as satisfactory as expected.

menopur contains both FSH which helps stimulate egg production and LH which helps the eggs mature where else puregon only contains FSH.

both together can enhance the response resulting in more follicles.

how's yr lining, ok now? did you check with yr dr abt using Viagra?

hang in there, have faith! i am surviving on 100plus and froots vit c cordial. surprisingly froots taste a lot better than ribena and it's full of vit c.

i am indulging in all my cravings from ice cream to curry instant noodles to salty chips...after all i can only take a few mouthfuls before they merlion out anyways - so might as well enjoy it while it last :p, oh yeah, i got craving for chilli crab sauce as well, went to buy those packet sauce and cook it with eggs and mussels instead as i can't find fresh crabs. (not that i know how to kill the crabs anyways if i find any)
mm menopur is used widely overseas for older women or women having poorer response to pure FSH itself. Apparently it helps in producing more and better quality eggs.
babymaking, really enjoying in your cravings haha.... if u want fresh chilli crabs, ask DH bring u to Jumbo... oh... i luv their crabs hehe... usually I will call to order take- away, then give them a time that I'm going, so just take and go
the good thing is, no need to pay service charge, and if u r a member, there's additional discount too, the price is the same as those famour zi-char out there or even cheaper
now i also craving for crabs liao LOL
Thanks babymaking. Is this given to patients with poor egg quality only? This is my first ivf. During my so-iui, I responded very well to puregeon. So don't understand why I was given extra med this time. 3 jabs for me every night from Thursday onwards. 
Hi MM,

Does not mean that your egg quality not good ( doctors won't know until after ER if egg quality is ok or not) so now they are adjusting the dosage using their professional judgement base on your hormonal blood test to get the most suitable dosage for you. Every woman's body is different so it's good you are getting a dosage that is tailored for you.

No worries, menopur is quite common in western countries protocol (but we use less here but higher puregon/gonal-f dose).

The key difference as babymaking mentioned is that menopur contains both FSH & LH, while puregon/gonal-f only has FSH. Thus menopur gives additional LH boost for you during the stimulation process.
Hazel, in your previous posts u posted for me, u mentioned Dr Loh will issue us the blue booklet after my next scan... just curious, whats in that blue book? :p thanks
Every pregnant lady has a blue booklet once the pregnancy stabilizes. It replaces your white appointment card. It tracks allergies that mtbs may hv, EDD & scheduled scans and appointments n other pregnancy matters.
Sorry flowers.. Ok, just look forward to bfp in 2wks time. Most impt is now u r officially pregnant.. Enjoy the process..Eat well n rest well..

Hi sarah
Of course still can eat kampung chic essence.. Is gd to bu urself well now.. Just dun put other herbs except red dates n wolfberries..
