IVF/ICSI Support Group

oh chris! yah yah! my daughter was born in Nov 2009! Yah, i know one who has BFP ald also!

Sorry for my short memory... did u BFP that time? Update me!

take care and glad to hear pregnancy is stable.
You're doing to be fine ;) have lots of rest and keep the happy thoughts in okay? (hugs)

Hello Su,
great. we're cycle buddies then. Is your next scan on tues? ;)
Flowers, BNB and Kimmy, thanks.

When I rush to KKH 24hrs with tears my mind comes up with all nonsense things. After the Dr on duty examine me, she told my DH that my case is a threatened mc. I was warded the same day and diagnose was done at ADC. I was taken in a very good care at KKH. Progestrone jab was given. Second day when my bleeding stop but staining is still they did not allowed me to be discharge even I ask them few times. They always said to me 'This pregnancy (ivf) is very PRECIOUS. Must taken with very good care'. I also given 10 days HL to rest.
Su, not too sure why also. That's what was written on my form...

Shainie, i can't imagine how emotional it must have been but glad to know that kkh took very good care of you and was sensitive towards your (ivf) pregnancy. You're in great hands and everything is gonna be okay.
kimmy, oki. keep mi posted on ur updates. i wil too. cycle buddies. yeah. ;)

shaine, jia you. dun worri, b postive. hv a smooth 9 mths ahead. ;)
Hazel nope. I choose B class. Tought only for a day admission but ended with 3 days.

Kimmy yah when they know it is ivf pregnancy they give full support. They know it is a precious child. My first day was a compulsory rest in bed which I am not allowed to move around. Pass urine also at the bed. Second day can move but with the nurses help. 3rd day then Im allowed to move to toilet only. They also reported to the Dr Tan HH. Once ur with KKH and are a patient of KKIVF they give extra care. They treat the pregnancy as precious pregnancy.
Hi Shainie, my wife is also the same case. She had massive bleeding while i was in the US. I felt totally helpless when she called me.

I thank God that He kept the babies safe and wife was given almost 3 weeks of HL. We are going back weekly to take that painful oil injection to stabilize her pregnancy.

It is really not easy. Wife is feeling helpless and frustrated being bounded at home. Friends bought Tong Yi series for her to kill time.
hi pau le,

nope i didn't BFP that time, was very happy for the group of sis who bfp then. This is my 1st and I conceived naturally. I still remember got Linda, itajabi, baby and humbug. Wonder how baby and humbug are doing...
Hi DH,

glad to hear that your wife is fine now. Please take very good care of her esp this time..ivf babies are very previous and try ask her to limit her movement and if possible take more rest.
hi chris,
congrats! so blessed to conceive naturally! i am very happy for u too!

hi shainie
glad to hear that your preg is stable! it is always assuring to be well-taken care of by the doctors and nurses since we are so worried during the pregnancy. And it is definitely good to be admited, like that you are obliged to stay in bed and rest. If we are at home, we wld be so tempted to move. Do take good rest while you are at home. Dun sit too much also.
hi DH
ur wife is so lucky to have an understanding DH! with so much love, the babies would be nice to mama!!
Daintree, wru? I will going to collapse from super tiredness.. N every night the side of my hip bones will ache... Then I will be like old lady who gets problem walking, getting up & down... Haiz...
hi hazel,

Did you try sleepg on your left side? me too aching maybe try to massage lightly ur pelvic area abit when u try to apply cream on your tummy. I'm still waking up at night for toilet trips...
Hi wongval! another cycle buddy, that's great! ;)

Su, I don't have any 'strategies'. Haha I feel so unprepared. I'm only taking conceive well and folic acid along with my jabs. Am still contemplating if I should go buy immunocal later to increase protein intake. what abt you, any tips to share? ;p
tanny, i understand that OG sells them. alternatively there's a number you can call for home deliveries, but think you need to spend min. $200 or something..(i can't remember)... hope this helps!
kimmy, i was eating gnc prenatal supplement n folic acid along w my jabs too.
but todae i ate two egg whites (hard boiled) n boiled red dates tea to drink. alternate day, i wil drink chicken essence.
i dun take milk, so duno where i k gt e protein.

i duno if i doing it rite or eating it rite, k sisters in e forum helps. thks!
Hi Tanny
One box comes with 30pkts of immouncal.. Not 10pkt only else will be too ex..;)

Hi su
Try take half boil egg, it can absord better.. Just take more half boil egg n immouncal will be ok for protein intake.. All the best to u gals..

