IVF/ICSI Support Group

thanks hazel.

anyone can guide me how long the long protocol take from the time the day 1 of our menses till BT?

what's next after if i sign the consent form in mid july? assume i do with my menses in august, so jabs start on day 21 of aug menses, meaning my ER & ET will be in oct? correct a not?
hi tanny,

for a fresh cycle long protocol, counting from the cycle month, D21(start of treatment) till the bhcg BT, it will take approximately 6 weeks. maybe u can add in 1 week allowance, for both suppression and stimulation in cause there's a need for extra days for either or both
hope this helps
last night was totally frustrating, whatever can go wrong, went wrong.

managed to see the doc after 3.5 hrs of wait. the doc refuse to follow sf loh instructions as he said already got a lot of support, got to persuade him to do so. then he prescribe the wrong type of progesterone - luckily i checked the vial before the nurse inject.

he also refuse to say/prescribe the next jab - say enough support, 1 jab sufficient, if cramp again go back 24hr to jab again.

he said he will do an examination to check if it's ectopic cos of case history - i thought it was a scan, but no, it's a manual VE. so duh, i asked why not scan, he said manual VE can tell.

he also reluctant to do beta hcg bloodtest - got to convince him that i want it done.

the nurse manager cld not get any blood, tried twice and was poking like no body business, in the end got to wait for the MO to take blood.

didn't manage to leave kkh till past 1030pm after collecting meds and paying bill - more than 4hrs.

by that time was so tired and frustrated that all we wanted to do is go home and sleep.

going to call kKHivf to get the results later. all in all a super frustrating experience.
Bbmaking, wat an a** the dr on duty! I wld hv give him a peace of mind n asked if he will take responsibility if anything is to happen! I will ask for a witness. As for the nurse manager I wld hv scold her. I dun let any one nurse draw my blood twice if the first time fails! I wld hv stared at her & gave her a sickening look. Yes, I m v fierce.

Today is wed. Prolution jab is taken wkly. Next wk dr Loh is bk. Go see him n Tell him tt stupid dr's name who want to overwrite him. :p

Is the cramp better after the jab?
Flowers, where? I was there just now. Nv see him at KKIVF. He shld be on leave?! Maybe on leave but in SG n being a workaholic he ia bk to work coz of emergencies!
Bbmaking, tell dr Loh that stupid dr gave the wrong medicine also. Hv to tell him. I wld not hv left the matter at rest
Baby making... I'm sorry to hear wat tat has
Happened to u but I'm not surprised too cos if the nurse is an inexperienced nurse tis is bound to happen.. End up the patient suffer. I think wat the DR has done is inexcusable but again if he is a young DR it does happen cod few years back when I was having several cramps n went in to the 24 hrs clinic at KK, the young lady gyna diagnoise as " vaginal infection"... Prescribe me medicine n send me home .. When it was actually Appendicts..
Sara, that nurse who attended to bbmaking is a nurse manager! Not any inexperienced nurse.

Dr loh is really dedicated to his job. Sunday also there, this wk on leave also there! Good.
bingo i put 3 to increase my changes of bfp. I have pcos somemore so i try to maximize my change to get bfp. Im left with 6 embbies. They thaw 4 embbies all grade 4. But one of it very weak after thawing so they discharge. After thawing all my embbies become grade 3. So yesterday they put 3 grade 3 embbies. The cost that pay yesterday for the procedure + scan is $1033, medicine for support $182, insurance which I pay $924. Im under medicated fet.
Babymaking, I was also at the 24hrs at kkh last night, saw really alot of people. but lucky i was only there to take the butt injection... now i worry when its my turn to go back to 24hr kkh after my transfer....

Dain, the injection was a breeze and thank goodness its also quite painless...
Hazel, U r fierce... But is good.
otherwise KK24hr not really care much for ivf patient. Last time they told me got discharge huh??? IVF is like that etc etc. N also didnt give any additional support.

