IVF/ICSI Support Group

Bingo. Yes. I am seeing dr zuo for the first time tomorrow.

Hi all. Since the embryo is dead, I believe that it will flush out as discharge. Am I right?????

Joanne, all the best tomorrow!!

Flowers, sorry to know your DH is so busy.. Maybe u can sit down have a good talk and re-emphasize the importance of this treatment n seek more of his understanding n support? My DH also made my blood boil at one point :p

Mabel, good luck for tomorrow's scan! Will pray for u..
i think for jabs not so bad cos no need to see doctor. as long as you got the meds and form, the nurse can do for you.

yes, i been through some worse experience at the kkh 24hr clinic (brought in via ambulance and bleeding profusely) also got to wait more than 1 hour before being seen. and then the doc on duty was also nonchalant back in 2009. that 24hr clinic has never improved it's service. the labour ward on the other hand provides superb service (so hoping to breeze thru till 22 weeks).

got the hcg level, 40 at 9 days past transfer. hopefully by next tue shd be around 320 if doubles every other day.

starting to bloat again and feeling uncomfy.
BBmaking, congrats! I just finished my last jab today.. Keeping my fingers n toes cross. Is your cramp better after the prolution jab?
I was warded once coz of a miscarriage. Need to induce to deliver. The nurses n all the KKH staff were v nice & good. I did a few procedures too since 2008. All along I hv gd experience. I think the prob lies with 24hrs. Too few Drs n overworked..

U started to bloat after food now? Good!
looks like quite a few of u are on the process of FET...

im doing a medicated FET also. started on duphaston to regulate my menses since monday. have to take the duphaston for 10 days.

can anyone share their medicated FET process?
Sunflower, are you in fresh cycle now? Rest well

flowers, wow you Dh so irritating. Can ask him to be more understanding or not. We have go thr so much pain and suffering and he doesn't give you a pat?

those sister who have bfp, can i chk if you have implantation spotting?
still crampy after the jab actually but it's overshadowed by the uncomfy bloatedness - now tummy expanded till 5mth preggy like that. now taking egg whites again - hopefully will ease it somewhat.

yes, most of my experiences with KKH is ok except for 24hr clinic (worst), to the doctors at the O&G ward (very blur and conflicting info). best experience at the labour ward once pass 22 weeks.

thsk sarah, daintree, i'm really thankful that this hurdle is crossed and finally got a positive!
FaithBB u will need to take d progynova tablet on day 4 of af (menses). Day 14 of af go for scan if the lining ok about few days later 3-4 days they will proceed with ET. If the lining is less than 8mm normally they will ask u to come back for next scan in 2 days time.

Sunflower ur my cycle buddy! My Et on 7th.

Bingo, i also afraid my embbies did not make it but thanks God they survive. The 1 that they discharge because out of 4 cell only 1 cell develope during thawing.

Flowers dont be sad dear. Just concentrate with u stim. But sometimes i know we cant control d emotion coz we are under hormone medication.
Joanne, yup, I cutback a little on the red dates drink. Every alternate day I'll drink 1-1.5litres and chicken essence also every alternate days when I'm not drinking the red dates drink
hi shainie

thanks for sharing ur FET process.
does the progynova tablet serve the same purpose as Gonal F? coz im starting GONAL F injections from day 3 of AF.

so if the lining is not ideal, then take medications? then go back for another scan before ET?

so the risk of the FET process being cancelled is if over-ovaluate?
pau le Im not so sure abt it. Coz the progynova is to prepare d ideal lining for FET. Yah if d lining is not ideal u need to come back for scan. This is d procedure at KKH.

JT all d best for ur BT 2morrow.

Bbmaking congrats!
Agree with Hazel d immunicoal react faster than egg white.
Flowers, keep your cool (I know it's tough especially now we have elevated hormones due to all the jabs) get your point across and importantly he gotta know this whole thingy is for boyh of your little bundle. And he have to take on part of the responsibilities as well... Not just waiting to donate a sperm. U need to be at a relaxed and comfortable state of mind now... Hope things turn out fine after tonight
hazel, shainie
thks for info abt immunococal.

i think still possible to get late onset ohss, cos bloating will get worse with increasing HCG. me trying to find my previous cycle records to see when the relationship between hcg level and bloating. last laptop crash - files are missing.
daintreez, bt on next weekend. Currently at work. Was on fet and so given 1 day mc.
Actually don't feel like going. I rather wait and see af report on the following week then do hpt...at least I'm more prepared for hpt result.

u have any special symptoms during 2ww?
, my 2ww was cramps that felt like af cramps but couldn't make out which part exactly, sometimes left sometimes right, backaches, frequent pees, giddiness once in a while and nauseousness in the night few days before BT... Lastly, lethargy...
Good luck JT for your BT tomoro..

