IVF/ICSI Support Group

Coolcool, I'm 29weeks pg.
No longer under prof. He followed me till 12 weeks.
I can choose my own gynae after that but I choose to stay put at Nuh so got his recommendation for a gynae there.
I will be there next week.

Yes, Gambatte, that's me! It's alright, I get confused sometimes too.
Hi Ritzc, congratulations to you. My wife is in the same situation as you. She has no symptoms AT ALL from ET till now. We went to AMC yesterday. She did the tummy scan but couldn't see anything. Therefore got to do a v scan. To my dissapoinment, I was not allowed to stay in the room. The 10 mins wait outside the room must be the longest wait for me, ever. When I hear the door opened, my heart was almost at my throat. When I saw her smiling, I knew I have all to thank God for. She is carrying twins.
it hasn't been easy in this ivf journey and all odds seemed against us. During the cycle, she had a big cyst, OHSS, etc.
Seeing the journey of each of the mother-to-be here makes me see the strength of women and makes me love my wife even more. Jiayou ladies!
RitzC, yes, i know n agree ^_^ probably i should go back to work and take my mind off all these waiting... the work might just make me overlook whatever symptoms or missing symptoms :p
DH, congrats!! your wife is definitely blessed too having u by her side in this journey together.. all the best and have a wonderful 9 months ahead preparing for babies arrival
Man, Congrats
My hubby is with me in the room during the scan thru out both the tummy and v scan. Frankly even if they dun allow, I will insist. Definitely dun want hubby to miss out seeing the first hb. Weird that they keep u out. Muz be v serious sonographer.

Daintreez, dun worry too much, bfp already clear 1 hurdle. U will definitely see ur bb / bbies hb. All the best
DH, u will be asked to go out when the sinographer prepares ur wife for v scan. But when all is ready, u will be called in to see the scan on screen plus the HB! Wat crap sinographer u encountered!
Good morning sistas

11 more days to my scan at Kk. Days passes by really slow hehe..

Any sisters that BFP tried ultrasound scanning on Tummy by own Gynae/ GP before actual scan?
By the way is it common to have developed cysts in ovary n uterus after ivf?
Sara, is not possible for Chris to detect HB at 6 wks. U can confirm with ur dr when u see him. I m reiterating this coz I dun wan sisters here like urself to start panicky when u dun feel it. U can read up on pregnancy books too. The embyro is so tiny now at 6 weeks n bearly one cm. U can ask ur friends who r mothers too.

I m sharing this b'coz I too thought I felt my daughter's HB from 15 wks onwards. Every now n then I will feel it. I lost it at 20 wks n dr Loh told me she was gone for abt 4 wks already. I asked him, how cld it be when me & hub had been feeling her. Dr Loh said wat I felt was not from bb. He told me, our plancenta, sac etc all these are floating inside our wOMB. When we r preg, there is more blood flow to the womb n we r more sensitive to every single twitches, etc.

So, Relax ok. Dun Start wondering y some say can feel it at 6 wks but you can't. I tell u if u tell dr Loh that I most likely will get suan.. He may say wow u so good, can feel then no need to hear HB on a droppler anymore.

FYI, even a dr with a stelescope, can't hear the HB at 6 wks by putting it on the tummy until bb is v big. They need a droppler. If they can, u can just walk into a GP now n ask them to check for u. Better than feeling with hand.

Sorry if I offend anyone. I just wan to put things into perceptive. If not, sisters who bfp will start worrying again.
Flowers, medicine prescribed by GP is Better to clear thru gynae if u are preg or in 2ww.. Some does not know prescribe medicines that r not very safe.