I saw him this morning and he looks like he is doing ET leh ... duno I got see the wrong person or not


Today is my first scan after lucrin, have collected the meds for stim. Now waiting for KK to call.
Sarah, actually most 24hrs at restructured hospitals r like this. During the SARS period a few yrs ago I brought my sis to sgh 24hrs as she factured her arm. The duty dr appeared uncertain n told me she may need an op to put screws inside. How can be so serious when she can still smile. I told the dr is not "maybe" Is whether she needed the op. I told him she was only 18yrs old, with screws inside her arm will no longer be the same. N she is a girl, she has to carry that long ugly scar for life. He then called his supervisor on the phone n asked for advice. Well, my sis recovered fully with just a cast.

I went to 24hrs KKH once as I was bleeding non stop. I was not pregnant. The duty dr dunno why after scanning n checking. Push it off n ssid is hormones imbalance. I was like u sure or not. He got to call his supervisor n sought advice when I questioned him. It was dec n my gynae was on leave. After he came bk I went to see him. My bleeding was caused by polyps!
Flowers, my gf preg with twins saw him last fri. She scared she can deliver any time n dr Loh not around. He told her no need to be afraid just increase her support if she gets contractions! Ha! Maybe he knows he will be ard to deliver for her so told her not be scared
I dun see the dr at 24hrs unless is non office hrs. I will walk in at 24hrs & asked the nurse there to call dr loh's assistant n asked to see him. The 24hrs nurse always says no appointment he wun see me. I will still ask them to call still coz I know dr Loh will understand. 24hrs also need to wait a few hrs. I rather wait for dr Loh instead. As long as I m willing to wait, he wun turn me away.
Hazel, for blood drawing, I always get poke twice at Raffles Medical. Got 1 time the nurse poke me both hand at the end nothing n I insist to get a doc to draw. The doc 1 poke already got blood. whereas KKH I nv face this problem b4. So guess KKH nurse is more experience in drawing blood compare to prte clinic... hehehe.
Hi, this is my 3rd try at ivf. Short/antagonist cycles for first two trys but no successful implantation, doctor now convinced me to try the long lucrin protocal. On day 5 of lucrin shots. Has anyone changed from antagonist to long lucrin protocal?
Shainie, I know that this is not going to be a very tactful question but are you ready if you get triplets?

And how many grades are there for thawed embbies? And at what grade is considered good?
hi salianne, i'm in exactly the same boat, starting lucrin when next AF comes. Good luck & hope this change will work out for you.
Hi ladies, just to share my story.
I requested to txf 2 first due to the high insurance. I request to thaw ivf one. During the first thaw, one of them did not survived. Dr Loh called and ask which one should I thaw next. I request for ivf one but as ivf embryos are store together in twos,if two of them survived, I would have put in 3. So no choice, I have to thaw ICSI. Who knows on the et day, Dr Loh say that they thaw 3 of my ICSI and all never survive. He suggest to thaw the ivf one, if both survive and just put all in. Thawing is fast. 1 hr and is done and i back to et 3 of them.

But the previous one did not divide nicely overnight and Dr Loh give me the option to see if I wanna to put that it. Since it is a surviving embryo, don't waste, I tell Dr Loh all in lah. haha

But now it make me wonder during the 1 hr of thawing, no much monitor was given to the newly thaw embryos. What happened if it didn't survive the next hour, it will be like wasted right? Agree?

Shainie, I have the similiar case as you. I pay about the same amount as you for the whole fet and medical support. We are cycle buddies!
Hazel..I muz say tat ur very " savvy ".. Me tat time so pain til whoever attend to me I also blur..haha.. I muz learn frm u.. Demand my rights!
Hi Hokaido my cycle buddy * wave*. Welcome to 2ww.