Good luck Mabel for your detailed scan tomoro..

Good luck ritzc for your scan tomoro..

Congrats babymaking for your BFP at 9dpt..

All the best to sisters in 2ww!
dear babymaking,

i also had very bad experience 2 wks ago at kk 24 hrs. nearly wanted to complain liao. The stupid nurse who do the drip on me busy talking till blood gush out from the part that the needle poked in. cos i was already feeling very weak and abt to dose off when i felt my hand pretty wet and woke up to take a look and saw the blood flow till my blanket also stained. i got to call out to her and she just take her own sweet time walk to get another dressing for me and didn't stop the bleeding on the spot. i nearly fainted.

Complained to my hb.. so angry
Summer, Silsilly and Carrot, thanks

Silsilly, how's ur appointment with Dr Sadhana? Did she provide u with lots of reassurance? At first, I thought she quite lax coz she didn't ask my hubby to quit smoking before our ivf ( he made quite a few sacrifices but smoking is his die-hard habit and his whole family, except my mil, smokes). But during ET and ER, Dr Sadhana came across as quite patient and encouraging, so I feel more at ease following up with her as my gyne. Was with private suite 2 years ago for clomid treatment, the other female gyne lacked personal touch.
Hi Ladies...will keep you all posted. These two days have been dreadful for me since hubby not in town. I manage to get pass today more at peace after I found a site with more positive stories from many others. I kept reading them to kill my time while my son was in class in the morning. It was a blessing for me to have found this site through another forum. I think God knows how my heart hurts and wants to comfort me with alot of positive stories which are really miraculous. But of course I got to be realitic at the end of the day and be prepared. But at least, I know there is still some chance.

All the best to all doing BT tomorrow too. Meantime, those with BFPs take good care. I will keep you all posted.

Dr sadhana was ok.. She said everything looked ok.. Just that I should be careful abt spotting and rest more.. I have to come back in 2 weeks for another scan to make sure all is well and then can switch gynae.. If all goes well, I'm going private to gleneagles.. Dr jothi kumar..
I hate waiting too long for appointments cos I'd just get stressed up.. Dun mind spending more for a more personalized attention.. I figured that she is busy with patients for ivf as well as others.. But u carry on with her if u feel comfortable..
sarah, shainie, hokkiado

oh thanks for your info,
maybe the practice in france is to administer GONAL F, i suppose it serve the same purpose as Progynova in Singapore...

i was looking at my first IVF records, i have the progesterone support from the day of ER. when do u have the progesterone support in a FET process?

sprinkling ***bbdustsss*** (any that is left from my first pregnancy) to all hopeful mothers to be!
Yes pau le, fet do have progesterone support too. For kkh, they gave cyclogest insert.

Any girls here on cyclogest? I realized that after this insert, it create a lot of wind and make me fart so often....and the smell is so terrible. Morever, I got constipation. Any girls have the same experience?
Hokaido i also had constipation. I take dried prune also cannot help. But nurse sara ever said the cyclogest will make us gastric and constipation.
Hi silsilly, dr Jothi Kumar is v gentle & patient! He did for me so-iui 3 times previously and waiting time is not as bad
I rem dr Loh also said dr Kumar is good
) yr in great hands! And the nurses there are quite thoughtful too.
I receive my bill.
How to read the bill?
I try very hard to figure out whether I need to pay cash anot.

Latest update on myself. Dr Loh don't allow me to go TCM.
He said infront of my dh, my dh listen to dr Loh hence Im not allow to visit dr zou. Haiz.
Dr loh said nothing wrong w me so don't take tcm. Haiz.
I'm hope he is right.
Hi kimmy!
Yup yup! I heard about his gentleness and professionalism and he came highly recommended by my cousin who delivered under his care.. Glad to know that you are another person to approve of him.