Sunflower, pain take panadol. Running nose take pririton (the small little yellow tablet, the generic name starts with choro..). These 2 are safe. Any others clear with ur gynae first b4 taking
thank you Ritzc, Daintreez and Hazel. Another husband whom i met during the ET/ER was asked to stay outside the room too. If i knew that this is not the standard protocol, i would have fight for my rights to see the 1st HB of my babies. Wife said the sinographer was really black faced and unfriendly.
I will miss the next scan in 2 weeks as i will be traveling.
Hazel, I think I also felt this heartbeat when I'm pregnant with my son 11 yrs ago, now I know it's just my own :p and thanks for giving us this advice so we don't set our panic button on again hehe... U know sisters here can get extraordinary kiasu because of this journey. hehe
Hazel, thanks for clearing the air about hearing bb's heartbeat. Informative and very reassuring. What you said makes a lot of sense.
Daintree, u mentioned u r on no pay leave now right? Hv u checked with ur HR if u are entitled to maternity leave? A few of my HR friends said as long as the Person is in the staff head count, she is entitled to even if she is on no pay leave. I was told this is the general rule unless the co specifically prohibits.
erm itchy hand went to test hpt again but the line not any darker? i thought it's suppose to get darker with higher concentration of hcg? *now anxious*

u are right, not possible to feel bb heartbeat/movement until around 14 weeks earliest and it feels like bubbling in the lower tummy area.

but if you want to hear bb heartbeat, can purchase a handheld doppler (we imported a unit in)- i used that in my previous pregnancy and i monitor bb's heartbeat, there's a range, so you will know that it's different from your own pulse rate. if the fetal hb is low or too high, there's an indicator that will light up. this saved my bb, cos we monitored randomly and realise that bb heartbeat fluctuate (decel), then subsequently went to KKH for further monitoring and over 24hrs, they found out bb hb decel 2-3 times dangerously low, so kena warded and put on 24hr monitoring.
Babymaking, I know abt the hand held Doppler. But my friend told me sometimes we dunno how to pick up n may panic unnecessary. Ie can't find.

As for the darkness of the hpt, Dun hv to worry also. My last FET I tested from d8. A few times a day daily. I was pestering my gf too almost everyday asking her y the darkness didn't increase! Anyway on BT date, D17, reading was in thousands. So dun worry. How's ur bloatedness?
actually it's quite easy to find the fetal's hb. so far we didn't have a problem looking with finding the fetal hb.

hehe, hpt a few times daily? :p ok, i am glad i am not the only paranoid one around.
bloatedness getting worse but not as bad as last cycle. i dread having to drain out the fluid, that's PAINFUL! nausea started already - been puking the whole of today.
Babymaking, good sIgns! U transferred 2? Maybe twins?

Actually, I can't help n wonder if I hv taken prompt actions I wld not hv lost my daughter. On 28 march last yr, I was 17 wks celebrating hub's birthday in banyan tree Bintan. I was sitting in the library n felt strong movements. Very sudden, something was churning inside. First time I felt movements, told hub n he felt it too. We thought our daughter knew it was her daddy's birthday that day so responded. Hub was so happy. That day I felt a few times. On wk 20, dr Loh told me she has passed on a few wks already. When I think bk I wonder if that was her struggle n if I hv seen a gynae wld she be saved...

I thought of getting a Doppler next round but my gf told me some time she can't find. Very stressful.. She said also depend on where the bb is facing. So I will still thinking if I shld get next preg... Also the Doppler can only pick up HB from earliest 8 wks right?
Babymaking, I also did my hpt a few times a day during my 2ww... Which brand of hpt u use? Even on the morning that I went to take my BT two days before the actual BT date, the test kit is still very faint, ended up hcg was 99. I'm sure your hcg have went up, just that the hpt is not sensitive enough to pick up. Try using guardian's one, I was freaked out by clear blue hpt thrice... First line was nothing, the guardian one faint line, next, the third clear blue I did in my actual BT date showed faint line but disappeared 10 mins later :p so don't worry... U r not alone, I've used 8 hpt in total during my 2ww. I could have been still counting if I didn't go for an early BT :p hehe.
Hazel, my Hr said my no pay leave is granted from my immediate superior so will not fall into my maternity leave

Where can we buy this droppler? If it's not very ex it's worth investing for our little one...
tsf 2 yes, but twins will be a blessing & double miracle. but actually i dread the idea of twins cos the last pregnancy which is a singleton is already so difficult, if twins, i can go park myself at KKH permanently. :p

hazel, copy from my blog ages ago
"How long does it take synthetic hCG (trigger shot/pregynl support) to leave my body before I can test for pregnancy?

