IVF/ICSI Support Group

thanks sarah, will hear what dr loh suggestion on Tues...

shainie, so which means we will only know if the embbies can make it on ET itself? sorry very blur on FET..

Qingwei, no offense to anyone doing tcm with ivf, but I dun think it is a must. Dun worry too much, relax and take care

Silsilly, thanks, I think I most prob stick to kkh. May want to extend my no pay leave for another yr if my boss allows so gonna cut costs wherever possible
Don't feel good. Sometimes I feel like I don't have a supportive husband. Sorry, gals, a night like this and I can't sleep. I have a partner who just want to find fights with me and leave me alone… sad… but I already chosen this path… nobody can understand how I feel in situation like this and no support at the end… 
hi hokkiado,
when do u start on the progesterone support for the FET process?

hi wayng
with all the pressure Im sure you feel really nervous and hormones going everywhere. try to think on the bright side and salut yourself for being so brave and coming this far, you are almost there! maybe he jux feeling so helpless to see you so worried... relax yourself ok, maybe go out with some friends, maybe those who doesnt know abt ur IVF and just talk about any other things under the sky! meanwhile, good luck for the ER!
Pau le, its only about 2am I managed to sleep off. And now I'm up again. It's not a very happy day for me today n I'm thinking if I did the right thing. It's a lonely journey for me at home.
Wayng, hugz.... At the end of the journey when u carry the bundle in your hands, all these now will be worth it even if he don't share the joy.

Talk to us if u need to, once ET on Saturday, your emotions n state of mind will affect the embbies, u have to try your best to keep your spirits up for the little one that u wanna bring to your life.... Don't let an unsupportuve partner affect u and deprive u of the right of becoming a mummy....

We r all here for u... All the best n rest well after your ER.... Hugz....
Morning sisters, I woke up with no sore boobs.... 'stressed'
No one symptoms now also
read online and found that if the pregnancy symptoms got lost also can be a sign

Mabel, all the best for your Scan. Keep your eyes open and see your little one's hb k.

RitzC, Good luck to your scan!

Joanne, Good luck again for your BT....
Morning Daintreez, no stress no stress ok dun let your imagination run wild at this time.

Joanne, going for BT? Good LUCK!

Shainie, how you feeling? No more nausea I hope
pau le,
the insert starts 2 days before the ET. 2 time per day. The insert have to be inserted thr the anus. Sound tough huh, but practice make perfect! I have jolly well put it in in 5 secs. haha

Wayng, don't be discouraged! Bb love happy mummy...when you feel good and happy n sure the bb will grow in you. Talk to us here, we are always here for you.

JT! HCG high high wor!
good luck with your scan today.

when can you test hcg? are you still feeling very bloated?

the bloatedness got worse - now feeling so yucky and could not sleep whole of last night. like no comfortable position to be found

keep your end goal in mind, focus on that. there are cycles that i went through alone cos hubby was travelling, got to go scans alone, even ET alone, but what kept me going was 'the purpose' and 'the end'. you can do it! women are stronger than men!

hang in there, no symptoms can be just as good, means you got a smooth pregnancy. most pregnancies are normal with little/no symptoms. IVF pregnancy is like normal pregnancy once pregnancy is confirmed.
Wayng, good luck with ER and rest well after. Don't let anything get you down. Like Babymaking, I also went through the cycle alone because hubby was traveling. And worse, when nurse called to tell me I might have chemical pregnancy, my hubby was with me for a while but at night, he chose to go out with his friends. So there I was battling with my own emotions. But I know that I am strong enough to go through this. So, hang in there! You can do it!
Flowers, I feel you. My hubby was like that too! Kept asking me and even though I told him I don't know he said I am making things difficult for him!
Dainztree。..wat I read in Internet is tat the soreness of breast will go off slowly cos once yr body is used to the hormones.. It will no longer feel sore... Cos initially body n breast still not used to hormones .. So dun wori ..
I purposely taped documentaries about ivf procedures and couples undergoing them talking about their fears and worries. I played them during our normal tv watching time.

So every time we quarrel over my emotions and my "unnecessary" demands, I would tell him why dun u try injecting urself 2x a day and suffering through all the side effects, and worrying over each mile stone. All these will make ur emotions x10 in intensity. He kept quiet as he knows this is expected after watching so many of the documentaries.
Blurlet, my DH also realized I've been really very emo since I embarked on this. Initially he was puzzled why am I always picking on him, but now he realized it wasn't me but the hormones... So now if I m ranting he just keep quiet n let me release my emotions n stress....

Are the rest of the sisters feeling the same?
Koric, talk to dh last nite n he say he will delay his trip till late jun n I suggested that he booked flights that allow him to make changes just in case our estimation is wrong. He is ageeable to my suggestion
Ladies, I need advice again paiseh .

I will be starting my stim jabs tmr and was wondering if I shd do it in the morning or at nite. Currently I m jabbing lucrin at nite. Any advice?
Babymaking, I m bloated but there are good days n bad days. I drink at least 2 litres of water everyday to flush it out. So, it helps. U need to drink alot too. I know is tough but drink bit by bit every 15mins. At night I keep going to toilet n I hv been waking up with backaches. We transferred on the same day, but ur embyro was d3 while mine is d2. Thus, my BT is one day later than u.