Koirc Im prepare for triplet better than no children. Have discuss with hubby abt it. So what ever d result I already prepare for it
Dr Tan HH had suggest me to transfer 3 during a visit to him after my failed cycle. It is due to my changes of getting preggy. I cross my finger I transfer 3 grade 3 embbies (previously grade 4 b4 thawing) from icsi & ivf. They thaw 3 but one of it very weak so thaw another 1 and survive. I have 6 frozen embbies. I left with 2 embbies at d lab now both grade 3.

Flowers, oic. I pray everything run smoothly for u dear. Yesterday Dr Loh also do ET coz after me is his patient turn to do ET. But he in his office attire not d lab attire. My nausea also subside. Now back to normal. I having chicken soup which I boiled with red dates & wolfberries for lunch. Dun forget to up ur egg white. I take it alternate with immunicoal during this FET.
Sara, we went thru so much to hv a child. We need to protect ourselves. We dun enjoy any subsidy, so we must be treated fairly. If the service is no gd why r we paying so much? Kkh's rates are not really cheaper than pte rates under normal circumstances.
Hokaido, u give a change to choose which embbies to thaw. For me i did not know cause we already agree to thaw both from icsi and ivf. After transfer then I know what grade of my embbies they thaw. The embriologist told me normally after thawing d embbies will downgrade.

Koirc i think any grade will consider ok as long they survive during thawing. During my fresh I transfer 2 grade 4 embbies but end up BFN my gf transfer grade 2 but BFP. So for me grade not give much impact.
i insist on thawing ivf one. Coz my gyane told me b4 ivf embryo are better warrior. I cannot rem the grade previously. But Dr loh keep assuring his patient (which I have heard it hundred times), grade is not important. Patient with grade 2 can also be preggy. Hope we can be the next bfp one.

JT, are you the one proceeding to fet after ur fresh. I think I read your story leh...all the best to you bt!
Anybody who had fail IVF. Care to share your experience how to recover and what to do for a sucessful FET or new cycle?
Ron,glad to hear someone else trying long lucrin after a failed antagonist cycle. Lots of stories of women switching to antagonist after failed long cycle but not the other way around. I was able to transfer two OK 3 day embies on each of my two antagonist cycles but no implantation, so my RE wants to switch things up and try long lucrin this time, I am hoping for better success. Why are you changing to long lucrin?
Salianne - am (unfortunately!) exactly same story, glad to hear too that someone else is doing this "the other way around".

During post-failure consultation, doc recommended to go long cycle for #3 (2x decent embbies, no implantation). I changed doc to change luck for IVF#3 and he too recommended to try the long protocol. Already tried both options of gonal-f and puregon for the antagonist cycles, also discussing assisted hatching for this cycle.

Finger cross this time round for you - hope you get that BPF, then pass on the luck!

Any sistas with same experience and can share bfp story?
shainie, thanks, but i only left with 4 embbies, if i transfer 3, then if fail (pray not!), the next fet, i only have 1 to transfer...

jass, my af not very heavy... but yesterday got alot of clots... first time seeing dr zou?
Ron, although not nice I am glad to hear that I am not the only one trying this "the other way around". I had 2xdecent embbies for both IVF 1 and 2 but no implantation. I did assisted hatching on both tries as one or two of the embies were not great colour and AH also seems fairly common procedure at Mt E. I have also tried both Gonal-F and Puregon, almost identical results both times (8 embbies, 4 fertilize, 2 made it to Day 3 transfer). I am with same doc for IVF#3 but trying long protocal and also had "endometrium scratching" performed on Day 20 to try and improve the implantation environment. Not a nice procedure but worth a try. Good luck to you as well!
Hi all,
Just did my ET on 6/6, now resting at home. Anyone in their 2ww too?

I heard dr Loh is away on some conference this week, but he managed to do ET for me on mon... Maybe he cancelled his trip last min?
shanie, thanks for the egg white reminder. Have not got the time to eat the egg whites and red dates drink, have been so busy and DH is not of much help. Instead he is giving me more problems, keep telling me he has to travel, keep pressing me for ER date. Told him I won't know when is ER it all depends on reaction to the meds but he just keep asking me every other day.
