IVF/ICSI Support Group

Mabel-hearing yr experience, make me more hopeful, becos in 1st round IVF, all the sistas from NUH, under Prof was BFN.
Though U are with Dr Chew, but at least BFP.
Hi Mabel, very happy for you & that prayers were answered
Love that you went in hopeful & the doc was optimistic! :D
Hi! Ladies.

To all bfps congrats.n to those going through ivf or fet keep the faith

Wanted to check If anyone has doctor sf loh email address.
Bluenosebear, dr chew himself shared with me earlier tat there seems to be a trend in success n failure rates. He said this period the success rates seems almost 80%. Some season, success rates r low. Surprised he also say this. Tot drs always talk base on scientific research. Haha
Nell.. Izit true tat when u put yr palm around yr belly area ( or slightly below) u can feel yr Bb HB ? Cos I read from a site tat tis lady say she can feel HB Around 6 weeks... Izit true?
Need some advice. Meeting my dr next week for the first time after failing the ivf. Normally, for the aftermath consultation, wat do the dr usually go thru? Just want to make sure I ask the right questions or wat to expect. Getting a bit annoyed with the clinic.
Sara, not true. Wat u most likely pick up is your own pulse. There are a no of pulse points at the abdominal areas. If can pick up dr no need a droppler already :p
How you feeling now, cycle buddy? Is this your 1st fresh?

I have this aching pain at the right side of my abdomen on and off... Took a Panadol yest.. Felt giddy and nauseous yest too.. Is this normal?

This is my first fresh cycle.. Will need alot of advice from all of you.. Which stage are u at now?
Hey Mabel, just read they found your warrior embbie. <jia-you> to the 2 of you to the next scan. Hope next scan brings fluttering good news
Sisters who have gone through m/c before - how long did you get to recover? I am still feeling pain in my lower abdominal and the right side around my waist area hurts too. I was feeling ok yesterday and the pain came back again today. I also don't know if it is because of the m/c or what. And whether I should just go to GP or to the gynae!
Juz came back from scan, I having a singleton
At AMC clinic they r not able to detect my bb's hb thru tummy scan, so proceed to do v scan, and turns out bb is 9mm, within normal range and has white flickering light (hb). Silsilly, I didn't manage to hear leh, the lady only direct me to the lights. Anyway, I will follow up with Dr Sadhana and transfer to the private suite in Aug.

Daintreez and the rest of the ladies who bfp and waiting for the hb scan, this extra 2ww after bfp is definitely tough, and it most certainly doesn't end here coz after this still got down syndrome screening etc. We tend to be clouded with self doubt during this period of time coz we may not display 'standard' pregnancy symptoms, e.g. Nauseas and sore boobs ( if u believe). I was very doubtful though I didn't post it online here, coz I started to get brief slightly throbbing pain now and then about 1 or 2 hrs after meals, which subside after I eat something and massage gently on the area. I also have outbreak of itchy pimples across my tummy, neck, backaches which subsequently became slight cramps at both sides of my body, and initial diluted watermarks which later become watery discharge. I'm also paranoid coz I lost my nauseas but found out today that any early nauseas or headaches or breast tenderness could be due to duphaston. Also, I don't have sore boobs, but I think it's okay since I usually get that when I have AF. What I'm trying to say here is that our bodies respond differently to pregnancies so no need to fret too much if a bit different from others. In fact it will be ur unique pregnancy symptom to share with others in future
You take good care ya? If the nausea is unbearable, is it ok to go GP for med? Going to kk is so far..
Btw, do you eat normally? Or there are some restrictions?
Ritzy, thanks for sharing. Indeed we all like to compared the symptoms and sigh. Guess it unavoidable as we are all gan chiong mummy to be hoping for bfp. Very encouraging to read your posting. It must be very hear warming to see the hb flickering on the screen right.

Sunflower, I just finished my fet last wk, so in 2ww now. What stage are you now?
Thanks Ron and Suyana! Praying for the next scan in 2 weeks
. Hope it is truly a warrior like Ron described it.