Wayng, men are not us. They wun understand until they go thru the pains. My hubby used to be like this until we lost our daughter. He is a born catholic. Ivf is a no no for his religion. But now all he wans is a child. So he cant care less now. We women are alot better than men.
Hazel, sorry to hear that you lost your daughter. Although I am not sure what happen but I certainly hope that this round will be fruitful for u, Jia you!
Flowers, I used to jab lucrin in the morning and puregon at night.

I am counting down to lunch time... the day just passes so slowly for me today.

Hazel, didn't know about your lost. You're really very brave!
Flowers, before that incident my hubby was complacent. He takes alot things for granted. Every check up to him is a routine since all was well. After that incident when my unborn daughter passed on suddenly without any signs, he has become more understanding & he realized that all was well did not mean anything until we carry the bb in our arms. I told him he went thru the pain of loss, but for me I hv to go thru more. The pain returned again when I had another m/c thereafter from frozen FET.

For every m/c that I go thru, my body went haywire! I will continue bleeding after d/c. First time it went back to normal after some medication. But 2nd time the medication did not work. All of a sudden, I hv a 5cm ovary cyst and a 1cm tissue in my womb in addition to the bleeding. Dr Loh asked me not to take any more med n let the body rest. Unless the bleeding gets heavier n it is prolonged. I saw dr Paul at tmc n he said the same.

After a couple of wks, it finally stopped. N the next cycle came back normal n I did a SHG check again. The 5cm cyst and 1cm tissue Miraclely disappeared. FYI, I did many SHG checks until the nurses at The department recognizes me. I scar easily so for every d/c I do I hv to do SHG after I recover to make sure the womb didn't scar. Dr Loh is v careful so he insists that I will do SHG coz he said his scan at his room is not accurate.

Just last yr itself, I did 3 SHG coz I had 2 d/c. Is a torture. Pp who d/c, the next mth their cycle is bk. My wun one. My hub saw me going thru this again n again. He now understand n is more supportive.
Dr Loh is trying to make my path smoother. If there r scarring after d/c, he will do another op to fix it. If not, scarring will affect the chance of implantation and increase m/c risk.

Last yr was an eventful year. Not only did I hv to go thru 2 m/c, I hv to be induced To deliver my daughter. I hv to deliver her but she was already gone when I delivered her. My hub n I saw her. He Wsnted to give her a proper funernal. So, we hv to arrange all these when we hv yet to recover fr the loss. Till now I can still remember how she looked like when she was born. I will nv forget.
Flowers, after delivery, my breasts hurt alot coz my body is preparing for milk production. I hv milk but no daughter to feed. The phyiscal pain was nothing compared to the emtional pain. But wat can I do but to try again?
Flowers, I know u tried a few times already. But dun give up. We may or may not succeed. But when we r in the 40s n we look back, we wun hv any regrets. At least we tried n did wat we can. JIA YOU!
reading your experience again made me feel so much for you. i can't imagine having to be so strong emotionally and mentally to go thru the delivery process knowing there's no live baby at the end of it. *brave gal*

i know what you mean when u say kkh staff recognize you. i had this weird experience at the OT when the anesthesiologist and the junior doc recognize me and even commented that 'i am back' for another d/c, csycopy (sp?)like twice within 6 mths.
Babymaking, My road to hv a Child is full of obstacles. Wat to do? This round, 1.5 yrs from last fresh cycle my egg quality is not as good coz m older... Only hv 2 grade 3 frozen embies. I m scared of the outcome next week. But watever it is, there is nothing I can do.. Sigh..
Posted on Thursday, June 09, 2011 - 12:26 pm:   
Hazel.. Although I have never see u in real person.. To me ur very kind cos whenever or whoever has doubts.. U always Ans them ur one of the bravest mummy to be tat I have come across! U dun sink into " self pity nor sorrow "( whereby most pple will) n there is never a negative word in yr post... Although I dun know u personally as a frenz.. I learnt alot frm u in the post.. U remain in my thoughts n I will pray for u tat u r gonna have a baby successfully tis round.. Cos good things happen to good pple like u
Hazel, you are truly an inspiration..

I had a scare just like you abt a week ago.. My boobs didn't feel sore anymore.. Went to search thru the Internet it it says that it's a sign of u-kno-what.. Was so scared! Moreover, I started spotting.. And I read it's a symptom of blighted ovum.. But, I did see a heartbeat and my baby is growing.. Sometimes reading too much just makes us more worried.. But I can't help it.. Nothing is confirmed until we have our bb in our arms.. I still worry till now..
Sara, thanks! Is the hope that pushes me To try again n again. We need to hv hope in life in watever we do. That propel us forward. Even Celine dion attempted ivf many times. But she succeeded in the end.

Babymaking went thru 2 fresh cycles n 6 FETs to gain a healthy boy. Not to even mention her failed iui attempts & miscarriages. So, as long as we dub give up, there is hope!
Sara, agree with u wat u said abt hazel..

She is always there to answer our questions.. She is such a great support and I feel like she is the mummy of this forum..