Every woman's metabolism is different, but as a general rule of thumb, you should allow 1 day for every 1,000 units of hCG you injected. The standard hCG dose is 10,000 units; thus, 10 days after the shot, the synthetic hCG should be gone and you should be able to test for pregnancy without detecting the shot. However, you should ask your doctor what the recommended protocol for your dosage is.
Some women choose to test daily to monitor the presence of the hCG in their bodies; once the synthetic hCG is gone, the tests become negative. If the hCG "comes back" and the HPT's turn positive again, it's likely due to a pregnancy and not the leftover hormone shot. "

so yes, depending on the unit of yr last pregnyl jab, you can start testing.

re: what if
hazel, one never knows what's going on in the womb, unless we attached a scanning machine and view every few minutes. after such a difficult journey coupled with losses, it's normal to be more paranoid, so hang in there. we can only do our best, hope for the best and pray for the best.

i am using fortel, it's quite sensitive - can test as low as 10iu. i tested 9 days past tsf (and not using 1st urine) and got a faint line already. the next day, i did a HCG bloodtest and the result is 40 iu. but the thing is...i tested today and the line didn't get any darker either, shouldn't be a cause for concern but i dun know what to make of it either.
Babymaking, every pregnancy is different. So this round maybe better. I hv an ex colleague her preg is v tough whenever she conceived a girl. Do tough until she cannot work. At home Also cannot walk too much as she bled thru out preg. But when she conceived a boy, everything smooth smooth.. Her first child was a girl, lost her a few wks after she was born. 2nd one was a boy. 3rd one was a girl n a difficult one.

Pregnly jab support Is 1000iu n the last one was on wed. So based on wat u hv posted, is already out of my body today? Hm.. So my bloatedness not from the pregnyl any more? Ha!
Babymking, thanks for the link!
and yes, fortel is good, my first hpt i tested on was fortel that y it sent my heart racing haha. Then clear blue sent me plummeting down haha
Babymaking, I tell u why I m not testing. Test positive, only mean I cross the first hurdle. Last FET I tested every day from d8 n saw hpt positive every day but still? Test negative, I will feel upset b'coz I m going thru the bloated discomfort for nothing. :p
I do feel nausea too but not as bad until I will puke every thing. I just lie flat on bed to ease it. Cld be due from the bloat. Anyway, my MS last 2 pregnancies were not serious n was controllerable
Babymaking, I went the the URL tat u posted to view the HB Doppler .. Is tat the exact. 1 u bot.. ? Cos I wanna buy it once I go for my 1st scan next tues
can understand why u dun want to test yet, for me, i rather would test and get it over with. :p

went to have a short nap and felt better, but now the tummy seems to have woken up and feel like puking all over again.

yes, that's the exact one that i bought, but it was a lot more expensive 3 yrs back. i remb i paid more than $250 inclusive shipping.
Babymaking, when will this bloatedness go away since I hv finished all the jabs. I dun recall I bloat this badly last fresh cycle.

I wAs not on pregynl so can't advise. But for ohss, it took more than 3 weeks, 2 weeks in hospital, was draining 2-3litres of fluid daily.

My bloatedness getting more severe, nausea also worse, think may end up 24hr tonight, hoping to tahan till tomorrow am.

Previously cost more, now cheaper. That time when I bought 3yrs back, it's considered one of the better models. Maybe mow got more advanced models, that's why this one cheaper. Like iPad n iPad 2. Lol