Ritzc - Great to hear of your good news. Take care. About the sore boobs. I agree, I usually dun have much of it. On and off. Even with my first pregnancy, they were hardly sore until laterin 2nd trimester.
Mabel, thanks, feel that since mine at week 7 the sonographer also say it may be too early to see thru tummy scan, so urs at week 6 may be a bit too early to scan. U should be able to see ur bb's hb clearly a week or two later
I was actually quite worried about v scan coz dun want disturb the bb, but no choice since now still early and cannot see thru tummy. Think natural pregnancy, some people may go to gyne as late as week 8 or week 10, so we r early la
sunflower, yah i restricted cold drinks and those 'liang' food. Everyday i do take red dates, wolfberries and longan tea. This 3 items i boiled together.

i'm able to feel bb's heartbeat , just put your palm below my belly button area...its different from our own pulse rate... its faster and lighter. i asked hb to feel it and even he is able to feel it and told me that its very different from our own pulse rate.
Hi Whitetiger - each doc will have own style but generally they will run through the cycle &amp; explain how it went (ie. did the initial BT look ok, were growth during stim normal or slower, physical quality of embryos, any visible problems noted wiht embryos or lining or during ET) then move on to discuss option for next step (FET or fresh, to make changes or not changes to protocol &amp; why, FET procedure, any further tests he would recommend before next cycle, etc). If you have questions, try to list them down and bring them along so that you can go back to this list if you find after doc's explanation that some were not yet asnwer. My doc also does a scan when I go and sit and cry in his room, to check if the ovaries &amp; lining have gone back to normal.

If not mistaken, you did d5 ET ya so your embbies probably were looking quite strong to get that far.

In most cases, esp the first cycle, the doctors really don't know why embbies didn't implant. That part for now is all still in God's hands. Perhaps to focus on discussing what to do differently for next cycle.

If you are near this month's O date, may also ask doc during the scan to check if you have ovulated this cycle as often the cycle after BFN becomes haywire (or maybe even opportunity to time for natural bfp).

Don't give up, ya. Take your time to find some peace emotionally. Sometimes it just takes a few tries before BFP or before they can know what is wrong.. Hope this helps.
congratz ritzc,
i heard heart beat at 24 hr clinic.. not amc.. same as u, i only saw flickering heartbeat at amc..

you wanna start new thread?
Ritzc, congrats on seeing bb heart beat.

Mabel, congrats on seeing bb sac. Sure can see bb heart beat in two wks time.

JT, *hugz*
Silsilly, u want to start the thread then let me know where it is? Coz I find myself too addicted to the forum
( see I'm here again) (Seriously, I'm off Facebook coz I find myself too addicted. Between Facebook account can never be deleted, mine is still out somewhere but I deleted all posts, extremist ha ha) . Think I will drop by now and then at ur new thread, but if I started it, I will be on 24/7. Taking tomorrow onwards to wean off and start doing some other stuff
Silsilly, between I won't disappear completely la. Facebook different, gets really annoying when my frens started taking photos of all our gatherings - find it v "for show", and having to deal political mine of colleagues wanting to be added as "friends". I took up sewing in March this year, but stop when I started ivf, think will spend time doing such stuff again.
Chris, I dun think that is the fetus' HB that your hub &amp; u felt. U can confirm that with dr loh's when u see him. Also, First time mum wun feel bb's movement until 17 weeks if they are lucky.
Hokkaido, me in 2ww now too. So you, shainie and me are cycle buddies ya

Am thinking of seeing gp tmr for my nausea and aching pain tmr.. Should be ok rite? Feel so uncomfy...
Dun give up k.U still hv Embbies, must hv confident with them. Hmm. Maybe u just need to tiao longer so dun rush into it for now. Rest few mths first, u will succeed.

Oops. Sorry, i confuse ur name with ritzc. May i know who mention last wk that the reading didnt double n maybe a chemical bfp after bt? Was it u? Lets Gambatte together in our Fet.

Mabel &amp; ritc>
congrat to u all!! ;)