All the best to all who doing er or et these few days..
You can buy immunocal at OG department stores. They don't display at the shelf. You ask store assistant or at the cashier counter. One box got 30 sachets and it costs S$100. If you have OG card, you get 5% discount.
hi su,

yup try 1/2 boil egg, its easier to swallow ..for me i take around 3 1/2 boil egg for breakfast during the egg simulation stage and maybe have fried eggs or steam eggs during either lunch or dinner.
Hazel, I'm here.... my bodyaches are also still attacking me and now i start to feel nausea... was lying on bed the whole of thursday
kept telling myself bear with all these, its a sign of bb growing... u too, hugz... u seen wayng around? didnt see her since BT ya?

Shainie, Great to hear tat your pregnancy is stable now... pls take good care and rest as much as u can....
Daintree, take b6 vitamin. Ask from dr Loh. 3 wks supply only 2 bucks plus. I take already feel so much better. Hv u arranged your oscars test - BT & scan. Dun recall seeing wayng

Try not to take porridge or apple. It makes bloating worse n hence u feel more unwell
hi joanne n chris, thks. i sld take half boiled eggs fm tomoro onwards. hee hee. ;p
immunocal is milk, rite? i dun take milk leh.
Hi daintreez/hazel

i went back to buy another 1 mth supply of B6 after my 2 weeks supply finished. Think my current supply finishing soon...hope will last me till next weekend..then i'll be going down KK to buy more. heheeee

wow just nw i nearly succumbed to my craving for instant noodles. i was lying comfortably on my couch watching TV, and hb working heehee..then then the aroma of my favourite myojo chicken abalone instant noodles blew in from my upstairs neighbour house. Wow really beitahan..keep telling myself to endure and endure... and partly hb not around no one to stop me whaahahhahaa... then i quickly changed clothes and went downstairs to kopitam to have salmon bento set. hiaz..while eating my bento, my mind keep thinking of instant noodles... Called my hb just now and he laugh at me...evil le.
hi hazel,

my hb very kiasi keep telling me to avoid processed food... just now when i called him to complain he gave in and said we shall ask the gynae on ur next sat appt. hiaz..
Hi kimmy and Su,

at least you guys are taking something! I'm taking only folic acid. Haha! Somehow I think I'll just do things naturally... so not so stressed. Hopefully it won't compromise on my success!

Actually, what's the point of egg whites? How does it help?
Hi Wongval,

Eggwhites contain proteins which helps with the development of our eggs. It does not have to be in the form of 1/2 boiled but that's the easiest way to eat the eggwhites without feeling too full

Hi Su,

Immunocal is actually a protein supplement, not really milk. Up to you want to take or not, but alot of doctors will at least ask you to up the eggwhite intakes during the stim period. You can also eat fish and meat to get yr proteins. Most sistas choose 1/2boil eggwhites since high protein content.

hi Kimmy,

Only started lucrin next week, so by time I start stims you, Su and Wongval will whould already be in 2ww and passing babydust to me. Maybe you are doing earlier d5 scan coz u are on short-protocol? is Su and wongval on long protocol?

<jia-you> gals!
Hazel, ok, I'll go get some from KKH. I haven't booked my Oscar test, am still considering if I should take, I'm 32 this year, what's your advice? I've been eating alot of fast food and curry stuffs, cravings.. Ok a nOt huh?

Chris, u very funny haha. But eating instant noodles once in a while to curb cravings it's fine...
Daintree, Oscar test, is not compulsory in KKH. Dr loh wun insist that I take also though m 38 yrs old. Hub will tell me dun need to take too! So, is really your choice. There is no right or wrong. As for ur cravings, I don't see anything raw or uncooked, is ok as long as you dun hv bowels issue. Is terrible to feel constipated.
chris, thks. tis morning e two hard boiled egg white reali make mi veri full. sld take ur advice to eat half boiled eggs instead.

wongval, i veri ks. tat y i try my best to eat wat is req'd to increase my quality of eggs in stimulation stage.

hi ron, yes. u r rite, i'm on long protocol. ;) thks for e intro of immunocal n advice. wil increase my protein thru fish n meat too. ;)
Hazel, thanks... Yes I really dont like constipation too, if I can't move my bowels for more than 3 days I'll feel really uncomfortable... ^_^

su, hee I haven't started on chix essence &amp; logan tea yet...

Tanny, oops sorry for incorrect info, I nvr buy it b4 but think will so soon cuz I had v bad cramps &amp; diahhorea after this morning's egg whites...

Wongval, yea, remaining as stress free is most impt &amp; I am doing my best to stay the same. There r days I forget to take pre-natal but it doesn't bug me. I'm sure natural will work for us yea...

Hi ron, def look forward to passing bb dust ard soon along w those in this cycle too ;)
